The world is waking up!  I am so excited to see all the folks who are recognizing the lies and deception and speaking up!!  I thank God every day for each and every one who is standing up for truth!  It has been a long and hard journey, and for me, like so many others, there have been times when it took all the strength I had and all the faith that GOD imparted to keep me from discouragement.  There have been so many more that have gone before us, who never got to see this day. We must all rise and keep the momentum going.  There are so many more who need to truly hear and have their eyes opened.  My heart is full of joy to see so many people posting blogs, writing articles, creating videos, speaking out in the streets, sharing what they know with family, friends and folks they have never met.  God Bless You All.

Today I want to share more information on the new wave of pandemic fear being put out by the media on behalf of the ruling elite.

First let me say once again, though BILL GATES is the evil front man, he is just a tool.  There is a lot of money and power behind the scenes pushing the AGENDA forward.  Don’t hate Bill Gates, pray for him.  I share this information with you, so that you will not fall for the deceit, or receive their fear into your heart.  Be wise as serpents, but gentle as lambs.  Be discerning.  Be aware and recognize TRUTH and Deception.  But, don’t hold hatred in your heart.  Turn away from worldly things and keep looking to Our Heavenly Father for all things.

Malaria is not the only tool they are using.  There are several different bacteria and fungi that are growing throughout the earth.  ALSO, manmade.  There are other diseases we already have heard about and even more waiting in the wings.  The sources are all the same.  The solution does not lie with the medical or chemical or technology industries.  The SOLUTION ALWAYS LIES WITH GOD!

Think about it.  All these years they have been studying disease and creating their magic potions.  What has been improved by their labor?? NOTHING!  IF you are not aware of the bio Laboratories and their history check out these posts:



Crisper’s Progression – GOD HELP US








After reaching adulthood, a mosquito emerges from the water looking for trouble.

Courtesy of Andrew Hammond

It’s a cold, damp fall day in London. But in a windowless basement laboratory, it feels like the tropics. It’s hot and humid. That’s to keep the mosquitoes happy.

“In this cage, we have the adult mosquitoes,” says Andrew Hammond, a genetic engineer at Imperial College London, as he picks up a container made out of white mosquito netting.

The lab is buzzing with hundreds of mosquitoes. “Everything in this cubicle is genetically modified,” Hammond says, pointing to the container of mosquitoes.

Scientists have altered mosquitoes’ genes before. But these insects aren’t just any genetically engineered mosquitoes.

What makes these insects unusual is the way Hammond and his colleagues are modifying them. They’re using a particularly potent type of genetic engineering called a gene drive.” These are sequences of DNA produced in the laboratory that defy the usual rules of genetics.

These gene drives, they’re able to copy themselves. So instead of half of the offspring inheriting the gene drive, almost all of them do,” Hammond says. In other words, these DNA sequences drive a desired genetic change through subsequent generations.

So what happens is that it spreads and it spreads and it spreads. And this is the fantastic thing,” says Hammond. “Because it allows that gene to be selfish in a population. And in a very short amount of time you can actually transform an entire wild population into a modified population. It’s powerful.”

It’s why gene drives are raising both high hopes and deep concern.

Until now, scientists have generally tried to keep genetically engineered creatures from spreading their DNAto prevent them from inadvertently damaging the natural world.

But a gene drive is designed to spread and to spread quickly.

The technology is so powerful that Hammond and his colleagues are hopeful they can do something humanity has been trying to do for decades: Wipe out malaria.

Hammond’s team is genetically engineering the Anopheles gambiae mosquito, which is the primary species that spreads the malaria parasite. Nearly all of the offspring of the modified mosquitoes inherit mutations that knock out the genes females need to make eggs.

“If we can sterilize the females,” he says, we “can actually eliminate a whole mosquito population without affecting those mosquitoes that don’t have the capability to transmit malaria.”

