Apeel – Edipeel/Organipeel

This is another one of those posts that I started and never got back to finish.  It is important and even more so now as they have come out with even more advancements in this area.  Some of you may already be familiar with Apeel, the spray on coating for vegetables and fruits.  Some of you likely are not.

It is very hard for most people to accept the fact that those who control our world want us DEAD.  But, as sad and scary as it sounds, that is the truth.  They are poisoning us in everyway possible.  They either want us dead or enslaved.

Fairly recently they announced (though they had already been using the technology) a new coating they are now applying to ALL PRODUCE.  Of course, they assured us that it was perfectly safe and made of only plant products.  And NATURALLY, they lied!!

The following videos and articles should supply you with enough information to make your own determination on the subject or at least to give you impetus to research it for yourself.

Apparently, their technology is able to read the produce to know exactly the day they will reach their ripest point.  From the information they provide the Apeel coating may have nano particles or graphene or graphene like technology that enables them to read the produce.  I have not been able to find any more specifics on what they are using and how it works.

No matter what we discover going forward, I can assure you there is nothing good or desirable about this technology for anyone but the ones who are increasing their profits.  Everything they do today is about MONITORING and CONTROLING everything!!!  Including you and me.  They are mad with power.

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 April 20th, 2023.

WEF and Gates endorsed plant-based preservative coating for fruit and vegetables.Do not own rights to video.


Meet Apeel, the New Additive Poisoning Our Produce

Apeel is a new plant-based protection that was developed in order to help keep produce stay fresh for longer. It achieves this by coating the outside of all fruits and vegetables with proprietary chemicals that slow down water loss and oxidation. Apeel is marketed as a thin, plant-based, edible peel that coats fresh produce, acting similarly to the plant’s cuticle layer. The postharvest coating may sound like a wonderful invention at first glance with the mission to help minimize food and plastic waste in plant food production, but once you look into the ingredients, discover the fact that it can’t be washed off, and also has many other concerns, you may want to reconsider. Let’s take a closer look at the new Apeel technology that’s already been approved for use in several countries including the United States.

What Is Apeel?

Apeel is a sprayable coating from plant-derived materials that has been approved for fresh fruits and vegetables in the United States, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, and South Africa without any restrictions. Apeel Sciences is the parent company name but has multiple product names registered for edible food coatings. The Apeel product line currently offers two product types. The first is called Invisipeel which can be applied directly to crops in a field by farmers. The second product type requires farmers to wait until the crops are ready before harvesting and applying. This second category has two approved products: Edipeel for non-organic produce and Organipeel for organic produce.

It has also been approved for use for only certain types of fruit in various European countries. The main purpose of this product is to create a thin protective peel in order for fresh produce to maintain its moisture and protect itself from spoilage. Apeel is designed to keep produce fresh for at least twice the amount of time. 

For more background information on Apeel, watch this short introduction video here.

Who Is Funding Apeel?

Apeel has received a total of $719.1 million in funding from 33 investors. Some of the most notable investors in Apeel’s Edipeel technology include:

  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • The World Economic Forum
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Infectious Disease Startups
  • The government of Singapore

So, why are some of the world’s arguably notoriously corrupt organizations funding this? What do they have to gain with the unrestricted use of adding Apeel to all fresh vegetables and fruits in several countries? Before we put our conspiracy hats on, let’s discuss what this plant-derived food additive really is.

What Are the Ingredients in Apeel?

Per its website, Apeel Edipeel is composed entirely of purified monoglycerides and diglycerides. While the company is marketing these ingredients as plant-based molecules that naturally occur in peels, seeds, and plant pulp, these ingredients can be quite problematic for a few reasons.  

How Are Monoglycerides and Diglycerides Made?

Monoglycerides and diglycerides are naturally present in certain seed oils such as grapeseed oil and cottonseed oil. However, concentrations are low and difficult to isolate. That’s why these compounds must be manufactured through a chemical reaction that starts with a triglyceride-containing animal fat or vegetable oil. The most commonly used vegetable oils are hydrogenated soybean or palm oils. Since Apeel’s formula is plant-derived, its mono- and diglycerides are manufactured from vegetable oil. High heat and an alkaline catalyst (glycerol) are utilized for the chemical reaction, rearranging the triglycerides into mono- and diglycerides. This results in a mixture of all three mono-, di-, and triglycerides. The next step is saponification and distillation in order to further isolate the mono- and diglycerides, removing the triglycerides, water content, and other impurities.

