Is AI a Portal for Demonic Spirits?
Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society
Technology is occultism.

This is one great truth that few today understand. But it must be understood if one is to completely comprehend the relationship between the technological and the spiritual, as well as the full possibilities — for good and evil — that modern technology presents to us.

First, it’s important to understand what occultism is. While the layperson believes the occult to be synonymous with practices such as witchcraft and voodoo, occultism is more broad than that and can take various forms.

The word “occult” means hidden, and occultism refers to knowledge that, while it falls outside the scope of mainstream religion and science, is not necessarily in conflict with them. In fact, many of the Western occult traditions, such as alchemy and Hermeticism, have strong ties to or are derived from a Christian foundation.

As knowledge becomes more known and used, it ceases to be considered occult because it’s no longer hidden. Accordingly, the occultism of yesterday is often the science of today. Astronomy sprung out of the occult practice of astrology. Chemistry came from alchemy. Psychology came from ancient mental magic.

Likewise, the technology that is so commonplace today — computers, microchips, touch screens is also derived from the occult.

Think about this: One common practice in various occult disciplines is the use of a black mirror to evoke spirits, be they angels, demons, or the deceased.

Often, such a ritual involves the lighting of a candle in front of a black mirror in a dark room. The practitioner stares fixedly at his own reflection in the mirror while using verbiage to evoke his entity of choice. After several minutes, the individual’s reflection in the mirror will vanish. It will then be replaced by the face of the desired entity, with whom one may then converse.

Today, most of us would not consider ourselves occultists or think of dabbling in such rituals. And yet … have we not all, in a sense, become practitioners of the black mirror technique? Look around you. Television screens, computer monitors, smartphones.

They are all black mirrors. And when we use these devices, we, like a witch peering into her crystal ball, are able to see images and read information that traverses space and time. And we are able to communicate across vast distances with other human beings and now, with artificial intelligence.

Another example: The fact that breathtaking amounts of data are condensed on small silicon chips, enabling computational powers formerly thought to be the stuff of fantasy, is something so normal to us now that we don’t even bat an eyelash at the technology.

But this, too, has its roots in the occult.

One prominent school of occultism is Solomonic Magic, which posits that the biblical King Solomon was a powerful magician who trapped 72 demons in a bronze vessel and used them to do his will, including building the famous Temple of Solomon.

Modern Solomonic magic involves complex ceremonies to evoke these trapped spirits for one’s purposes.

Trapped … as in silicon?