Enhanced? Advanced? or Entranced????

Oh, the promises of Technology… so hard for humanity to resist.  The promise of ETERNAL LIFE, Freedom from Labor, from Pain, from Lack.  Don’t like the way you look?  Technology promises to make you beautiful.  Can’t keep your weight in check… no worries Technology can take care of that.  Lost your teeth?  Loosing your Eyesight… … Click Here to Read More


What they show us, what they allow us to see, is such a miniscule portion of what they are doing behind the curtain and what they have already done. I knew when I first learned about Crispr that it was going to play a humungous role in our destruction.  Once the developed CRSPR CAS 9 … Click Here to Read More


Here is all the latest and greatest information on Mosquito Born Diseases, Newest Vaccine approval,  Nanobot Technology, Micro Weapons, and so much more. Without further ado, I will let the material speak for itself. spacer Be sure and check out the following related posts, for more information on the use of insects as weapons: WORLD’S … Click Here to Read More