Most of the World does not really believe in Spirits or understand the Spiritual Realm much to their peril.  Demons and Fallen Angels, evil spirits are all around us.  There has been a huge increase in their activity in the last 30 years.  There have been portals opened, through Satanic rituals, through science and technology, through Eastern Teachings, through Abortion and blood rituals/blood drinking and blood sacrifice, through all manner of pagan rituals and beliefs.  They are busy, hard at it.  Oppressing and possessing those foolish enough to leave them selves open.  Any thing you do to alter your consciousness opens doors for evil spirits.

Because as a whole the world has rejected the TRUTH OF GOD and turned to the religion of “Science” people no longer are grounded in the Words of God and his laws.  They are unable to tell the difference between good and evil and right and wrong.  They don’t even believe that JESUS exists… so how would they know HE can save them?

As believers and followers of the WAY, we are the only CHRIST much of the world will ever see.  We are called to be the face of God for the Lost.  To be there to lift them up out of their darkness.. NO NOT US, CHRIST IN US!!   But, we are his hands and his feet and his mouthpiece.  We must be out there, listening for HIS leading.  If we are willing vessels, HE WILL USE US!  We must be willing to do what HE tells us or leads us to do.  Sometimes all it takes it a hug, or a hot meal, or some homemade cookies.  Sometimes it is a good word in the right season.  TIMELY.  In line with what GOD is doing in that person’s life.

We must always remember, that one plants, another one waters and another one reaps the harvest.  You may not see an immediate change in the person you reach out and touch.   We do not know what GOD is doing to bring that person to Himself.  We must always be the best witness we can to each person that crosses our path. Sometimes we will be the one who reaps the harvest, meaning we are there when they finally see the truth and accept God’s love.  But, we have no idea how many others have touched that persons life for the GOSPEL.

My point is that the demons have control of these folks.  They cannot help themselves.  And only GOD knows what it takes to set them free.  Some take (Specific)prayer and fasting.  We should always treat people with love and respect.

Remember that we are wrestling (battling/at war with) the demonic forces behind the person.  The person is not the enemy.  We do not battle with fleshly weapons.  Our weapons are SPIRITUAL.  They are the TRUTH, Love, PRAYER, PRAISE and WORSHIP!  THE SWORD we use is the WORD of GOD!  We do not use fiery darts.  We do not accuse. We do not attack a person’s character.  We do not focus on their faults, failings and shortcomings.  We look to their heart.  We seek the true spirit that GOD placed inside them.  That Spirit is being oppressed or silenced by the enemy.

If you know someone who needs GOD, start by praying for them daily.  Ask God to show you anything He would have you do.  Ask GOD to put the words in your mouth at the right time.  Minister to their physical needs where you can.  GOD WILL USE YOU to turn their life around.

WE ARE IN THE DAYS OF THE HARVEST.  WE WANT TO SAVE EVERYONE WHO CAN BE SAVED!  If they are ever going to be saved it is NOW!!  SOON, it will be too late.  THE DOORS OF GRACE ARE ABOUT TO CLOSE!  Once that happens, it is TOO LATE!

Even those who seem the most unlikely to be savable, can surprise you.  Don’t give up on anyone.  At the same time, use your good judgment and discernment.  Do not put yourself in jeopardy.  Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Pray DAILY for the Lost, pray that God will send workers into the Harvest Field, Pray for those who are out there speaking the TRUTH in a world that HATES the TRUTH and LOVES the LIE.  Pray THAT GOD’s WILL BE DONE IN THE EARTH.  PRAY that GOD MAKES US ONE IN HIM.

The following are intended to help you to understand the time we are living in and how God is reaching the lost.







