The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 5 – Symbols, Artifacts and Monuments

As I have been stating, the Elite are after the “goods”. They are seeking the secrets of the past, in order to create their version of your future.  They are trying to return to the days of old when they ruled the world.   The Germans obviously, made some great advances in that area.  The world continues in the search and seems to be making progress.  Things seem to be escalating at an alarming rate. 

Update 8/2/19

Bedtime Stories  
Published on Sep 17, 2017

S03E02 – Secrets of Celle Neues Rathaus; A Nazi Occult Tale? – During the cold war, soldiers stationed on an army base in Germany found themselves at the mercy of sinister and terrifying paranormal activity. Events were said to be so frightening that some of the men apparently committed suicide. Was there a dark history surrounding the base and could it reveal the secrets of Cellle Neues Rathaus?



If you have any doubt that the Germans were in a spiritual pursuit and that they believed in the OLD GODS, MAGIC and SUPER POWERS you must visit this site.  It will make it very clear to you beyond a shadow of a doubt.  They were after all the ancient artifacts and documents they could find.  They believed they were THE SUPERIOR RACE.  I have pulled some excerpts from the articles, enough to demonstrate their heavy belief in the occult and the spiritual dimension to their endeavors.  Please visit the websites for much more.

The Ahnenerbe was a scientific institute in the Third Reich dedicated to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan Race.

Founded on July 1, 1935, by Heinrich Himmler, Herman Wirth, and Richard Walther Darré, the Ahnenerbe later conducted experiments and launched expeditions in an attempt to prove that Aryan Nordic populations had once ruled the world.
Its name came from an obscure German word, ‘Ahnenerbe‘, meaning “inherited from the forefathers.”
The official mission of the Ahnenerbe was to find new evidence of the racial superiority of the Germanic people through historical, anthropological, and archaeological research.

This led to German scientists traveling around the world in search of Atlantis and the Holy Grail, and it is reported that the Ahnenerbe sought “portals” to God.
Growing out of the Ahnenerbe-SS, the Thule Gesellschaft and the general Nazi interest in the occult, was ‘Karotechia’ (see below) – a secret organization dedicated to the research and use of occult forces for the Third Reich.

Hermann Wirth (see left) was a Dutch historian obsessed with Atlantean mythology, and Richard Walter Darré (see right) was the creator of National Socialist ‘Blut und Boden’ (blood and soil) ideology and was head of the Race and Settlement Office).


Blut und Boden refers to an ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent (Blood of a Volk) and Heimat (Homeland – Soil).
It celebrates the relationship of a people to the land they occupy and cultivate, and it places a high value on the virtues of rural living.
The German expression was coined in the late 19th century, in tracts espousing racialism and national romanticism.

The doctrine not only called for a “back to the land” approach and re-adoption of rural values; it held that German land was bound, perhaps mystically, to German blood.
Peasants were the Völkisch cultural heroes, who held charge of German racial stock and German history — as when a memorial of a medieval peasant uprising was the occasion for a speech by Darré praising them as force and purifier of German history.
This would also lead them to understand the natural order better, and in the end, only the man who worked the land really possessed it.
It contributed to the National Socialist ideal of a woman: a sturdy peasant, who worked the land and bore strong children, contributing to praise for athletic women tanned by outdoor work.
That country women gave birth to more children than city ones also was a factor in the support.
It was also argued that a people would develop laws appropriate to its “blood and soil” because authenticity required loyalty to the Volk over abstract universals.
The SS and the Ahnenerbe, under Heinrich Himmler, in general, supported and encouraged the ‘Blut und Boden’ ideology.

The emblem chosen for the Ahnenerbe was the ‘Irminsul’ (see left below).

Irmin was an aspect, Avatar or epithet of Wodan (Odin).

Yggdrasil (“Yggr’s horse”) was the yew or ash tree from which Odin sacrificed himself, and which connected the nine worlds. Jakob Grimm connects the name Irmin with Old Norse terms like iörmungrund (“great ground”, i.e. the Earth) or iörmungandr (“great snake”, i.e. the Midgard serpent).

It is thus often conjectured that the Irminsul was a ‘World Tree’, the equivalent of

The Ahnenerbe was part of Himmler’s greater plan for the systematic creation of a “Germanic” culture that would replace Christianity in the Greater Germany to exist after the war, – a kind of SS-religion that would form the basis of the new world order.
This new culture would be based on the völkisch beliefs of the NSDAP, and it was the role of the Ahnenerbe to marshal scientific research in an interdisciplinary program to support the “development of the Germanic heritage“.

Management & Finance of the Ahnenerbe

The Ahnenerbe had fifty different research branches, named “Institutes“, which carried out more than one hundred extensive research projects.

Some of the institutes, particularly those responsible for Tibetan research and archaeological expeditions, could be quite large, but most made do with less than a dozen personnel.

Linguistic study was at the forefront of Ahnenerbe activity, and the Ahnenerbe was the first institute to be established to specialize in the study of Norse runes (the symbol of the Ahnenerbe was the life rune).

This institute was under the command of Hermann Wirth (see left) until he left the Ahnenerbe in 1937.

In 1936, Wirth’s successor, Professor Wüst, headed up another institute for broader research in linguistics, where great attention was paid to Sanskrit (Wüst’s area-of-expertise) and the connection of the language to the Aryans.

Runes are equivalent to the Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, or Hebrew alphabets. But they are much more than an alphabet. “Rune” means “secret”, “mystery”, or “hidden”, and is related to the German raunen, meaning “to whisper”, and the Irish run, meaning “a secret.”

The Ahnenerbe had an Institute to study the Eddas (considered by Himmler a sacred text) and Iceland itself (see right), which the Ahnenerbe considered something of a holy land, like Tibet.

Based on the ariosophical beliefs like those that gave rise to the Thule Gesellschaft, the Ahnenerbe saw Iceland as the last surviving connection with Thule, the mystical homeland of the pure Germanic race of prehistory.

