Shavuot (Festival of Weeks) for Hebrew Year 5781 begins in the Diaspora at sundown on Sunday, 16 May 2021 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 18 May 2021.

We are already living in what could arguably be the most dangerous and evil time ever.  However, we don’t know just how more evil it can and will become.  This year has been full of unnerving developments between the “Plandemic”, the VAX issue, the isolation, the racial unrest, the coup of the world’s governments, the war in Israel, the War in Europe, the immigration issue in the USA, the eminent threat of invasion in the USA, the freakish weather worldwide, the increase in volcanoes, earthquakes, mudslides and floods, the economic collapse worldwide, the food and supply shortages, the GRID strikes, the rise in Paganism, the UFO Disclosure, the rise in demonic activity, the return of CERN, the threat of incoming debris and/or meteors, the mounting number of homeless and hungry, the poisoning of our atmosphere and the blocking out of our sun, the corruption of the DNA of all plant, animal and human life and GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE!

The coming months promise to be very intense.  Like watching a high drama suspense movie!  What EXACTLY will occur and how fast it will progress we have no clue.  It truly does appear that we must be at the end of the world as we know it.  How on earth we can possibly survive much longer is anybody’s guess.

TOMORROW is a big opportunity for some major event.  If not tomorrow, the coming week.  We need to be praying and seeking GOD.

The following information will give you much to consider.  There are some very interesting things about to unfold.  Stay with me through this whole post.  There are things you need to know, and things that will surprise you.

As we take a look at the holiday of Shavuot for 2021, ans what our near future has in store.

Shavuot – Jewish Virtual Library

The period from Passover to Shavuot is a time of great anticipation. We count each of the days from the second day of Passover to the day before Shavuot, 49 days or 7 full weeks, hence the name of the festival. See The Counting of the Omer. Shavuot is also sometimes known as Pentecost, because it falls on the 50th day.


Night sky, May 2021: What you can see this month [maps]

Tuesday, May 18 — “Lunar X” in twilight (peaks at 9 p.m. EDT)

(Image credit: Starry Night)

Several times a year, for a few hours near its first quarter phase, a feature on the moon called the “Lunar X” becomes visible in strong binoculars and backyard telescopes. When the rims of the craters Purbach, la Caille, and Blanchinus are illuminated from a particular angle of sunlight, they form a small, bright X-shape. The Lunar X is located on the terminator, about one third of the way up from the southern pole of the Moon (at 2 degrees east, 24 degrees south). The “X” is predicted to peak in intensity at around 9 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, May 18. That will be during waning daylight for observers in the eastern Americas — but you can observe the moon in a telescope during daytime, as long as you take care to avoid the sun. The Lunar X will be visible anywhere on Earth where the moon is shining, especially in a dark sky, between 2300 GMT on May 18 and 0300 GMT on May 19.

Shavuot / שָׁבוּעוֹת

Shavuot (Festival of Weeks) for Hebrew Year 5781 begins in the Diaspora at sundown on  and ends at nightfall on .

The festival of Shavuot (or Shavuos, in Ashkenazi usage; Shabhuʿoth in Classical and Mizrahi Hebrew Hebrew: שבועות, lit. “Weeks”) is a Jewish holiday that occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan (late May or early June). Shavuot commemorates the anniversary of the day G-d gave the Torah to the entire Israelite nation assembled at Mount Sinai, although the association between the giving of the Torah (Matan Torah) and Shavuot is not explicit in the Biblical text. The holiday is one of the Shalosh Regalim, the three Biblical pilgrimage festivals. It marks the conclusion of the Counting of the Omer.


Shavout or Pentecost (4th) Feast of the Lord 2021

Shavuot – Feast of Weeks – Pentecost 2021

The 4th Feast of the Lord”

Begins sundown on the 16th MAY – until sundown 17th MAY, 2021

Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

Perhaps one of the most fascinating Biblical studies is the historic and prophetic significance of the special Feast days of the Lord. The seven “Feasts of the Lord” are arranged in Leviticus 23 in two groups. The first four came at the beginning of the Biblical Jewish Year, while the last three came toward the end of the year. That seems it is God’s method in revealing future things (compare Luke 1: 31-33). Between these two groups there was a period of several months, when there were no feasts or holy convocations.

God had ordained for Israel a sacred calendar of three major festivals to be observed as “A statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.” (Leviticus 23:14, 21, 41; Deuteronomy 16:16, 17.

Important : The three MAJOR feasts are:

1. “Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread.”

2. “Shavuot / Feast of Weeks” – which is also called “Pentecost,” a Greek translation of the Hebrew words meaning, the “fiftieth day” when the Festival was celebrated. (Leviticus 23:15, 16)

3. “The Feast of Tabernacles.”

Passover marked the first spring harvest. The first fruits of a sheaf or “omer” of barley was required by the Torah to be presented before the LORD in the House of God, as a thanksgiving “wave offering.” From the next day, seven weeks or forty-nine days were counted to wheat harvest. (Leviticus 23:10, 11)

Then on the day after the seventh Sabbath which was the fiftieth day, they were to bring to the temple “two loaves of bread,” specifically commanded to be made with fine flour and baked with leaven (Leviticus 23:17). These two loaves of bread were to be used as a “wave offering” for the people.

What was significant about the two leaven loaves…? Part of the wheat offering was baked into two loaves of leavened bread – a striking contrast to the matzo a few weeks before! The two leaven loaves became symbolic of sinful mankind – both Jew and Gentile – as the Holy Scriptures state. (Psalm 14:2 – 3; Romans 3:9 – 10, 23)

Why should Christians observe the Feast of Shavuot or Pentecost…? Because, of a major event in Jewish history which became a universal blessing for all mankind that took place in the Jerusalem Temple during that harvest festival of Shavuot also called Pentecost.

It was on the first day of the week, Sunday, in the Roman Julian calendar, May 24th, in the year A.D. 30. This was also the year 3,790 in the Hebrew calendar. Christian scholars mark that historic Pentecost in Jerusalem as the “spiritual birthday of the church.” (A.R. Fausset’s Bible Dictionary, p. 557)

On the “fiftieth day” ~ “Pentecost” or “Shavuot” – another harvest thanksgiving service was observed in the House of God. This time, from the first-fruit of wheat harvest, “two loaves of bread baked with leaven were waved before the LORD,” in the act of thanksgiving. (Leviticus 23:16 – 20)

These three festivals marked Israel’s history in the process of their redemption. These festivals were also prophetic and typological of the greater redemption which would come through the Messiah.

Pentecost – The Feast of Fulfilment … When the day of Pentecost (meaning, Shavuot) came one hundred and twenty disciples – (Acts 1:15) were all together in one place… Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues (or as the NIV interprets, “languages”), as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1 – 4 NIV)


Luke further describes the many lands from which the pilgrims came up to the House of God, the Temple, in Jerusalem. They were “Jews and (Gentile) converts to Judaism.” (Acts 2:8 – 11)

As recorded by Cornelius Tacitus, the Roman historian, The Holy City with a population of about six hundred thousand at that time, exploded with between two and three million, because of the pilgrims. The pilgrims slept on the flat roofs of the houses, camped outside the walls of Jerusalem, were given hospitality by relatives and friends, all within a “Sabbath day’s journey” to reach the House of God. Their presence in the Holy City on the three major festivals was in obedience to the Torah as God commanded Moses: “Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which He shall choose . . .” (Deuteronomy 16:16)

It was the holy zeal of believing Jews and proselytes to be in the Holy City and to enter God’s “holy House,” and observe the impressive priestly rituals of these Festivals.

