SCIENCE – The Deception is designed to destroy our faith in the WORD of God

The WORD of GOD is a precious gift, a love letter from our Creator.  EVERYTHING that we need to know is in there.  Why?  Because God wanted us to take comfort in KNOWING.  Knowing that He is in Control, in KNOWING that he sees all and Knows all, in Knowing that he has our back, in KNOWING that we can TRUST HIM.

The WORD is full of promises for those who LOVE HIM.  More importantly, it tells us the END from the BEGINNING.  This is amazing.  We have seen it played out throughout history.  EVERYTHING that GOD said would be has been proven to be true.  How wonderful it is to KNOW that we can rest in HIM.

We don’t have to worry about provision, protection, deliverance, peace, joy, love, wisdom, knowledge, understanding.  If there is anything  that troubles us or that we don’t understand, all we have to do is ASK.  Because the WORD OF GOD IS ALIVE!!  He is still speaking to us today.

Those who do not KNOW our Heavenly Father can’t possibly understand.  They think we are fools.  I will tell you, I don’t understand how they can face a day without HIM.  I know I couldn’t, no would I want too!  To KNOW the Creator of the Everything is the greatest treasure anyone could ever find.

So many people are being cheated out of the comfort and joy that people of the Bible know.  By design the Magicians/Scientists have been working hard to steal FAITH.  They have been “debunking” the Bible and changing laws, time, and seasons.  IT is all deception.  Just because they can get people to believe it, does not make it true.  There is only ONE TRUTH.

In fact, the word believe is a perversion of the word used in the Bible.  Take a look at the definition of believe and more importantly the root of that word.  Remember, the root is all that matters.  Everything else is a perversion/lie/coverup.

  believe (v.)

 Old English belyfan “to have faith or confidence” (in a person), earlier geleafa (Mercian), gelefa (Northumbrian), gelyfan (West Saxon), from Proto-Germanic *ga-laubjan “to believe,” perhaps literally “hold dear (or valuable, or satisfactory), to love” (source also of Old Saxon gilobian “believe,” Dutch geloven, Old High German gilouben, German glauben), ultimately a compound based on PIE root *leubh- “to care, desire, love” (see belief).

Proto-Indo-European root meaning “to care, desire, love.”

It forms all or part of: beliefbelievefurloughleave (n.) “permission, liberty granted to do something;”  lemanlibidolieflivelonglovelovelyquodlibet.It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit lubhyati “desires,” lobhaya- “to make crazy;” Persian ahiftan “to be tangled, be hit down, be in love;” Latin lubet, later libet “pleases,” libidolubido “desire, longing; sensual passion, lust;” Old Church Slavonic l’ubu “dear, beloved,” ljubiti, Russian ljubit’ “to love;” Lithuanian liaupsė “song of praise;” Old English lufu “feeling of love; romantic sexual attraction,” German Liebe “love,” Gothic liufs “dear, beloved.

So, you see that the devil’s hand is clearly present in the word believe.  The root of the word is Proto-Indo European.  You see in Sanskrit it means to be filled with desire, to make crazy.  In Persian it means TANGLED!! hit down, to be “in love”.   To believe in Satan’s realm is to trust in the lust of your heart.

Let’s take a look at the word as it was originally written in the Word of GOD.

Much clearer in God’s word that it is a positive, character building, comforting, strengthening, lawful and upright trust!

THAT is what the Devil is working to destroy.  What better place to start than at the very beginning.  IF he can convince you that you cannot trust GOD’s word, if you cannot trust that HE is in control, that HE created all things, that HE created everything about the environment in which we live, for US!!  To nourish, protect and provide for ALL of our needs,  than we are defeated.

SO, today, we are going to look at what God’s word has to say about all that, and what SCIENCE has to say.cer


Dec 25, 2021


Apr 6, 2019

Day two is the most overlooked day in creation week. It’s important to understand the home/setting that God created for Himself, the angels/spirits and for us. Join me as I explore the overall significance of day two, while also hinting at its eschatological implications nearing the end of the video. #firmament #biblicalcosmology

Satan and his servants want us to believe that God’s Word is not trustworthy.  He wants us to buy the lie that we are living on a ball that is whirling around in space at at ridiculous speed, while orbiting around the sun at an even more ridiculous speed, along with many other balls that are all doing the same thing.  How scary is that?? This ball, totally unprotected, leaves us vulnerable to not only running into over balls, but being hit at any time by all kinds of other space debris.  Whew… it is a wonder we are able to leave our homes without fear of being crushed or burnt up.  
When you believe the WORD of GOD, you find peace.  Peace that comes from knowing that God is in Control.  That he has created the earth upon which he placed you, for your provision and protection.  There is a firmament above us, an impenetrable firmament that protects us.  We do not need to fear.  The sun and the moon are within that firmament along with the stars.  They are all lights created by God each with its own purpose and location.  There are no “Planets” as we have been taught.  Planets are just stars that wander, or move about each with their own course assigned by God.  They are not big rocks in the sky!!  What they are made of exactly, we don’t really know.  But you cannot land on them, or live on them.
This next video is extrememly long.  It is a compilation of several parts of a series.  It took me all day to watch it, but it was well worth the time investment.  Though I do not agree with everything as presented the video is very enlightening.  It contains so many photos and videos and provides so much information and teaching that will blow your mind.  It clearly demonstrates how technology is not new.  How they have known about electromagnetism and free energy for a very, very, very long time.  It shows you how past societies harnessed that energy and enjoyed amazing technology, far beyond what we know today. 
This video covers so many topics, including the some great information about astronomical clocks.
for more information on the astronomical clocks check out my posts:



The Myth of Heliocentrism by Pr. Charlie Kennon

Ptolemaic Mathematical Model of Biblical Cosmology

Historians, Astronomers, Mathematicians, Philosophers, and the New Age Scientism…

Is it really a proven scientific fact that the earth rotates on its axis at 1,000 mph. as it races through space at a speed of 66,000 mph. in orbit around the sun? Or is the earth, according to Scripture and verified scientific evidence actually at the center of the universe, stationary, and orbited by the sun, planets and star field? The glorious Biblical and scientifically validated truth set forth herein is sure to challenge the mythical heliocentric status quo and possibly your worldview as well. The tragic repercussion of rejecting the totality of the Scriptures as the perfect and authoritative standard of all reality, knowledge, ethics and beauty is that man will of necessity be relegated to grope in darkness as he vainly seeks to acquire certain knowledge independent of the Creator. Moreover, the Bible declares that all those who reject the self-attesting authority of God’s word will be given over to some degree of deception. This absolute spiritual truth is manifest in our day by the fact that “folly is set in great dignity” (Eccl 10:6). Case in point: What could be more laughable than evolution? What could be more barbaric than abortion? What could be more perverted than sodomy? What could be more demonic than Islam? What could be more arbitrary than psychology? Yet these antichrist ideologies are celebrated and promoted in our land and thought to be “normal” and even scientific.