The end result of pure mono- and diglycerides are food additives generally used as emulsifiers, ingredients that help blend water and oil together. They can be found in most processed foods and serve the purpose of improving the user’s eating experience (e.g., reducing the stickiness in candy, giving ice cream a creamier consistency, and preventing peanut butter’s oil from separating).2017 study reported that 70% of emulsifiers in US food products are in fact mono- and diglycerides. These emulsifiers are also frequently used to extend the shelf life of processed foods.

The Dangers of Monoglycerides and Diglycerides

Monoglycerides and diglycerides are heavily processed, chemically-laced seed oil byproducts that contain trans fats. Trans fats are known to promote inflammation throughout the body and have been linked to cardiovascular diseasediabetes, and obesity. Studies also show that trans fats can have an adverse impact on the brain and nervous system, diminish mental health performance, distort cell membranes, lead to infertility in women, and compromise fetal development. In 2006, the FDA began requiring manufacturers to list trans fat on food labels. However, this law applies to lipids and not emulsifiers such as mono- and diglycerides. In 2018, the FDA banned the addition of trans fat to foods, but since mono- and diglycerides are classified as emulsifiers, the ban doesn’t apply to these additives. They can actually be used in any food without any limitations.

So, how can the FDA state that mono- and diglycerides are generally safe even though they contain trans fats? The reasoning provided by the FDA is that the small amounts of trans fats found in these emulsifiers aren’t harmful. However, many people aren’t just consuming a small amount. One study found that the presence of small amounts of trans fats in hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils/food products likely causes many Americans to exceed their recommended maximum. With no trans fat labeling requirements needed for emulsifiers such as mono- and diglycerides, there’s no way of knowing how much trans fat is in products that contain them.

Another issue with consuming mono- and diglycerides is that they convert back to triglycerides in the bloodstream. High triglycerides are linked to the hardening of arteries, the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and pancreatitisMonoglycerides have also been deemed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as “toxic elements” that may have substantial consequences from consumption. Another EFSA review warned that monoglycerides may contain glycidol which is carcinogenic.

Why We Should Avoid Apeel’s EdiPeel

If the health implications of trans-fat containing mono- and diglycerides aren’t compelling enough, there are other issues to consider as well:

  • Permanent, unwashable compounds: Apeel was developed intentionally to be an edible layer that can’t be removed or washed off. The natural peels that fruits and vegetables have are porous in nature to permit the exchange of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and to release oxygen. So even if you’re able to use a peeler to remove the produce’s peel and Apeel Edipeel outer layer, there won’t be any way to remove the compounds that have seeped through the porous peel into the fibers of the fruit or vegetable. 
  • Approved for all fruits and vegetables including organic: The FDA has already approved Apeel for the use of all fruits and vegetables in the United States with no restriction. That means that it can be applied to organic produce despite the fact that this category is supposed to be chemical-free.
  • FDA’s classification on Apeel being “Generally Recognized As Safe”: The Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) is an FDA exemption originally introduced in 1958 to allow certain substances to be considered safe for consumption without undergoing any further approval. The original intention was to help streamline the production of food products that contained ingredients with long-established safety records such as salt and vinegar. Until 1997, the FDA was in charge of reviewing, confirming, or rejecting a company’s request for GRAS designation. Currently, GRAS designations to the FDA are entirely voluntary. This loophole allows companies to introduce new chemicals or use previously approved chemicals in new ways without notifying the FDA. Companies can utilize the GRAS designation either through self-affirmation or through the FDA’s voluntary GRAS program. In the self-affirmation process, the company evaluates the safety of the substance and determines it to be GRAS without any direct involvement from the FDA. During the self-affirmation process, companies aren’t required to notify the FDA or provide any supporting evidence for the GRAS determination. After Apeel filed its own GRAS petition through the self-affirming process, the company included that since its ingredients are composed primarily of mono- and diglycerides from grapeseed oil, its protective peel additive is exempt entirely from the requirement of FDA’s premarket approval. The FDA approved this notion so there is no transparency, regulatory oversight, or third-party evaluation of the safety information provided on this food additive.
  • Carcinogenic and toxic compounds from manufacturing process: In Apeel’s GRAS submission, the company discloses some of its industrial manufacturing process for its edible coating products. In order to manufacture the mono- and diglycerides which are the main ingredients of all Apeel products, there is toxic residue from ethyl acetate, heptane, palladium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury which are used in the extraction process of grapeseed leaves. These toxic compounds and solvents have been linked to a host of various health conditions.