The disciples, who were meeting secretly in the upper room from the time of Yeshua’ (Jesus) Last Seder Supper until the day of Pentecost, were fortunate to be early in the “house” of God, and to be “all together in one place.” (Acts 2:1 – 2)

This feast of Shavuot was also a prophecy of the day of Pentecost (Pentecost means fifty) and the coming of the New Covenant. The disciples were commanded to tarry at Jerusalem “for the promise of the Father” (Acts 1:4) which they did. However, they did not have long to wait.

The coming of the Holy Spirit occurred on the next Jewish holiday when Jews from different countries came to be in Jerusalem to celebrate the completion of the harvest season. This annual feast was none other than Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks and once more God descended on those first-century believers with a mighty rushing wind, tongues of fire and other demonstrations of the Holy Spirit, once more establishing a covenant with His people.

Shavuot points to Christ the head of the church that came into existence on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit united the believers in the body and, since then, all true believers in Yeshua, Jewish or Gentile are not only indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but are baptised into the same body.

There are many reasons why the Jewish people read the Book of Ruth on the holiday of Shavuot, some of which is listed below:

1. The Torah (5 Books of Moses; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) was given to the Jewish People on this day, the sixth day of Sivan… and they believe that just as Torah learning is acquired through pain and poverty, so did Ruth endure poverty and sorrow as she accepted Naomi’s God; the God of Israel.

2. Just as Ruth was accepted by the God of Israel… so too the nation of Israel entered into a covenant with God on this day when they eagerly accepted the Torah.

3. King David was born and seventy years later, died on the holiday of Shavuot.  David, the head of the Judean Kingdom was Ruth’s, great grandchild David (genealogy of Yeshua our Lord Jesus).  Ruth is often referred to as “Em Hamalchut” the Mother of the Kingdom.

4. The central theme of the book of Ruth is “Chesed” (Mercy). The book shows the loving kindness that Ruth bestowed on her mother-in-law Naomi, and by the people of Bethlehem (remember: this is also where the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) was born) at that time, towards the poor, as well as Boaz’s thoughtfulness towards Ruth.

5. Shavuot is also call Chag Hakatzir or The Harvest Festival… The Book of Ruth; paints a picture of the harvest time in Israel… and to treat the poor with loving kindness especially during this harvest.

One of the great heroines in Israel …Ruth is loved and revered. Ruth, in her modest nature and deeds of kindness, demonstrated what a true friend, a true daughter in law and what a true woman is made of.

Ruth is a beautiful picture of Jew and Gentile as the “ONE New Man.” Israel and the Church! “For He is our peace, He making us both one, and He has broken down the middle wall of partition between us (Jew and Gentile)… so that in Himself He might make the two (Jew and Gentile) into one new man, making peace between them” Ephesians 2:14 -15

Understanding MERCY in the Hebrew Word “Chesed”… Biblical scholars have often complained that the word “Chesed” in the Hebrew Bible is difficult to translate into English, because it really has no precise equivalent in our language. English versions usually try to represent “chesed” with words as “loving-kindness,” “mercy,” “steadfast love,” and sometimes “loyalty,” but the full meaning of the word cannot be fully conveyed without an explanation: It is one of the words used in the Psalms (23 times), plus in Hosea 2:19 to translate the Hebrew “chesed” when it refers to God’s love for his people Israel. Otherwise the use of ‘mercy,’ ‘goodness,’ and ‘great kindness’ in the Psalms for God’s attitude to man; and, outside the Psalms, such words as ‘mercy,’ ‘goodness,’ ‘favour’ for God’s attitude to man, and ‘kindness’ for man’s attitude to man.

Interesting thought to ponder on… Ruth was a Gentile that came from Moab (today is situated in Jordan… where the ancient city of Petra is also situated). And as Ruth and Naomi returned in hardship and a time of famine to Israel… so it is believed that in end times when the Antichrist forces the Jewish people out, “they will flee” and take refuge in (Moab) Petra. There are unfulfilled prophecies: Isaiah 16: 2 – 4; Matthew 24: 15 – 22; Jeremiah 30:4 – 8 (Jacob’s trouble); Daniel 11: 40 – 44; Revelations 12: 6 and 14.

The basic theme of Shavuot is “the harvest” and thanksgiving to God… and Pentecost is the thanksgiving for the “Holy Spirit and Church”… But what then is really the spiritual significance? We mentioned an early harvest of first fruits and the feast of weeks – how are they tied together? We read in 1 Corinthians 15:20 that Messiah Himself is the fulfilment of the Feast of Firstfruits. But where is the Feast of Weeks? Where is the fulfilment of that Feast of the Lord? For that we need to look at Acts 2: 1 – 4.

Have you ever asked what all those people were doing in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost? They were “devout men” – meaning careful to observe all that God commanded – they were there because God commanded them to go up to Jerusalem to observe the feast. As mentioned there were three times each year appointed by God for His people to come up to Jerusalem to celebrate with Him in His feasts. Why did God pour out His spirit on them? To fulfill the symbol of this harvest of ingathering and to fulfill His prophetic word!

The rabbis tied the Feast of Shavuot to the “giving” of the Torah – but here too are some other interesting parallels; When God gave the Torah to His people – all Israel acknowledged they would follow it… Exodus 19:8. It wasn’t long after that Israel forgot and disobeyed bringing down God’s judgment Exodus 32:28 and 3,000 of God’s people were destroyed. Is it just coincidence that years later on the anniversary of the giving of Torah – God would as firstfruits have 3,000 – born to newness of life Acts 2:41? It also points to the fulfilment of Ezekiel 36:27 where by His spirit on the Feast day of Shavuot – He would write His Torah on the hearts of His people.

Shavuot (Pentecost) remembers God’s people’s attitude in first receiving Torah –”All that the Lord has spoken we will do” Exodus 19:8 and God’s intended purpose: The rabbis have said that there is no liberty without divine Law and the self-discipline that it gives us. It is said a train must have rails and a river must have banks – so too our lives need the Bible. After all Yeshua did not say, “Go and do what feels good” or “Go and live your life as you please.” He said, “Go… and make disciples… Teaching them to observe (or more literally “be observant”) all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28: 19 – 20)

We noted earlier the two loaves (Leviticus 23:17) with leaven, and how they represented the people of Israel, in whom there is leaven… But, we ask ourselves again why two loavesIf it speaks of Israel why is it not twelve loaves? (As with the shewbread in the tabernacle with one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel)

Some have said the loaves symbolize the two tablets of the Torah, since the Torah was given at Shavuot and therefore a reminder to keep and observe God’s commandments. But, then there is the problem of the leaven – certainly one would not conclude that God’s Torah is sinful – Psalm 19:7 says, the Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul. Paul speaks of the goodness of the Torah in showing us our own sinfulness. No…! That does not fit the symbol! Rather is seems they prophetically point to the two leavened people of God – Israel and the church; who together make up the body of Messiah.

The two loaves of leavened bread have, since that feast of Shavuot some 2000 years ago become joined together to become one people of God. Jews and Gentiles, one in Messiah, who are called upon to observe – to be devout about and to keep all things that He has commanded us (Matthew 28:19 – 20). This symbolic message of Shavuot must have been in Paul’s mind when he wrote Ephesians 2:11 – 13; 16 – 22.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a God of wonders. Indeed He is more wonderful than most realize. The word “wonderful” in Hebrew means “SURPRISE!!!” and that is what Pentecost has been for Israel as a nation and for her people individually.