To understand this cultural and epistemological dynamic, one must first understand the primary issue of history. Ultimately there has been only one battle which has raged since the beginning of time, and that is regarding what would be man’s ultimate standard and thus final authority in all things; The word of God or his own autonomous mind.
Thus in every discussion about any topic, the apparent issue of contention is usually not the ultimate issue; unless one is discussing the ultimate issue of course. Please allow me to explain. Whenever we engage anyone in dialogue regarding anything, the real battle of our discussion is not the “issue” but rather what will be the self-attesting final authority by which we will evaluate the facts and arrive at the truth.
For example, consider the abortion debate. The issue is not really pro-choice versus pro-life, but rather who defines and thus governs life; God’s word or man. The real issue in the marriage debate is likewise not heterosexual marriage versus homosexual marriage, but rather is God’s word the perfect and final authority, or does man have the right to autonomously define marriage. The controversy regarding origins and Genesis chapter one is not ultimately a battle between Creationism and Evolutionism or Religion and Science, but rather one regarding the veracity and authority of God’s Word as the only source of truth concerning ultimate issues.
The defining issue of life has always been and still is one regarding Lordship, and there are ultimately only two choices; God or man (No, actually it is either God or Satan. If you are not serving GOD, you are serving Satan)?Furthermore, one’s God/god is revealed, not by what one professes with his lips, but by his ultimate source of law; God’s word or his autonomous mind. Thus in the final analysis there are only two religions upon earth; Christianity and Humanism. Therefore in every facet of life there is one question to ask, “By what standard” do I form all of my beliefs and live my life. And the answer to that question determines if we will win or lose in the great battle of life.
If my thesis is true then we would expect satan to concentrate his efforts in the realm of final authority, and this is indeed exactly what we see. In his initial engagement with man, he leveled his attack upon God’s word with the question, “Hath God said?” For Adam and Eve, the real issue was thus not the tree of life versus the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but rather the question of what would they look to as their ultimate standard of reality, truth, ethics and beauty; the perfect word of God or their own fallible mind. Satan knew that if he could win this battle, then he would win the war.
However, while many will rightly declare that the Bible is the ultimate authority over all of life, the real issue is whether or not one actually believes the Bible and even more significantly whether or not one allows the Bible is the ultimate authority for the Bible itself. Satan understands this essential foundational aspect and has deceived multitudes who erroneously believe they can either arbitrarily decide which portions they will believe or arrogantly stand in judgment over the Scriptures in correcting its contents. Some are ashamed of its seemingly outdated and “unscientific” teachings and thus succumb to the propaganda of “science falsely so called,” ( I Tim 6:20) which arrogantly calls the Scriptures unscientific. Such is the folly of so called higher criticism. I for one however, am unashamed to cleave to and declare the plain testimony of the perfectly preserved and thus scientifically accurate word of God with child-like simplicity and I boldly mock any and every deviation therefrom.

“But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets.” Acts 24:14

For roughly 5,400 years of historyman held to a geocentric view of the universe  because this was and is the unmistakable testimony of the Scriptures. However, in 1542 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) insisted that the sun, and not the earth, was worthy to be at the center of the universe and this heliocentric position would over the next one hundred years become the status quo. However, this Copernican Revolution, was not fundamentally scientific in nature but rather theological, for the real revolution was against the perfection and authority of Scripture over every facet of life.
The reverberations of the Copernican Revolution still ring today, particularly in the realms of politics and theology; for without said revolution, there could be no higher criticism which assumes God is incapable of writing what he meant to say or meaning what he wrote. Without the Copernican Revolution there would be no Marxism in which the state replaces God. Nor could there be any evolutionism with its bigotry and racism and faith that man will eventually evolve to ultimately overpower God. After all, if God cannot be taken literally when he writes of the “rising of the sun,” then how can he be taken literally in writing of the “rising of the Son?”According to ‘science’ both are impossible. Gerardus Bouw, Ph.D Perhaps you may be tempted to muse, “Is this controversy really that important?’Indeed it is! For the very character, word and eternal purpose of God in His creation are at stake. Moreover, if one does not understand what God has declared about the nature and position of our world in the universe, how can he even begin to establish a sound “Worldview. Furthermore, if something is taught in Scripture, it must be important since there are no insignificant or disposable doctrines in the Bible. It was this very posture of  fundamentalism which influenced men to wrongly believe that if something was not a salvific fundamental then it was not significant and thus a surrendering of said minors would not affect the foundations. Additionally and most significantly, we must realize that it was on this very issue of geocentricity that satan through “science” challenged God’s word before the eyes of the world.

