WE ARE ALL ONE, Brotherhood not only of man but of every thing on the planet. They talk about LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. They talk about PEACE, SAFETY and HARMONY. UNITY – EQUITY – FREEDOM! ALL ARE ONE!
All that sounds so good. Sadly, the general masses believe they are talking about us.
No, no, no, folks you are deceived! Michael Jackson tried to warn you.
You are not allowed to see or hear the TRUTH behind their agenda. Even those who recognize that there is an agenda/Conspiracy, do not understand the fullness of the evil that is behind it.
Do you remember Hitler’s “Final Solution”
The following is an excerpt from a speech made by the WEF spokesperson YUVAL NOAH HARARI. Remember that the WEF is one of the BIGGEST tools of the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA and I would even say the DRIVING FORCE behind it. Listen to what he has to say about us, you and me…
The whole Climate Change Agenda was developed to give them full control over the lives of everyone on the planet. For what purpose? Well, if you heard what YUVAL had to say, you should have come to the realization that this is nothing more the 20th Century version of EUGENICS. Not something new, a continuation.
The 4th Industrial Revolution is the merging of man and machine. It is SCIENCE REPLACES GOD AND MAN! To the ruling Elite who profess that they are the gods and goddess of old, desire to REMOVE everything, anything and everyone or anyone who does not submit to their rulership. To them you are nothing more than things that they possess. Things which than are free to dispose of at any time, in any manner that they choose.
They have led you to believe they were trying to build a world for humanity… THEY LIED!
This is all about RELGION… not the freedom of religion for the people. For the DESTRUCTION of the FAITHFUL believers in GOD and the redirection of the religious fervor innately within mankind to the worship of SATAN in the form of the COMING ANTICHRIST.
Greenpeace co-founder joins climate change skeptics

Greenpeace Co-Founder Admits ‘Climate Change Is a Hoax’ To ‘Push the Globalist Agenda’

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore has blown the whistle to warn the public that “climate alarmism” is a hoax perpetrated by the globalist elite to further their agenda and the idea the climate is in crisis is “100% untrue.”
Life-long environmentalist Moore is the former president of Greenpeace Canada and helped found the international organization in 1971. After leaving the group in 1986, Moore has tried to warn the public that environmental activism has been hijacked to push political agendas.
Moore highlights how, in recent years, green agenda advocates have been using changes in the weather to suggest that the planet is being destroyed by global warming.
“They said it was the hottest year in the history of the earth the other day, and it’s not,” Moore told Proft on the “Counterculture” podcast. “That’s just, period, a lie. The whole climate alarmism – ‘climate catastrophe’ – is 100% untrue,” Moore declared.
“We are not in a climate crisis.”
Moore told Proft that “there is nothing really that radical happening” with the climate.
Moore is currently leading the CO2 Coalition, a non-partisan foundation that educates policy leaders and the public about the important contributions of carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy.
Moore, an ecologist and environmental activist for more than 50 years, argues that an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial.
According to Moore, claims that climate change is “human-caused” are “propaganda” which he describes as “dangerous.”
The comments from Moore, a leading expert in environmentalism, directly conflict with the green agenda being pushed by Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration and globalist groups such as the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF).
Green agenda advocates are demanding that the public must slash their “carbon footprints” to “save the planet.”
The farming industry has recently emerged as one of the key targets for the anti-carbon narrative.
As Slay News recently reported, Biden’s climate czar John Kerry is calling for farmers to stop growing food in order to meet the administration’s radical Net Zero goals for lowering emissions.
TRENDING: Satanic Pedophile Marina Abramovic Becomes Head of Ukraine’s Adrenochrome Factories
Meanwhile, indications have been emerging that the tide could be turning on the globalist green agenda.
Bill Gates, one of the world’s most prominent climate alarmists, recently admitted that the climate crisis narrative is a hoax, as The People’s Voice reported.
Gates reportedly told a group of his fellow globalist green agenda advocates that the “climate doom” narrative has now become so exaggerated that the public now sees right through the charade.
During the live event at The Times Center in New York, Gates admitted that “No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable” due to “global warming.”
He continued by admitting that the aggressive fear tactics are no longer working on the public.
Gates warned his globalist allies: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”
The following photo and video were taken from my post on the event:
Temple of Baal – Part 3 – THE UNVEILING

When I enlarged this photo, I noticed that Nelson does not have a hand/arm. VERY INTERESTING. So this Statue, represents several ancient gods. No matter which one really because they are all manifestations of SATAN. But, it is very significant here as this is a ritual, in which they honor their high GOD in the highest place, where the Arch of BAAL is being erected. They symbolism of the mask is sympathetic magic and part of their bringing in the Environmental Agenda and the coming plagues/medical tyranny.
Nelson lost an eye and an arm
After being sent to the Mediterranean to establish naval superiority, Nelson embarked on an invasion of Corsica in 1794. During the conflict, debris from a French shot flung into Nelson’s face leaving him almost blind in his right eye.
During the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1797, which saw the Royal Navy attempt a failed assault on the Spanish port city in the Canary Islands, Nelson was wounded in the arm. Shot in the right elbow by a musket ball, his humerus bone was shattered in multiple places. Back on his ship, most of Nelson’s arm was amputated without anaesthetics. SOURCE
Nodens | Myth and Folklore
Myth and Folklore Wiki
Odin – the one-eyed All-Father | The Swedish History ...
Historiska Museet
Origin of the Eye of Horus – Healio
During the battle, Horus lost his left eye, but was restored by Khunsu, the god of youth and moon. His right eye came to represent the sun, and the left eye, the moon, which covered most of the “sky” part of his title.Aug 13, 2014