WHO Data Suggests COVID 19 Death Toll 3 Times Higher than Reported 


All the actual facts and evidence prove that what “Truthers” have been warning about related to the virus and the vaccines is true.  Everything that we were told by the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, the government, the medical community, the mainstream NEWS and sadly even the Clergy has been propaganda, lies and BS!

I have compiled a variety of videos that lay all that out for you.  You can use them for reference if you need to uncover the full truth, or if you want to share it with those you love, or you need some clear evidence to help someone who is struggling with sorting out the truth.

Keep this post link handy.  We are entering into a new onslaught of mandates and propaganda.  We are about to witness the after math of the Vaccines and the attack of the new manmade “virus”.  Those who have taken vax will have a harder struggle because their natural immune system has been overcome.  But, there is nothing to difficult for  GOD!  And HE is well able to keep us.  He created us and he can restore, renew, and rebuild us, if that is HIS will.

Don’t turn to the Medical Industry, they are not your friends.  That is unless you can find a Natural Provider who loves the LORD.   Always pray first and ask GOD for guidance.  MOST OF ALL TRUST HIM!  Those who TRUST HIM will come through all that is coming.


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20 hours ago
Oh, and by the way…since the vaccination program is a “clinical test” of an un approved and unknown product… Insurance Companies  will not pay out any benefits to any survivors of anyone who dies from the effects of the vaccination.  Nor will any insurance company be legally liable to cover the expense of any side effect of the vaccination, since anyone taking the vax knew the risks of participating in a “trial”.  
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Tägliche politische und Geoengineering-Nachrichten
Meine Kanäle:

My personal greetings from Germany go to all patriots in the world:
13 hours ago



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THE GOD GENE SELECTIVE ADVANTAGE:~Important Role THE GOD GENE Plays Is To Provide Pure Humans w/An Innate Sense Of Optimism~Psychologically, Optimism Provides The Will To Live & Procreate~Physically, Optimism Promotes Better Health & Quicker Recovery From Disease


CERTAIN AMERICANS TRULY BELIEVE GOD, expressing a conviction that has existed since the beginning of recorded time & is shared by MANY around the world. In his Book, THE GOD GENE, Dr. Dean Hamer reveals that this inclination toward BELIEF Or religious faith is no accident; it is in good measure due to our genes. In fact, he argues, SPIRITUAL BELIEF may offer an evolutionary advantage by providing humans w/a sense of purpose & the courage & will to overcome hardship & loss. As a growing body of evidence suggests, belief also increases our chances of reproductive survival by helping to reduce stress, prevent disease & extend life.

Hamer shows that new discoveries in behavioral genetics & neurobiology indicate that humans inherit a set of predispositions that make their brains ready & eager to embrace a higher power. By analyzing the genetic makeup of over a thousand people of different ages & backgrounds then comparing their DNA samples against a scale that measures spirituality, Hamer ACTUALLY identified a specific “GOD GENE” that appears to influence spirituality.

Popular science at its best, THE GOD GENE is an in-depth, fully accessible inquiry into the cutting-edge research that is changing the way we think about ourselves, our world & our culture. Written w/balance & integrity, without seeking to confirm or deny the existence of GOD, THE GOD GENE brilliantly illuminates the mechanism by which belief itself is biologically fostered. His book bridges the gap between science & religion & one that will appeal to the readers of Genesis & Genome alike.


Why is SPIRITUALITY such a powerful & universal force? Why do so many people believe in GOD Or things they cannot see, smell, taste, hear nor touch? Why do people from all walks of life, around the globe, regardless of their religious backgrounds or TMH GOD or the particular god they worship, value spirituality as much as, or more than, pleasure, power or wealth?

He argues that the answer is, at least in part, hardwired into our genes. SPIRITUALITY is one of our basic human inheritances. It is, in fact, an instinct.