The Eddas contained secret knowledge for the Ahnenerbe, keys by which they could unlock their ancestral heritage.

Besides the study of the Eddas, the Ahnenerbe also wanted to study Icelandic artifacts, and, as they had in Tibet, perform “the recording of human images“, using calipers to measure facial dimensions based on ethnological science.

The Ahnenerbe succeeded in sending a mission to Iceland in 1938.

On orders from Himmler himself, the expedition was to search for a hof, a place of worship of Norse gods such as Thor and Odin.

The Ahnenerbe also had a department to research the ‘Welteislehre’ (World Ice Theory) of Hans Hörbiger (see right), under the command of Dr. Hans Robert Scultetus.


This theory was based on the Blavatsky thesis that there had been several moons in the past, that the approach of these moons results in a polar shift and a cataclysmic Ice Age, which are responsible for the fall and rise of the various root-races of Theosophy.
According to the theory, the world itself was created when a giant chunk of ice collided with the sun.

Hörbiger died in 1931, but his theory was adopted by some Theosophists, who used it to prove the existence of Andean civilization with parallels to Atlantis and Thule (this may have been part of the reason behind Ahnenerbe expeditions to South America), and by Himmler and the Ahnenerbe, as “our Nordic ancestors grew strong amidst the ice and snow, and this is why a belief in a world of ice is the natural heritage of Nordic men”.

The Ahnenerbe was most concerned with practical applications of the ‘World Ice Theory’ focused on meteorology, vital to military operations.


The Institut für Germanistik Archäologie – (Institute for Germanic Archaeology) was created in 1938.

Himmler saw the potential of archaeology as a political tool.

He needed archaeology to provide an identity for the SS, but Himmler also believed that archaeology had a certain religious content.

There were excavations; there were myths and legends, a feeling of superiority.

He believed by drawing on the power of prehistory one would achieve success in the present day.

Archaeological excavations were conducted in Germany

is still recognized by archaeologists as an important site for medieval Norse artifacts, is in an area of northern Germany near the Danish border, and is very close to Detmold and Externsteine, the site of a much-reputed Aryan temple and which some legends connected with Yggdrasil, the “World-Ash” (see right) of Norse mythology.


Externsteine is also close to Paderborn and Wewelsburg, and the entire sites compromised for the Ahnenerbe a mythological heartland where the Saxons resisted the Romans and their heirs, the Franks of Charlemagne.

During the war, archaeological expeditions were sent to Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Poland, and Rumania with the collaboration of local authorities.

The Ahnenerbe also conducted similar operations in occupied Russia and North Africa.

They were also very active in the Far East, mostly in Tibet (see below), but the Ahnenerbe did send an expedition to Kafiristan.

Himmler deployed ‘Sondereinheit H’ to discover any traces of old Germanic magic that survived the witch-hunts, while Archive Department 7 administered book stocks, archived the confiscated materials, and then assessed their value.

‘Sondereinheit H’ would eventually acquire more than 140,000 books on the subject of the occult from libraries across Europe, and among the manuscripts they found was a copy of von Juntzt´s ‘Unaussprechlichen Kulten’ and a version of the ‘Necronomicon’ (see below) written in ancient Gothic.

These books told of a race much older than mankind: the ‘Ancient Ones’.

The Geheimnisvolle Korps (Occult Corps) was soon established as the Paranormal Division of SS-Hauptsturmführer Wolfram Sievers’ Ancestral Inheritance Office (Ahnenerbe).

The Geheimnisvolle Korps incorporated into one organization the Thule Society, the Vril Society and the German branch of Crowley’s OTO.

Despite her possibly Slavic blood, Madame Helena Blavatsky‘s granddaughter Marianna Blavatsky was then recruited. (It appears that the Ahnenerbe traced the Blavatsky roots back to the Rhos – Scandinavian [Germanic] Vikings that had come into contact with the Slavs in 860 A.D.)

From Archiv Abteilung 7’s stolen texts Marianna learned that violence begot a form of ‘orgone energy’ which, if properly seized, could be forged into magical effects.

Orgone energy is a hypothetical universal life force originally proposed in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich. In its final conception, Orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe, a creative substratum in all of nature comparable to the Odic force of Carl Reichenbach and Henri Bergson’s élan vital. Orgone was seen as a massless, omnipresent substance, similar toluminiferous aether, but more closely associated with living energy than inert matter. It could coalesce to create organization on all scales, from the smallest microscopic units – called bions – to macroscopic structures like organisms, clouds, or even galaxies.

Many died to help Marianna and her ‘Meta-Psychic’ operatives in the Bio-Energie Psi-Erweiterung Abteilung better understand and control the new ‘blood magic’ they had discovered.

Now under the direction of the ‘SS Paranormal Abteilung’, Sondereinheit H continued to comb German-occupied territories in search of more arcane knowledge and magical artifacts.
Archaeological expeditions were sent to the bottom of the Baltic Sea hoping to find some lost artifacts or magical items of Ultima Thule.

The Spear of Destiny, the weapon that was allegedly used to pierce the side of Jesus while he was nailed to the cross, was brought from Vienna in 1938, but early attempts to recover the Ark of the Covenant in 1936 and the Holy Grail in 1938, however, were less successful.
The original base of operations for the Occult Corps was the Wewelsburg in Westphalia, which Himmler bought as a ruin and rebuilt over the next 11 years at a cost of 13 million marks.
The central banqueting hall contained a vast round table with throne-like seats to accommodate Himmler and 12 of his favorite officers, making his modern-day ‘Orden der Schwarzen Ritter’ – a covenant of 13.
Beneath the Wewelsburg was the Halle der Toten (Hall of the Dead), where plinths stood around a stone table and the covenant could practice their occult magic in secret.

The roots of the Karotechia are deep and varied.