A Brief Historical Sketch

An important question we should ask is this, Why did Copernicus come to the conclusion that the sun is the center of the universe? The answer to this question is to be found, not in the realm of science, but rather in the realm of religion and philosophy. Copernicus was particularly interested in the pagan Greek philosophers, Pythagoras and Aristarchus. Both of these men considered that the sun, being the embodiment of everything good and noble in the universe, should be the center of all of life. Copernicus agreed with his ancient Greek counterparts, and thus devised a heliocentric cosmological model in which the sun was the center of the universeand the stars and planets, including the earth, revolved around it. Although Copernicus’ theory provided explanations for odd phenomena like retrograde motion, it really did not prove that the planets actually orbited the sun.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), a Renaissance scientist, enthusiastically took up Copernicus’ position. In doing so he attracted the attention of the Inquisition, who demanded that he produce proof for the new system. However, he had no proof, but simply stated that “he could not persuade himself” that the sun moved around the earth, because if it did, it would have to travel at a vast speed. This, however, was not a scientific proof either, and so Galileo was ordered to stop teaching the heliocentric view as fact. Galileo however continued to teach it anyway and was eventually placed under house arrest. Galileo claimed that he had found proof for the Copernican system when he constructed a telescope through which he was able to observe the four moons of Jupiter. Just as Jupiter’s moons circled Jupiter, he said, so the earth and the other planets of the solar system circle the sun. Of course, this did not prove anything except that the moons of Jupiter do indeed go around Jupiter. However, Galileo falsely deduced that his observation necessitated the smaller earth must orbit the larger sun. (It is also of note that a year before Galileo’s death he recanted of his heliocentrism and sided with the Scriptures.)
Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), recognized as one of the greatest observational astronomers of all time, devised a different model to account for these cosmological observations. In his model, he placed the earth at the center of the universe for one reason only: the Bible indicates that that is where it is. Brahe had the sun circling the earth, and the planets circling the sun, and being dragged around with the sun in their orbits, just as Jupiter carries its moons around with it as it orbits the sun. Brahe could satisfactorily account for his observations using this model. Unfortunately, Brahe died before he could publish his findings. He asked his assistant, Johannes Kepler, to publish them for him in terms of his geocentric view. Kepler, however, only partially kept his promise. He described Brahe’s model and showed that all the observations were consistent with it, but he personally preferred Copernicus’s model and came out openly in support of it.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was a giant in scientific history, however it is interesting that Newton wrote more about Bible prophecy and chronology than all his other works combined. Newton’s formulas regarding gravity and motion affirmed the present heliocentric model with the stipulation that there were no forces outside our solar system exerting its influences thereupon. For, according to Newton, if there were other forces outside of our galaxy, a geocentric model could be sustained. “In reality, Newton did not teach that the smaller must go around the larger; rather, he taught that all celestial bodies will revolve around the center of mass. As such, even Newton agreed in his Principia that the earth could occupy the center of mass if all the other bodies in the universe were strategically placed around it so that all their gravitational masses balanced out at the center. In short, this is the scientific basis for geocentrism – the earth is the center of mass for the universe, and thus the universe will revolve around the earth.Robert Sungenis  Through the findings of Ernst Mach (1838-1916) some years later, this erroneous presupposition of Galileo regarding smaller bodies necessarily orbiting larger bodies was discredited. Mach, one of the greatest scientists of the last century, was responsible for introducing the additional necessary influences of the starfield upon our galaxy and thus meeting the stipulation of Newton. In essence Mach proved that due to the gravitational effects of the stars, there was no difference scientifically between a rotating earth and a fixed sun and a fixed earth and a moving sun and starfield, for both were scientifically viable and would produce the same effects upon the earth. Mach was troubled by the fact that there was no sound reason, based on observation, to reject the idea that the earth could be stationary at the centre of the universe. “Obviously it matters little if we think of the earth as turning about on its axis, or if we view it at rest while the fixed stars revolve around it. Geometrically these are exactly the same case of a relative rotation of the earth and the fixed stars with respect to one another.In other words, according to Mach the two views of geocentrism and heliocentrism were equally valid on the basis of scientific equations and observation.

Ideas Have Consequences

Copernicus was in essence a Humanist who for philosophical reasons posited his deviant theory of heliocentrism which was nothing short of a direct attack upon the Scriptures. This tragic paradigm shift removed the earth from its God given privileged position in the universe, and reduced it to a wandering and insignificant planet hurtling through space. Higher criticism was a direct result of this satanic undermining of the Scriptures scientific accuracy. Upon the heels of the Copernican Revolution came the French Revolution. Not long after came Charles Lyell, who taking advantage of the revolutionary spirit unleashed by Copernicus, attacked Noah’s flood and posited his theory of Uniformitarianism which became the foundation of Darwin’s evolutionary speculations. Darwin confessed that without Copernicus opening the door of higher criticism, his theory never would have seen the light of day. It was then Marx who applied Darwin’s principles to politics and economics as he too acknowledged his indebtedness to Copernicus. Later came Nietzsche, Hitler, Sanger and others riding the wave of deception unleashed via the Copernican Principle. In the 1920’s Lenin himself expressed his indebtedness to Copernicus for making the world a safe place for Marxism and Communism. And if that is not enough just consider the devastating effects upon society which Einstein’s theory of Relativity has wrought not in the scientific realm only, but in regards to morality and truth.Ideas indeed have consequences, and when the foundation of Scriptural perfection, relevance and authority are undermined, the flood gates of hell are opened upon mankind. “After the [Copernican Revolution], the Bible was no longer considered authoritative in the realms of science, philosophy, and day to day reality.Less than 200 years after surrendering the Bible’s authority in the realm of Physical science, man surrendered it’s spiritual authority at the hands of the German school of higher criticism, a way of criticizing the Bible which is supposedly is based on natural revelation, that is, upon ‘scientific’ principles.

What saith the Scripture?

When I was first challenged regarding the Biblical truth of geocentricity I laughed at this seemingly unscientific position. However, when I realized I had absolutely no Scripture for my then present heliocentric view I was troubled. Once I saw the clear testimony of Scripture on this subject that was all I needed and I was immediately convinced of this glorious God honoring and Scripture exalting truth.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20