What Ingredients Are In Apeel’s Organipeel?

Now that we’ve evaluated all the dangers and risks of consuming Edipeel, let’s take a closer look at the organic produce solution Organipeel. Organipeel is Apeel’s OMRI-listed product for organic produce. In 2023, the company finally disclosed the ingredients of this product. This product utilizes citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (e.g., baking soda) along with the same mono- and diglycerides used in Edipeel. The mono- and diglycerides in this formula are said to distribute the citric acid onto the surface of the produce.

The company has been transparent regarding the sourcing of its citric acid, reporting that it utilizes a synthetic version that’s fermented Aspergillus niger or Candida yeasts.

Why Should We Avoid Apeel’s Organipeel?

In addition to all the risks and dangers outlined above regarding mono- and diglycerides, citric acid and baking soda can be quite problematic as well.

Citric Acid

Traditionally, citric acid once was sourced from citrus fruits, particularly lemon and lime, as it occurs naturally in this produce. It’s responsible for attributing their sour, tart taste. Up until the early 1900s, researchers discovered that citric acid could also be made from a different source and switched to this cheaper manufacturing method. 99% of citric acid today is manufactured through this synthetic process. The synthetic version is produced by fermenting and feeding sugars to mold, specifically the black mold strain Aspergillus niger. This manufactured version is commonly seen as a food additive and is also in nutritional supplements and cleaning agents. Due to its acidic and sour-tasting nature, it is generally used as a preservative and flavoring agent.

It’s important to note that the manufactured synthetic versions of citric acid differ from what’s naturally derived in citrus fruits. It’s the synthetic versions that pose risks. Here’s why synthetic citric acid can be problematic:

  • FDA Classification as Generally Recognized As Safe: As mentioned above, GRAS is a regulatory loophole that Apeel is already taking advantage of for its Edipeel classification. Citric acid is also classified as GRASHowever, the safety of manufactured citric acid has never been studied since it was granted GRAS status. 
  • Fermented Aspergillus niger: While mainstream mold research can be very flawedstudies are showing the health hazards associated with this mold species. It is also known to cause an infection called Aspergillosis. Individuals suffering from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), also known as mold illness, can be more susceptible to the risks of ingesting fermented Aspergillus niger. While consuming mold isn’t what causes CIRS, it can lead to small intestinal fungal overgrowth (SIFO) in individuals with compromised immune systems and gastrointestinal (GI) systems.
  • Potential Health Risks: There are no scientific studies that exist investigating the safety of ingesting large amounts of citric acid long-term. However, one study reported that manufactured citric acid may contribute to the inflammation seen in asthma, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, autistic spectrum disorder, and fibromyalgia. It also found various symptom development in certain individuals after consuming foods with manufactured citric acidthe same symptoms were not observed in people consuming natural forms of citric acid. These symptoms included joint pain with swelling and stiffness, shortness of breath, and muscular and stomach pain.
  • GMO Sugars: Citric acid is commonly fermented with glucose syrups from sugar beet molasses and low-quality sugarcane byproducts that are conventionally raised and genetically modified. Since organic produce is inherently supposed to be GMO-free, this is another point of concern.

