Why Pirates and Mermaids – Part 3 – More Gory Details

I may be testing the limits of your interest in more information on Pirates, but I wanted to provide more details on their true nature and behavior so that we can come to some clear conclusions about what they represent and the values they convey.  Because believe me, if your children see you walking around in Pirate Skin, dressing and talking like a Pirate, drinking and fighting like a pirate they are going to internalize that.  Because children idolize and emulate their parents, they will want to be Pirates.  Especially since you appear to be enjoying it so much.  They will formulate their ideas on how men behave and how they treat women, as well as how women dress and behave and respond to that manner of treatment.  Do you want your daughter to grow up to be a saucy, sleazy barmaid?   Do you want your son to grow up an angry, aggressive womanizer, or a sloppy drunk?  I am all for a Man’s Man, but with the right values.  And I believe in strong, independent women, but with class and strong morals.  What do you want for your children? How do you want them to be treated?  How do you want them to treat others?  They are watching you for clues.

Please be sure and visit the following articles for much more information:


Why Pirates & Mermaids?Part 1;Part 2;Part 3;Part4;Part 5;Part 6;Part 7;Part 8;Part 9;Part10;Part 11

Must be Something in the Water – Part 2 – Water REMEMBERS – Water and Spirituality

Are You Having A Mari-time? Part 1 – The Ritual; Part 2; Part 3: Part 4; Part 5; Part 6


Pirate Traditions Most People Don’t Know About

Pirates are one of the original subcultures, and like the punks and goths who appropriated their style centuries later their lifestyle and fashion choices were considered questionable by polite society- especially considering male pirates wore earrings and married other men. (does this sound like any current trends you know about?)

Pirates didn’t just wear earrings to be fashionable- they wore them to protect their hearing while firing cannons and as a form of life insurance:

The crafty sea criminals would hang wads of wax from their earrings to prevent this sound damage. They popped the waxy contraptions into their ears like a makeshift earplug when firing cannons.

The infamous piercings that pirates wore in their ears were actually insurance to make sure that they’d be given a proper burial. Whether gold or silver, the precious metal could be melted down and sold to pay for a casket and other funeral necessities even if a pirate’s dead body washed ashore.

Some pirates went so far as to engrave the name of their home port on the inside of the earrings so that their bodies could be sent home for a proper burial.

Pirates also practiced gay marriage as far back as the 1600s, which is quite the practical practice when you consider practically every pirate and sailor on the High Seas was male: Pirates spent long periods of time on ships surrounded by other men so it’s no surprise that some shared intimate relationships. Other pirates formalized same-sex relationships through a practice called matelotage, a French word that may be at the root of the pirate greeting “Ahoy mate.”

In pirate society, two men could join into matelotage and share all their plunder, even receiving death benefits if one died before the other. Pirate mates would live together, exchange gold rings, and sometimes even share female prostitutes.

Pirates time

Since the ancient times, there were particular periods in which piracy was a constant threat throughout many seas and oceans. However, it was in the early 18th century, when the pirates were the most overwhelming and influential in the history of the world. It was a time, in which almost all important sea-trade routes were constantly impacted by an enormous number of notorious sea-robbers. That period is idealistically called the Golden Age of Piracy.

The Golden Age of Piracy began in the mid-1680s, just as the last buccaneers disappeared from the Caribbean. It was a result of many circumstances like the ends of many wars and lack of decent naval employment. Many sailors and privateers found themselves without jobs. Therefore, they naturally choose piracy as the trade, knowing it was the best opportunity for them. What encouraged them most is a lack of the strong government in the Caribbean islands and in other American colonies which allowed pirates to sail free and pillage ships without any potential punishment.

The Golden Age pirates plundered ships in the Caribbean mostly, but Atlantic coast, West Coast of Africa, the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea were also constantly terrorized. It was also a time of the most famous names among pirates. Legends like Blackbeard and Bartholomew Roberts plundered many ships and killed countless victims in the early 1700s. They have been giving inspiration to many writers for over 300 years, and they are still well known today..  