The clear testimony of Scripture declares that the earth is indeed stationary,neither revolving on an axis nor orbiting the sun. Furthermore the Scriptures state throughout its testimony that the sun both rises and sets (over 60 verses in the Scriptures), and thus orbits the earth. Not once does the Bible ever refer to the earth as rotating or moving through space. Those who say that the Bible is only recording the “appearance” of the movement of the sun are having to add to the plain meaning of the understanding of the Scriptures. Furthermore such are adopting the same position as liberal critics who have tried to destroy the perfection and authority of the Bible. Many erroneously declare that the passages which seem to posit geocentricity are merely figurative or poetic language. But this hermeneutical observation is more erudite than helpful, for poetry is as clear in its meaning as prose. The world also is established that it cannot be moved(Psalms 96:10) can hardly be a poetic way of saying that the earth is spinning on its axis and gyrating through space in a path determined by its orbit of the sun.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1-2
The Earth was created on day one as the focal point and center of God’s creation. If the earth moved, what did it orbit on the first three days of creation? Why would it remain stationary for three days and then begin moving? Why would the earth revolve around the sun since the sun was created for the earth? It makes perfect sense in light of God’s unique purposes in the earth that it was created to be the very center of His Creation, a fact which undeniably declares His existence and authority over all things.For if the earth is indeed the center of our universe, then Someone with a capital “S” put it there. In fact, it is the theological significance of this favored position which keeps modern cosmological humanists from adopting the equally scientifically valid position of geocentricity. Modern scientists freely admit that geocentricity is just as scientifically valid as heliocentricity. Esteemed scientists such as Lawrence Krauss and Max Tegmark admit that the scientific evidence seems to point to geocentricity, but due to the theological and thus moral implications of such a position, they choose heliocentrism, not for its scientific superiority but rather because of said philosophical reasons.
Joshua’s Long Day
“Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.” Joshua 10:12-13
Regarding Joshua’s long day, the evidence in support of a geocentric model is overwhelming. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and the Holy Ghost narrative confirms that this is indeed what happened. Joshua did not order the earth to cease rotating, nor did he qualify his statement with the divine knowledge that the sun was merely made to appear stationary. The sun was commanded to stand still because it is the sun that moves. Moreover, it is only possible to stop something that is moving.
Hezekiah’s Sign
Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. “ Isaiah 38:8
Again, the Holy Ghost narrative declares that the sun returned ten degrees and thus it was clearly the sun that moved and not the earth. Please note that in both of these accounts (Joshua and Hezekiah) that we are not reading what appeared to happen from man’s perspective, but rather what indeed happened from God’s perspective as the Spirit of God declares these things. The Psalmist plainly states that the sun is
as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.” Psalm 19:5-6
Moreover the Scriptures declare that not only does the sun have a cricut, but the stars have a circuit as well
They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.” Judges 5:20
However, nowhere is the Earth described as having any kind of circuit or course in all the word of God.
The Earth is at Rest
The plain testimony regarding the earth in the word of God is that it is at rest, neither orbiting or rotating. The times which the Scriptures refer to the earth moving is an anomaly which is always in regards to judgment.
And they answered the angel of the LORD that stood among the myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro through the earth, and, behold, all the earth sitteth still, and is at rest.” Zechariah 1:11
“Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.” 1 Chronicles 16:30 “Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.” Job 9:6
“Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.” Psalm 46:2 “The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.” Psalm 93:1
“Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.” Psalm 96:10
Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.” Psalm 104:5
Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.” Psalm 119:90 “
One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” Ecclesiastes 1:4
Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.” Isaiah 13:13
Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.” 1 Corinthians 8:13
Although I realize that the prominent meaning of some of these descriptions may not be cosmological, it is an obvious inference that the testimony of the Scriptures regarding the earth is that it is neither rotating or orbiting but stationary. Coupled with the Scriptures regarding the clear movement of the sun and stars, the implications are obvious.
The Resurrection of Christ and the Rising of the Sun
But perhaps the greatest consequence of denying the literal rising of the sun is that if the sun does not rise, then according to the Scriptures neither does Christ. God sets forth the sun as a type of Christ rising from the dead and if we make such language poetical then we negate the very essence of Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus Christ who in like manner rose from the dead.
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. Malachi 4:2

What saith Science?

All this evidence that the universe looks the same whichever direction we look in might seem to suggest there is something special about our place in the universe. In particular, it might seem that if we observe all other galaxies to be moving away from us, then we must be at the center of the universe. Stephen Hawking
No scientific experiment has ever been performed to prove the earth either rotates on an axis or orbits the sun. In fact, every “proof” for a moving earth rotating on its axis has been discredited.Moreover, multitudes of scientific experiments have shown the earth to be stationary and at rest.
In fact, Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity was primarily to counter the many experiments which showed the earth was not moving. His subsequent General Theory of Relativity was to cover weaknesses in the Special Theory. (It is also significant that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity allowed for the possibility that the Earth was at the center of the universe and motionless.)

Scientific Experiments Proving Geocentricity

1. The Michelson-Morley Experiment
In 1887, using an interferometer this experiment failed to detect any movement of the earth around the sun. It compared the speed of light in perpendicular directions, in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter through the stationary aether. The result was negative, in that the expected difference between the speed of light in the direction of movement through the presumed aether, and the speed at right angles, was found not to exist. This result was a threat to the heliocentric status quo and had to be overcome. Thus the rescuing device of the ad hoc Fitzgerald-Lorentz shortening of the experimental apparatus was proposed, and eventually the paradoxical Relativity Theory was invented by Einstein to overcome this problem. However, there are three other experiments that have been deliberately ignored by universities because they support geocentricity.
2. The Michelson-Gale Experiment
This experiment detected the aether passing the surface of the earth with an accuracy of 2% of the speed of the daily rotation of the earth. Thus, the Michelson-Morely experiment detected no movement of the earth around the sun, yet the Michelson-Gale experiment measured a specific movement which was either the earth’s rotation or the aether’s rotation around the earth. This result speaks volumes for geocentricity because a rotating universe around a stationary earth would produce said effect. Moreover, the heliocentric model demand both a rotating and orbiting earth and this experiment would only validate its orbit.
3. “Airey’s failure”
If the earth were indeed moving through space, a telescope would have to be tilted slightly to get the starlight to go down the axis of the tube. In 1871 Airey filled one telescope with water which would slow down the speed of the light inside that telescope, but he discovered that he did not have to change the angle of the telescope at all. This showed that the starlight was already coming in at the correct angle so that no change was needed. This demonstrated that it was the stars that were moving relative to a stationary earth and not the fast orbiting earth moving relative to the comparatively stationary stars. For if it was the telescope moving he would have had to change the angle.
4. The Sagnac Experiment

Sagnac Experiment

Sagnac rotated a table complete with light and mirrors with the light being passed in opposite directions around the table between the mirrors. He detected the movement of the table by the movement of the interference fringes on the target where they were recombined. This proved that there is an aether that the light has to pass through and this completely destroys Einstein’s theory of Relativity that says there is no aether. It is for this reason that this experiment is completely ignored by scientists.
[An interesting sidenote is that all GPS satellites have the “Sagnac Effect” included into their computer programs which is another evidence against the theory of Relativity and an accredidation to the truths set forth in this article.]

Scientific Facts

According to Newton, Mach, Hawking, and Einstein both a moving earth in a fixed universe or a fixed earth with a moving sun/planets/star field are scientifically valid. Thus there are no scientific problems with the geocentric model.
“People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations.” […] “For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations.” […] “You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” George F.R. Ellis
The struggle, so violent in the early days of science, between the views of Ptolemy and Copernicus would then be quite meaningless. Either CS (Coordinate System) could be used with equal justification. The two sentences, ‘the sun is at rest and the earth moves,’ or ‘the sun moves and the earth is at rest,’ would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different CS.” Albert Einstein
All celestial phenomena such as stellar parallax and stellar aberration, the retrograde motion of planets, Coriolis Effect, Euler forces, and the Foucault Pendulum can all be explained from the geometry and dynamics of geocentrism.
Furthermore geocentrism solves many of the problems of modern Cosmology for it needs no Inflation, Dark Matter or Dark Energy, and does not have a limit the speed of light. In fact the latest cosmological evidence regarding CMBR studies places the earth at or near the center of the universe.