On Pentecost the God of Israel comes down to His people. God comes down to visit His people, first nationally, (in the Old Covenant), and individually and personally, (in the New Covenant). He reveals Himself to His covenant people in power and great glory. Pentecost unfolds in the Old Covenant as Yahweh God is betrothed to a nation… And,  as Pentecost unfolds in the New Covenant as Yahweh God is betrothed to individuals personally inside their hearts.

Does the western Church acknowledge her roots in Israel through the Seed of AbrahamIsrael‘s Messiah…?

No, she does not! This willing ignorance is the cause of the continuing partial blindness of the Church to her identity in Israel. This partial blindness will end, but quite late… (Zechariah 12). The lights will go on in the Church to their identity in Israel at the very same time as the partial blindness of the other house, the Jewish House of Judah ends and they finally recognize their Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).

Every genuine work of God must involve planting the seed… waiting for gestation, and then, in travail and labour, the birthing of the new creation. As we consider the appearance of the church of the Messiah Yeshua upon the earth following His resurrection, we must recognize that this church did not drop from Heaven nor was it created in a vacuum. The church, the company of the redeemed who were washed by the blood and sanctified by the Spirit was born!

The birth of the church at “Pentecost” necessitated all of the above. The divine seed had to fall into the ground and die in order to bear fruit… and the womb out of which the church came forth…was none else but the national frame of Israel. While many acknowledge Israel’s physical exile of the last nineteen hundred years… only a few recognize that the nation also experienced a spiritual exile as well. As in any birth the intensifying pains, the trauma and the laying down of ones life took their toll. Israel, now an exhausted bloody womb, collapsed and was taken out of the way. The young church vibrant and anointed spread her across the heathen nations, bringing the life of heaven in her wings…But what about the old womb? It was not to be forsaken forever, was it…? Romans 11:1 “God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be?”

We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information.

Alf & Julie Saunders



The Four Riders of Revelation 6 and The Feasts of the Lord Part II

In Revelation 6:1-2, “there is a description of the first Horse and it’s Rider, “I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.”

This description has to do with an Anit-Christ spirit that we are seeing across the world at this time. Notice, the rider had a crown (corona) and held a bow. Bow in the Greek means “Toxin”. And he rode out as a conqueror bent to conquest. This is amazing to me that we are seeing this before our very eyes. From the power grabbing of world leaders, Governors, and Congress, not to mention the WHO, CDC and others. The Globalist and Liberal leaders taking every opportunity to use this pandemic for their agendas.

Through this Covid19 pandemic we have seen many of our own civil liberties taken away. There is the division of family, Churches, States, and citizenry. The division of for a mask against a mask, stay at home not to stay at home, and essential, nonessential.

I believe this is a testing to see how people will react and how the masses will respond. If you haven’t figured it out yet this is not just about following the authorities and living safely. We are in a season of warfare. If this was a dream, what would all this mean?

I believe we are experiencing Revelation 6:1-2 before our very eyes. This is not only a test for the world from a earthly standpoint but I also believe Heaven is watching and this is a test from an eternal standpoint. The story of Gideon in Judges is a great example of what is happening.

Gideon is chosen by God hiding in the wine press because the enemy has stolen all the harvest. God chooses Gideon to lead the army of Israel to win the victory. God tells Gideon to Choose the men of faith for battle. First he tells the men who are afraid and walking in fear to go home. They are disqualified. The rider on the white horse wants us to walk in fear. God makes it clear when we are afraid it causes paralysis, confusion, and lack of vision. God numbered the army and ten of thousands went home.

Secondly, God told Gideon to have the rest of the men to drink water from the brook. The ones who drank water like a dog were disqualified. The Bible says, Yeshua Jesus is living water. If we drink of Him we will never thirst again. Those who drank water like a dog is likened to people who drink the living water of Yeshua Jesus with Carnality. Take Revelation and use it to exalt oneself, act prideful, or with a haughty spirit lord their knowledge over man. It also would be the like the teacher who teaches but does not live the word they teach.

Thirdly, there were the 300 men, band of Gideon who listened to God, obeyed His voice and followed God’s directions. They were the Kingdom people who listen to what the Spirit of the Lord was saying and did not fear nor were carnal. They lifted up their torch which was hidden in a pot, the light of Yeshua Jesus contained in their earthen vessel bodies, and blew the Shofar, their trumpet of Praise, Thanksgiving, and Worship. An Angel of the Lord, one Angel slew 170,000 of the enemy in one swell swoop. Wow!

God is looking for a mighty band of Kingdom Warriors like Gideon’s army who are not afraid and will not fear, who drink from the living water Yeshua Jesus with a pure heart, and obey and follow the Lord’s voice in His timing and season. Think about it, we are living in the biblical year of 5780. Eighty is the Hebrew number of Pei. Pei is a picture in Hebrew of the mouth wide opened. This is the year and decade to open our mouths and declare and demand the Lord’s promises. To taste and see that the Lord is good.

Yet, the rider of the white horse has given the majority a spirit of fear and pandemic to where we are ordered to wear a mask and cover our mouths. I’ve always have taught what is in the physical is a picture of what is in the spiritual realm. My prayer for you today is, you will not walk in fear, nor receive truth carnally, but you will be Kingdom minded and hear God’s voice with a Kingdom perspective. We are living in a New Wine Skin. Shalom!


Shavout, The Feast of Pentecost


This is an article from another year… Pentecost is on May 16 this year not May 24. But, the article still has a great deal of relevance. 

“From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks (Shavuot).”  (Leviticus 23:15

In a rare alignment, this year, the Christian celebration of Pentecost (on May 24th) coincides with the Jewish celebration of Shavuot.
While many Christians will be celebrating Pentecost on Sunday as the time of the pouring out of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) on the Church, few realize that this special day originates in a Jewish holiday or why this is significant.
Transcendence on Shavuot: From the Natural to the Supernatural
Shavuot (Weeks) is also called Pentecost (Fifty) because this holy festival is linked to the Festival of Passover 50 days before.
This Greek name arises from the fact that the Torah commands us to count seven weeks from the day after the first Sabbath of Pesach (Passover).  This counting period is called Counting the Omer (in Hebrew—Sefirat HaOmer).
Sefirat HaOmer begins with a wave offering of barley and continues for 49 days (7 days x 7 weeks = 49 days) until the wheat offering on Shavuot.
The number 49 in Judaism represents the natural end of a full cycle or a full quota or measure.  The word for measure in Hebrew is middah (מדה), and this word has a numeric value of 49.  So the number 49 represents the epitome of a good measure.  (Jewish Wisdom in the Numbers)
Moving from 49 to 50 can represent moving through all the natural stages into the supernatural, since 50 is the number of transcendence.  It also represents a designated endpoint.
For instance, the Exodus from Egypt can be seen as the beginning of 50 days of ascending redemption for the Jewish People, beginning with the redemption at Passover and ending with the pinnacle of Shavuot—the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. God uses this same number pattern for the weeks of years.  After 49 years (seven cycles of Shemitah years—a sabbatical rest for the land every seven years), a Yovel (Jubilee) is reached on the 50th year, which represents freedom and liberation.
This fiftieth day on Pentecost, therefore, also points to the year of Jubilee, at which time the shofar (ram’s horn) would sound, all slaves would go free, and all debts would be cancelled.
“And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.  It shall be a jubilee [yovel] for you, when each of you shall return to his property and each of you shall return to his clan.”  (Leviticus 25:10)

Of course, the number seven is also significant.  Seven is a number representing wholeness, perfection and completion; for example, in six days, God created the universe but on the seventh day, His work was completed and, therefore, He rested. 

