I have to tell you that I have seldom had as many attacks as I have while working on this post.  Whew.  The devil tried very hard to make me give up.  He did manage to make me lose some important information but, he could not stop me from completing my task.  I can’t even tell you how many times I would be working on a lead and something would take me away from my desk, when I’d get back it would be gone.  I had to search through the History to figure out where I came across it and try to find it again.  I had to start over three times because my work got erased completely, no where to be found.  My computer shut down, I got locked out of my webpage, I was sick to my stomach, I can’t even remember all that happened today.

But, this is an important post.  There are people out there who really need this information.  Some of you have friends and family who have no clue what is about to happen.  If they believe the Plandemic is real, or that Climate Change is due to CO2, they need to learn the truth before it is too late. We can’t stop the New World Order from coming…but we can help wake people up so that they have a chance to be saved.

They are about to finalize their commitment and lower the hammer on the WORLD.  We are already seeing what looks like the beginning of WWIII.  The good supply is nearly dried up. Some Banks are closing, some are just locking up their accounts, some are already moving to the new banking system. some are already enforcing the NEW DIGITL ID SYTEM.  The Anti Christ is waiting in the wings.  The Euphrates River is nearly completely dried up.  The Red Heifer is ready.  The JEWS are CLAMORING for the TEMPLE to be built.  Persecution of Christians is advancing all across the Earth.  Brother is turning against brother, Friends are dying at the hands of their Friends, madness is overpowering the lost.  BUT, at the same time, many are coming to Christ.  Even Muslims and Gang Members.  We are at the end and things will get darker before the DAWN!

I am working hard to try and show people that CLIMATE CHANGE is a HOAX that has been perpetrated upon us.  What you are seeing manifest in the Earth is at the hands of those who HATE YOU.

My post from the other day,   PROOF: They will, they are, they can, they have and they DO!  Demonstrated how Saudi Arabia is letting the cat out of the bag and revealing the truth about Weather Modification.  Today, we cover more information on the US use of Weather Modification and it’s true purpose.   From the very beginning it was created to be a WEAPON!!

It has been used to break the backs of the American People for years now.

Here is the proof:

In their “race against time” to become a TYPE One Civilization it is unlikely that scientists will let a silly thing like humanity get in their way.  They are eager to be the MASTERS of this planet, controlling weather, volcanos, Hurricanes, Tornados, capturing all the Sun, and whizzing their way through the Galaxy and beyond.

SCIENTISTS ABHOR AND CONSTRAINTS OR RESTRICTIONS!  They believe they should be free to push the envelope, no matter the consequences.  


A Type-1 civilization has harnessed its planetary power. They control earthquakes, the weather, volcanoes, they have cities on the ocean, anything planetary – they control. That’s Type-1 civilization.

Top Scientist Tells CBS: HAARP Responsible For Recent Hurricanes – What is Cloud Seeding?


World renowned physicist Dr. Michio Kaku made a shocking confession on live TV when he admitted that HAARP is responsible for the recent spate of hurricanes.

In an interview aired by CBS, Dr. Kaku admitted that recent ‘made-made’ hurricanes have been the result of a government weather modification program in which the skies were sprayed with nano particles and storms then “activated” through the use of “lasers”.

In the interview (below), Michio Kaku discusses the history of weather modification, before the CBS crew stop him in his tracks.

The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was created in the early 1990’s as part of an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

According to government officials, HAARP allows the military to modify and weaponize the weather, by triggering earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. reports: One detail in a plethora of academic papers and patents about altering the weather with electromagnetic energy and conductive particles in the stratosphere, research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences said the “laser beams” can create plasma channels in air, causing ice to form. According to Professor Wolf Kasparian:

“Under the conditions of a typical storm cloud, in which ice and supercooled water coexist, no direct influence of the plasma channels on ice formation or precipitation processes could be detected.

Under conditions typical for thin cirrus ice clouds, however, the plasma channels induced a surprisingly strong effect of ice multiplication.

Within a few minutes, the laser action led to a strong enhancement of the total ice particle number density in the chamber by up to a factor of 100, even though only a 10−9 fraction of the chamber volume was exposed to the plasma channels.

The newly formed ice particles quickly reduced the water vapor pressure to ice saturation, thereby increasing the cloud optical thickness by up to three orders of magnitude.”

To really understand geoengineering, researchers have identified defense contractors Raytheon, BAE Systems, and corporations such as General Electric as being heavily involved with geoengineering. According to Peter A. Kirby, Massachusetts has historically been a center of geoengineering research.

With the anomalous hurricanes currently ravaging the Americas, floods destroying India, and wildfires destroying the Pacific Northwest, weather warfare is a topic on the public consciousness right now. Please share this with as many people as possible.