At first, “instinct” may seem to be a peculiar word to pair w/SPIRITUALITY. We usually think of instincts as automatic, unconscious reactions or behaviors that are performed without thought or training. Birds know to fly south for the winter by instinct. Blinking your eyes when someone takes a swing at you is an instinct. A newborn baby learns to suckle at her mother’s breast by instinct, not because she has been taught. It is instinctual to become aroused when presented w/a sexual stimulus. By contrast, spiritual behaviors such as meditating in the lotus position or taking communion are neither automatic nor unconscious. They are highly deliberate & culturally learned activities.

He doesn’t contend that SPIRITUALITY is a simple instinct like blinking or nursing. But argues that it is a complex amalgamation in which certain genetically hardwired, biological patterns of response & states of consciousness are interwoven w/social, cultural & historical threads. It is this interdigitation of biology & experience that makes SPIRITUALITY such a durable part of the fabric of life–a rich tapestry in which nature is the warp & nurture is the woof.

In The GOD GENE, He proposes that SPIRITUALITY has a biological mechanism akin to birdsong, albeit a far more complex & nuanced one: that we have a genetic predisposition for SPIRITUAL BELIEF that is expressed in response to & shaped by, personal experience & the cultural environment. These genes, He argues, act by influencing the brain’s capability for various types & forms of consciousness, which become the basis for SPIRITUAL Experiences.

The term “GOD GENE” is, in fact, a gross oversimplification of the theory. There are probably many different genes involved, rather than just one. Environmental influences are just as important as genetics. Finally, SPIRITUALITY, in its broader meaning, is about much more than BELIEF in TMH GOD or a particular god…
#FunVAC​ #AntiChrist​ #AntiVaxxers

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part 203 – real battle vs 4 REICH ! (BIG TECH – social media like YOUTUBE – FACEBOOK – TWITTER – INSTAGRAM etc.) – BIG PHARMA – MAINSTREAM MEDIA – DEEP STATES !

FIRST sorry is a bit old my re up, is arround 12 nov 2021 original file – is has very important things which happen in USA, and a lot of people cant make some BIG NEWS from this, but IT IS !

ALSO NR.5 take note of this with delay, he lose some time on new VOICES i give him to check, letting that aside – he notice key points in this short video and ask me to re up, here are some of his words and mine too…

– MR. STEW PETERS is a pro, but we were impressed that he always show those numbers from VAERS (hope not wrong..) which most of others DONT DO IT – even if VAERS lie and are not 100% true, matter this thing !

– nr.5 said to me – ”mouse”, notice at 2 m stamp, 4 m – those FEMA goons, about GREEN ZONES (in true are future CAMPS – COMPOUNDS for UN VAX or FREE VOICES) and how are they thinking the minions from DEEP STATE when are questioned – ”is our policy, etc ” !

mouse – yes, so is pretty bad and medics flee vs JABS, right ?

nr. 5 – yes, but are the way of THINKING that most dont get is very dangerous, and is in most of world like this, OR WILL BE if people dont exit on streets, but like in FRANCE, days after days – is a good example, not perfect….you see 4 REICH hire youngs and many minions which CANT THINK ahead at all vs veterans or people with common sense…

mouse – true is that in our country most of forces has same way of think, ”we just FOLLOW ORDERS etc”..and can even kill us, right ?

nr.5 – yeah – PLAIN and SIMPLE they will shoot and think ”BETTER US ALIVE then our targets !”, and even if they dont do that now – 4 REICH will hire more and more hit men, some of them disguised as police or other internal machinery who MUST SHOOT and dont have BRAIN, yeah ?

mouse – also people are protesting in Los Angeles, right ? is like a countdown to 18 december 2021 with the JAB !

nr.5 – yes but without a good plan and strong leaders PROTESTS cant win, is like i have a plenty of ammo and guns on me, igo and shoot randomly at some walls, instead know who or where to send the bullets….is just me…, and of course each DEEP STATE use strong INFO and dont let that happen….

nr.5 – look at how FRANCE goes like 6 or 7 days, AND AND barely MACRON goes to speak few words, like ”i dont even GET UP from my sleep for this one…”, this show us they have STRONG BACKUP from others – SECRET SERVICES are the most OP, and average humans dont know about them….is normal…

mouse – are so dangerous those ?