Following the pattern of the counting of the Omer—seven weeks of seven (49) that lead to a day of harvest and transcendence—we are also counting down the days in the expectation of a supernatural harvest when all will be complete and perfect.
During the Messianic reign, faithful followers of Yeshua (Jesus) will rule, reign and judge with Him in a world that recognizes the God of Israel. (Revelation 2:2627; 2 Timothy 2:12; 1 Corinthians 6:2–3)
That is the epitome of transcendence.
Preparing to Receive the Torah on Shavuot
Because the Holy Temple is no longer standing in Jerusalem, the Jewish People can no longer bring an offering of the omer (sheaf); nevertheless, the counting is still observed.
This 50-day period, which culminates with Shavuot, is considered a journey of self-discovery and refinement, a time to reflect on our character, to prepare ourselves to receive and live out God’s transcendent Word.
According to Rabbinic tradition, Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai (although Scripture does not explicitly state this).
Receiving the Torah seven weeks after their miraculous Exodus from Egypt meant not only accepting the privilege of living as God’s set apart people; it also meant accepting the responsibility.
It became the agreed upon standard of behavior or code of conduct for both the native born Israelite and the stranger who came to join them.
“One law [torah achat] and one custom shall be for you and for the stranger who dwells with you.”  (Numbers 15:16)
 Shavuot: The Bride and the Bridegroom
The Torah is so much more than a list of rules, and Mount Sinai was not simply a place to receive the law.  It represented the sealing of a Covenant between God and His people, as a Bridegroom with His beloved Bride.
The message of Shavuot is that we are significant to God.  He has chosen, appointed, and anointed us to proclaim and live out His purposes in this world by bringing us into His covenantal relationship through accepting His Torah.
Now that God has given us the Torah, He has entrusted us with a sacred mission—to spread its light to all the nations.
Likewise, Yeshua’s final words to us were to go and make disciples of all the nations, teaching them all God has commanded us.
“Go and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the mikvah in the name of the Father (Av) and Son (Ben) and Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”  (Matthew 28:19–20)
In many Sephardic Jewish congregations, a ketubah l’Shavuot
(marriage certificate for Shavuot) is read prior to the reading of the
Torah on Shavuot.  The ketubah is a symbolic betrothal of God
and Israel.
Supernatural Power on Shavuot
Is Shavuot mentioned in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament)?  Is this ancient Biblical festival relevant to New Covenant followers of Yeshua today?  Definitely!
It is no accident that God chose this very day to pour out the Ruach HaKodesh on Yeshua’s disciples, who had been waiting in Jerusalem in obedience to His final instructions:
“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift My Father promised, which you have heard Me speak about.  For John immersed with water, but in a few days you will be immersed with the Ruach HaKodesh. … You will receive power when the Ruach HaKodesh comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  (Acts 1:4–8)
What an awesome event in history!
 On Shavuot, Adonai supernaturally poured out the Ruach HaKodesh on Yeshua’s followers so they were empowered to live a holy, Spirit-led life and be his witnesses—in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth!
They moved out of the realm of the natural into the supernatural, as can all believers in Yeshua.
While keeping the Torah is not how we are saved, we nevertheless strive to live holy lives, set apart from the world.  Why?  Because we are saved.  That holiness leads us to love, which is the whole point of the Torah.
“For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”  (Galatians 5:14; see also Leviticus 19:18)
Yes, Shavuot is a very important festival for all followers of Yeshua, both native born and those “wild branches” grafted into the natural olive tree.  In fact, two loaves of leavened bread called the Shtei HaLechem were brought to the Temple and offered on Shavuot.  Those loaves can be understood to represent Jew and Gentile.

“Bring two loaves made of two-tenths of an ephah of the
finest flour, baked with yeast, as a wave offering of
firstfruits to the Lord.”  (Leviticus 23:17)

Although Shavuot is considered by many as the “birth of the Church,” the people who experienced the Ruach HaKodesh at this time were God-fearing Jews from many nations: 

“Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven.”  (Acts 2:5)
On that Shavuot, Israel saw an amazing reversal.  After receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai, 3,000 souls perished because of the sin of the golden calf (Exodus 32:28).
On this same day all those years later, this same number of souls were saved after the Ruach HaKodesh was poured out!  About 3,000 people were added to the community of Believers on Shavuot.  (Acts 2:41)
The Spirit of God reversed the destruction caused by the sin of man!
And Yeshua’s followers worked tirelessly to bring the Good News to all of Israel and then beyond to the Gentiles.
 Exercising Love and Generosity
One of the very first things these Believers did after receiving the Spirit of God was form a Messianic kibbutz (communal lifestyle) where they shared all things in common.  (Acts 2:44, 4:32)
They no longer lived to fulfill their own selfish desires; they shared all they had with anyone in need.
May each of us experience the Ruach HaKodesh in a fresh, new and powerful way this year on Shavuot, transforming our hearts, and making us more generous givers.
God gave us two of His most priceless gifts on this day: the Torah (His Holy Word) and the Ruach HaKodesh.
We need both Truth and Ruach.  The Torah is the Word of Truth (Davar Emet), but it is the Spirit that gives us the grace to live out that Truth in our daily lives.  One of those Truths is the concept of celebrating God’s goodness through giving.
It is traditional in Israel for children to make and wear zer prachim
(floral head-wreath) on Shavuot.  As an agricultural holiday, the
use of plants and flowers for decorating at Shavuot is fairly common.
As well, Jewish legend has it that Mount Sinai burst into flower at the
giving of the Torah.
 Celebrating the Goodness of God
“Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place He will choose: at the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Passover), the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot) and the Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot).  No one should appear before the Lord empty-handed:  Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.”  (Deuteronomy 16:16–17)
Shavuot is one of the three pilgrimage festivals in which the Jewish People would come to Jerusalem to bring their offerings to the Temple.  The people were to come before the Lord with offerings directly proportional to how the Lord had blessed them.
Of course, the Word of God exhorts us to give throughout the year to the Levites (those who serve God in the Holy Sanctuary as ministers and teachers of the Word), as well as the foreigners, the fatherless, and the widows.
We see in Scripture that the blessings God has blessed us with are not just for our own gain.  We are to share with others who are in need.  It was for this reason that God also commanded the people not to harvest the entire field but to leave the corners of their fields for the poor.
“When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.  Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you.  I am the LORD your God.”  (Leviticus 23:22)
Therefore, the traditional Scripture reading for Shavuot is the Book of Ruth who gleaned in the fields of Boaz.  Jewish tradition calls for all to study the Book of Ruth together on the eve of Shavuot.
God never asks us to do anything that He has not already done.
We can’t out-give God.  He is the most generous giver.  One of the best-known Scripture from the Gospels, John 3:16, says that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life.”
Please pray that at this harvest festival, the Lord of the Harvest (Adon HaKatzir) will send forth more laborers into the harvest fields of Israel and that the harvest of souls into His Kingdom will be plentiful!
“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’”  (Matthew 9:37–38)


Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter – The Holy Spirit in Feast of Pentecost


The Feasts of the Lord Bible Study Series:

The Comforter – The Holy Spirit in the Feast of Pentecost Bible Study

by I Gordon

The last study looked at the resurrection of Jesus Christ as shown in the feast of firstfruits. So what do you think would be the next big historical event that God would want to advertise in advance through the feasts? That’s right – Pentecost! This feast, also known as the feast of weeks, would speak about the coming of the Holy Spirit and the start of the Church. Again, like the previous feasts, there are some great nuggets of truth here as we investigate the Jewish and prophetic significance of this feast. Let’s have a look.