US2550324A – Process for controlling weather

Google Patents › patent
… own energy. Still further, frontal systems that are more active, such as the warm front, the cold front, the occluded front and its two submembers, the warm …

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

n 2025, US aerospace forces can own the weather by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.

The United States needs to incorporate the defense against directed energy weapons with the same intensity used developing anti-ballistic missile defenses. One of the major drawbacks to optical or directed energy systems is the inability to penetrate clouds or dense fog. Advances in technology are beginning to bring weather phenomena under our control. Greatly increased computing power and micronized delivery systems will allow us to create specific perturbations in local atmospheric conditions. These perturbations allow for the immediate and lasting ability to create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons. The future of nanotechnology will enable creation of stratus cloud formations to defeat DEW and optically targeted attacks on United Sates assets. The solution the weather control problem involves networked miniature balloons feeding and receiving data from a four-dimensional variation (4d-Var) computer model through a sensor and actor network. A network of diamond-walled balloons enters the area to be changed and then both measures and affects localized temperature and vapor content. This system effectively shortens the control loop of an atmospheric system to the point it can be “managed.” The capabilities in the diamond-walled balloons are based on the future of nanotechnology.

Weather Modification 2025 Time to Start Countdown › Weather_Modification_2…

In 1996, US armed forces were presented with the striking research titled “Owning the Weather in 2025” under Project Air Force 2025.


“In 1996, US armed forces were presented with the striking research titled “Owning the Weather in 2025” under Project Air Force 2025. This research outlined the strategy to use weather modification not only as a force multiplier to accomplish military objectives in battlefield, but also to achieve capability of altering “global weather patterns by influencing their determining factors” in the next 30 years.” 1

Weather modification has now become a giant business industry and approximately 34 private companies across the globe are earning huge revenues from selling weather. The world`s largest firm is  Weather Modification Incorporated,  which was established in 1961 to provide services of atmospheric assessment, meteorological evaluation, cloud seeding, weather radar systems, and environmental monitoring. This US based firm has carried out multi-million dollar research project for governments of Canada, Australia, Greece, Antigua, Indonesia, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
 In 2016, it earned $40 million from cloud seeding contracts in South America and the Middle East.
 It also secured a $ 4.5 million Rainfall Enhancement Project  for a 100 square mile area of state of Maharashtra, India in 2015. This firm is working in India since 2003 and already completed three projects Andhra Pradesh Rainfall Enhancement Project ; CAIPEEX – Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment; and Varuna-Karnataka Rainfall Enhancement Project  
 India is the world`s fifth largest state with respect to investment in research and operational weather modification programmes.
 At present, 56 countries in the world have weather modification programmes. Pakistan being a party to ENMOD was also involved in peaceful weather modification programmes. It carried out eight Rainfall Enhancement Experiments during July 1- July 15, 2000 in Eastern part of Sindh province, out of which six were successful. After one month, similar experiments were carried out in Quetta,Baluchistan. In 2002, six more experiments were conducted in the area of Zhob in Baluchistan   
 Currently, there is no operational research weather modificationprogramme in Pakistan
The shift from peaceful to military use of weather modification techniques is quite easy as compared to nuclear technology because of its easy and open availability. The inclination of countries towards research and operational weather modification programmes is increasing at a rapid pace which should be strictly supervised and managed. In 2013, the number of countries with weather modification programs was just 47, which reached 60 in 2017 (Figure 1). However, ENMOD practically failed to perform its assigned role in this respect due to following weaknesses:
 1.  The threshold with respect to the intensity, scope and duration of these techniques[Article1] is so ambiguous and ill-defined that it is difficult to cross. Thus, making ENMOD practically ineffective.
2. It didn`t completely outlawed the environmental modification experimentation. It seemed to be a deliberate error of parties because BTWC was finalized in the same time period by the same parties which strictly banned the production, stockpiling and transfer of biological agents.
3. Despite of existing weaponization of weather programmes and events of deliberate destruction of environment, not a single country has been convicted under ENMOD since its enforcement.
4. It allows state party to lodge a complaint with the UN Security Council against any environmental damage, but this damage must be proved and the complaint should include all the relevant and valid supporting evidences and information [Article 3] which is practically impossible for technologically less developed countries.
5. There is no liability mechanism.
6. Its Review Conference Mechanism  (Article 8) is totally ineffective and since 1977, only two conferences took place in 1984 and 1992 without any concrete contribution. These review conferences should be convened after every five years [Article 8 (1)]

The modification of weather is a crawling threat which has been totally neglected from last four
decades. Discussion on the military use of weather modification techniques by US is a taboo in international arena and usually termed as conspiracy theory or fake propaganda. Renvision and implementation of ENMOD is an urgent need of time and if it’s not being done, then the time is not far away that the global climate will be controlled by a single country to be used against humanity. If US possessed a capability to develop a tropical storm seven decades ago, one can only guess what kind of advance technology it might have in 2025?