Christopher Bamikole and Andrew Hammond assess mosquitoes at Imperial College London. Courtesy of Andrew Hammond

Inside the lab

To show me how scientists create gene-drive mosquitoes, Hammond sits down in front of a microscope in a large darkened room and picks up a slide. The slide has dozens of tiny black specks on it. Each speck is a mosquito embryo.

Hammond maneuvers the slide to get the angle he needs to insert a thin glass needle filled with a DNA solution into the part of the embryo containing the cells that lead to egg development.

We’re going to use this to modify the genome and integrate into it our gene drive,” he tells me as he advances the needle a tiny bit at a time, using a motorized device to help with the delicate task.

To integrate the gene drive into the mosquitoes’ genetic code, Hammond is using an editing technique called CRISPR-cas9. The technology allows scientists to make precise changes in DNA much more easily and faster than before.

Still, it’s tricky work. Mosquito embryos dry out quickly. Hammond has less than an hour to make the genetic changes. “You need to be very quick when you put the needle inside,” he says. “And you need to inject just the right amount of DNA. Too much will kill it and too little won’t modify it.”

Besides a gene drive, the mosquitoes also get a gene that makes their eyes and other parts of their bodies glow red under laser light if the gene drive has taken hold.

Hammond can edit the genetic code of hundreds of mosquito embryos in a few hours. Many of the embryos mature into adults and then mate with normal mosquitoes. Hammond checks the resulting larvae under another microscope that lights them up with a laser.

“When I look at them, if I see that half of them are red, then our gene drive is not working,” he says. “But if I see that almost all of them are red, then it’s definitely working.”

He illuminates one of the gene-drive mosquito larvae magnified on a large screen. It looks like a huge radioactive worm.

“It’s definitely working,” he says. “We can see it glowing up in the eyes. And glowing down the body. It’s beautiful — beautiful scientifically and beautiful visually.”

(The research is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which also supports NPR.)

Promise along with risks

Scientists are exploring how gene drives could be used to fight other diseases spread by mosquitoes and ticks. Two groups of researchers in California, for instance, are using gene drives to modify mosquitoes to fight dengue, Zika, chikungunya and also malaria.

Many scientists think gene drives could have their biggest impact on agriculture. Gene drives might, for example, enable researchers to quickly transform entire crops so that farmers don’t need to use polluting pesticides.

“This is our chance to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems using biology,” says Kevin Esvelt, a gene-drive researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

But critics worry gene drives are just too powerful and could easily produce unintended consequences.

It’s a tool that has never been in our hands before,” says Ricarda Steinbrecher, who works at EcoNexis, a watchdog group based in Oxford, England. “It is a high-risk technology.” Ecosystems are complex and unpredictable, she says. She worries that eliminating an entire species could set off a cascade of unexpected effects that could result in the “collapse of ecosystems.”

Some also worry the technology could be misused.

This potentially could be a way of creating some quite nasty bioweapons,” says Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, another genetic watchdog group, based in Montreal. You could engineer an insect, a stinging insect for example, to deliver a toxin. Mosquitoes would be an obvious possible target. That would be a way that you could weaponize this technology.”

Some scientists are trying to develop antidotes to gene-drive modifications, just in case one does run amok someday.

We don’t know what some of the unintended consequences might be,” says Renee Wegrzyn of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which is funding the antidote work. “If we introduce a gene drive into the environment, then how can we reverse that tool if it has an unintended consequence? Can we demonstrate that we can turn those gene drives off at will?”

The Imperial College scientists working with gene drives acknowledge they could be dangerous. So they have taken steps to ensure none of their modified mosquitoes escape and breed with any wild counterparts until their safety has been established.

The researchers aim to find the most effective gene-drive mosquitoes, and to develop a step-by-step testing strategy to minimize any risks. Their work could take years, they acknowledge.