The Biblical commands concerning the feast of Pentecost

Leviticus 23:15-22 ‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. (16) Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the LORD. (17) From wherever you live, bring two loaves made of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour, baked with yeast (leaven), as a wave offering of firstfruits to the LORD. (18) Present with this bread seven male lambs, each a year old and without defect, one young bull and two rams. They will be a burnt offering to the LORD, together with their grain offerings and drink offerings–an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. (19) Then sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering and two lambs, each a year old, for a fellowship offering. (20) The priest is to wave the two lambs before the LORD as a wave offering, together with the bread of the firstfruits. They are a sacred offering to the LORD for the priest. (21) On that same day you are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live. (22) ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.’

The instructions from God were to count 50 days from the day after the Sabbath, which was the feast of firstfruits, until the next feast takes place. Hence from where we get the name ‘Pentecost’ which means ‘fiftieth’. So the count of 50 days begins on the day after the Sabbath (the Sunday) following the Passover. hence it starts and ends on the 1st day of the week – Sunday. This is obviously significant in relation to the day on which the church now meets. Jesus rose on the first day or the week, the Holy Spirit came on the first day of the week and the Church began officially on the first day of the week. It all speaks of new life and a new beginning.1

The feast of Weeks/Pentecost was a celebration of the wheat harvest that was coming to a close at this time. Now from the passage above you will see that the number two is very prominent at this feast. There are two wave offerings to the Lord. These are of the two loaves and the two lambs. We will look at what this is all about in the next section on the prophetic fulfillment of this feast but for now I just want to draw it to your attention so you can think about it! And while you are using your brain, how about thinking on this… the two loaves of bread that are waved before the Lord contain leaven! From what we have seen about leaven in the previous study on ‘Unleavened bread’ where it is clearly used in the Bible as a type of sin, why would this offering be specifically commanded to include leaven?

The last point worth mentioning as we look at the biblical instructions concerning this feast is that the day of Pentecost is to be a special Sabbath on which they do no work. This also is instructive as we shall see. Ok… enough clues. Let’s start solving this mystery!

The Prophetic Fulfillment of Pentecost

There are several aspects to the Biblical instructions that have prophetic significance. They are:

Feast of Pentecost Features to Note
  • The specific prophetic fulfillment of this day

  • The fifty days unto the feast

  • The wave offering of two loaves and two lambs

  • The leaven being included in the loaves as well as fine flour

  • The special Sabbath on the day of this feast

The Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter - The Holy Spirit came at the Feast of PentecostThe specific prophetic fulfillment of this day: This is perfectly clear for it is given us in scripture. The specific day on which this feast met it’s fulfillment is on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. This day was the start of the church and the coming and indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus had instructed His believers to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the Comforter, the power from on high. And so we read in the word of God that:

Acts 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost came2, they were all together in one place. (2) Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. (3) They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. (4) All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

The fifty days unto the feast: The wording mimics that of the year of Jubilee. The year of Jubilee comes after 7 periods of 7 years (49 years) and then the following year, the 50th, is the year of Jubilee which is about liberty. Amongst other things those in debt were released from those debts. It was the year of freedom and redemption. Pentecost is the same as this but on a day scale instead of years. They would count 7 lots of 7 days (49 days) and then the following 50th day was the day of Pentecost. It too was a day of liberty and freedom with the coming of the Holy Spirit.

The Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter - The Holy Spirit in the Feast of PentecostThe wave offering of two loaves and two lambs: The day of Pentecost was not only about the coming of the Holy Spirit – it was the birth of the church. It is the believers making up the church that are represented by the two loaves. But why two? The two loaves speak of the two groups of people that make up the church – Jewish and Gentile believers.

‘For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit’ (I Corinthians 12:12-13). 

And what of the lamb sacrifice? This was not required when the unleavened bread was waved before the Lord in that feast. Why? Because that represented the Lord Jesus who had no sin. But two lambs were offered to the Lord as a sin offering at this time showing that both people groups, Jews and Gentiles, are accepted through the sacrifice of the lamb of God.

The leaven being included in the loaves as well as fine flour: The two loaves included two specific ingredients that are mentioned: Leaven and fine flour. Why include leaven for the first time? Because the wave offering of these loaves speaks of the Jews and Gentiles that make up the church and they still have sin (though that sin is covered by the sacrifice of the lamb.) But it also has fine flour. This is the righteousness of Christ that is evident in the new nature. What amazing truth this offering gives us! As believers, have we not all seen that there is a new nature as well as the old? There is still leaven (sin from the old nature) but also fine flour (righteousness of Christ)

The special Sabbath on the day of this feast: God wanted this day of Pentecost to be a special Sabbath. No work was to be done. The reason is obvious – the salvation that we obtain, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, cannot come through works. All works must cease and the gift must be received by grace through faith.

Titus 3:4-7 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, (5) he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, (6) whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, (7) so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

The Historical Jewish Significance of Pentecost

The Feasts of the Lord: The Comforter - The Holy Spirit in the Feast of PentecostFor the nation of Israel, the feast of weeks (Pentecost) looked back as a celebration of their history when they were given the law. According to the Jewish writings, this feast occurs on the exact day that Moses received the law on Mount Sinai3. So it is interesting to contrast the events of the giving of the law with the parallel events on the day of Pentecost in the New Testament. Let’s look at a some passages plus one comment from the Jewish writings.

Exodus 19:9-22 The LORD said to Moses, “I am going to come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people will hear me speaking with you and will always put their trust in you.” … On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. (17) Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. (18) Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently, (19) and the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder. Then Moses spoke and the voice of God answered him. (20) The LORD descended to the top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain. So Moses went up (21) and the LORD said to him, “Go down and warn the people so they do not force their way through to see the LORD and many of them perish. (22) Even the priests, who approach the LORD, must consecrate themselves, or the LORD will break out against them.” 

Exodus 20:18 Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off.

Commenting on verse Exodus 20:18 Edward Chumney makes the following comment about the Jewish tradition concerning this:

‘Note that it does not say “the thunder” but “the thunderings”; wherefore, R. Johanan said that G-d’s voice, as it was uttered split up into seventy voices, in seventy languages, so that all the nations should understand… The 70 voices as interpreted by R. Johanan represented all the nations of the world, based upon Deuteronomy (Devarim) 32:8 and Exodus (Shemot ) 1:1-5. So, it was seen that G-d’s voice split up into the languages of all the people on the earth to be a witness to them.’

Exodus 32:19-28 When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. (20) And he took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it… Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. (26) So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the LORD, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him. (27) Then he said to them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’ ” (28) The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died.

So what have we seen above? We have seen that at the giving of the law, which is traditionally believed to be the same day as the day of Pentecost, God descended from Heaven upon Mount Sinai in fire, thunderings and the sound of the trumpet. It was a fearsome sight! According to Jewish tradition, the voice of the Lord was actually heard in 70 different languages so that all nations could hear the law. But the people still rebelled while Moses was away and built and worshipped a golden calf. This led to a confrontation where ‘about three thousand of the people died’.

Let’s contrast this with the fulfillment on the feast of Pentecost…

Acts 2:1-8 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. (2) Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. (3) They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. (4) All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (5) Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. (6) When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. (7) Utterly amazed, they asked: “Are not all these men who are speaking Galileans? (8) Then how is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?

Acts 2:41 Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.