Is Heliocentricity Really Scientific?

The famous astronomer Edwin Hubble published on 1937 a study on the cosmological model of the universe, under the title The Observational Approach to Cosmology.In the data published in that study it was evident that Earth appeared as having a “unique” position in the cosmos, i.e. that it was in the center or very close to it. However Hubble chose not to accept that unique position based on philosophical propositions that he presupposed.
In particular, even though the nebula distribution showed that Earth should be in a center position, he discarded that idea based on the “principle” that we are not unique. In order to accommodate that “principle” he added some corrective factors to his equations. It was as unscientific and simple as that! No hard data, no scientific analysis, but merely an arbitrary and philosophical belief was the basis of his choice of heliocentricity over geocentricity.
Even though scientific data showed that the Earth is at a privileged centric position in the universe, cosmologists in the days of Hubble chose simply not to “accept” that data based on philosophical grounds. Here is a quote from Hubble himself when he saw the redshift phenomena in his telescope indicating that the earth was at the center of the universe…
Such a condition would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe, analogous, in a sense, to the ancient conception of a central Earth…This hypothesis cannot be disproved, but it is unwelcome and would only be accepted as a last resort in order to save the phenomena. Therefore we disregard this possibility…. the unwelcome position of a favored location must be avoided at all costs…. such a favored position is intolerable…”
One prominent “scientist” George Wald once declared
There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God.There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others.That leaves us with the only possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God. I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible.
Thus, like the unscientific evolutionist, we see that modern Cosmology is neither led to its position of heliocentricity via an honest pursuit of truth, but rather it is unnaturally driven there by its refusal to accept the obvious scientific and Scriptural evidence which would necessitate a Creator and thus a Judge.
Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural.We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.” Richard Lewontin

What do you believe regarding this subject my friend? And more importantly, why do you believe it? Is the word of God your epistemological foundation, or have you exalted your reason above God’s testimony and perhaps given credence to another myth of scientism inspired by the spirit of the age which is hostile to God and His word? CK.

The Scriptural Foundation of Geocentricity

A fascinating book from Robert Lomas, co-author of The Hiram Key and The Second Messiah. Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science continues the Freemasonry saga by exploring its roots in The Royal Society, a group dedicated to the pursuit of scientific study.In a time when superstition and magic governed reason, the repressive dogma of Christian belief silenced many, and where a turbulent political and economical background dominated, these men forbade any discussion of religion at their meetings. Lomas claims that modern experimental science was born out of The Royal Society, which was secretly funded by The Invisible College, which is known today as Freemasonry.
Not long into the above book you will learn that the Royal Society was created, established, and governed by a group of freemasonic philosophers and magicians.  The Society was modeled after the Freemason Lodges and all membership and all experiments had to be approved by them.  
The new form of experimental science disallowed any discussion or references to God, faith or religion.  
The Royal Society caused a “fundamental change in attitude towards observation”.  
“After observation  the next stage of the process of science is that of prediction.   Here it is necessary to build a theoretical model to explain the observations and then use the model to predict the outcome of an, as yet untried experiment.”
“The final stage in the process of science is the step of CONTROL. Once you can describe a process and can predict its outcomes, you can then hope to intervene and adjust the outcome to be as YOU want them to be.”  pages 202 and 203.
It takes little analysis to conclude that the basis of modern science is to replace GOD, to take control and mold and shape the world to their own will and for their pleasure.  Science is not all concerned with the health and well being of entities human or animal, with any vegetation, or even with the continue well being of the earth itself.  They are only interested in testing and trying any crazy idea that pops into their head, pushing the limits until their is no where left to push.  This is even if they are fully aware that what they are doing may indeed cause the END OF ALL LIFE AS WE KNOW IT.  This is proven out by CERN.  They admit they have no idea what their experiments fill find/cause.  They even admit that it is entirely possible that the earth could be destroyed or sucked into a black hole.  They care not regarding the consequences of their actions.  

Has Satan Hijacked Science?

by John P. Pratt

Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (16 Nov 2005).
©2005 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.

Has Satan perverted the wonderful tool of science for his own purposes?

Is Satan interested in science, or does he work full time enticing people to sin, attacking religion, and deceptively enslaving the unsuspecting? One reason I chose the field of science was to avoid anything that Satan might be interested in, and to build my house on the rock of irrefutable scientific evidence which was guaranteed to be true. Was that naive?

To what degree is Satan into science? Does he avoid it altogether because it is indeed built on truth, which he abhors? Or perhaps he is a dabbler, focusing on just one field, such as the origin of life? Or has he infiltrated the entire infrastructure of science, from foundation to pinnacle?

This article lays no claim to having cracked Satan’s security system to expose any of his secret plans, past or future. Rather, it is an attempt to look at the obvious. The scriptures make it very clear just what the goals of both God and Satan are.Given those insights, what can we deduce about how Satan could use science to help fulfill his purposes?

1. Satan’s Goals

The scriptures make many things clear about just what is really going on in life, and one needs to understand those basics in order to make sense of this unusual world. In a nutshell, a) there really is a God who created the heavens, the earth, and all life therein, b) mankind is the offspring of God, created in his image, c) we are here to be tested to see if we will love and obey our Heavenly Father, d) there really is a being named Satan,who commands myriads of evil spirits to tempt us to fail that test, e) everyone fails the test to some degree and needs to accept Jesus Christ, the son of God, as a Savior, in order to have sins blotted out and become pure enough to return to God, and f) we will be judged after death and rewarded according to how well we did. Satan’s incentive includes the fact that his power grows as he entices others to do his bidding.

Now let’s suppose that you were Satan. What would you do to get people to sin, that is, to disobey the commandments of God? Okay, sure, you would do the obvious of emphasizing immediate gratification of desires by using shortcut or cheating methods, rather than following God’s slow but steady straight and narrow path to happiness. But what about science? Is there any way that you could use science to help meet that goal of enticing people to sin? Let’s explore that possibility.

2. Satan’s Perverted Science

For many reasons, it not only appears that Satan is interested in science, he may well be attempting to hijack all of science and attempt to force it to become the foundation of his new official state atheistic religion. Let’s see why, by considering just what a powerful tool a perverted science could be for him to meet his goals. Let’s look at some true fundamental scientific principles, and then see how Satan could pervert them into false traditions.

2.1 True Science Begins With Observation

What is science? Consider the follow very brief summary:

True Principle: Science is the systematic study of the observable.