We Will Bury You In Mud: Owning the Weather... – Dick Atlee

by CTJ House1996Cited by 54 —

Forget Bush’s National Missile Shield. The best military defense is a Russian winter. It got the better of King Charles XII of Sweden, sent Napoleon packing, and eventually shooed Hitler away. A few years after that, though, it was the Germans that were favored by the weather gods—for weeks, Patton’s Third Army was stuck near the edge of Germany, plagued by rain that kept American tanks and trucks and soldiers in place. The general’s solution? A prayer to those gods:

Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.1

Patton was certainly not the first military leader to beseech His Great Goodness for favorable conditions. When Hannibal invaded Italy in 217 BC, he waited for the marshes to freeze so his mounted troops could pour in. In 1776, the harsh winter helped George Washington’s army, letting it move quickly across the frozen Delaware River. And in 1941, the Japanese essentially hid their aircraft carriers moving toward Pearl Harbor in a large Pacific storm.

But, to paraphrase Mark Twain, everybody prayed about the weather, but nobody did anything about it. That changed in 1946, when General Electric scientists Vincent Schaefer and Irving Langmuir created an artificial cloud by introducing dry ice into a freezer, and then developed a technique for “cloud seeding,” still used today.

By the late 1950s, people began to think about our new ability to alter the weather in military terms. The Cold War was kicking into high gear, and the US intelligence community became aware that the Soviets were experimenting with cloud seeding and other kinds of weather control, such as cloud dissipation. In 1957, Henry Houghton, chair of MIT’s meteorology department, noted, “I shudder to think of the consequences of a prior Russian discovery of a feasible method for weather control.”2 That same year, a Presidential Advisory Committee on Weather Control noted (with perfect deadpan sensationalism) that, “weather modification could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.”3 The weather race, though never as fierce or as public as the space race or the arms race, was on. (The Soviets really were working on weather, with the hopes of, among other things, warming its vast northern regions and removing the ice in the Arctic Sea.)

That any new technology that could be used as a weapon would be used as a weapon now seems obviousa kind of first principle of warfare—but it is a relatively recent idea, a product of the “total war” strategy of the two world wars, where tactics and weaponry became increasingly more destructive. And there was historical precedent for offensive uses of the environment. During the Franco-Dutch War of 1672–1678, for example, the Dutch breached the dikes around Amsterdam, flooding part of the low-lying country and putting the French on the defensive. (The Dutch won.)

With the political and military stage set, the US got to work on figuring out how to alter the weather, and what to do with that knowledge. Much of the work seems to have been done at the Navy’s China Lake weapons research center. “Between 1949 and 1978,” the base’s in-house newspaper, The Rocketeer, reported, “China Lake developed concepts, techniques, and hardware that were successfully used in hurricane abatement, fog control, and drought relief.”4

“Drought relief” is an interesting way to put it. China Lake’s research caught the eye of the CIA in the early 1960s, which saw the potential of weather control in the rapidly expanding conflict in Vietnam. The CIA’s first use of the Navy’s technology was crowd dispersal. “The Diem regime was having all that trouble with the Buddhists,” an agent told Seymour Hersh in 1972. “They would just stand around during demonstrations when the police threw tear gas at them, but we noticed that when the rains came they wouldn’t stay on. The agency got an Air America Beechcraft and had it rigged up with silver iodide. There was another demonstration and we seeded the area. It rained.”5

In 1966, the idea of raining on Vietnam became the top-secret Project Popeye, which ran for some seven years and included more than 2,600 cloud-seeding flights over Vietnam and Laos. The objective was simple: Make rain that would make or keep the Ho Chi Minh Trail—a main supply route for the North Vietnamese—so muddy that it was unusable. (Why “Popeye”? The artificially created rain was apparently called “Olive Oil.”)

The story of the top-secret project—flown by the Air Force but controlled by the CIA and the White Housewas broken in 1971 in Jack Anderson’s national newspaper column, then, to greater fanfare, in July 1972, with Hersh’s front-page story in the New York Times. And while there were no rules at the time about weather modification—or any environmental warfare, for that matter—the Nixon administration was not happy with Hersh’s revelations. The White House and the State Department declined comment, and one unnamed official said, “This is one of those things where no one is going to say anything.”6 (People said even less about CIA weather modification in Cuba. During 1969 and 1970, planes from China Lake seeded clouds that rained over non-agricultural regions of Cuba, leaving at least some of the country’s sugar cane fields dry.)