Baking Soda

Many of us use baking soda in our electrolyte drinks and foods. Some of us even take it when we experience heartburn or indigestion. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a substance that the pancreas releases into the small intestine when we digest food. Its main job is to neutralize the stomach acid that comes into the small intestine with the partially digested food. This is important because it helps protect the inside of the intestine and makes sure that the enzymes, which help break down the food further, can work properly. The digestive process needs to be very acidic in the stomach in order to ensure proper digestion. When we consume baking soda, we break down the hydrochloric acid in our stomach, causing the digestive process to break down.

The stomach must have enough stomach acid and at the right pH for foods to get broken down in order to kill pathogens and readily absorb nutrients in foods via the small intestine. Some enzymes only function in an acidic environment, and certain enzymes react with nutrients to support bodily reactions for nutrient absorption. Once the enzymes lose their shape from pH imbalances, they will not release or react with the bodily chemicals. This, again, breaks down the digestive process.

When we consume baking soda, we are breaking down the digestive process. Our stomach acid should be at a pH of 1.5-3; if the pH is raised above 4.0, bacterial overgrowth can occur. Baking soda has a pH of 8.3. When we constantly consume baking soda, or take large amounts of it, we are essentially neutralizing our stomach’s hydrochloric acid. If you damage the pH of your stomach acidity, it will cause nutrient malabsorption, leading to adverse health conditions. Low stomach acid is also a risk factor for developing gut infections and dysbiosis such as SIFO and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Other Organipeel Concerns

  • Safety Concerns: Apeel Organipeel is registered as a pesticide with the EPA. Not only does the registration documentation fail to list the full ingredients of this product, but the EPA is also requiring a caution on the label that states:Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet.” Yet this protective coating is supposedly designed to be eaten and is marketed as safe.

  • EPA Classifies as Fungicide: While Apeel markets the inclusion of food-grade citric acid due to its fungicidal properties to prevent spoilage and decay, explaining that’s why it’s classified as a fungicide by the EPA, would you feel comfortable eating produce intentionally coated with a fungicide that’s actually sourced from fermented black mold?

Apeel: Another Concern for Foods From the Plant Kingdom

As we know, plant foods can already be problematic for a number of reasons. Here’s a quick summary of the potential issues foods from the plant kingdom contain. You can learn more in-depth about these concerns here.

  • Anti-nutrients: Plant anti-nutrients found throughout the plant food kingdom such as lectins, oxalates, and phytic acid, have been linked to serious health implications ranging from autoimmunity to poor mineral absorption.
  • Mycotoxins and aflatoxins: These toxic mold particles are highly inflammatory and even carcinogenic, and are found commonly in nuts, grains, seeds, legumes, spices, dried fruit, coffee beans, and processed foods.
  • Glyphosate, herbicides, and pesticides: Glyphosate and many common herbicides and pesticides are established as large contributors to cancer and other health issues. Measurable levels have been found across conventional, non-GMO, and even some organic produce.
  • Bioavailability: Plant foods aren’t as bioavailable as meat in terms of nutrients, protein, and amino acids. Eating plant-based will also lead to nutritional deficiencies without proper supplementation.
  • Fructose and carbohydrates: Excess sugar consumption is a major driver for chronic illness. Both complex and simple carbohydrates are broken down into glucose in the body, and fructose may be even more damaging to health than glucose.

With Apeel as a new addition to this list, it’s even safer to say– let’s just stick to meat. 

And if you still think eating vegetable oils, plant foods, or plant-based meat alternatives is better for your health and helping save the planet, make sure to check out these articles:

Closing Thoughts On Apeel

With no transparency or third-party evaluation of the product safety information, no long-term safety studies, questionable ingredients linked to adverse health effects, and the fact that Apeel can be used with no restriction on all produce for sale to the public, it’s just another reason to be informed on how many fruits and vegetables we’re allowing into our diet. Unless you’re growing your own produce or have a relationship with a local produce farmer, limiting fruits and vegetables and focusing on nutrient-dense animal products is best. Now that even organic produce has been compromised, this is even more reason to make meat and animal fat the center of your diet. 

DISCLAIMER: This content is for educational purposes only. While we are board-certified in holistic nutrition and are nutritional therapy practitioners, we are not providing medical advice. Whenever you start a new diet or protocol, always consult with your trusted practitioner first.