When Andrew Hammond modifies mosquitoes with gene drives, he also inserts a gene that causes the eyes of the mosquito pupa to glow red when illuminated with a laser.   Courtesy of Andrew Hammond

Only if they are successful would the researchers seek approval from countries to release modified insects into the wild.

In the meantime, the group has begun outreach in Africa to make sure people are willing to let field tests begin someday. “We don’t work in an ivory tower,” says molecular biologist Tony Nolan, Hammond’s supervisor. “We are fully aware of people’s concerns on this.”

But, he says, the potential for improving public health is substantial. “We’ve got to weigh up the benefits whenever you consider risks,” says Nolan, noting that 500,000 people die every year from malaria, including many children. “I think it’s a worthwhile goal to investigate this technology.”


In 2008…Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab discuss at the World Economic Forum…Malaria, Reducing the Population and ‘Congratulatory Praises’ on their ‘Achievements’. It’s been 15 years since these ‘goals’ were plannedand this entire Planet has been turned into a Living Nightmare.


channel image

First published at 11:06 UTC on August 29th, 2020.



 2208 subscribers
My comments for each video are below this long blurb. I also give credit if the video is from another channel and I have the link.

For both Truthers and Normies… the ONLY way we are going to fight this thing is IF you finally recognize that you have power within.

Please PLEASE start working on your issues. This is why it’s so easy for the evils to control us, because they have harmed us psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma – war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, all sorts of EMFs, RFs, MFs, etc., AND brainwashing and mind control.

Please start releasing your trauma and raise your vibration. They can NOT harm us if our vibration is high and we use our power within. I’ll upload more tools as I find them.

Kudos to Joe for his video and a different perspective.

I’ve put some of my comments before the video.



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First published at 01:23 UTC on June 29th, 2023.



 1740 subscribers
“GMO mosquitoes are mosquitoes that have been implanted with a gene or bacteria which was not originally present or naturally occurring in the insect.”
“Malaria: an intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite that invades the red blood cells. The parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions.”
> Sourced From:
Instagram > An0maly >



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First published at 06:25 UTC on June 30th, 2023. pureblood Pureblood
29210 subscribers

BILL GATES is the largest investor in vaccines and there’s a pandemic, the largest owner of farm land in America and there’s a food crisis, and largest investor in mosquito factories and there’s a malaria outbreak.

Yet it’s ‘climate change’ that caused this malaria outbreak! (so they say)



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First published at 01:11 UTC on August 10th, 2021.
1133 subscribers

I’ve investigated over 100 worksites in LA, San Diego and Phoenix. Over 90 percent of construction workers and landscapers I’ve observed are foreign latino, speaking Spanish with many and probably mostly illegal aliens in the mix.

The US government at all levels refuses to enforce employment laws, cheating thousands of Americans out of jobs and now with the pandemic raging; the govt and criminal employers are protecting and paying superspreaders of deadly diseases including TB, Leprosy, Malaria, Ebola etc., not just COVID.

I can count on two hands the number of african american workers on these sites and US citizen whites are scarce.

These illegal latino workers are frequently hostile to Americans and would make a willing internal Army against Americans in a war.

It’s time to secure the border and prosecute employers of illegal aliens as well as deport them ASAP as not only do they steal jobs, drain our Treasury but also present a huge national security risk.

Follow, subscribe, like and share and pledge a $ contribution to support my “Groundbreaking news, analysis and activism countering the globalist insurgency”.

Email your name, city state and pledge $ amount to:



channel image   First published at 12:25 UTC on May 13th, 2020.



 30 subscribers

This Video is about CoVid19, Children and Medical Complications of Malaria. Elements of the Malaria Germ were secretly inserted into CoVid19.



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First published at 01:57 UTC on June 29th, 2023.