Blackbeard battles Lt. Maynard at the height of the Golden Age of Piracy

The Golden Age of Piracy is a common designation given to usually one or more outbursts of piracy in the maritime history of the early modern period. In its broadest accepted definition, the Golden Age of Piracy spans the 1650s to the late 1720s and covers three separate outbursts of piracy:

  1. he buccaneering period of approximately 1650 to 1680, characterized by Anglo-French seamen based in Jamaica and Tortuga attacking Spanish colonies and shipping in the Caribbean and eastern Pacific
  2. The Pirate Round of the 1690s, associated with long-distance voyages from the Americas to rob Muslim and East India Compantargets in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea
  3. The post-Spanish Succession period extending from 1716 to 1726, when Anglo-American sailors and privateers,
    Pirates fight in “Who Shall Be Captain?” by Howard Pyle

    left unemployed by the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, turned en masse to piracy in the Caribbean, the North American eastern seaboard, the West African coast, and the Indian Ocean

Narrower definitions of the Golden Age sometimes exclude the first or second periods, but most include at least some portion of the third. The modern conception of pirates as depicted in popular culture is derived largely, although not always accurately, from the Golden Age of Piracy.

Factors contributing to piracy during the Golden Age included the rise in quantities of valuable cargoes being shipped to Europe over vast ocean areas, reduced European navies in certain regions, the training and experience that many sailors had gained in European navies (particularly the Royal Navy), and ineffective government in European overseas colonies. The colonial powers at the time constantly fought with pirates and engaged in several notable battles and other related events. 

Unbelievable Pirate Discoveries

Top 10 HORRIFYING Facts about PIRATES  

Most FAMOUS Pirates That Ever Existed!

Jolly Roger   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other uses, see Jolly Roger (disambiguation).

The traditional “Jolly Roger” of piracy

Jolly Roger is the traditional English name for the flags flown to identify a pirate ship about to attack, during the early 18th century (the later part of the Golden Age of Piracy).

The flag most commonly identified as the Jolly Roger today, the skull and crossbones symbol on a black flag, was used during the 1710s by a number of pirate captains including Black Sam BellamyEdward England, and John Taylor. It went on to become the most commonly used pirate flag during the 1720s, although other designs were also in use.

The Ultimate Branding Symbol –  The Jolly Rogers   (Ancient Origins)

20 FEBRUARY, 2015 – 13:24 MRREES



Mafia, CIA & the US MILITARY  Pirates who fly Airplanes

Fox News
Published on Sep 14, 2017
The elite US nuclear submarine USS Jimmy Carter flew the pirate flag, the Jolly Roger. What is the significance?



Fleshing Out Skull & Bones cover. Click to See Bigger

Read Free Online .PDF Book Now!

The official name of Skull and Bones is “The Order of Death.”

It is also a known historical fact that “skulls” are an object of worship in pagan cultures, the skulls of human sacrifices are be used in occult rituals.

  1. The Secret Origins of Skull and Bones
  2. Secrets of the “Tomb”
  3. Networks of Power
  4. Name Roster of the Secret Establishment
  5. China and the Opium Wars
  6. The War on Drugs: An “Intellectual Fraud”
  7. George Bush, Skull & Bones and the JFK Assassination
  8. Motives for the Conspiracy
  9. The Illuminati: Subverting the Body Politic
  10. Skull and Bones = Illuminati?
  11. World History: Plan or Accident?

“…a skull and cross thigh bones are still used in the Masonic living resurrection ceremony. A quick calculation leads us to believe that Freemasonry around the world probably possesses a total of some fifty thousand skulls!”


“Is that bizarre or what? This helps explain the emblem of the Skull and Bones, which is the official symbol of the occult group, The Order of Death (unofficially known as Skull and Bones), to which U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and his father are members. John Kerry is also a member of this evil power-wield tan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), and he operates through occult organizations to hide his true evil agenda.”  Source


If you want to learn what the elite believe view the following websites. 

The Occult Secret of the “Skull & Cross Bones” Symbol

Skull And Bones Exposed!
Revelation 17:18, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

by David J. Stewart | November 2004 | Updated October 2017

The Globalist Agenda • info@globalistagenda.org