The eventual response was an international treaty, the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, or ENMOD, which entered into force in 1978. The main tenet of the treaty, which stands today, is this: “Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.”7

Weather control activities seem to have quieted down after ENMOD, but fortunately for the US military, the treaty has a loophole big enough to drive a truck through: It prohibits only action with “widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.” When Air Force intelligence analysts turned their thoughts to the weather in the mid-1990s, they made up their own definition of these limits: widespread means affecting more than several hundred kilometers; long-lasting means for a period of months; and severe “involves serious or significant disruption or harm to human life, natural or economic resources, or other assets.8 Which is to say that, except for the human life part, most military applications, which tend to be short-term and localized, are allowed. These analysts’ conclusions are contained in an extraordinary report, published in 1996, called “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” If the US intelligence community did ignore the weather for a while, “Owning the Weather” certainly made up for it. Envisioning a world where technology has made control over the local weather phenomena much more preciseand where a global network of sensors has greatly increased available atmospheric datathe writers declare that in three decades time, “US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather,’” and “shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.”9

While “Owning the Weather” relies primarily on extensions of existing weather modification techniques, the authors strike more boldly into the future with speculation about nanotechnology-based “artificial weather.” “A cloud, or several clouds, of microscopic computer particles,” they note, “all communicating with each other and with a larger control system could provide tremendous capability. Interconnected, atmospherically buoyant, and having navigation capability in three dimensions, such clouds could be designed to have a wide range of properties.10

At times, the Air Force report reads like a declaration to violate the ENMOD agreement. The authors even note that the only reason they don’t discuss more serious weather control—made-to-order weather, large-scale climate modification, control of storms, etc.—is that it won’t be technically feasible by 2025. “Such applications would have been included in this report as potential military options,” they note, “despite their controversial and potentially malevolent nature and their inconsistency with standing UN agreements to which the US is a signatory.”11

Why is the United States so interested in the weather that it would violate international treaty? The answer may lie more in the psyche of the government than in specific tactical advantages. The US military has long been used to having a stacked deck. The US Navy once owned the seas; later, the Air Force had the run of the skies. For a while, our sole possession of the atomic and hydrogen bombs gave us the “ultimate” weapon. Dominion over the atmosphere might be the next “ultimate” weapon, proof not only of military invincibility but perhaps, finally, of Divine Right.

Owning The Weather Trailer

Seventh Art Releasing
Robert Greene

95 minutes

The weather might be the most important thing to humankind. It affects our moods, what clothes we wear, what foods we eat and how we live. Despite centuries of scientific victories that have enabled us to exert some control and “air condition” the elements out of our lives, we may never escape the weather.

The desire to modify the weather has been around forever; but the threat of catastrophic climate change, water wars, and intensifying hurricanes, a new breed of weather control emerged.

Mixing character-driven verité with the scope of an essay film, OWNING THE WEATHER tells the story of weather modification in the United States, from Charles Hatfield’s infamous rainmaking days to modern plans to engineer the climate.

There are more than fifty active weather modification programs in the United States alone. Through the eyes of key individuals on the front lines of a crucial but largely unknown debate, the film introduces the cloud seeders struggling for mainstream recognition, the “legitimate” scientists who doubt them, and the activists who decry any attempts to mess with Mother Nature.

Will the scientific renegades in the weather modification community ever shed the label of “snake-oil-salesman”? Will they succeed in securing government funding for the first time in decades? What does it mean to our society and our consciousness if there are no more acts of God?

Traversing vast ethical, political, and social currents, the film asks the question, “will we have to own the weather to save the planet?”


View the full document HERE:

by CTJ House1996Cited by 54 — In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to .
A Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025
by Col Tamzy J. House Lt Col James B. Near, Jr. LTC William B. Shields (USA) Maj Ronald J. Celentano Maj David M. Husband Maj Ann E. Mercer Maj James E. Pugh
August 1996
2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.


eather has always been a powerful force, capable of shaping the outcomes of battles and impacting societies. In recent years, there has been speculation about the United States military’s alleged pursuit of weather control capabilities, aiming to manipulate weather patterns worldwide by the year 2025. This ambitious objective, if true, raises numerous questions about the implications and feasibility of such a technology. This article explores the concept of weather control, its potential military applications, and the references made in the article “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,” published by the Defense Technical Information Centre.

Understanding Weather Control Technology

Weather control, also known as weather modification or geoengineering, refers to the deliberate manipulation of natural weather patterns. It involves altering atmospheric conditions through various techniques, such as cloud seeding, ionization, or even the use of electromagnetic waves. The idea of weather control has been explored for decades, but significant progress has been made in recent years, leading to increased speculation about the U.S. military’s potential involvement.


The article “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,” published by the Defense Technical Information Centre, delves into the concept of using weather control as a strategic advantage. It suggests that the U.S. military aims to harness weather manipulation as a force multiplier, enabling them to influence the outcomes of military operations. However, it is important to note that the article’s predictions and claims should be evaluated with a critical lens, as they may involve speculative scenarios rather than concrete plans.