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In recent developments, genetically modified (GMO) mosquitoes have been released in both Florida (FL) and potentially Texas (TX) as an innovative approach to combat malaria. However, a disconcerting turn of events has emerged, as both states are now grappling with an outbreak of malaria. This sequence of events has led a logical person to speculate about the presence of a classic problem-reaction-solution scenario.
Adding to the intrigue, a Russian general has claimed to possess intelligence suggesting the use of mosquitoes as a means to disseminate malaria among troops in Ukraine. This revelation further fuels suspicions surrounding the deployment of GMO mosquitoes used to create fear and justify a means to lock you down and defile the temple of God that is you with their Nano tech / mRNA gene defilement malaria poke. At a minimum, no vaccine passport, no work for you.
What adds another layer of complexity to the situation is the funding of an mRNA vaccine for malaria by the same entities involved in launching the GMO mosquitoes. The timing and connection between the two raise questions and stir speculation about ulterior motives and hidden agendas.
Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) possesses the ability, through their treaty agreements, to enforce stringent measures under the pretext of combating climate change and disease spreaders. This power and measures is a tool for global control. The accumulation of these events suggests a sinister plan that aligns with the concept of a one-world government, a notion found within the Bible and end of days.
Interestingly, when examining the word “toxin,” its definition includes “bow,” which holds significance in the context of a biblical interpretation that associates the first seal with conquest, symbolized by a bow.



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First published at 17:18 UTC on July 6th, 2023.
One of the United States Minor Outlying Islands
31386 subscribers



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First published at 16:11 UTC on May 13th, 2022.
663 subscribers
Chemtrails over the Netherlands, a well-known (and hated) phenomenon in the Dutch skies.



First published at 12:39 UTC on April 15th, 2022.
12 subscribers
‘Polio’ and ‘Malaria’ were both caused by DDT poisoning.
DDT was sprayed by the military in indigenous areas and when people got sick, they blamed mosquitos – called it ‘malaria’ and offered more toxic vaccines to ‘cure’ it.

As soon as it was banned— after the damage was done— “polio” and “malaria” were simultaneously “cured” NOT by a ‘vaccine’ but by stopping the toxic poisoning.





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First published at 05:19 UTC on July 2nd, 2023.


I found the following maps to be very interesting.  

Malaria - Our World in Data



Shrinking the malaria map: progress and prospects

Published: October 29, 2010  DOI:
In the past 150 years, roughly half of the countries in the world eliminated malaria. Nowadays, there are 99 endemic countries—67 are controlling malaria and 32 are pursuing an elimination strategy.
You can obviously observe that the issue of malaria is primarily focused in the areas closest to the equator where the weather is warmer and there is more rain accumulation.  THIS is likely why they have been heating up our atmosphere!!  Cold weather kills germs and bugs.  Malaria is not a death threat for those who have a healthy immune system.  There are many natural remedies for the disease if one is infected.  Heavy insecticide use does harm to human immune systems.  Though the insecticide may be effective initially, as we have seen with all diseases and insects, they quickly develop immunity to poisons/toxins.  Leaving the humans too weak to fight the now stronger germs, insects, and parasites.

It appears that they discovered a new way to use mosquitos to their advantage, so they created a new surge of Malaria as an excuse to use their new bio weapons.

LONDON (Reuters) – Global health authorities need to counter a worrying lull in the fight against malaria by focusing their efforts on the near-dozen mostly African countries where it claims most lives, the World Health Organization said.

After several years of steady declines, annual cases of the mosquito-borne disease are leveling off, the U.N. health agency’s 2018 malaria report showed on Monday.

To get back on track, the current broad approach to combating it must be fine-tuned, said WHO malaria chief Pedro Alonso. “The problem is that we have stalled progress,” he told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Scientists are working on potential malaria vaccines and on new ways to control mosquito populations, but with the WHO report showing around half of Africans at risk still not sleeping under insecticide-treated nets in 2017, the world cannot simply afford to wait for those to materalise.