When the unit was officially created within the Ahnenerbe in 1939, it drew its members from within the Ahnenerbe, the disbanded Thule Gesellschaft, and a little-known section of Archive Department VII of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA, Reich Security Central Office) called Sonderkommando-H.
Occult research had been conducted by various arms of the SS for quite some time before the creation of the Karotechia.
In the Ahnenerbe, the Abteilung zur Überprüfung der Sogenannten Geheimwissenschaften (literally, Department for the Examination of Secret Sciences) had analyzed the occult since 1933.

Also since 1933, Karl Maria Wiligut and his Department for Pre- and Early History had been Himmler’s premier occultist, a position that was undermined soon after the creation of the Karotechia.

Suitable members of these organizations were drawn to the Karotechia, as were former members of the Thule Gesellschaft and scholars from Nazi-allied regimes and occupied countries.
Kabbalists and Gypsy practitioners were even forcibly recruited out of concentration camps, as well as those occultists rounded up through Aktion Hess.
More so than any other group researching the paranormal for their government during the Second World War, the Karotechia sought to exploit the occult to its fullest.
With the full backing of the SS and the Government of the Third Reich, they raided the libraries and museums of Europe in an insatiable search for arcane power.
No avenue of studywas left unexplored, no matter how unlikely it might seem to the more established academics of the Ahnenerbe.
The Karotechia was shielded from inquiry within and without by direct patronage of Himmler, who passed certain information on to Hitler.
Members of the Karotechia were known by their initials in SS documents, and by their rune-names in internal correspondence, the names given upon induction into the unit. 

Sonnenrad & Runes

They were identified by the red ‘sonnenrad’ rune worn on the lapels of their black Allgemeine-SS uniforms.
This insignia and the men that wore it were equally feared and respected throughout the SS.

Created in 1935 under direct orders from Heinrich Himmler, Sonderkommando-H (for Hexen, German for witches) collected records of the Catholic Inquisition against witchcraft from libraries in Germany and Austria.

These records were collated into the Hexenkartothek, a catalog of over 33,000 index cards, each providing the details of a victim of the witch trials.

While most of the Hexenkartothek concentrated on witch trials in Germany, Sonderkommando-H researched cases from as far away as India and Mexico.

The research of Sonderkommando-H was meant to provide propaganda that would justify an SS crackdown on the Catholic Church, as well as discover the ancient Germanic religion that Himmler believed had been eradicated by the Inquisition.

The SS officers that collected the Hexenkartothek came to informally refer to themselves as the “Kartothekia,” and what they discovered were arcane formulae and necromantic rituals.

Enough was learned by Sonderkommando-H to create what some one hundred and fifty known witches, warlocks, and alchemists termed ‘the resuscitating of ye vital saylts’.

This formula, it has been claimed, was first successfully put to effect by SS-Hauptscharführer Dieter Scheel when his team resurrected 17th-century sorcerer Jurgen Tess.

It was this incident that created a new department within the Ahnenerbe to exploit the occult in service to the Reich: the Karotechia (Card filers).

Occult research had been conducted by various arms of the SS for quite some time before the creation of the Karotechia.

In the Ahnenerbe, the Abteilung zur Überprüfung der Sogenannten Geheimwissenschaften (literally, Department for the Examination of Secret Sciences) had analyzed the occult since 1933.

Also since 1933, Karl Maria Wiligut and his ‘Department for Pre- and Early History’ had been Himmler’s premier occultist, a position that was undermined soon after the creation of the Karotechia.

More so than any other group researching the paranormal for their government during the Second World War, the Karotechia sought to exploit the occult to its fullest.

With the full backing of the SS and the Third Reich, they searched the libraries and museums of Europe for arcane power.

No avenue of study was left unexplored.

The Karotechia was shielded from inquiry within and without by direct patronage of Himmler, who passed certain information on to Hitler.

Members of the Karotechia were known by their initials in SS documents, and by their rune-names in internal correspondence, the names given upon induction into the unit.

The Karotechia never had a central headquarters, as each project maintained its own base of operations, reporting directly to Himmler.

When the Karotechia was required to perform some ancient Germanic ritual for Himmler, they were called to the SS-order castle at Wewelsburg.

In particular was the discovery of a Gothic version of the supposedly fictitious ‘Necronomicon’ (‘Al Azif’) in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Paris, in the spring of 1944, which opened up several new projects to exploit its potential.

Burg Hohnstein

Most of these projects ended in failure, causing great destruction, such as the incident at Burg Hohnstein near Nordhausen (often erroneously referred to as Naudabaum) in early 1945, where seven Karotechia officers and seventy-three support personnel were killed, and the castle destroyed during an abortive attempt to summon an extraterrestrial being called Azathoth.

This disaster lead to the final Karotechia operation of the war: ‘Aktion Götterdämmerung’, the attempt by the Karotechia to re-enact the Nordhausen disaster without aborting the sequence to summon Azathoth.

‘Aktion Götterdämmerung’, however, failed.

Azathoth is the god of magic, arcane knowledge, balance, and foresight.

He is known as the ‘Uncaring’, the ‘Lord of All Magic’, and the ‘Archmage of the Deities’.

All times and places are open to him, and he has visited many alternate realities and planes unknown to the wisest of sages, places even the Elder Evils avoid.

His symbol is an eye in a pentagram or the arcane triad; usually, this is worn as an amulet.

Azathoth is usually portrayed as a middle-aged man with white hair who wears purple robes decorated with golden runes.

He is described as carrying the very first staff of the magi with him at all times.

In addition, he knows every spell ever created and can travel to any time and dimension.


Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born in what is now Ukraine.

She would be forty-four years old before creating the Society for which she is best remembered, but her most important achievements still lay ahead of her.

In 1877 – two years after starting the Theosophical Society – she would publish ‘Isis Unveiled’, an energetic blend of Eastern religion and mysticism, European mythology and Egyptian occultism, which would pave the way for her even more ambitious ‘Die Geheimlehre’ in 1888.