In other words, all phenomena of nature which can be directly detected by the human senses can be included in the realm of science. When once sense fails, sometimes others can compensate. For example, air is invisible, but it can be felt and heard as wind. Moreover, there are many features of nature beyond human abilities to observe for which instruments can be invented to detect and measure. These would include the invisible forms of light, such as infrared, ultraviolet, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays, etc. Atoms are too small to see, but can be photographed with x-ray technology. Science also includes the realm of inventing models to explain observations, even though elements of those models cannot be observed, but only their effects. For example, atoms were proposed to exist by the ancient Greeks, but were not actually observed until the last century. Even smaller particles called quarks were postulated to exist in the last century but are not yet directly observable. Still they are part of science because their proposed existence helps explain what is observed. (well we have to take the word of the scientists for that.  Most of us will never observe their effect)

Sir Isaac Newton, perhaps the greatest scientist, was a firm believer in the Creator.

Note also that science began with only what the human senses could detect. After many experiments were performed just using the human senses, instruments were invented to make more precise, accurate, unbiased, and repeatable observations. Just because a machine had not yet been invented to improve on the human senses did not invalidate the human observations.For example, people could look up and see the sun, moon and stars. When the telescope was invented to improve our abilities, it was a wonderful accomplishment indeed, (that is debatable. Telescopes, and all machines are created by scientists who have proven themselves to be untrustworthy.  We don’t really know what distortions are built into the telescopes or how they affect our minds.)   but telescopes do not totally replace human observations. Scientific studies are still done watching meteor showers, which are often best accomplished with the unaided eye.

There are many areas where humans have senses for which machines are not readily available to duplicate. We have what is called the “mind’s eye” where we can imagine things and dream. Some of our greatest inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, created their inventions totally in their mind before committing them to physical models.[1] The fact that we do not yet have a camera to take snapshots of our imaginary creations does not mean that they do not exist. There are people who claim to see the human aura, see future occurrences, do remote viewing of current events at distant locations, go into the spirit world, visit the past, and move physical objects with their minds. All of these phenomena can be measured and studied and hence are part of science. If any of those claims were false, then science could do experiments to prove just that. But the fact that we have not yet invented a machine to measure some of them does not disqualify them in any way from being scientific.

Thus, true science includes a lot of turf. On the other hand, there are still many areas beyond science.There could be huge regions of our universe which we could not detect by our senses nor by instruments. There could be other dimensions, other worlds, and even other whole universes. Even observable things could be too big or too small to study. The mere fact that man is ignorant of them does not mean that they do not exist.

We have names for other disciplines beyond science. One important such field is that of religion. Many people claim to have talked with beings from other realms, called angels, who have been sent here specifically to tell us things that we could never discover using scientific methods because they are beyond the realm of the observable. In fact, some men, such as Moses, have even claimed to have talked personally with the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who told them details of just how everything was created, which we could never have known otherwise.  (EVERY CHILD of God should be talking with HIM everyday.  That is one of the great gifts we received because Jesus paid the price.  Fellowship with GOD was restored.  Under the blood of Jesus we have access to the throne.  We can speak to GOD and He will answer.  He also sent the Holy Spirit to LEAD US TO ALL TRUTH.)

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.  Jeremiah 33:3

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”  James 1:5

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.  John 14:16-17

These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.  John 14:25-26

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” John 16:13


For example, Moses was told that man was created in the image of God. That is something totally beyond the capability of science to discover. The existence of heaven and hell are beyond the reach of present science, as is the existence of Satan. It would be foolhardy indeed to be so myopic as to believe that nothing exists beyond what we can detect with our senses and instruments.

In summary, science is the study of everything that can be observed, but true science makes no claim that it is the study of everything that exists.

2.2 False Science: Materialism

Many modern scientists have made one seemingly little addition to the above definition of true science. At first it might seem logical and innocent enough, but closer inspection shows that it totally fulfills many of Satan’s goals so well, as to be the “smoking gun” which points to his involvement. That little principle can be summarized in one word: “materialism.”

Materialism is a doctrine that has been introduced into science, declaring (without a shred of evidence) that nothing else exists beyond that which can be observed, either by humans or instruments. If that were true, then it would follow that science is the study of everything that exists.

False Principle: Nothing exists which cannot be observed.

Note that this is a patently absurd and unscientific statement! It is amazing that so many modern scientists have accepted some form of materialism without question. Why? Why would so many accept materialism as a true doctrine, when it flies in the face of true science? Real scientists seek to know how the universe actually is, rather than to declare beforehand that only certain kinds of events are allowed to exist, namely those in the tiny realm of what man can observe.

Did atoms exist before we could see them?

How foolish it is to assume that something doesn’t exist because we cannot see it or measure it. Do you remember as a child being surprised to learn about the existence of air? What would you think of someone who didn’t believe in air simply because it is invisible? Okay, so you can feel air when it moves, but what if you were the only one who could feel it, and everyone else thought you were crazy because they could not. … Would the inability of others to do likewise, or the fact that no instrument had yet been invented to measure what you sense, prove that your experience was all an illusion?

It should be obvious to all that it is absurd to think that something does not exist just because it cannot be detected by most people or by a machine.

In seeking an answer as to why otherwise intelligent scientists would agree to such a limiting principle, let us now consider the possibility that Satan is indeed involved. If Satan were promoting his own special form of science, would he not choose materialism as the foundation? Think of the huge rewards he would get just for adopting this one principle.

First, in one sweep of his hand, Satan can dispose of God, Satan himself, heaven, hell, the spirit world, all spiritual phenomena, including the human spirit, evil spirits, and also of all knowledge of the future. Having thus decreed God out of existence, the next crucial steps follow immediately: If there is no God, then there are no God-given commandments. If there are no commandments, there is no sin. If there is no sin, then there is no need for a Savior to atone for sin, no need to accept Jesus Christ. Also, there would be no afterlife in which we will be judged as to how well we followed God’s laws and the example of our Redeemer. If that were the case, man might as well follow the so-called “law of the jungle,” the “survival of the fittest.”

One proponent of this doctrine of materialism over two thousand years ago, who later admitted to having been taught directly by the devil, declared “you cannot know of things which you do not see” and “man fares in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospers according to his genius, and every man conquers according to his strength; and whatsoever a man does is no sin.”[2]

Thus, atheism is not new, and it does not need to be the official religion of scientists. Very few scientists before the Twentieth Century were atheists, and the top scientists have been, and continue to be, predominantly Christian.[3] In fact, materialism, and its child atheism, have no place in true science at all.