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May 3rd, 2023.

Bioengineered food items are becoming more common. Dr. Jane cautions consumers to check product labels. Products may indicate they contain bioengineered ingredients, but no specifics given on what may have been genetically modified or the quantities. Apeel produce coating, funded by Bill Gates is made from plant mono and diglycerides – associated with inflammation and heart disease. It also contains other potentially dangerous chemicals that can cause neurological issues and other health problems. Consumers need to be vigilant in researching what they put in their bodies. We cannot count on manufacturers to fully disclose genetically modified or dangerous ingredients.

Bioengineered food, Genetically modified food, Poisons in food, Chemicals in food, Dangerous food additives, Diglycerides side effects, Apeel, Produce coating

Dr. Jane Ruby – Airdate 05/02/2023



Oprah-Backed Apeel Wants to Help Grocers Peer Into Produce

  • Apeel Sciences turns from keeping food fresh to finding rot
  • ‘The list of things that you can see is incredible,’ CEO says
Source: Apeel Sciences Inc.
An ag-tech firm now valued at more than $1 billion moves into the next phase of solving the $2.6 trillion problem of discarded food.
Oprah Winfrey
Credit: Bloomberg
Oprah Winfrey
(Bloomberg) — A startup that counts Oprah Winfrey among its backers is offering a new way to let grocers know when produce will be past peak as part of its attempt to stamp out food waste.


Scientific company debuts RipeTrack suite of measurement tools and monitoring software to help suppliers and retailers ensure quality

Apeel RipeTrack system

Apeel is helping suppliers and retailers ensure produce quality with a new suite of tools and software called RipeTrack.

Apeel now has more skin in the game of produce ripeness and quality. The company, which built its business on creating an extra plant-based “peel” of protection on fruits and vegetables, is adding a suite of technology services.

Apeel is launching RipeTrack, a system of tools and monitoring software that provides ripeness data in a way that preserves the integrity of produce while helping suppliers, distributors and retailers maintain optimal freshness, appearance and eating quality for consumers. The company partnered with retail quality control teams to create the platform for post-harvest use.

RipeTrack is powered by AI technology that determines the ideal ripe date for a piece of produce. The system also includes a measurement tool called a durometer that tests produce firmness in a non-destructive way and then automatically inputs the information into a cloud-based data management system that is easily accessible by team members.

Before launching this system, testing ripeness at different stages of the supply chain was a time-consuming process that yielded inconsistent results, and a disconnect with what a retail buyer expected on shelves to drive sales,” explained Ryan Fink, SVP of the Americas at the Goleta, Calif. based Apeel. “We developed RipeTrack to optimize the decades-old process and give the produce industry more insight into the salesdriving quality attributes of their programming, resulting in more product delivered to required specifications and less product wasted.

The program has applications across the supply chain. Suppliers and shippers can deploy the technology and tools to make informed distribution and logistics decisions. Retailers can gauge the quality of the produce to ensure that high-quality produce is available in their stores for shoppers.

“RipeTrack has received great feedback in initial trials with retailers and produce distributors,” added Fink. “Users recognize how it simplifies the ripeness testing and measurement process, and are immediately seeing the benefit of the increased visibility. Many retailers understand the sales value of offering ripe produce to meet customer demand and drive sales, now they have a system of tools that will allow them to execute these programs with confidence.”

The platform can be used for a variety of product types, such as avocadoes. Users can also take advantage of Apeel’s advanced imaging capabilities that are now integrated into the RipeTrack program to better assess factors of ripeness like dry matter and color.

The new suite follows the May rollout of Apeel’s durometer testing for avocadoes. The durometer was pioneered for produce ripeness testing by Apeel.


