I saw this article this morning and had to respond.   I knew Obuma would be a major part of the Democratic shindig.  I wish that AMERICA would wake up and realize that he has been the driving force not only behind the elections but behind every negative development that is destroying our Nation.  WAKE UP AMERICA!  

The opinions expressed in this post are just that, my opinions.  I am entitled to them.  If you don’t share them, I am not offended.  

Obama Takes Direct Aim in Devastating Rebuke at DNC: ‘Trump Hasn’t Grown Into the Job Because He Can’t’

Former President Barack Obama delivered a blistering, emotional rebuke of President Donald Trump, and went to bat for his former Vice President — Joe Biden — during his DNC speech on Wednesday night.  “I Want to know who told this treacherous alien that he has the RIGHT to REBUKE anyone in office, let alone the President of the United States?”

“I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president,” Obama said. “I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. (Thank GOD, Trump is doing some positive things to overcome the damage done to our nation by Obama’s policies. Though I may not agree, or believe that he is morally upstanding, I support him as our duly elected President.  I have seen him accomplish some things that I believe are a true blessing to our nation and positive moves toward a better tomorrow.) I did hope, for the sake of the country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously, that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care. But he never did.”  (That is Obuma’s personal opinion, to which he is entitled.  He does not have the RIGHT to declare it as fact.  I would truly hope and pray that Americans have become wise enough to see the truth about the X-president, and to wise to fall for his thea-tricks! I can’t help but wonder why anyone cares two twits about what Obuma thinks.)

Obama added, “He’s shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show he can use to get the attention that he craves. (Now that is too funny! That is the POT calling the kettle BLACK! Everything that Obuma does is about him, and is a huge performance.  He is a frustrated actor, looking to grab the limelight at every opportunity.  He fancies himself a celebrity and imagines himself as KING. He refuses to step away from the mic, and continues to behave as if he is still the head of OUR nation. A nation he hates.  Constantly self promoting and sucking up all the worship poured out on him by the masses of people so dumbed down by all the chemicals in our food, air, and water; by the government controlled education system; post-modern godless social order we are living under.)

“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t. And the consequences of that failure are severe,”  (Where are all the cries of “FEAR MONGERING’?  This is the epitome of it.  Truthers get blasted with that rally cry for telling the truth.  This guy is instilling fear into people for no reason.  If we survived 8 years of Obuma, we can survive anything!  He did more to destroy our nation than all other terrorist groups or individuals of our past put together.)

The 44th president went on to make a pointed appeal for Biden to become the 46th. (Now that is rich.  It should not surprise anyone that a homosexual married to a tranny would promote a pedophile.)

“Over eight years, Joe was always the last one in the room whenever I faced a big decision,” Obama said. “He made me a better president. He’s got the character and the experience to make us a better country.” (Obviously, Barry Sotero has no idea what makes CHARACTER.)

Obama went on to take more shots at Trump — in, arguably, his most direct rebuke ever of his successor.  (He has been attacking and berating our President Trump at every opportunity all over the world since Trump entered the political scene.)

“Political opponents aren’t un-American just because they disagree with you,” Obama said. “A free press isn’t the enemy, but the way we hold officials accountable. That our ability to work together to solve big problems like a pandemic depend on facts. And science and logic. And not just making stuff up. (Are you kidding?  Barry is redirecting here.  If there has ever been anyone who is intolerant of people who don’t agree with them… it would be Barry Sotero.  And I have never seen such childish behavior as we have seen from the Demoocrats since they lost the 4 years ago.  Because they don’t agree with the President, they have been throwing fits.  Threatening people. Rioting. Disrespecting the President and the office.)

“None of this should be controversial. These shouldn’t be Republican principles or Democratic principles. They are American principles. At this moment, this president and those who enable him have shown they don’t believe in these things.”   (Oh my God, whether anyone recognizes it or not, Barry Sotero is a socialist who has been undermining our government and our society since he began his political career.  He HATES our republic and everything it stands for.  He has been using NGO’s, Corporations and Organizations to undermine our laws and our government.  He has been treasonously making covenants and agreements with foreign powers and organizing rebellion and rioting in our nation. According to testimonies I have heard from pilots who flew the planes, while he was in office, he was bringing into our nation plane loads of Muslim terrorists. This man is EVIL incarnate.  Personally, I would not be surprise if he were to become indwelt by the great serpent himself.  AntiChrist – That is one office for which he is certainly I prime candidate.)

The former president added, “I’m also asking you to believe in your own ability. To embrace your responsibility as citizens. To make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure. Because that is what’s at stake right now. Our democracy.”   (Oh it burns me up when he includes himself in OUR Nation, OUR Democracy (Really it is OUR REPUBLIC), OUR VALUES and OUR FUTURE.   HE HATES AMERICA.  He and Michael both.  “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback,”   That was said by Michael when Obuma became president.)

One thing anyone has to admit about President TRUMP… HE is PROUD to be an AMERICAN!  Personally, as a NATIVE American, I am sick and tired of the way that the world has been attacking our history and our nation!  I am proud to be an AMERICAN.  Every nation has things in their past of which they are not proud.  Every nation goes through struggles and growth.  Every nation has areas where they struggle.  BUT AMERICA has ALWAYS BEEN a nation full of people with courage, strength, determination, creativity, industry, hard work and charity!  Americans have done more to advance the GOSPEL (GOOD NEWS!), to comfort the hurting, to respond in times of calamity to bring hope and aid, share their wealth with those who are less fortunate.  Though it is true that the people in our government have misappropriated funds and perpetrated unnecessary military actions.  But, the PEOPLE of AMERICA have always been loving, giving, hardworking people.  I am proud to be among their number.  

Premiered Aug 20, 2020

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Aug 20, 2020
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