2.3 Natural Law and the Scientific Method

Science has been successful because it is based on the observation that there seem to be “laws” in nature which energy and matter always obey.

Scientific Principle: Matter and energy are observed to follow strict laws.

Whether these laws are self-existent or whether they are laws which God wrote is a question beyond the realm of science.[4] The important thing is that we can discover how the universe works by doing experiments to deduce just what these laws are.

The rock on which science is founded is called the “Scientific Method”:

True science employs the “Scientific Method” of 1) observing, 2) proposing a theory to explain the observation, and then 3) predicting future observations using that theory.

(But, I must add here that this is a counsel of perfection and does not always happen. Scientists, being only human, hate discarding old, comfortable and familiar theories. source: Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science)  also, as noted above there is a fourth step in their method; that of CONTROL

If the future predictions fail, then the theory is either scrapped or modified until it is able to predict the outcome of an experiment accurately. ,,,[5] To me it is a way to discover the laws that God had given all matter to obey, without the experimenter needing to be a prophet or even spiritual in any way. But if someone prefers to believe the laws are somehow self existent, that works just as well for the experiments.

2.4 Satan Avoids True Science

So what has all of this to do with Satan? The Scientific Method, used correctly, leads to the discovery of true principles. Satan is opposed to truth in all forms, and to true education and enlightenment. His goal is to keep people in ignorance, poverty, and slavery to his bidding. Knowing the truth can make people free, including free from much of Satan’s bondage. Therefore, Satan avoids the scientific method whenever possible.

How can Satan get away with avoiding the Scientific Method, while purporting to do science? He does it by focusing on the past and on the futurewhich are both areas beyond direct observation of the present, the realm of science.

Satan can fabricate all sorts of complete nonsense about the origins of the universe, the solar system, the earth and all of the creatures that live on it. None of these theories can be tested,but that does not stop him from proclaiming them as absolute truth. There are some cases where theories can be tested, such as doing experiments on fruit flies to test theories that random mutations can increase genetic information content in a species. When all of these experiments fail, rather than discarding the false theory, in accordance with the scientific method, the results are simply ignored and the theory is assumed true in spite of the negative evidence.Satan’s theories of the origin of the earth and life are almost entirely based on unfounded speculation, that often contradict all of the actual evidence.

Another “smoking gun” which strongly points to Satan’s involvement becomes obvious when materialists use force to teach speculation as truth.That is, they pass laws which require teaching that science is based on atheism, and that the existence of everything can be explained without God. The big clue is that laws are passed actually forbidding the teaching in government supported schools that most of the actual scientific evidence points to the creation of the universe and all life therein as designed by a Creator. They immediately divert attention from the truth by screaming that this scientific discovery is somehow “religion in disguise,” and hence inappropriate in school. But it is not religion at all. The existence of the Creator can be scientifically deduced in much the same way that invisible atoms were discovered. The fact that God chose to reveal himself to mankind right from the beginning (which is indeed religion) does not invalidate later scientific work which also strongly points to his existence. The point here is that the big clue that Satan is involved is that laws are actually passed prohibiting teaching of true science and only allowing the teaching of speculation, which just happens to fulfill Satan’s agenda. And of course all the arguments about separation of church and state evaporate when one realizes that atheism is a religion and hence has become a state enforced religion.

The reader may think that I’m speaking only about theories of the origin of plants, animals, and mankind. While that is the most obvious place where Satan’s speculations have been very convincing, the problem is much more far reaching than that. Once the postulate of materialism is accepted as a requisite for acceptable science, then Satan is free to speculate about the entire past and future of everything in the observable universe.

2.5 Example from Astronomy

Consider the teachings of modern astronomy about just what stars are, where they came from and where they are going. That was the focus of my Ph.D. dissertation, so I’m more qualified to write on that subject than most others. Much of current belief about what stars are is well-founded on the scientific method. One can measure brightnesses, colors, and even the masses of stars and discover some important relationships between them. For example, the majority of stars follow the rule that if one arranges the stars in order of increasing mass, then the sequence (called the “Main Sequence”) also increases in surface temperature and the color gradually shifts from red to blue and then ultra-violet. This is one of the most important “facts” (that is, “observations”) of modern astronomy.

The temperature, brightness and blueness of most stars increase as the mass increases.

The problems begin to arise when scientists attempt to explain exactly how these stars got placed in this sequence, and exactly how things might change in the future. The problem is not that scientists try to explain the past and the future. After all, the objective of the scientific method is to be able to predict the outcome of future experiments. The problem occurs when a) science cannot perform the experiment to predict the future and b) it then declares with absolute certainty just what the past and future are, even those it has no solid basis of experiments to do so.

In this example from astronomy, we are told that stars formed themselves from gaseous clouds in the plane of the galaxy. We are told that the massive, hot bright blue beacons in the sky such as many of the stars in the constellation Orion, are the very youngest stars, and that they are rapidly burning themselves out, being some of the least permanent members of the galaxy. As for the future, we are told that the sun and most stars will someday exhaust their fuel and become cold, dark burned-out dwarf stars.

While this is the mainstream theory, taught as nearly absolute truth in beginning astronomy classes, there are other explanations of the same observed facts. One is that most stars are still gravitationally accumulating more and more matter from those gas and dust clouds in which they are now seen, and they are increasing in mass and getting hotter and bluer as they do so. If so, then the big, hot blue stars are some of the oldest patriarchs of the galaxy, rather than being “flash in-the-pan” youth.

What difference does it make? And would Satan care which is the predominant explanation? Here’s why I think that he does care. Hopefully we have all seen a night sky filled with thousands of awe-inspiring stars. It can truly be a dazzling spectacle which can fill one with reverence for a great Creator. To me, the brightest stars are the bright, old governing stars of our galaxy which have accumulated greatness through the ages. When I look at the dazzling constellation of Orion, I see some great stars for which I feel awe and even reverence. Someday they may “die” in a great supernova explosion, and as one star passes away, so shall another accumulate its recycled remnants. Thus, there is no end to the works of God, neither to his words.

The brightest stars of the Pleiades are all large and hot.

To me, the more popular explanation is not inspiring at all, but rather depressing. The big bright stars are supposed to explode quickly before they have any lasting importance, and the rest of the whole universe just cools down to be a meaningless graveyard of burned-out star corpses. Without God, the universe would be a meaningless stage on which we act out meaningless lives, which ultimately end in futility.