On the day of Pentecost the presence of God again came down upon His people. The ‘fire’ this time were ‘tongues of fire’ that rested upon the people and enabled them to speak in other tongues. Instead of the sound of thunder this time it was the sound of a violent rushing wind. Like Sinai where the voice of God was heard by the 70 nations in their own language (according to Jewish tradition) the word of God was heard by all the nationalities present, again in their own language, as the Holy Spirit spoke through the disciples. Amazing! And in contrast to the giving of the law, where ‘about 3000’ people died, on the day of Pentecost ‘about 3000’ were saved! Awesome!

The Personal Fulfillment of Pentecost

The feast of Pentecost reminds us of the incredible importance of relying upon the work of God’s Spirit to both enter and live the Christian life. We should avoid at all costs the error that the Galatian church fell into where Paul had to rebuke them with the following question:

Galatians 3:2-3 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? (3) Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?

There are several contrasts which show how much better it is through the New Covenant and the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell believers. Whereas the law given to Moses was written on tablets of stone, the church is founded on the New Covenant where the law is written into our hearts (Jer 31:332 Cor 3:3). Just having the law brings death (Rom 7:10) but the Spirit brings life (John 6:632 Cor 3:6). The law was called a ministry of death and condemnation (2 Cor 3:7,9) where as the Spirit is a ministry of glory (2 Cor 3:8-9). The law was based on blood sacrifices but the blood of Jesus through the New Covenant speaks a far better word (Heb 12:24).

Thus when Paul writes to the Ephesians he reminds them again of the source of their victory saying:

Ephesians 5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

The Greek tense for ‘be filled’ is a continuous action. In other words, it is telling you to keep on being filled with God’s Spirit. It is not a one off occurrence. It is continuous..4


To sum it up pretty briefly:

1st Pentecost for Israel – there were signs, wonders and the presence of God. God gave His law – 3000 died!
1st Pentecost for Church – there were signs, wonders and the presence of God. God gave His Holy Spirit – 3000 saved!

We have seen that the feast of weeks, or Pentecost, was fulfilled to the exact day as well like the previous feasts. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – How amazing is God to give us this amazing outline of His calendar in His word? From this point on however, things get even more interesting. You see, from this point on we move from historically fulfilled feasts to prophetic events that are still to be fulfilled. The next feast if that of Trumpets. And how amazing it would be to be the generation that sees this feast fulfilled!

  1. J. Vernon McGee writes: ‘There are several things we need to note about Pentecost because there is so much being made of it today that is absolutely unscriptural. The Feast of Pentecost always fell on the first day of the week. They counted seven Sabbaths, which would be seven weeks or forty-nine days, then the fiftieth day, the day after the seventh Sabbath, the first day of the week, was Pentecost. This was fifty days after the offering of the wave sheaf of firstfruits. The church was born on the first day of the week. It was on the first day of the week that our Lord arose. Doesn’t that tell us something? Wouldn’t it be rather odd for the church to go back and observe the old Sabbath which belonged to the old creation when the church is a new creation? When the church meets on the first day of the week, we are celebrating our Lord’s resurrection and the birthday of the church. This festival is also called the Feast of Weeks.’  
  2. Again McGee writes “When the day of Pentecost was fully come” doesn’t mean at twelve noon or at six in the evening. “The day of Pentecost was fully come” means the fulfillment of that for which it was given in Leviticus. It denotes the coming of the Holy Spirit to baptize believers into the body of Christ and to begin the calling out of the church. Pentecost is the birthday of the church. It was fifty days after the resurrection of Christ that the Holy Spirit came. God was running according to His calendar and on time.’  
  3. Gill’s commentary on Exodus 19:1 states the following concerning the timing of the giving of the law: ‘Jerom and others say it was on the forty seventh day after their coming out of Egypt, three days after which they received the law on Mount Sinai, it being a generally received notion that the law was given fifty days after the passover; hence the feast of weeks is called from thence the feast of pentecost, or fifty days: or rather this was the first day of the month, as Jarchi and R. Moses; with which agrees the Targum of Jonathan; and so was the forty fifth of their coming out of Egypt, five days after which they received the law; it being a tradition with the Jews, as Aben Ezra observes, that that was given on the sixth of Sivan, and may be accounted for thus; on the first day they came to Sinai, and encamped there, on the day following Moses went up to God, Exo_19:3, on the third day Moses gathered the elders together, Exo_19:7, and declared to them the words of God, and on the third day after that, which was the sixth, the law was delivered to them.’ 
  4. The Believers Bible Commentary states the following on the all important question of how this takes place:
    ‘How then can a believer be filled with the Spirit? The Apostle Paul does not tell us here in Ephesians; he merely commands us to be filled. But from other parts of the word, we know that in order to be filled with the Spirit we must:
    1. Confess and put away all known sin in our lives (1Jo 1:5-9). It is obvious that such a holy Person cannot work freely in a life where sin is condoned.
    2. Yield ourselves completely to His control (Rom 12:1-2). This involves the surrender of our will, our intellect, our body, our time, our talents, and our treasures. Every area of life must be thrown open to His dominion.
    3. Let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Col 3:16). This involves reading the word, studying it, and obeying it. When the word of Christ dwells in us richly, the same results follow (Col_3:16) as follow the filling of the Spirit (Eph_5:19).
    4. Finally, we must be emptied of self (Gal 2:20). To be filled with a new ingredient a cup must first be emptied of the old. To be filled with Him, we must first be emptied of us.

An unknown author writes:
Just as you have left the whole burden of your sin, and have rested on the finished work of Christ, so leave the whole burden of your life and service, and rest upon the present inworking of the Holy Spirit. Give yourself up, morning by morning, to be led by the Holy Spirit and go forth praising and at rest, leaving Him to manage you and your day. Cultivate the habit all through the day, of joyfully depending upon and obeying Him, expecting Him to guide, to enlighten, to reprove, to teach, to use, and to do in and with you what He wills. Count upon His working as a fact, altogether apart from sight or feeling. Only let us believe in and obey the Holy Spirit as the Ruler of our lives, and cease from the burden of trying to manage ourselves; then shall the fruit of the Spirit appear in us as He wills to the glory of God.’ 


If you are human and have studied the topic of the Rapture, you have to be scratching your head about now.  There are so many different beliefs, teachings, versions of the Rapture.  It is a topic that should be on everyone’s mind in the Endtimes.  If you are a thinking person, you definitely should be focused on what happens if/when the end arrives.  This is a time to take good look at what you think/believe about the Creator and what happens to your spirit when it leaves your physical body.  We surely have enough scientific evidence that there is a spirit that leaves your body.  So, where do you think it goes?  Who or what determines that?  THINK ABOUT IT!  Much better yet, PRAY ABOUT IT.  You may be discovering the answer much sooner than later and you don’t want to land in the wrong place.

Below you will find a lot of information that might help you formulate or confirm your beliefs on the topic:


First published at 21:50 UTC on February 3rd, 2021.
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By Phil Richardson
September 9, 2020

The purpose of this article is to make a sound and logical argument for a September 2021 rapture. In order to grasp when the Rapture of the Bride might take place, we first need to esstablish where we are on the end-times prophetic clock.  Notice the image below titled, From The Decree To The 2015 Jubilee. This graph represents a period from 446 BCE to 9/23/15 (Yom Kippur).

To begin, we need to see what scripture states concerning the Messiah and the weeks of years.  One of the most significant prophecies ever recorded in the Bible concerns the 1st coming of the Messiah and His eventual return after being cut off. The scripture from Daniel 9:24-27 highlights this event.

Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.

Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command. To restore and build Jerusalem. Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times.

And after the sixty-two weeks. Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined.

Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”

Daniel 9:24-27

Daniel 9:24-27 states there will be “7 weeks and 62 weeks” from the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince. The prophecy goes on to state that after 62 weeks, “Messiah shall be cut off.”  Notice the intentional separation of the two sets of weeks.


The seven weeks are seven years of 2,520 days, with a combined total of 49 years at 360 days/yr, equating to 17,640 days. These seven weeks follow the definition of a jubilee as described in Leviticus 25:8-10 is made up of 7 sets of 7 years, with the 7th year being a sabbath year or what I and others call a Shemitah Year.

“And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.
Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.
And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.
A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.
For it is the jubile; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field


Thus, we have 49 years with seven sabbath of years. The day after the 49th year falls on the 10th day of the seventh month or the Day of Atonement (Tishri 10). Essentially, the seven weeks in Daniel 9:25 is, by definition, a Jubilee exactly.  The scripture states that there will be “7 weeks and 62 weeks”. There is a separation for a perfect reason, which I will explain later. The combined weeks would be 69 weeks in total for the Messiahs 1st coming.

The math would be 69 weeks @ 2,520 days = 173,880 lunar days / 365.24 solar days = 476.0705 solar days.

The Decree took place in 446 BCE. So, we simply subtract the dates….. 476 – 446 – 1 = 29 AD (see the graph). The result would be 29 AD, which would have placed the Messiah at about 31 years old when He died on the cross and thus was “cut off” according to the scripture. What this means is that the prophetic clock stopped @ 29 AD when He was cut off.


  • 1 WEEK = 2,520 DAYS
  • 7 WEEKS = 7 WEEKS @ 2,520 DAYS = 17,640 DAYS
  • 62 WEEKS = 62 LUNAR YEARS @ 2,520 DAYS = 156,240 DAYS, SO, 69 WEEKS = 173,880 DAYS
  • 173,880 DAYS/ 365.24 SOLAR DAYS PER YEAR = 476.0705 YEARS
  • 476 – 446 – 1 = 29 AD

In summation, the passages state that the Messiah would come on the scene after 69 weeks (7 + 62) had passed. By knowing the date of the Decree (446BCE) and the amount of time in terms of overall years ( 476.0705), calculating the period when He entered Jerusalem can be precisely estimated to have fallen on 29AD.


The death and resurrection of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock. And, this clock has been stopped for close to 2,000 years. The term most often used within Christianity is that we have been in the Church Age, awaiting the final week that many bible commentators believe will be the beginning of the 70th week. I will prove that the Final Week or Final Seven Years is one week beyond the 70th week.

Fast forwarding, we have been in the Church Age for an extended period; thus awaiting the return of the Messiah, much like a Bride eagerly awaits for her Groom. We know from scripture and recorded history that the 69 weeks have been fulfilled with the Messiah in 29 AD. Thus, humanity is waiting for the final week to open up just as Gabriel the Angel states that it would be 70 weeks for many things to be completed, such as to seal up visions and prophecy, make an end for sin, and bring in everlasting righteousness.


As stated, we have been in the church age for close to 2,000 years. The question I would like to present to you is, When did the Church Age end, and when did the Messianic Age begin?

According to the Richardson Theory, the church age ended on 6/7/1967, the exact day when the Jewish People and the Nation of Israel captured Jerusalem during the 6-Day War. Remarkably, it was this precise day that also began the prophetic clock ticking once again. Remember that the Daniel Prophecy has to do with the Jewish People (your people) and Jerusalem (your holy city). Also, it is the reason why there is a separation between the 7 and the 62 weeks.


The Messiah’s Jubileeidentifies a hidden Jubilee that not only meets the requirements of a Jubilee; but also Daniel’s seven weeks precisely. This hidden Jubilee has been identified as beginning on 6/7/67. I believe ithis was the day that initiated the start of the prophetic time clock with the Ending of the Church Age and Beginning of the Messianic Age.

According to my theory, the Messianic Age is a precise period from 6/7/67 and ending on Yom Kippur 2029. Essentially the Messianic Age is a countdown timer that ends on Yom Kippur 2029. More on this later.

This Jubilee, seen above, meets the very definition of a jubilee, according to Leviticus 25:8-12. Thus, it is a jubilee, a hidden jubilee that I have identified and named as the Messiah’s Jubilee. This hidden Jubilee may bring greater clarity if you follow the logical path:


  • 69 WEEKS – 7 WEEKS (446 BCE)= 62 WEEKS
  • DAY #1 OF THE 63RD WEEK WAS 6/7/67
  • 62 WEEKS + 6/7/67 = 62 WEEKS + DAY #1 OF THE 63RD WEEK

Hence, the prophetic clock began on 6/7/67 with the completion of the Church Age ( about 1,938 years in total). 6/7/67 would have been day # 1 of the Messianic Age. Since this hidden jubilee, comprised of 7 years @ 2,520 days, finalized on Yom Kippur 2015, the 50th year of Jubilee would have begun on Yom Kippur 2015 with a total of 17,640 days in totality.

Thus, 62 weeks + (THE CREATOR’S JUBILEE of 7 weeks) = 69 weeks that concluded exactly on Yom Kippur 9/23/15. Thus, 9/23/15 would have been day # 1 of the 70th week and day #1 of Jubilee’s 50th year.


As of this article’s date, we are in the 5th year of the 70th week right now! Again, the 70th week is determined for the Jewish People (Israel) and the holy city (Jerusalem). The 70th week will also “finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.” We know that the Messiah fulfilled many of these as he was fulfilling the Spring Feast of YHVH by dying for our sins and resurrecting on the third day overcoming death.


However, the 70th week is NOT THE FINAL WEEK. What is fascinating and prophetic is the end of the 6th year and beginning of the 7th year of that 70th week. This future event will happen in September 2021 on the Feast of Yom Teruah with a 10-day window of time to conclude on Yom Kippur 2021.

It was my understanding of how the 2,550 days and 1335 days fit between the Feast Days that changed my opinion of the end times and where we are in the prophetic time clock. If you have read and comprehended what has been written thus far, you will appreciate the above graph that I have titled, Daniel Chapter 12 Timeline Graph.

It was this personal revelation while visiting the Gavin Finley’s website back in August 2014 that tied in place all the missing prophetic pieces together up to that point. What became clear to me was the identity of a specific time of 2,550 days from September 2014 to September 2021 or, more precisely, Yom Teruah 2014 to Yom Kippur 2021. It would be this personal revelation that would inspire me to write my 1st book, September 2021 (Published in 9/2015) and consequently the second version, Messiah’s Jubilee.

1260, 1290 AND 1335 DAYS

As can be observed from the graph, the three sets of days from Daniel Chapter Twelve – 1260, 1290, and 1335 days fit precisely from Yom Teruah to Shavuot in 1335 days and from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur in 2,550 days or just about seven years. See the graph above for greater clarity.

Because there is a need to balance the lunar moon cycles with the solar year and the feasts, the ending of the 2,550 days does not always fall on Yom Kippur. The same thing applies to Shavuot as well.

Within any seven years, there are either 86 moon cycles or 87 moon cycles. The seven-year cycles that have 86 moons seem to line up with Yom Kippur. It was the discovery I made concerning September 2021. Many confirmations pointed to Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur as highly significant, and my understanding that we were about to enter the 70th week from my perspective back in August 2014.

The belief that we were about to enter the final 70th week was confirmation to me at that time that a tribulation event was about to happen. It would have been this realization that I would have searched into the future to see what might happen on Yom Teruah 2014. The realization that a particular world leader was to head the UN Security Council as “President” prompted me to move forward and to reach out to people who would be willing to listen.