Photo by Johannes Plenio on

While the idea of weather control may seem like science fiction, there have been real-world experiments and projects aimed at exploring its possibilities. For instance, cloud seeding, a technique involving the dispersion of substances into clouds to promote rainfall, has been employed in various regions to mitigate droughts. These experiments provide valuable insights into the potential of weather control technology, but they should not be conflated with the military’s alleged ambitions of global weather manipulation.


Potential Military Applications

The potential military applications of weather control technology are vast and multifaceted. One primary objective could be to enhance or disrupt communication systems by manipulating atmospheric conditions that affect radio waves and satellite signals. By controlling weather patterns, military forces could create strategic advantages by either enabling or impeding the enemy’s ability to coordinate operations effectively.


Photo by ThisIsEngineering on

Another potential application lies in using weather control to weaken or incapacitate adversaries. For instance, the ability to trigger severe storms, hurricanes, or droughts could severely impact the agriculture and infrastructure of enemy nations, destabilizing their economies and diminishing their military capabilities. However, it is crucial to note that deploying such tactics raises ethical and humanitarian concerns, as they may result in collateral damage and indiscriminate suffering among civilian populations.

EzoicAdditionally, weather control could be utilized to protect military assets and territories. By modifying weather patterns, the military could create advantageous conditions for its own operations while impeding enemy movements. This could involve generating fog or heavy rainfall to reduce visibility or creating strong wind patterns that disrupt aerial operations. However, the feasibility and effectiveness of such tactics on a large scale remain uncertain and would require extensive research and development.

EzoicEvaluating Feasibility and Challenges

Achieving global weather control by 2025, as suggested by the referenced article, presents significant technological and logistical challenges. Weather systems are incredibly complex and interconnected, making it difficult to predict and manipulate them on a large scale. Developing the capability to influence weather patterns across different geographical regions would require a thorough understanding of atmospheric dynamics, sophisticated modeling techniques, and substantial computing power.  (all of which the US Government has fully developed. As well as ample experimentation with incredible data collection.)


Furthermore, weather control efforts must consider the potential unintended consequences and ecological impacts(Only if that is a factor of concern.  If loss of life and property is a minor consideration than nothing hinders the implementation of these technologies.)  Altering weather patterns in one area may lead to unforeseen disruptions in other regions, affecting ecosystems, agricultural cycles, and water resources. Responsible deployment of weather control technology would necessitate careful consideration of its long-term effects and adherence to international agreements and environmental protocols.  

It is essential to maintain a critical perspective when examining claims and predictions about the U.S. military’s ambitions regarding weather control. While it is plausible that research and development in this field are ongoing, the achievement of global weather control by 2025 may be an overly optimistic timeline. The practical and ethical considerations surrounding weather control technology demand thorough evaluation and public discourse to ensure responsible and beneficial applications.

Weather control technology remains an intriguing area of scientific research with potential military applications. The article “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” provides speculative insights into the possible intentions of the U.S. military. However, it is crucial to approach these claims with critical thinking, recognizing the challenges and uncertainties associated with achieving global weather control. Balancing the potential benefits with ethical considerations and ecological impacts is essential to ensure responsible use of such technology, if it were to become a reality in the future.


This next article is a FABULOUS SOURCE OF INFORMATION.   Don’t Miss it!  It was just to long to post here and to make it short enough you would lose so much valuable information.  PLEASE VIST The Site by clicking the link in the box below.

The Geologists Who Control Lava


Volcanoes Around The World

The map shows some volcanoes that have been active in the last 10,000 years. Many more active volcanoes are known to exist on the sea floor, shown here as paler areas in the oceans.

This pattern suggests that magma is only produced in certain places, particularly at the edges of the slowly-moving Tectonic Plates that form the outer layer (lithosphere) of our planet.

Yellow triangles have links to further information about individual volcanoes. Much more information can be found from a couple of sites in the ‘Useful Links‘ section.



If you are an evil genius bent on achieving world domination by causing a volcano to erupt on command, you need to read this post. Volcanologist Erik Klemetti outlines the steps and potential pitfalls while also explaining why all previous evil genius attempts at triggering volcanoes have failed.

OVER THE LAST few weeks, a number of disparate items converged in my mind. First, in my Petrology and Volcanology class here at Denison, we spent a week talking about what geologists know about triggers for volcanic eruptions. Secondly, I was asked some questions about Richard Branson’s April Fools’ joke regarding the supposed Virgin Volcanic that would send a manned submersible into a volcano. Put these two ideas together, and you get to wondering about that age-old question: Could we trigger a volcano to erupt on purpose? This has been the realm of science fiction and conspiracy theorists for decades (centuries?), the idea that humans could figure out a way to get a volcano that isn’t erupting to start erupting. Mostly, this is in the hands of evil scientists/lunatics who are bent on world domination (paging Dr. Horrible) or some last ditch effort to save the planet (as in Crack in the World).