Aug 30, 20211. Apeel is a food science company. According to Crunchbase, Apeel specializes in the shelf-life extension of fresh produce. The company uses technology that is plant-based to improve the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables to reduce food waste. Once foods are harvested, the natural coating doubles its lifespan whether the foods are refrigerated or not.
Apr 21, 2023The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website confirms that the organization pledged more than $985,000 in 2015 to the development of “aPEEL Technology, Inc.,” explaining its purpose was to “extend the shelf-life of crops without refrigeration and protect them from being eaten by pests by developing a molecular camouflage that uses cutin from plant extracts to create an edible, ultrathin …
Apeel Sciences is a company based in Goleta, California whose edible coating product Apeel can make avocados, citrus and other types of fruit last twice as long as usual by using a tasteless edible coating made from plant materials. The coating’s formulation can be modified for strawberries, mangoes, apples, bananas, kumquats, citrus, and asparagus.


The Edipeel powder will help prevent produce from spoiling too soon

Edipeel Time-Lapse Reel 2016

Keeping your food fresh never tasted this … much like nothing. Looking to solve the age-old problem of spoilage is a new startup in Santa Barbara, California. Its name is Apeel Sciences, and its product is known as Edipeel. It is a blended powder comprised of uneaten foodstuff such as fruit skins, stems, and leaves, that can be sprinkled onto foodstuff you would like to eat to keep fresher, longer. Simply put, Edipeel is a “micro-thin, invisible peel that protects the delicate surface of the fruit, reducing oxidation and water loss that cause produce to shrivel and lose flavor.”

It’s a much-needed solution for the agriculture industry, which has long grappled with how to transport fresh produce from one side of the country (or the world) to the other, without sacrificing flavor or aesthetics. As Apeel points out, around 45 percent of harvested produce is lost to spoilage around the world, but a product like Edipeel can help. Not only can the powder ensure that your Florida tomatoes get to your New York bodega at peak freshness, but its powers of preservation also have the capacity to help conserve water, energy, and other resources.  Not to mention enable distant undeveloped countries to sell their products in our stores, when previously they would have been garbage by the time they got here.  This is another part of the plot to break our economy and build up the “under developed” countries at our expense.

Essentially, Edipeel provides a “barrier [that] slows down the rate that water evaporates out of the produce, and slows down the rate that oxygen gets into a produce,” explained James Rogers, CEO and founder of Apeel, in an interview with Fast Company. Edipeel is packaged in packets for easy transportation and distribution, but to use it, Rogers said, “We rip [the packets] open…and then we reconstitute them in liquid form. In that liquid form, we can then dip fresh produce in that solution or spray that solution onto a surface of a piece of produce. When it dries, it leaves behind this imperceptibly thin barrier of plant material on the outside of the produce.”


Don’t Eat or Touch “Apeel” Produce! This Applies To Organics, too

Don't Eat or Touch Apeel Produce! This Applies To Organics, too

I am disgusted about the new invisible spray-on coating for fruit and veggies called “Apeel”. I’m appalled because so many have already fallen hook, line, and sinker for this new way to contaminate our God-given food, making it less and less likely that we will be able to purchase and eat truly FRESH food in the future.  

Even now, I wonder how long our produce has been sitting in storage before it even makes it to the market.  That is one of the reasons our fruits and vegetables are rotten almost immediately after we bring them home.  Nothing lasts longer than a couple days anymore.  No matter how you store it. In fact, much of the food is already rotten in the store.  You don’t see it until you get it home and out of the package.

B. GatesKaty Perry, and Oprah are 3 powerful names that have stakes in the ESG-compliant Apeel company The new mega-corporations will just continue to tinker with products that will end up in our bodies one way or another. Whether it be medicine we swallow or inject or food we ingest. All while claiming it’s for the greater good.

U.S. companies like Kroger are joining the chorus promoting Apeel in the name of eliminating “food waste”. Apeel has a presence in 8 countries, operating 30 supply networks and  distributing produce to 40 retail partners, which then goes out to tens of thousands of stores around the world. (source)

Right now selected stores that are participating carry mainly avocados and cucumbers coated in the invisible spray, but the company says they have also developed ‘solutions’ for limes, mandarins, apples and oranges. (source) Other applications to follow include “everything from asparagus to pineapples, mangoes, lemons and tomatoes”. (source)

And if you think by choosing organic you’re good to go… think again. On their website they state, “We have formulations that are OMRI Listed® for the growers and distributors of USDA Certified Organic produce.” (Apeel FAQs)

Apeel spray can’t be washed off no matter how much scrubbing — also according to the FAQs.