Some authors have written that the popularity of Blavatsky’s writings in the late nineteenth century was evidence of an anti-positivist reaction among the middle classes to the effect that science was having on religious belief.

In other words, science was going so far toward “proving” the errors of faith that the average person – in a state of existential and ontological ‘angst’ – embraced the quasi-scientific approach toward religion represented in ‘Die Geheimlehre’.
Darwin had published ‘The Origin of Species’ in 1859, and this was followed by ‘The Descent of Man’ in 1871; both books offered evolution as the means by which humans were created, as opposed to the Biblical account found in Genesis.
The effect of the theory of evolution on religion was as great then as it is now; the controversy over Darwinism caused many people to question the existence of God, the possibility of redemption, life after death.
People were startled to discover that Biblical myths were at odds with scientific theories, and thus began to doubt everything they ever believed. They found themselves spiritually – and, more significantly, morally adrift.
Blavatsky provided a much-appreciated antidote to Darwin, even as she was brazenly appropriating (and some might argue – reversing) his theory of evolution.
Her theories were actually quite brilliant for her time, for they enabled intelligent and educated men and women to maintain deep spiritual beliefs while simultaneously acknowledging the inroads made by scientific research into areas previously considered beyond the domain of mere human knowledge.

Blavatsky outlined a map of evolution that went far beyond Darwin to include vanished races from time immemorial through the present imperfect race of humans, and continuing on for races far into the future.

Based on a selection of various Asian scriptures ‘Die Geheimlehre’ (The Secret Doctrine’s) message would later be picked up by the German occultists, who welcomed the pseudo-scientific prose of its author as the answer to a dream.
The smug and condescending attitude of scientists and their devotees toward the “unscientific” had proved contagious among many in the newly created middle class, and mystics began to find themselves in the ridiculous position of having to satisfy the requirements of science in what are patently unscientific (we may say “non-scientific”) pursuits.
‘Modernism’ in general was seen as being largely an urban, sophisticated, intellectual (hence “Jewish”) phenomenon, and this included science, technology, the Industrial Revolution, and capitalism.
The only wholesome lifestyle was that of the peasant on his “land,” and the naive beliefs of the people of the land, the paganus or pagans – with their sympathetic magic and worship of ancient gods in the form of such superstitious practices as fertility rites, the lighting of bonfires on particular days sacred to the old calendar, and the whole host of cultural traditions that can be discovered by consulting Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ – were set up in opposition to ‘science’, with its suspect lack of human warmth and its cold indifference to the ‘gods’.

Science in its hubris was treading dangerously close to the territory claimed by religion (the origin of life, the creation of the universe, even the existence of God), and in order to get there it would have to dance a jig all over the occult ‘sciences’.

Science still smarted from the religious furors caused by Galileo and Copernicus; so rather than mount an all-out attack on God, it was a lot safer to conduct a rearguard action and go after the ghosts.
But then along came Blavatsky, who took new scientific attitudes as they were popularly understood and gave them a mystical twist.

Taking her cue from Darwin, she popularized the notion of a spiritual struggle between various races, and of the inherent superiority of the Aryan race, hypothetically the latest in the line of spiritual evolution.

Blavatsky would borrow heavily from carefully chosen scientific authors in fields as diverse as archaeology and astronomy to bolster her arguments for the existence of Atlantis, extraterrestrial (or super-terrestrial) life-forms, the creation of animals by humans (as opposed to the Darwinian line of succession), etc.
It should be remembered that Blavatsky’s works – notably ‘Isis Unveiled’ and ‘The Secret Doctrine’ – appear to be the result of prodigious scholarship and were extremely convincing.
The rationale behind many later Völkisch projects can be traced back – through the writings of von List, von Sebottendorff, and von Liebenfels – to ideas first popularized by Blavatsky.
A caste system of races, the importance of ancient alphabets (notably the runes), the superiority of the Aryans (a white race within the center of Asia), an ‘initiated’ version of astrology and astronomy, the cosmic truths coded within pagan myths … all of these and more can be found both in Blavatsky and in the doctrines of the Third Reich itself, specifically in the ideology of the SS.
The Swastika

It was, after all, Blavatsky who pointed out the supreme occult significance of the swastika.

And it was a follower of Blavatsky who was instrumental in introducing the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ to a Western European community eager for a scapegoat.
This is not to imply that Theosophy is inherently fascist.
Although Blavatsky herself did not become overtly involved in political campaigning or intriguing, many of her followers and self-appointed devotees could not help but use their new-found faith as a springboard into the political arena.
The fascinating mixture of armchair archaeology, paleo-astronomy, comparative religion, Asian scriptural sources, and European mythology that can be found in Blavatsky’s writings was enough to cause a kind of explosion of consciousness among many people of her generation, including the scientists who would one day direct entire departments within the SS.
Blavatsky’s ‘creative’ method of scholarship inspired admirers and imitators throughout the world, who considered the theories put forward in such books as ‘The Secret Doctrine’ to be literally true, and who used her writings as the basis for further research.
In a way, this was understandable.
Theosophical Society

In ancient times, alchemists were the only chemists; as the centuries went by and science developed a philosophy and methodology of its own, the alchemists and chemists split off from each other and went their separate ways.

So it was with the rest of academia.
In the nineteenth century – bereft of a unified vision of humanity and cosmos, cosmos and God – it was no longer easy to be an expert in every field of science and philosophy; by the twentieth century, it would become impossible.
The writings of people like Blavatsky and her spiritual descendants represent what could be the last gasp of the ‘Renaissance Man‘ before science, medicine, the Industrial Revolution, and mechanized warfare made specialization a necessity and the medieval image of the all-powerful and all-knowing Magician a bitter-sweet memory.  Source:  THE OCCULT REICH
Seat of Satan

The Nazis and the Altar of Satan

In Revelation 2:12, we read about one of the seven churches, “the church in Pergamum …where Satan’s throne is.” The ancient city of Pergamum, or Pergamon, was the center of pagan worship in Asia Minor. The once-thriving city lay forgotten and in ruins till 1864 when German engineer Carl Humann began excavating it, finding one of antiquities’ greatest monuments, the Altar of Zeus. The altar was excavated and taken stone by stone to Berlin where it was reassembled in its own museum. The Turkish government agreed that the ancient foundation of the Pergamon Altar ─Satan’s Throne─became the property of Germany. In 1930 the Pergamon Museum was opened to the public.