Activity—World Map of Plate Boundaries

Oregon State University › sites › files › 7-…

Mapping World Plates helps students connect topography, earthquakes, volcanoes, and plates. Includes many maps for printing, and student worksheets. Color …
10 pages

Mapping the Earth’s Tectonic Plates

Maps Mania › 2015/03 › m…

Mar 11, 2015 — This Story Map explores the forces that cause the tectonic plates to move, the seismic cycle and the causes of earthquakes and volcanic …

How did scientists map the tectonic plates around the world?

Quora › How-did-scientists-map-the-tec…

Scientists have used a variety of methods to map tectonic plates around the world. One of the main methods is seismology. Continue reading.


US20100072297A1 – Method for controlling hurricanes

One aspect is a method for controlling hurricanes by raising temperature in the eye and/or in the outflow. Air temperature within the eye and/or in the outflow of a hurricane is raised by flying a fleet of jet planes with afterburners in the structure.

Controlling a Hurricane

In the mid-20th century, the United States government invested in two major projects designed to control hurricanes by seeding the storm clouds.

The  icon indicates free access to the linked research on JSTOR.

Humans haven’t quite figured out how to control the weather—but it’s not for lack of trying. In fact, between the 1940s and the early 1970s, the United States government developed Project Cirrus and Project STORMFURY, both attempts to manipulate hurricanes by seeding clouds.

Hurricanes generally start as low-pressure systems off the coast of Africa and move west towards the Americas. They can progressively strengthen as they suck up the energy of the warm waters they swirl over. The strongest hurricanes on record have had winds hitting 185 mph. And yet, as hurricane researchers H. E. Willoughby et al., write, “The goal of human control of hurricanes was captivating and seemed to be physically attainable in the beginning.”

As detailed by Willoughby et al., the U.S. government’s efforts to blunt the massive destructive power of hurricanes started with Project Cirrus. In 1947, scientists tried seeding a hurricane tracking off the coast of Florida and Georgia with silver iodide. The idea was that this would turn the supercooled water contained in the storm into ice. This ice would then fall as snow, and the resulting convection outside the hurricane’s center, or eye, would “compete” with the eye. This would theoretically force the eye to reform at a larger radius, slowing down the storm.

The intent was to dilute the storm’s strength. Instead, the storm actually reversed course and slammed into Georgia and South Carolina. While this course-shift wasn’t attributed to the seeding, it didn’t make for a public relations triumph. The charge that human intervention had turned the storm towards the coast left a lasting impression, making later hurricane modification efforts hard to rally support for.  (one of the reasons for all the secrecy)

The crew of Project Stormfury via Wikimedia Commons.

Nevertheless, after three big hurricanes in 1954 and three more again in 1955 (with a total of nearly 400 fatalities and many billions of dollars in damages), Congress mandated the establishment of the National Hurricane Research Project. In addition to studying the formation of hurricanes and improving forecasting, the NHRP was  to seek methods of hurricane modification.


Hurricane Manipulation Experiment

Established in 1907
Harvard University’s 4000 acre laboratory & classroom
Long Term Ecological Research site since 1988

Printer-friendly version

Based on reconstructions and modeling of the history of tropical storms in our region and long-term studies of the impacts of the 1938 hurricane, we have developed a good understanding of many aspects of the role of hurricanes in structuring the forest vegetation in New England. Although only occurring every 50 to 200 years across the landscape, powerful hurricanes create extensive windthrow and forest damage that structures terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems for centuries thereafter. As a consequence, hurricanes are one of the most important natural disturbances affecting the eastern U.S.

Despite our extensive understanding of these storms there are many aspects of their impacts on forest ecosystems that are poorly understood. In particular we have little information on the response of individual tree species to the mechanical damage inflicted by high winds, or the rate and pattern of physiological, population and community response to the changed environment after a storm. Similarly, the rate and types of biogeochemical responses of forests to hurricane damage is very poorly understood.

In order to address these questions and to provide a contrast to other large experiments being conducted at the Harvard Forest, we developed a large hurricane simulation in 1990. By producing an experimental hurricane we were able to collect detailed baseline information on the forest before damage and then follow specific processes and characteristics afterwards. To simulate the hurricane we pulled trees over in a two-acre forested area using a large winch. Data from the 1938 hurricane were used to determine the trees selected for damage and the direction of fall. The resulting pattern provided a realistic simulation of wind damage.