Collateral Effects of Insecticide-Treated Nets on Human and …

A study stated that the insecticide permethrin, used to treat mosquito nets, was considered a neuropoison, because of its adverse effects on the nervous system, also causing itching and burning effects on exposure skin, in addition to direct inhalation [27]. Another study also revealed that there is some potential for adverse health effects due to mishandling of ITNs, especially for infants and toddlers, however, under conservative exposure scenarios []. Hence, there have been concerns regarding possible health effects due to pyrethroids exposure from ITNs use

Human toxicity to pyrethroid-based insecticides, commonly used to treat mosquito nets, was traditionally thought to be low. Newer studies have, however, shown that pyrethroid exposure could lead to neurocognitive developmental disorders, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, malaria-transmitting mosquitoes in many areas have developed resistance to the pyrethroid insecticides. Thus, scientists have experimented with treating the nets with multiple insecticides.

Success was reported from the inclusion of a synergist, piperonyl butoxide, which increased mortality in mosquito populations. In other experiments, a growth hormone inhibitor, pyriproxyfen, which controls the aquatic stage of a mosquito’s life cycle.

These combinations of insecticides could also end up in the waterways through ITNs that are used as fishing nets. Source

Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITN) across sub-Saharan Africa, ITNs are often used as fishing nets as several studies have suggested. This behaviour could endanger the health of fisheries as well as humans, according to a recent commentary published in Environmental Health Perspectives.

The introduction of ITNs in malaria-prone tropical regions has also contributed to the problem of overfishing and has threatened fisheries with collapse.

ITNs are nets with small mesh which allows the capture of very small-bodied fish species and juveniles of larger-bodied species as seen in Mozambique. This can limit the long-term sustainability of fishing and subsequently lead to decline in fishery health. Source

“So we need to do better at having a greater impact with the tools and resources we have,” Alonso said.

The report showed around 435,000 deaths and 219 million malaria cases in 2017, both little changed from 2016. Global case numbers fell steadily from 239 million in 2010 to 214 million in 2015, and deaths from 607,000 to around 500,000 from 2010 to 2013.

The WHO’s new “precision public health” approach is to focus in on the areas where malaria is hitting hardest, Alonso said.

Anopheles Minimus Mosquitos pictured in a lab in public health ministry in Bangkok, Thailand/ Reuters Worker sprays insecticide for Mosquitos in a village in Bangkok, Thailand / Reuters

In 2017, the report found, around 70 percent of all cases and deaths were concentrated in 10 African countries – including Cameroon, Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo – plus India.

The plan involves making better use of detailed data to target areas where bednets or more widespread use of indoor spraying would have a greater impact. Protection for pregnant women and children from malaria also remained too low, the report found.

We recognize we have to do something different – now,” WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

The report found some pockets of progress: India recorded a 24 percent reduction in malaria cases in 2017 and Rwanda 436,000 fewer. Ethiopia and Pakistan also both reported marked decreases.

Reporting by Kate Kelland; editing by John Stonestreet


September 17, 2019

An experimental trial to reduce the mosquito population in Brazil through the deliberate release of 450,000 genetically modified mosquitoes has failed miserably and may have even created a genetic hybrid super species.


I know that Malaria is not a death sentence.  My brother got infected while serving in the military in Viet Nam.  Where our soldiers got very little nourishment, spent hours in filthy, infested water, jungle full of God Knows What,  were worked to exhaustion, and given very little time to sleep, if they were able to actually sleep with all that was going on around them.  You know their immune systems were highly compromised.

It took him a while to be totally free of the after effects, but he recovered completely. So, especially children, who are properly fed and given rest should be able to recover.  Children have a much stronger immune system than adults.  There are many ways to build up ones natural immune system, as I have already stated.  Using untreated mosquito nets are also affective.  And there are non-toxic things one can rub on their skin to deter mosquitos from biting when one is up and about and out in the open air.   TOXIC, POISONOUS INSECTICIDES ARE NEVER A GOOD SOLUTION!  NEITHER ARE “VACCINES” which weaken our immune system and can altar our DNA.