A few years later, the Nazi Party’s chief architect, Albert Speer, was commissioned by the new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, to design the parade grounds for the party rallies in Nuremberg. Speer turned to the Pergamon Altar for inspiration. Using the altar as a model, Speer created a colossal grandstand, known as the Zeppelin tribune. In the following years’ mass rallies, Hitler descended down the steps like a tribune in ancient Rome.

Most of the Nuremberg rallies were held at night. The grandstand was surrounded with 150 searchlights and the light columns extended for a mile in the sky, creating the mystical effect Hitler wanted. This effect was known as the “Cathedral of Light.” Inside the rally grounds, thousands of Nazi Party members marched in torchlight parades. From the altar’s podium, Hitler mesmerized the crowds as they swore a “holy oath” to Germany. From 1933 to 1938 hundreds of thousands of Germans gathered at the Zeppelin field in September, but the 1934 rally captured the attention of the world, thanks to the film, Triumph of the Will, a propaganda documentary about Hitler and the Nazi Party. In the film, Hitler was portrayed like a messiah who descended down through the clouds to the faithful waiting for him below. The film was shown continuously for 12 years in Germany. After the film’s release, Hitler’s popularity skyrocketed so that more than a million Germans came to Nuremberg to hear his speech in the following September rally.

On that evening of September 15, 1935, Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws. “The law for the protection of German Blood and German Honor was intended to begin the marginalization process of the Jewish people,” said Dr. Anthony R. Santoro (Professor of Christopher Newport University). The new laws stripped the Jews of their rights as citizens. Then the Reich citizenship law was introduced, stating that Jewish people in Germany were subjects of the Reich, but not citizens.

It was also in Nuremberg that Hitler used the phrase Final Solution for the first time in public. Hitler’s Final Solution is known as the Holocaust, a word that comes from a Greek word meaning “a wholly burnt animal sacrifice.” On the ancient Altar of Zeus in Pergamon, burnt sacrifice was practiced. Centuries later in German’s Nuremberg, in the redesigned Pergamon Altar, Hitler announced his Final Solution to the world and this time, the burnt sacrifice was six million Jews.

This historic background is provided to readers for the viewing of the January DVDdocumentary, “Jacob’s Tears” by Lance Lambert.
Click here

Nürnberg Now & Then – Episode 9: Zeppelinfield | Rallies
(Watch this video to get a visual of how Hitler was worshiped in Germany.   This is what Obama wanted to taste here in the US when he built a Pergamon Altar of his own in Colorado.)

Aug 14, 2004  Adolf Hitler, who tried to make the 1936 Berlin Games a celebration of the … Hitler, who admired the powerful imagery of Greek gods like Zeus, …

For More Information on Hitler’s Olympics, visit my article – Temple of  BAAL – Part 5 – INVICTUS & OLYMPICS 


How Hitler Invented the Olympic Torch

RIO 2016

Tonight, the flame will arrive in Rio in an Opening Ceremony that features samba bands and Gisele on the catwalk. But the relay’s secret history is dark and disturbing.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

You can say a lot of things about Brazil’s failings in the upcoming Olympics, from the putrid, garbage-strewn Guanabara Bay to the widely forecast traffic apocalypse on Rio’s streets. But for all their shortfalls, there’s one thing Brazilians have in abundance: the ability to laugh at themselves.

In a rather striking contrast to the London Games in 2012, which opened with a mock shot of the queen as a Bond girl doing a skydive, the Rio Games, which begin tonight, will kick off with the fake mugging of Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen as she struts down the catwalk to the accompaniment of the nation’s iconic song, “The Girl from Ipanema.” (There’s been much fevered reporting on the athletes and spectators at the Games being victimized by street crime.)

Take that, haters.

The agenda for tonight’s show has been held under wraps, but secrets are hard to keep, and reports of rehearsals leaked on social media and elsewhere say that each of the 206 countries will enter the arena accompanied by its own mini samba band. Some of Brazil’s biggest superstars will make appearances: Musical titans Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso will sing, and Oscar-nominated actress Fernanda Montenegro and the Oscar-winning, decidedly not Brazilian, Dame Judi Dench are set to recite poems.

One of the ceremonies’ masterminds, Fernando Meirelles, director of the 2002 Oscar-nominated City of God, which depicts the explosion of urban violence in Rio’s slums in unflinching detail, told reporters last year that the show would be “a synthesis of our popular culture.” That’s apparently an understatement: after Gisele’s fake mugging, police officers leap to her rescue, and chase the robber around the stadium until he’s caught.

Another of the show’s directors, Leonardo Caetano, told the BBC that the ceremony “will show… the Brazilian way of receiving people.” Sure, there have been the unfinished athletes’ quarters and subway delays, but Brazilian warmth is remarkable: Brazilians have a multitude of different verbs for “to relax,” and aren’t shy about telling others just which way they should be trying. They’re affectionate, calling strangers “son” and “daughter”—and it’s not uncommon for business acquaintances who’ve never met to sign off their emails with kisses and hugs. Every year, the country welcomes millions of visitors for Carnival, often described as the world’s biggest party. Friday’s ceremony, to which 900 million will tune in, may rival that: it reportedly features 6,600 pounds of fireworks, 2,000 light guns, and more than 100 projectors.