Since 1990 the experimental area and adjoining control site have been studied in detail and have yielded many surprises. In particular the extent and species pattern of survival by uprooted trees was unexpected. In addition the forest ecosystem has proved to be extremely resilient to damage. Very few changes were witnessed in microenvironmental conditions or biogeochemistry despite the massive changes in forest structure.

The experimental hurricane will continue to be studied and compared to long-term data from forests damaged in 1938 and other natural disturbances.

This project is supported by the Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research Program.

So, this study has been in action since 1988.  YOU KNOW THEY ARE EXPERIMENTING with more technology and in a manner that provides real data from real events.



US20030085296A1 – Hurricane and tornado control device

Google Patents › patent
Tornadoes are formed when a change in wind direction and an increase in … Rising air within the thunderstorm causes the lower atmosphere rotating air to tilt …

US20100072296A1 – Method of Interrupting a Tornado

Google Patents › patent
The invention describes and claims a method of interrupting a tornado. As the first step, an area of ongoing tornadic activity is located.

Tornado Power: Green Energy of the Future? | Smart News

Louis Michaud, the entrepreneur behind the tornado power, has spent years “trying to be taken seriously,” Gigaom writes. His technology, dubbed the Atmospheric Vortex Engine, introduces warm, humid air into a circular station where it assumes the form of a rising vortex. In other words, he creates a controlled tornado.Dec 17, 2012


Controlled Tornadoes Create Renewable Energy

Discover Magazine › Environment
Dec 10, 2013 — The device can spin waste heat from power plants into usable energy. Instead of directing excess heat into conventional cooling towers that …

Can We Really Make Tornadoes for Energy? This Man

National Geographic › science › article
Dec 4, 2015 — Louis Michaud invented the atmospheric vortex engine as a way of creating controlled, man-made tornadoes. photograph by National Geographic …

Will Man-Made Tornadoes Be The Future Of Renewable ...

Giant Freakin Robot › sci › manmade-t…
Aug 27, 2019 — My work has established the principles by which we can control and exploit that power to provide clean energy on an unprecedented scale.

Microwave a Tornado, Lase a Rainstorm

Scientists are developing new technology to control old natural hazards.

By Kathleen SteinJun 6, 2008 12:00 AMNov 11, 2019 10:12 PM
The newest plans to modify the weather are conceptual or in an embryonic stage. If they work, they will bring us one step closer to dominion over the elements that often disrupt our lives.Tornado Terminator In 1998, the late physicist Bernard Eastlund suggested that we might control twisters with a space-based, solar-collecting microwave generator, which he called the Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite. The microwaves would heat the rainy downdraft inside the storm, disrupting the convective forces needed to concentrate the tornado’s power, and so effectively stop it from forming. The concept now awaits development by a new generation of weather modification experts.Laser Rain Keitaro Yoshihara of the Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute in Nagakute, Japan, is using an ultraviolet laser to generate water droplets, mist, or ice particles from the ambient air in his lab. Such small-scale photochemical seeding would produce rain in greenhouses or biospheres.A Strike at Lightning Lighting kills 62 Americans a year, on average, and controlling it would prevent those deaths. That is the goal at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing in Florida, where scientists are launching a special rocket that triggers lightning strikes. These strikes occur just where the researchers want them, suggesting the promise of a technology that would redirect bolts from the sky with far more precision than the lightning rods of today. 




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Terra Times

December 16th, 2021.


 1008 subscribers

The recent tornados, that passed through multiple red states, including Rand Paul’s state, were generated and controlled weather warfare.

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Shooting clouds with lasers triggers electrical discharge

New Scientist › article › dn13669-sho…
Apr 14, 2008 — Pulsing a laser into the skies of New Mexico stimulates electrical activity inside storm clouds – a step towards thunderbolts on demand.

The man who wants to control the weather with lasers › tech › laser-cloud-seeding-mci
Apr 24, 2015 — Swiss Professor Jean-Pierre Wolf is pioneering the use of lasers to affect the weather.

Scientists guide lightning with lasers fired at thunderclouds

The Hill › policy › energy-environment › 3…
Jan 16, 2023 — A group of scientists say they successfully steered bolts of lightning using laser technology during a storm in Switzerland, demonstrating a


Scientists used a laser beam to bend a bolt of lightning

Business Insider › Science
10/4/23— For the first time, scientists were able to show they can bend lightning from a storm with a laser. · The project, 20 years in the making, …
This next article is also VERY LONG.  I have posted an excerpt from it here.   You can read the full article by clicking the title link.