nr.5 – yes, i am sad about whats happen in USA and rest of world, and look – we dont ask money, others DO, some deserve, some not, they deceive even ME, i needed months to find some true about BIG KEY events, and even now im not 100% sure of some info….

but WEIRD thing almost nobody talk about D DIMER test on those who die, to know for sure that main cause is JAB…we have info is used on AUSTRALIA, UK, USA – here only VERITAS show some proof of that, we still check data….

nr.5 – and not last, great respect for mr. MIKE LINDELL, if remain with THE PEOPLE, im also worried for mr. TRUMP and his wife…- i say some words cause i cant check weekly what each important VOICE say, i dont want to lie…and sorry to mr. STEW i use his video for some extra words…i dont get ORDERS, i dont get payed like ”you go vs that one and CHECKMATE him, and you l hit the 10k dollars or more, is not like that ”.

mouse – me too, i hope he s not that mean.

PLEASE watch and share if like !

NR.5 – DONT GIVE UP ! TRUE PATRIOTS, TRUE FREE VOICES – look at FRANCE protest (RALLY) peacefully (of course we can DEFEND if must) and learn from there, AND if BORIS JOHNSON said ”we build back better” – we can say ”WE FIGHT BACK BETTER !”
upd. 17 dec 2021 !
GOD bless all those who deserve it !


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4 months, 2 weeks ago
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1 year, 3 months ago
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They are resorting to that part of their vax weapon playbook by having the vaxxed publicly and loudly shame anyone who hasn’t taken the Plague Kill Shot.
It is also showing up in commercials.
They desperately want to kill and then control, the survivors.
We are in the way of that. We have to be weaponized or killed.
It’s that simple.
Here is my go to answer for any and all of that.
1 year ago


General  Side Effects released

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NOW we know why Pfizer wanted to wait for 75 years to reveal all the details concerning their ‘VACCINE”…
Hard Truth Podcast:
3 months ago

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Leaked Meeting recording from September 17th 2021 starting at 4 hrs and 20 mins
4 months, 2 weeks ago


NanoTechnology/Graphene Oxide/Lucifrase

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1 month, 3 weeks ago


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Dr. Igor Shepherd is a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, and is on the Covid response team. (UPDATE: WAS! After this presentation he was suspended from the WY Health Department.)

I was able to have a conversation with Dr. Shepherd after he did a talk for “Keep Colorado Free and Open” this past Tuesday. Dr. Shepherd wrote to me, and I was able to get a copy of his important talk. He has taken great risk to do this talk about the horrors of this new ‘Covid-19’ vaccine, so I recommend that all watch and listen. It is a fairly long talk and questions are answered at the end, but it is worth every minute of your time. He calls them “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Dr. Shepherd was born and raised in the Soviet Union, and became a Military Doctor in St. Petersburg, Russia, and studied under the Strategic Rocket Force. He is an expert today on bio-weapons, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives,(CBRNE) and Pandemic preparedness. His view is that these vaccines are very similar technology to the bio-weapon RND used to develop viral weapons. He fully understands that the plan of depopulation and mandatory vaccinations will be at our doorstep very soon, and is shocked that the American people are so passive concerning this enemy takeover. He believes that this fake pandemic is the means by which a communist global government will be ushered into existence; one that cannot be voted out. I agree with this thinking, as this technocratic takeover and economic destruction will be communistic in nature.
1 year, 3 months ago

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Pure blood, sane, unvaccinated people – PREPARE

What do you think? Religious or not this is a must listen. Let us hope he is wrong.

A Prescient Message from Alexis Bugnolo Be aware

Those making the vaccines know these vaccines will kill you, they know science, they’re not stupid. When you spend billions of dollars to build a factory to produce vaccines you have enough scientists to know that antibody priming will kill you. And we have to face the reality what’s going on…that this is the intention. The intention is to exterminate humanity.

Somewhere around nearly two billion people I hear it say have been vaccinated.Now according to Montagnier, anyone who has taken these vaccines that prime your immune system to react excessively the next time you run into acoronavirus. These all will be dead in two years and in the next two years we will see two billion people die on earth.