Fast-forwarding to June 2020, I began to research further about the possible dates beyond 2021. I started by plugging in the Daniel Chapter 12 Timeline of 2550 days starting on Yom Teruah and completing 2550 days later on Yom Kippur by using and to determine what day Yom Teruah would fall on and then proceeded to see if the future date would land on Yom Kippur or not. This time around, I decided to use the Jewish Calendar as a comparison. I used for this, and the results surprised me.

You can read more on this discovery by viewing the Discover The Five Appointed Feasts and The Symmetry Between the Lunisolar Calendars blog posts. Be sure to read this post that goes into great detail about this discovery of the five Appointed Feast over a span of 21 years.

As a result of the five appointed feasts confirmations and numerous connections from 2014 to 2029, I developed The Richardson Theory & The 1,335 Day Connections from 2014 to 2029 graphs, which represents an accumulation of all of my revelation and work being displayed on these two graphs.  Please Note: You may view these two graphs in high definition once either the E-book or paperback book is purchased.

Since the purpose of this article is to focus on the Groom Coming for His Bride (Rapture), there are two of the five appointed feasts that we need to pay particular attention too – the up and coming Shavuot 2021 feast and the Yom Teruah/Yom Kippur feasts of 2021.


Within my book, I go into great detail about what I believe will take place on or near Shavuot 2021. The fact that it is exactly 1,335 days from the Revelation Chapter 12 Sign tells me that this appointed feast is very likely to be connected to a Middle East War against Israel. Revelation 12:1-2 describes the Sign that was witnessed by millions of people back on Yom Teruah 2017.

Because Shavuot 2021 is a lead up to September 2021, I believe this will become the perfect storm that will usher in major prophetic event leading up to the fall of 2021.  The beginning of the Jewish civil new year is a major transition point between the ending of the 6th year and beginning of the 7th Shemitah Year, with the congruence of the appointed fall feast days.  My belief is that there might be some nuclear exchanges between this six month period from Shavuot 2021 to September 2021. I cover this in great detail within my book.


So what does Yom Teruah 2021 represent, or what events might take place during this time?  In order to gain a greater understanding of what is about to take place on planet Earth, I would like to encourage you to read the ancient Jewish wedding and the connection to the Rapture of the Church, presented in the first chapter of my 2nd edition book that I have made available for you to read for free. Once you understand this, you will be able to make a profound connection with the Rapture of the Bride.




Jewish Feasts The 1335 days of Daniel Chapter 12 & the Connection with Shavuot! – A… Saved by Bruce Barclay/ Pinterest


link: What Blessing is given to those who wait for 1335 days? Could it be the Sign of the Son of Man? (
To Watch the Video: Click the Link above.


If you are in Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, or in South-East Asia, you will see the Super Flower Full Moon totally eclipsed and turn a shade of red for about 14 minutes during this total lunar eclipseweather permitting.What This Lunar Eclipse Looks Like

Where to See the Eclipse

Detailed eclipse path interactive map: click link below

The curvature of the shadow’s path and the apparent rotation of the Moon’s disk is due to the Earth’s rotation.

Eclipse Map and Animation

Path and Visibility — May 26, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse

To view the interactive map: Click Below

3D Eclipse Path: Lunar Eclipse 2021, May 26 (

3D globe map

Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: South/East Asia, Australia, Much of North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

Super Flower Blood Moon

The eclipse takes place just a few hours after the Moon reaches perigee, the closest point to Earth on its orbit, making it a Super Flower Blood Moon.

This eclipse also marks the beginning of an “almost tetrad” because it kicks off a series of four big lunar eclipses in two years. Three of these eclipses are total, while one of them, on November 18-19, 2021, is a deep partial eclipse. So deep that it is almost a total eclipse.

When the Eclipse Happens Worldwide — Timeline

Lunar eclipses can be visible from everywhere on the night side of the Earth, if the sky is clear. From some places the entire eclipse will be visible, while in other areas the Moon will rise or set during the eclipse.

Event UTC Time Time in Waxahachie* Visible in Waxahachie
Penumbral Eclipse begins May 26 at 08:47:39 May 26 at 3:47:39 am Yes
Partial Eclipse begins May 26 at 09:44:58 May 26 at 4:44:58 am Yes
Full Eclipse begins May 26 at 11:11:26 May 26 at 6:11:26 am Yes
Maximum Eclipse May 26 at 11:18:42 May 26 at 6:18:42 am Yes
Full Eclipse ends May 26 at 11:25:54 May 26 at 6:25:54 am Maybe, touching horizon
Partial Eclipse ends May 26 at 12:52:23 May 26 at 7:52:23 am No, below the horizon
Penumbral Eclipse ends May 26 at 13:49:44 May 26 at 8:49:44 am No, below the horizon

* The Moon is below the horizon in Waxahachie some of the time, so that part of the eclipse is not visible.

Eclipse calculations usually accurate to a few seconds.

The magnitude of the eclipse is 1.009.

The penumbral magnitude of the eclipse is 1.954.

The total duration of the eclipse is 5 hours, 2 minutes.

The total duration of the partial phases is 2 hours, 53 minutes.

The duration of the full eclipse is 14 minutes.

An Eclipse Never Comes Alone!

A solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.

Usually, there are two eclipses in a row, but other times, there are three during the same eclipse season.

All eclipses 1900 — 2199

This is the first eclipse this season.

Second eclipse this season: June 10, 2021 — Annular Solar Eclipse


Hi Brothers and Sisters, Our Brother, Ken Potter, just uploaded this amazing find with regards to the upcoming May 26th Lunar Eclipse which I discussed in my previous two videos. This video is mirrored from his channel and you can subscribe to him that the link below:… The original video can be found at the address below:… Blessings!



Premiered 18 hours ago
What seems to be more accurate predictive programming aligning with what happened to Noah and that would seem to be applying to the days just before us, here is some more interesting finds and thanks to Jane C for pointing this out to me! Not only are we seeing how the world economy is being brought to its knees, but the Temple of God – our bodies – are being attacked by an enemy who wants to put his image inside God’s Temple to show himself that he is god. Keep your eyes on our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and do not submit yourself to the lies of the enemy whose main goal is to steal kill and destroy. Blessings! Series about Understanding the Rapture – VERY IMPORTANT TO WATCH!! I, Pet Goat 2 animation: Series for understanding the Harvest and Temple Models:


When Gabriel first shared his vision with me some years ago, I was convinced he had misunderstood.  Surely we did not have 10 years or more to go.  But, over the years, it seems more and more circumstances were tending to confirm he was right.  Now, I am pretty much convinced.  I knew that we would be going through at least some of the Tribulation, from my own communication with GOD.  I guess I always wanted to hold onto some hope that we would not see it all.  


Jesus Return Feast of Trumpets 2028



Please understand we do NOT know the EXACT  “DAY” or “HOUR”  of Jesus Christ’s return on our Gregorian calendar.  The Countdown Clock is set for the Feast of Trumpets AD 2028, which is the time period when Christ’s return will be “right at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).

The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) is a yearly celebrated Holy Day known to the Jews as the Feast “no man knows the day or hour” since it cannot be confirmed until two witnesses in Jerusalem see the first sliver of the new moon.

THIS is the “time” during AD 2028 (Earth’s 6,000 year) when Jesus Christ will rapturously return to planet Earth!

Click Link Below to Learn the Meaning of Jewish Idiom

No One Knows the Day or Hour