In an Instagram video reel, before it was taken down, you could hear Jenny Du, one of Apeel’s co-founders, say we are all made of “star stuff” and “Everything we eat is chemical!” in a clear attempt to convince you that coating your food in mystery chemicals is somehow normal and okay. Obviously she doesn’t understand Stoichiometry. Because ‘the elements around us’, the chemicals… depending on how they combine with other chemicals… can be quite… TOXIC.

Stoichiometry is a section of chemistry that involves using relationships between reactants and/or products in a chemical reaction to determine desired quantitative data. In Greek, stoikhein means element and metron means measure, so stoichiometry literally translated means the measure of elements. In order to use stoichiometry to run calculations about chemical reactions, it is important to first understand the relationships that exist between products and reactants and why they exist, which require understanding how to balance reactions.

Apeel’s site is vague but states the ingredients are glycerolipids, “specifically the food additive mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids”.

Buyer Beware: Mono- and diglycerides contain trans-fat, which promotes inflammation in the body and has been associated with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. FoodBabe exposes how the FDA finally recognized the dangers of trans-fat and began requiring manufacturers to list trans-fat on food labels.

Over time, what might this do to the gut microbiome and all the implications of that? Do we want to find out?

Bottom-lineI recommend till we know more, don’t even touch it and keep doing your research.

There is no healthful purpose to this. It appears purely to boost profits for the companies who supply produce.

Ultimately, the reality of Apeel in the marketplace can serve to remind us of the many reasons to eat local, traditional, organic, biodynamic and chemical-free foods.  And, if there was ever a time to garden, now is it!

That is why they don’t want anyone having a home garden. Check out my related post:


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:6-7

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” ~Martin Luther

***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NACto protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.

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May 11th, 2024.

Apeel’s founder claims his spray you cannot wash off, on produce, is just “food protecting food.”He said it is just like the lemon peel protects the lemon, only it’s for food like strawberries. Which makes no sense because the first foods Apeel Sciences started spraying were limes and apples, which already have a peel.

But if it’s “just food protecting food,” why is THIS in James Rogers’ filing with the FDA? These are the five heavy metals and two industrial solvents used in making the product.

Statements in this video have not been approved by the FDA and they are not meant to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.

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 Banned for Exposing Bill Gates’ new Toxin

Richard Vobes has just been temporarily suspended for exposing a new product from Bill Gates (or at least a new food additive) called ‘APEEL’.It’s currently being piloted through chain muck, Asda (a subsidiary of Walmart) to ‘preserve’ the lifespan of fruit and vegetables as if they didn’t contain enough crap toxins in them already. Eating this muck will most likely turn you into a vegetable, so be warned. If you haven’t already boycotted Asda or asked your community and circle of friends to do so, do so. (Every little helps 🙂

Richard has been a serious force in exposing 15 min claustrophobic ghettos and much more.. which is why YewTube have suspended his account.

Courtesy | Richard Vobes

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 April 28th, 2023.

Attorney Tom Renz joins Dr. Ruby to discuss HB1169 and the situation in Florida regarding SB222. Bill Gates is funding the research on genetically modified mosquitoes that can administer vaccines without informed consent. Food products are also being contaminated with mRNA technology. Bill Gates also funded the development of Apeel, which coats produce under the guise of keeping them fresh longer. But Apeel has dangerous side effects and may also contain other unknown ingredients such as nanotechnology. This sidesteps informed consent for medical treatment, and keeps consumers in the dark about what they take into their bodies.

Apeel, Informed Consent, Genetically modified food, Poisoning the food supply, Bill Gates, Tom Renz


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Appeal is kill. Read the description 💀💀💀


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May 10th, 2023.

“The coating (Apeel) has been approved for use in organic produce in the US … and it can’t be removed!” exclaimed @PollyTommey.

“Even by scrubbing the produce, you cannot get it off.”

“The only thing that’s good that I noticed … is that there is a little sticker,” shared @maryhollandnyc. “And so, if you see even your organic avocado has an “Apeel” sticker on it, get a different avocado.”


1 week ago