If you’re in a state like some of my relatives where 85% of the people are vaccinated everyone on your street will be dead except you whohaven’t taken it, and the others who haven’t taken it. And as an anthropologist I feel strongly motivated to tell you also as a Friar that you now have to start preparing yourself spiritually for this because some people are going to be so shocked by it, that they are going to lose their minds.

They’re going to lose their faith. They’re going to ask – where is God? And why did God not prevent it?

But you know when a man throws himself off a cliff is God obliged to stop the laws of gravity? To prevent him from dying from it?

ANYONE with a brain had enough time to examinethe scamdemic and see that it was false.As Christians we’re obliged to test everything to see if it is true or not and hold fast only to what is good.

If in a year you didn’t practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like thatyou’re an idiot and you’re a coward. And you don’t live according to the truth. The truth you can’t ignore if you are a person who isobjective and looks at hey he has a Nobel award in science. He says so, all the experiences with coronaviruses say so.

And therefore the conclusion seems almost certain. And we are living now in like the summer of 1914 before the first world war broke out.No one had an idea that in the next 3 or 4 years 20 million people would be killed in Europe There was a summer in which people still enjoyedtravelling around Europe in peace. And this is the summer they’ve given to deceive you that is why almost all the controls are disappearingin the northern hemisphere. Because they want you to think there is nothing wrong. Because they know you are going to die as soon asyou get the coronavirus.

Now, if you haven’t been vaccinated, this is not going to happen to you. However, if a third of the people in the world die in one year or in one winter or two winters there is going to be serious disruptions of the economy, national security and your neighborhood.

First of all there aren’t enough ambulances to take away the dead, there’s not enough morticians to to take away the dead. Most of these people have taken the vax and they too will be dead. So as Christians we have to step forward I think and fill the breech in the gap.You should, I recommend everyone to buy a hazmat suit.Because it is highly likely that you will be asked to help carry the dead to the grave.
7 months, 2 weeks ago


Blackeyed Children

Published on 28 Sep 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

Source: 🚫💉🚫💉🚫💉🚫💉🚫💉

Black Eyed Kids, Transhumanism, Gates & Epstein Baby Ranch, Pandemic Babies

These newborns born in 2021, are the victims of vaccinated mothers, the newborns are considered “TRANSHUMAN”, says the U.S court‼️ Dear divine souls, look closely at the baby, it can hold its head upright after a few hours after its birth! The dark eyes remind us of the demons, and this arm also looks strange. These newcomers have a different attitude and a different morphology and hybrid genetics and some also have non-human DNA with patent claims on the part of these entities.

If pregnant women are that stupid to get experimental gene therapy their babies are being born as NON human beings but as soulless genetically modified organisms – PLF – programmable life forms.

For all the children that do survive from the vaccinated mothers- THIS IS THE NEW RACE THAT THEY ARE PLANNING TO REPLACE US HUMANS WITH!



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Discord: Brayoda #5980If you’d like to support the Channel:$TakeNoteTV

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Secret Covenant (72 total bullet points)

Bullet Point #7: We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.

  • Bullet Point #16: We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
  • Bullet Point #17 Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
  • Bullet Point #18: They will see our products used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effects.
  • Bullet Point #19: When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help.
  • Bullet Point #20: We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
  • Bullet Point #69: They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions shall have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
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This has been surfacing hopefully its not disinfo but either way this obviously isn’t good for babies6 months, 3 weeks ago

Obvious Physical Side Effects

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18 hours ago
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SHOCKING!!! Alicia Smith (A Mother of Two) Shares the Horrors of Her COVID-19 Vaccine Injury + Mike and John Provenzano
9 months, 4 weeks ago

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A man that recently received the experimental mRNA injection freezes up like a statue. When medics carry him away his legs are as stiff as a board.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Colombia, one young man was burning from his own body.

Ironically, he was passing through a 5G Antenna. Graphene Oxide and 5G aren’t a good combination.