You’ll never guess, though, who invented all this glitz and glamour: Nazi propagandists. (Sort of dampens the heartbreaking surprise of Muhammed Ali descending from a giant cherry picker onto the opening ceremony’s stage in Atlanta in 1996. Ali accepted the torch from swimmer Janet Evans, his hands shaking from Parkinson’s, and lit a flame that traveled to a giant cauldron above the stadium. The camera panned to roaring fans and a teary-eyed President Bill Clinton as Bob Costas intoned: “Look at him—still a great, great presence, still exuding nobility and stature.”)

Even the Olympic torch might seem like a link to the earliest democracy, but it’s not: The modern torch relay, which now begins with a hokey ceremony in Olympia, the birthplace of the original games around 776 B.C., and travels the globe to the hosting cities, was the brainchild of Carl Diem in the early 1930s. Diem, a German long-distance runner and sports historian, became the chief organizer of the Berlin Games.

“Diem was aware of the use of the lit torch in the ancient games, though nothing exactly like the torch run relay existed,” said Susan Bachrach, a historian at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the author of The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936.

Creepily, even the newly minted ritual’s equipment hinted at the mass destruction that was about to unfold. The bulky Berlin torch holders were made by the Krupp company, an arms manufacturer that produced weapons for Germans in World War II, and Krupp’s artillery production would become an essential element in decisive Nazi battles. As Max Fisher wrote in a 2012 Atlantic piece, the company trucked in Jewish women from Auschwitz to a nearby plant as slave laborers.

Nazi propagandists and pageantry suggested that Hitler’s Aryans were the direct heirs of ancient Greek civilization, said David Wallechinsky, president of the International Society of Olympic Historians and who has written extensively about the games for decades. Leni Riefenstahl helped immortalize the imagery by capturing the torch run relay through Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, and Czechoslovakia for Olympia, her 1938 film on the games.

But opening ceremony ignominy didn’t start in Berlin: Consider the 1904 games in St. Louis, which kicked off with crowds of athletes milling around some public buildings in what looks like barely controlled chaos. Only about a dozen countries bothered to show up for Games in the minor U.S. city, which was also hosting the World’s Fair. (Not even the thrilling new temptations of cotton candy, peanut butter, and waffle cones could persuade most athletes to make the trip, Slate reported in 2008.)

The ceremony kicked off nearly five months of competition, and, lest today’s Games followers think only recent athletes have tried to gain an illicit edge through doping, reflect on gold-medal cheater Fred Lorz. He was the first to cross the marathon finish line, but was disqualified when officials discovered he’d hopped into a car for almost half the race.

That fraud seems like a mild scandal compared to what organizers called “Anthropology Days,” in which groups of Pygmies, Sioux, and Igorot Filipinos and others in the fair’s “human zoo” exhibits were paid to participate in competitions that included mud slinging, a greased-pole climb, and archery. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Parisian aristocrat who founded the first modern games in Athens in 1896, was appalled: “As for that outrageous charade, it will of course lose its appeal when black men, red men and yellow men learn to run, jump and throw, and leave the white men behind them.”

The Rio Olympics, held in a country where more than half the population identifies as mixed race or black, are sure to have a far more inclusive air. Organizers say they’ve kept their budget low, in contrast to lavish shows in Sochi and London. London’s 2012 ceremony cost a reported $42 million, crafted by Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle, with actors and dancers rocketing through momentous periods of British history. “I’d be ashamed to waste what London spent in a country where we need sanitation, where education needs money,” Meirelles has said.

London spent $14.8 billion total on its opening ceremonies and games, downright cheap compared to the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, which cost a reported $51 billion. Rio is trying to keep its costs to 7.4 billion reais ($1.8 billion) for the 16 days of competition and the opening ceremony. Brazil’s economy, which has sunk in recent years in large part due to the collapse of the oil industry, is in its biggest crisis since the 1930s.

Caetano said the ceremony—held amidst epic global political divisiveness—will emphasize the importance of preserving the planet, and how modern Brazilians have come together to create their multiracial society. “For the world, it will be an updated view of what… being a Brazilian is. An opportunity for the world to see the current results of our history and of our miscegenation.

“It will show,” he said, “Brazilians’ ability to do more with less.”



Nazi officials implemented the Jewish badge (an identifying badge to mark Jews) between 1939 and 1945. They did so in a systematic manner, as a prelude to deporting Jews to ghettos and killing centers in German-occupied eastern Europe.

The Kingdom of Satan

May 3, 2015  unknown reason, he had an obsession with the temple of Zeus and its altar. … Satan planned for Germany to be taken over by the Nazi party.

Resurrection Life of Jesus Church
RLJ-1494 JOHN S. TORELL MAY 3, 2015

THE KINGDOM OF SATAN There are two kingdoms on this earth: the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. Matthew 12:26; John 14:30; 16:11; Ephesians 2:2; 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 The Bible provides several names for Satan. He was known as Lucifer before he allowed pride to overtake him. He is also known as the Devil or the Old Serpent. As a holy angel, he had the title “Cherub,” which is a high ranking angel with full access to the throne room of God, leading angels in the worship of God. God gave the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel information about Lucifer, his fall into sin and how he ruled the world prior to the creation of Adam and Eve. Isaiah 14:12-19; Ezekiel 28:12-19; Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9, 12 Satan and his fallen angels are not divine and under the same restrictions as mankind. For instance, Satan can only be in one place at a time; he and the other fallen angels are not omnipresent; the same holds true for holy angels. Note that the Lord addressed Satan as the king of Tyre; the seat of Satan at that time was in the city of Tyre. The Bible tells us that Satan left Tyre and moved his seat to Pergamos. Revelation 2:12-13 THE CITY OF PERGAMOS The city of Pergamos, also known as Pergamon, is located in modern day Turkey. The city is 16 miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea in the western part of Turkey and north of the old city of Ephesus. The city was the capitol of the Kingdom of Pergamos from 281-133 B.C. and King Eumenes II ordered a temple built to the Greek god Zeus in 197 B.C. An enormous altar was built that was 106 ft. by 100 ft. inside the temple and domestic animals were sacrificed and burnt on the altar to please the demon god. When the book of Revelation was given to the apostle John in 90 A.D., the temple at Pergamos was standing and Zeus was still worshiped. The people were ignorant of the fact that there is no god by the name of Zeus; they were in reality worshiping and sacrificing to the Devil, who had decided to make the city his dwelling place. A German engineer and archeologist by the name of Carl Humann was contracted by the Ottoman Empire to supervise the building of roads and railroads. For some unknown reason, he had an obsession with the temple of Zeus and its altar. He came to Pergamos in 1864 and found the temple to Zeus. The site had been looted by local contractors, who were looking for marble stones that could be used for new construction in other locations. Humann contacted the Ottoman government and had them issue an order that this was an archeological site and that no other items could be removed. As Humann started to investigate the temple site, he found the altar under the rubble. In order to do a thorough excavation, he needed financial support and permission from the