It’s Time to Engineer the Sky

Global warming is so rampant that some scientists say we should begin altering the stratosphere to block incoming sunlight, even if it jeopardizes rain and crops

It's Time to Engineer the Sky
Credit: Goñi Montes

On the crisp afternoon of February 12, 2023, two men parked a Winnebago by a field outside Reno, Nev. They lit a portable grill and barbecued a fist-sized mound of yellow powdered sulfur, creating a steady stream of colorless sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. Rotten-egg fumes permeated the air as they used a shop vac to pump the gas into a balloon about the diameter of a beach umbrella. Then they added enough helium to the balloon to take it aloft, attached a camera and GPS sensor, and released it into the sky. They tracked the balloon for the next several hours as it rose into the stratosphere and drifted far to the southwest, crossing over the Sierra Nevada Mountains before popping and releasing its gaseous contents. The contraption plummeted into a cow pasture near Stockton, Calif.

The balloon released only a few grams of SO2, but the act was a brazen demonstration of something long considered tabooinjecting gases into the stratosphere to try to slow global warming. Once released, SO2 reacts with water vapor to form droplets that become suspended in the air—a type of aerosol—and act as tiny mirrors, reflecting incoming sunlight back to space. Luke Iseman and Andrew Song, founders of solar geoengineering company Make Sunsets, had sold “cooling credits” to companies and individuals; a $10 purchase would fund the release of a gram of SO2, which they said would offset the warming effects of a metric ton of atmospheric carbon dioxide for a year. They had planned a launch in Mexico but switched to the U.S. after the Mexican government forbade them.

Many people recoil at the notion of solar geoengineering, or solar radiation management (SRM), as it’s often called. The idea that humans should try to fix the atmosphere they’ve messed up by messing with it some more seems fraught with peril—an act of Faustian arrogance certain to backfire. But as it becomes clear that humans are unlikely to reduce emissions quickly enough to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, some scientists say SRM might be less scary than allowing warming to continue unabated. Proposals for cooling the planet are becoming more concrete even as the debate over them grows increasingly rancorous.

SRM replicates a natural phenomenon created by large volcanic eruptions. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it blasted 20 million tons of SO2 into the stratosphere, creating an “aerosol parasol” that cooled the planet by about 0.5 degree C over the next year or so before the droplets settled back to Earth. Studies suggest that if SRM were deployed at sufficient scale—maybe one quarter of a Pinatubo eruption every year, enough to block 1 or 2 percent of sunlight—it could slow warming and even cool the planet a bit. Its effects would be felt within months, and it would cost only a few billion dollars annually. In comparison, transitioning away from fossil fuels is expected to take decades, and the CO2 emitted until then could make warming worse. Using machines to remove billions of tons of CO2 from the skies, a process called direct-air capture, could slow warming but would be fighting itself—the machines might increase the world’s energy consumption by up to 25 percent, potentially creating more greenhouse gas emissions. Because SRM could produce effects quickly, it has political appeal. It’s “the only thing political leaders can do that would have a discernible influence on temperature within their term in office,” says Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist emeritus at the Carnegie Institution for Science, who is also a senior scientist at Breakthrough Energy, an organization founded by Bill Gates.

Caldeira and others say SRM should be pursued with extreme caution—if at all. It could noticeably whiten our blue sky. It could weaken the stratospheric ozone layer that protects us and Earth’s biosphere from ultraviolet radiation. It might change weather patterns and move the monsoons that water crops for billions of people. And it wouldn’t do anything to remedy other CO2-related problems such as ocean acidification, which is harming the ability of corals, shellfish and some plankton to form skeletons and shells.

Critics also say that the very idea of an escape hatch such as SRM could undermine support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Like a prescription drug, if SRM were used responsibly—temporarily and in small doses—it could be beneficial, easing what is likely to be a dangerously hot century or two and buying humanity some extra time to transition to renewable energy. But it also has potential for abuse. At higher doses it could increasingly distort the climate, altering weather patterns in ways that pit nation against nation, possibly leading to war.

For all these reasons, more than 400 scientists have signed an open letter urging governments to adopt a worldwide ban on SRM experiments. But other scientists are proceeding, if reluctantly. “All the scientists I know who are working on this—none of them want to be working on it,” says Alan Robock, a climatologist at Rutgers University. Robock, who previously showed the world how a nuclear winter could shroud Earth, studies SRM out of a sense of obligation. “If somebody’s tempted to do this in the future,” he says, they “should know what the consequences would be.”

Two months after the Reno balloon release, on April 10, Iseman and Song visited the Berkeley Marina in California to launch three more stratospheric balloons, funded by $2,840 of cooling credits purchased by customers.A 747 emits this amount in a couple of minutes,” Iseman said as he held high the first balloon in his right hand, with San Francisco Bay shimmering in the background and a camera crew filming. Then he let it go. A few days later the two men attended an Earth Day event in San Francisco, where they helped children launch their own small balloons, coated with chalk dust, which could aerosolize.Our goal,” Iseman said, “is to make 1,000 new geoengineers.”