Also, one video showing 3 women who had the same side effect in China.
5 months, 1 week ago

Heart  Issues/ Blood Clots

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–Disclaimer–These are the opinions and ramblings of a lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.
7 months, 4 weeks ago

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100’s of Athletes Collapsing and Dying Worldwide from Heart Failure Caused by Toxic Vaccines
Please Subscribe, Like and Share The World!
vaccines, vax, vaxxed, 5g, nwo, who, new world order, cabal, cabal deep state, deep state, illuminati, cult, secret society, who runs the world, runs the world, world leader, donald trump, cabal vs donald trump, fall of cabal, fall of deep state, fall of illuminati, illuminati truth, illuminati cult deep state scam, cabal scam, Rothschild, Rothschild family, rockefeller, rockefeller family, globalist, agenda 21, agenda 30, globalist agenda, world domination, conspiracy, qanon, q anon
5 months ago


Effects on the BRAIN

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Once when you are “vaccinated”… GAME OVER. Sorry, you had more then a year to research those “conspiracy theories”.
8 months, 3 weeks ago

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Pls note: we live on a stationary Earth an NOT a Globe!!!
8 months, 3 weeks ago

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6 months, 1 week ago

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Some decent footage here though I don’t agree with his summation. The real owners of this country aren’t going to build something that’s toxic to them the same as it is to us. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one though, some of this footage is very interesting.
3 months, 2 weeks ago

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#MainstreamMediaIsTheEnemyOfThePeople #WeAreTheNewsNow #NoMoreMandates #omicron #omicronvariant #deltacron #taxtheunvaxxed #DeepState #Darpa #luciferase #USA #protests #communism #boosters #conspiracytheory #conspiracytheories #Truth #Freedom #mandates #vaccinemandate #vaccinemandates #billgates #billgatesofhell #billgatesisnotadoctor #billgatesisnotyourfriend #billgatesisacriminal #billgatesAntichrist #billgatesistheBEAST #melindagates #WHO #WorldHealthOrganization #vaccines #depopulation #vaccinesideeffects #fauci #drfauci #cardinalfauci #FauciLiedPeopleDied #WuhanFlu #ChinaVirus #China #covid19 #vaccinepassports #DontGetChipped #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #AI #ChristConciousness #event201 #agenda2030 #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PrisonPlanet #paranormal #metaphysical #aliens #UFOs #UFOsAreReal #vaccine #vaccines #vaccinedeaths #VAERS #covidvaccine #RNAvaccine #DNAvaccine #GrapheneOxide #transhumanism #magnetic #magneticaftervaccine #5gcovid #5gcovid19 #5Gcoronavirus #jab #gethtejab #dontgetthejab #selfspreading #selfspreadingvaccine #plague #spikeproteins #magnetized #magnetizednanoparticles #nanoparticles #nanotechnology #nanobots #prions #alienprogramming #electromagnetic #radiation #WWG1WGA #bloodlines #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #event201 #agenda2030 #NWO #NewWorldOrder #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #zinc #vitamins #health #cases #lockdowns #boosters #apocalypse #revelations #endtimes #judgementday #finalhour #worldwarthree #silentweaponsforquietwars #antifa #soros
1 month, 1 week ago

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whats in the v how it works and why and what its going to be used for :(This site may contain copyrighted content not authorized for use by the owner.use of copyrighted content falls under the guidelines of fair use.Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act.


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They Plan on turning ALL HUMANS into Bilogical Android Slaves from Mutated and Changed D.N.A in the Human Body so that we can be hooked up to the internet of things, and you can be controlled, Tracked, and Monitored 24/hours a day. If the Covid-19 shots don’t Kill you, They want to CONTROL and Manipulate You. Graphen Oxide is one of those components to it. Connect the DOTS people. This video shows Proof of this. Its your choice whether you believe this information. People perish for lack Of knowledge the Bible say’s. Transhumanism technology is here now, and this is what will run the planet along with Lucifer (the Devil) Satan.. – Share this video. Also Credit goes to A Call For an Uprising on Youtube, and A Simulated Reality Channel on Youtube.
5 months ago

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5G, heart attacks, mind control.David Heavener Dana Ashlie.
5 months, 1 week ago


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Thanks for visiting my channel and please remember to subscribe.