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Ottoman government. His goal was to unearth the altar and as many friezes (decorative horizontal band) that were still intact and bring them to Germany. This was a project that interested the Illuminati leadership since they worshiped Lucifer and it would be a trophy for them to have the altar in Germany and with it the presence of Lucifer since the altar was dedicated to him. The official story is that the Berlin Sculpture Museum and German archeologist Alexander Conze would sponsor the project and pay for it but this was obviously not the whole truth. When the excavations began in 1878, Conze joined Humann to supervise the digging which was done by local labor. There must have been hundreds of local workers, and as the stones were unearthed and numbered, they were crated and loaded onto horse drawn wagons. Then the crates were transported to the nearest sea port of Izmir and loaded on ships. The ships took them to the seaport of Hamburg in Germany, and then they were transported to Berlin via railroad. The excavation work took eight years to complete and was finished in 1886. It is highly unusual that the Ottoman government issued a permit for Humann to export the ancient altar and the friezes to Germany. Most governments consider old ruins and remnants of temples and altars to be a national treasure. Why would a Muslim government allow its national treasures to be shipped to a non-Muslim nation? Most likely the Ottoman government received money and technical support as it tried to modernize itself. The excavation and shipping was an enormous project and must have cost millions of dollars. There is no way that a single museum and archeologist could have financed such an undertaking. Satan planned for Germany to be taken over by the Nazi party and he had turned his Illuminati writers loose during the 19th century, creating the writings for the future communist revolutions as well as the Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933. The altar of Pergamos was to play a large role during the 12 year Nazi reign of Germany. To house the altar and other artifacts, a special museum was opened in 1901 but in 1909 it was demolished. It was decided that the building was too small and construction on the new building finished in 1930, just three years prior to Hitler taking power in Germany. It is worth noting that when Humann died in 1896, he was buried in the Roman Catholic cemetery in the Turkish city of Izmir. His remains were removed from the grave in 1967 and he was interned just south of where the altar of Zeus had been located in Pergamos. Who paid to exhume his bones and what was their motivation? The only organization that is known for these kinds of activities are the Freemasons. HITLER AND THE ALTAR OF ZEUS In this message I am not going to detail the occult links of the Nazi Party. The party was founded by the occult organization called the Thule Society. I suspect that this organization was an Illuminati cell that had been created to open the door for Germany to become a Nazi state. Satan was the leader of the Thule Society and he supernaturally moved upon the different members and infested them with demons.
Albert Speer became the official state architect for Hitler and was commissioned to draw up the blueprints for the Nazi parade grounds in Nuremberg. When Speer was asked to design a number of buildings on the Nuremberg parade ground in 1934, he told Hitler about the altar from Pergamos and advocated having a giant replica on the main rallying ground which would accommodate 340,000 persons. Satan was finally able to resurrect his altar, and when Hitler stood upon the altar replica, Satan received worship from the 340,000 Germans who stood before the altar and showered Hitler with adoration. The altar of Satan was located in the capitol of Berlin for some 12 years and a huge replica stood on the parade grounds in Nuremberg. STALIN AND THE ALTAR OF ZEUS On May 2, 1945, Berlin fell to the Soviet Army. Stalin and his inner circle of Communist leaders knew about the altar of Zeus and were determined to bring it to Moscow. General Georgy Zhukov gave the order to dismantle the altar and bring it to Moscow. Since Berlin was going to be divided into four zones: British, French, American and Soviet, Zhukov knew that he only had a few days to get the altar before allied troops came and took control of their respective zones. Hundreds of Russian special transportation soldiers were brought in with their trucks and it was a smash and grab operation which damaged other artifacts in the museum. Once the stones arrived in Moscow, the altar was put together again. Stalin knew that there was power connected with the altar and thought that he would finally be able to do what Hitler had been unable to do, conquer the world, eradicate capitalism and make everyone worship him. He was going to start his conquest in 1953 by invading Finland and Sweden, but the night before the attack was to take place, he died and his plans were never set in motion. The Pergamos museum was located on the Museum Island in Berlin and ended up in the Soviet zone. When East Germany was created in 1949, a German communist government took over, which in reality was a puppet government of the Soviet Union. Some of the artifacts that had been taken to Moscow were returned to the museum in East Berlin in 1958. Once East Germany ceased to exist and merged with West Germany in 1990, the Pergamos museum came under the control of the unified German government and negotiations began with Russia to bring back the altar of Zeus to Berlin. The Russian government made it clear in 2003 that they would not return the altar and it is still in Moscow at the Pushkin Museum. In 2014, it was announced that the Pergamos Museum in Berlin will be closed for remodeling and won’t reopen until late 2019 or early 2020. WHY SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON THE ALTAR OF ZEUS? As we examine the kingdom of Satan, there are few references to his whereabouts. The Bible tells us that he possessed the serpent that seduced Eve to sin. Genesis 3:1-4 We are also told that Satan entered into Judas Iscariot. Luke 22:1-6 The last reference we have is that Satan will possess the Antichrist. Revelation 13:1-4 Satan had his seat in the city of Tyre at one point. Some 200 years later he had moved his seat to Pergamos where he was worshiped in the temple of Zeus.
Was it a coincidence that the altar of Zeus was moved to Berlin? No, there should be no doubt that Satan possessed Adolf Hitler from 1933 until his death on April 30, 1945. Once Nazi Germany was defeated, Stalin started to work on his dream of conquering the entire world. Was it a coincidence that the altar of Zeus was moved to Moscow? No. Was Stalin possessed by Satan? Stalin was a mass murderer just like Hitler. We don’t have enough information. Does the Bible inform us of Satan’s whereabouts in the future? Yes, Satan will set up his seat in the city of Jerusalem during the reign of the Antichrist. Revelation 11:1-9 As we get close to the coming of the Antichrist, it is important for the Christians to know where Satan will have his seat so that we will not be deceived. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13