<h2 align=”center“>3. Have We Been Deceived?</h2>
It appears that some of the huge recent successes of Satan to entice people to sin can be attributed directly to this false doctrine of materialism and atheism. Sin is so rampant today that the Lord has made it clear that the wicked will have to be entirely destroyed from the earth in preparation for his glorious Millennial reign when truth and righteousness will finally prevail. But what has led to such gross wickedness? In many cases we now casually accept horrible crimes against humanity as standard practice, which is no longer shocking because it has become legal and commonplace. Let us now consider some sins which now appear more acceptable because we have been taught that we are mere animals in a godless world.

As we approach the Christmas season, we review the story of the birth of our Savior. When we get to the part about the horrible King Herod who had all of the infant boys of Bethlehem slain by the sword, we are shocked at this heinous crime which this monstrous man committed. There were probably about 100-200 infants slain. What could be worse than that?

Consider just how monstrous we have become. Some 40,000,000 unborn infants have been slain in what is arguably the most Christian country in the worldsince abortion was legalized in the United States. Many of those deaths come from horrible means of submitting the unborn to caustic solutions or ripping off arms and legs while the baby is still alive. People scream foul when we subject prisoners of war to embarrassment. What if we tore off limbs of terrorists? And yet we casually talk to a neighbor as she considers exercising her right to choose a horrible death for her baby. How is it possible that we have been so lulled to sleep that we don’t tell her she will probably suffer the regrets of hell for such a foul deed? Have we anesthetized our consciences with false “scientific” reasoning?

Of course, abortion is only one of many problems which has probably been exacerbated by false science. Murders have become so common that most are no longer newsworthy. Many people do not consider adultery to be a sin and divorce is now merely another question of freedom of choice.Similarly, the sin of fornication is now accepted as normal sexual maturing. “Living together” is seen by many as a logical preparation for marriage,perhaps even temple marriage. Do our youth know that adultery, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality were all punishable by death when the Ten Commandments were given? (Lev. 20:10-16). We watch outright theft by hurricane victims looting unprotected stores, and hear them justify it as “survival of the fittest”and then hear the news commentator ask her viewers, “Wouldn’t you do the same thing?” Do we nod in agreement or are we shocked at the suggestion? The prohibitions of the Ten Commandments against murder, stealing and adultery are not only now out of sight (thanks to our tacit acceptance of judicial rulings), but also apparently out of mind.

How is it that we have come to view these crimes as acceptable behavior? To me the answer is that materialism is one of the root causes of the problem.We have been told that it is not really a baby, but a mass of cells called a fetus that has no feeling and is not alive. All scientific evidence contradicts such an absurd claim, and yet we allow ourselves to accept it. We justify theft and murder with “law of the jungle” arguments, based on believing that there is no God who will judge us after this life on how well we obeyed his commandments. If Satan can dupe us into believing that his false science has proven there is no God,then he has made a huge victory toward justifying sin.

4. Conclusion

Science employs wonderful systematic methods of discovering the laws of what can be observed in nature. The seemingly innocuous extension proposed by some scientists that nothing else exists beyond what can be observed at first might appear logical and even a useful scientific principle. Closer examination, however, shows that such a doctrine of materialism serves all of the purposes of Satan so perfectly that it would not be surprising if he turned out to be the inspiration behind it. It has led to atheism by removing God from the universe, along with his commandments, the entire spirit world and any after life, including future judgment of our actions. Many of us have been led to replace God’s law with the “law of the jungle,”which condones horrible crimes as merely “survival of the fittest.” It might now be a good time to re-evaluate just how many of our beliefs and actions might be based, even subconsciously, on erroneous teachings which have been nothing more than Satanic speculations masquerading as science.


  1. Pratt, John P., “What is Creation?,” Meridian Magazine (6 Mar 2002).
  2. These are the words of Korihor, one of the anti-Christs described in the Book of Mormon (see Alma 30:15, 17, 53).
  3. Pratt, John P., “Scientists and Belief in God,” Meridian Magazine (25 Oct 2000).
  4. Pratt, John P., “Did God Write the Laws of Physics?,” Meridian Magazine (16 Apr 1999).
  5. For more on the scientific method, see Pratt, John P., “Strengths and Weaknesses of Science,” Meridian Magazine (28 Dec 2000) and “Millennial Science,” Charting a New Millennium, ed. Proctor, Maurine & Scot, (Salt Lake City: Aspen Books, 1998), pp. 367-85.

The topic that has become known as Flat Earth has caused a great deal of stir and has really forced people to take a more serious look at what they believe and why they believe it.  The main stream media designated it FLAT EARTH.  Why?  Because that terminology harkens back to our early years of education when it was pounded into our young minds that earlier society was so backward and foolish they believed in a “FLAT EARTH” with edges that one would fall off if they go too close.  The media was very active and very strategically poking fun at the topic and mentioning with a mocking tone.  “WE DON’T HAVE TIME FOR A MEETING OF THE FLAT EARTH SOCIETY” came from the mouth of then president OBUMA.  That was the first I ever heard of it.  The mere fact that he so pointed made mention of it that made me want to look into it.  Of course I did, and my life has never been the same.

You may not have been stirred to investigate the topic, or maybe you have and you are still not convinced, or maybe you are hanging on the fence.  Whatever your postition… I beg you to seriously look at FLAT EARTH.  Though we don’t really believe in a flat earth that you could fall off.  We believe in the biblical cosmos.  A domed, stationary, flat (as opposed to spherical) earth with hell beneath.  There are lots of theories about the actual shape of the earth.  However, there is no doubt that the earth is not a spinning ball flying through space.  
Now, I have had many friends, especially well educated, scientifically inclined or technically inclined friends who have asked me what’s the difference what I think about the shape of the earth.  As long as I believe in God, I don’t think he cares whether I think it is a sphere or a circle.  
Friends, let me tell you, IT SURELY MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO GOD!  If you believe in a ball whirling through space… YOU ARE CALLING GOD A LIAR!!   Do I think that will put you in Hell?  That is not up to me, that is up to GOD.  But, if you LOVE THE LORD, and YOU SAY YOU BELIEVE IN HIS WORD…how can you justify believing in GLOBE??   Think about it… more importantly, PRAY ABOUT IT!!   
Believing in the GLOBE changes how you think about EVERYTHING!!   Whether you realize that fact of not, it is TRUE!
Whether or not it will cause you to lose your salvation,  it certainly will rob you of walking in all that GOD has for you HERE and NOW.  