Rise up and seek the Truth!John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Never forget that JESUS LOVES YOU!Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”John 13:34 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

God Bless you and stay strong in Jesus Christ everyday!!!


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The REAL days of Noah were so bad, that God himself flooded the earth to remove the monstrosity of the day, known to us as the Nephilim.
2 months, 2 weeks ago

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New findings that the Covid-19 Vaccine is genetically modifying humans and their offsprings6 months ago

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Tell me if this Nazi eugenics “Planned Parenthood” fallen angel demon-possessed AI “black goo” femtobot hive-mind controlled Nazi reptilian hybrid “Black Sun” Sabbatean Frankist Satanist Illuminati New Age Wicca witch feminists’ ideology makes any sense to you. They are saying that their rival faction Rothschild communist Satanist reptilian hybrid royal bloodline globalist elite politicians and Hollywood celebrities and corporate executives and royal families and models and Katy Perry were allowed to continue to stay on the earth, in order to pedophile lesbian feminist rape and torture and sacrifice and eat human children, and to continue to cook alive the real Christians with CIA microwave oven weapons from next door rooms and homes, because they are half humans, while the Dracos were sent to far away galaxies. The Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Anunnaki MJ-12 leader Donald Trump’s people say that all the Dracos were removed from earth and sent to a far away galaxy and will never be back, but they are still seen working with the NWO government. On the other hand, they are saying that all the human homo-sapiens specie people made in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus needs to be vaccinated at “Operation Warp Speed Blitzkrieg lighting war,” in order to be exterminated or be made into infertile non-reproductive hive-mind neuralink Borg zombies. The only reason why these Satanist reptilian hybrid people are getting away with this is because these “women’s equality” pastors and “women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” religious Christian freak hordes remain silent about all of these reptilian hybrids and their cooking alive of real Christians with microwave oven weapons, which is condoning what they are doing. The dumb brain-dead mental-retard religious Christian freak hordes just demonstrate with picket signs to try to stop the COVID-19 vaccination, but they condone the reptilian hybrid Satanists by covering up their identities and existence and activities and COVID-19 fake pandemic upper management, even when we real Christians had informed these things to them for decades. The reptilian hybrid people say these things because they have absolute assurance and confidence in the stupidity and cowardliness of the pastors and religious Christian freak hordes of the End Times apostate harlot Church. They try to kill the real Christians. These pastors and religious Christians are basically agreeing to the fallen angel demon-possessed AI “black goo” infected Saturnalian black nobility families Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Jacob Frank’s Satanist ideology that the old God’s values of good and bad need to be removed by the New Age theosophy Vril “Planned Parenthood” Nazi SS eugenics feminist reptilian hybrid pedophile cannibal witches’ New Age Satanism religion of the NWO, and the new god Satan Lucifer needs to replace him with a new ideology of Satanism “existentialism” alien logic over love. Meanwhile, Nazi Satanist Sabbatean Frankist witches like Jenny Lee and Simon Parkes are being sent out to deceive the people into thinking that they are the hero saviors of humankind. Satanist reptilian hybrid elites’ child sex orgies are the center of their ideology. The question is why are the pastors and religious Christians hiding in fear, and covering up these reptilian hybrids by hiding their existence from the humans?

See full article at:


#Jesus #Christ #Christian #BibleProphecy #JesusChrist #love #crypto #fashion #style #nature #amazing #follow #Illuminati #NWO #goal #motivation #design #inspiration #warning #healthy #family #life #lifestyle #democrat #republican #party #liberal #conservative #happy #beautiful #cute #baby #girl #boy #Pedogate #Pizzagate #pedophile #childtrafficking #humantrafficking #terrorism #nature #travel #friends #GMO #food #yummy #chemtrail #foodie #foodporn #fitness #medicare #medicaid #technology #science #secretspaceprogram #funny #lol #giveaway #crowdfunding #contest #competition #survival #photography #survival #armageddon #DonaldTrump #MAGA #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Coronavirus #COVID19 #5G #vaccine