Remember, it’s not so important how you begin your life after salvation, but how you finish it!
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Researchers find secret Nazi base —built to search for ancient artifacts— in the Arctic  


World Monuments Fund 

“Empire Beneath the Ice” How the Nazi’s Won the War   Trailer

Steve Quayle Discusses Fantastic “Empire Beneath the Ice” How the Nazi’s Won the War II

PART 2 — Steve Quayle Discusses Fantastic “Empire Beneath the Ice” How the Nazi’s Won the War


Russia’s Top Religious Leader Performs “Ancient Ritual” In Antarctica Over Saudi Arabia’s Mysterious “Ark of Gabriel

World’s Largest English Language News Service with Over 500 Articles Updated Daily

“The News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In Tomorrow.”  

February 18, 2016

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In what we can only conclude is one of the most bizarre reports ever circulated in the Kremlin, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that the global leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, arrived in Antarctica earlier today where he joined up with the vast Federation naval armada transporting from Saudi Arabia the mysterious “Ark of Gabriel”, entrusted to Russia’s care by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and performed an “ancient ritual” over it read from a “secret text” given to him by Pope Francis just days prior in Cuba when these leaders of Christianities two top sects met for the first time in nearly 1,000 years.

Russian Orthodox Church Leader Patriarch Kirill Arrives In Antarctica 18 February 2016

According to this MoD report, and which we had previously reported on in our 6 December 2015 report Russia Begins Transport Of Saudi Arabia’s Mysterious “Ark of Gabriel” To Antarctica, the mysterious “Ark of Gabriel” was first discovered in Mecca on 12 September 2015 by a construction crew tunneling under the Masjid al-Haram Mosque (Grand Mosque) and who, when attempting to unearth it, were all killed by a massive “plasma emission” that killed a further 107.

Even worse, this report continues, on 24 September 2015, during a second attempt to unearth the mysterious “Ark of Gabriel”, another massive “plasma emission” killed an estimated 4,000 more people—but which Saudi officials blamed on a stampede.

Quoting from the original MoD report as to what Saudi officials did next we can read:

“After the catastrophic death toll involved with the Saudi’s second attempt to remove this mysterious “device/weapon”,  His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was then contacted by the Grand Mosque emissaries in regards to one of the oldest Islamic manuscripts possessed by the Russian Orthodox Church that was saved from the Roman Catholic Crusaders in 1204 when they sacked the Church of Holy Wisdom (now known as Hagia Sophia) in Constantinople (present day Istanbul, Turkey) titled “Gabriel’s Instructions To Muhammad”. 

Important to note, and virtually unknown in the West, were that the Roman Catholic Crusades (and like they mirror today) were not only against the peoples of Islamic faith, but also against those having Russian Orthodox faith too—and why, during these crusades, the Russian Orthodox Church not only protected their own religious libraries from being destroyed, but also those belonging to Muslims.

As to the contents of this ancient Islamic manuscript, “Gabriel’s Instructions To Muhammad”, it centers around a group of instructions given to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel in a cave called Hira, located on the mountain called Jabal an-Nour, near Mecca, wherein this heavenly being entrusted into Muhammad’s care a “box/ark” of “immense power” he was forbidden to use as it belonged to God only and was, instead, to be buried in a shrine at the “place of worship the Angels used before the creation of man” until its future uncovering in the days of Yawm al-Qīyāmah, or Qiyâmah, which means literally “Day of the Resurrection”.

On 6 December 2015, this report notes, Federation naval research vessel Admiral Vladimisky departed the Saudi Arabian Port of Jeddah with the “Ark of Gabriel” bound for Antarctica accompanied by a vast naval armada ordered for its protection by President Putin and that (strangely) also included capsules with Russian soil to be placed in the areas of military glory and burial sites of Russian sailors at selected ports of call along the long journey to the Southern Ocean.

Upon his learning of the “grave and global implications” associated with this mysterious “Ark of Gabriel”, this report continues, Pope Francis contacted Patriarch Kirill requesting an “urgent and immediate” meeting while warning that “the end is near—after which Patriarch Kirill agreed to meet the Roman Catholic Church leader in Cuba on 12 February, an historic meeting between these two leaders that had not taken place between these church’s leaders in nearly 1,000 years.

Pope Francis (left) and Patriarch Kirill (right) meet in Cuba 12 February 2016

Though the exact nature of the talks between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis remain classified at much higher level then we’re granted access to, MoD analysts in this report do state that an “ancient secret manuscript” was given to Patriarch Kirill by Pope Francis that pertains to the “Ark of Gabriel” whose legend behind it claims it was written directly by the “watchers” (angels?) described in the Book of Enoch.

And just hours ago, this report concludes, Patriarch Kirill, while using this “secret text” given to him by Pope Francis, preformed an “ancient ritual” over the “Ark of Gabriel” in the Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church (the only church in Antarctica) and where immediately thereafter this mysterious artifact was transported into the vast interior of this cold and foreboding continent by a highly specialized Spetsnaz (Special Forces) unit to a destination, and purpose, not identified by the MoD.

Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church Antarctica

February 18, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

The Most Feared Equation In The World

They Are Going To Come For You…Why Are You Helping Them?

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