Tags: Graphene, Triangulene, Galactic Structures, CERN,  Keys, Abyss, Gateway, Kill God, Mental Time Travel, Grid Cells, Neuroscience, Spatial cognition, Golden Age, Builders,  Carbon Temples, Brain Hacking, NOAH, Electric Fire

In my research on Graphene Oxide, I came across this ladies blogs.  She has done some fantastic research and I found here posts very informative.  I hope you enjoy them.  As usual, anything in green will be my remarks.


Here are all the posts in this series:




What you don’t know… WILL KILL YOU!

Crisper’s Progression – GOD HELP US


Mystical Symmetry of Your AMAZE-ing Brain





There is none like God, O Jeshurun,
   who rides through the heavens to your help,
   majestic through the skies.
  He subdues the ancient gods,
   shatters the forces of old;
he drove out the enemy before you,
   and said, ‘Destroy!’
Deuteronomy 33:26

It is a-MAZE-ing that you have an internal GPS system of hexagons in your brain to help you to navigate spiritual and physical direction!  When a conference on Exponential Medicine highlights hexagonal architecture we need to become alert and take notice. 

In 1990, two teams of astronomers in the US and Britain revealed the honeycomb-like structure of the heaven.  With the utterance of Let there be…our universe started at this primal point.  After these utterances no new matter-energy has ever been created or destroyed.  For good or for evil you are eternal.  This is critical these days to remember so that we do not fall into the trap that Satan, fallen angels, or their technology engineered evolution create or destroy anything. 

Of this we can be certainonly God creates and He shares His glory with no other. 

Image by Celeste

The Lord appears to be communicating real-time with those who listen to Him.  Of those who listen, many are receiving similar conveyances, although in different fields and through different data-streams. 

I am experiencing an on-going open revelation that takes place using the line upon line, precept upon precept or brick-like architecture of Scripture. There are two special layouts for songs – half-brick over brick, and half-brick over half-brick. The half-brick over brick is triumphant and good. The half-brick over half-brick is bad – bury the sons of Haman or the sins of the Jews.

This is what one might call the War of All Wars.  We cannot expect all the dots (information) instantly as winds of war blow and shift.  We need to practice listening to that still small voice of Jesus for His instructions.   It would be my desire that this article was shorter, but it is foundational piece, that will God willing sparkle with insights in my next article on the parallel between creation the the End of Days. 

It appears that at creation immediately fixed imprints of triangles and hexagons were organized into galactic structures.  As man is a microcosm of creation it should not surprise us that we find these same hexagons throughout nature and in our brain as well.  As you will see this is applicable when you process memories, replication, travel, corn mazes, garden labyrinths, and quite possible is a directional beacon as you transition from physical life to be with the Lord. (So, it appears that the DEVIL is trying to change the directional signals within us as we come to the end.  Stealing SOULS is his primary goal.  By placing his hexagonal sheets or tubes into our bodies and controlling the signals to them, he can direct your spirit being to the wrong destination.)  Hexagons are also a tool of your memory situated in the hippocampus.  Your genes stimulate production/activation of chemical agents or morphgenes in your body.  These chemical reactions are not enough to produce symmetry for pattern generation.  Diffusion is necessary to create patterns for development according to Turing.  

Bottom Line:  All of God’s creation is ordered, detailed, precise and patterned.  Only God can create.  Satan or man can merely engineer.


It should not surprise you that the beast system has counterfeited this hexagonal architecture for evil.

For the first time, researchers have synthesized a strange and unstable triangle-shaped molecule called triangulene, which physicists (have been) striving for nearly 70 years (not a coincidence for years).

Triangulene is similar to the magical material graphene in that it’s only one-atom-thick. Instead of sheet of carbon atoms, triangulene is made up of six hexagonal carbon molecules joined along their edges to form a triangle – an unusual arrangement that leaves two unpaired electrons unable (to) form a stable bond. No one has ever been able to synthesize the molecule until now.  The significance will become rapidly apparent my next article.

Evil does this by shattering God’s symmetry reversing the stability of  God’s reality.  What does that mean?  It is the mathematical-physics version of: 

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.  Isaiah 5:20

In the biological world we see activator-inhibition systems with diffusion-liquidation of God’s creation.  We also see a synthetic technological morphogenesis necessary for growth beginning at the embryonic level and development of patterns in engineered biological systems.

Bottom Line:  Satan wants to break down God’s creation to its elemental form and rearrange the world without God.


Synopsis figure

  1. Image Accessed:  M. Monsalve-Mercado and C. Leibold, Phy. Rev. Lett. (2017)

model  explains why grid cells—neurons that are part of the brain’s positioning system—fire electrical pulses in hexagonal patterns.

 Image Access:  Olena Shmahalo/Quanta Magazine

Not only does your brain have a hexagonal structure to it the neurons in your hippocampus fire electrical impulses to determine your spatial orientation. The hippocampus is the primary part of your brain responsible for memory

It remains a mystery though as to its precise mechanism but neurons called grid cells fire in regular hexagonal patterns that are thought to form a cognitive map of space.

 Image Accessed:  Olena Shmahalo/Quanta Magazine

The hexagonal pattern of grid cell activity is repeated all over nature, from honeycombs to the benzene ring to a tightly packed crate of oranges. It’s a highly efficient arrangement; bees use hexagons in their combs to minimize their use of wax. In the grid-cell system, the hexagon isn’t a physical object. Rather, it’s the organization of space that encodes information most efficiently.  Researchers aren’t sure why grid cells use hexagons, but the hexagonal organizing principle has attracted attention from computational biologists, who are trying to figure out how the grid is generated.

One intriguing discovery is that grid cells can function in complete darkness, absent any visual cues. “This must reflect some internal brain dynamics that are in some sense independent of external sensory input,” Knierim said. “That’s one reason it’s so phenomenal — it gives us a window on understanding internal processing.”

Neuroscientists at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich have proposed by neuroscientists: the firing activity of grid cells may result from that of the place cells. In the model, your movement generates electrical pulses in neurons called place cells, which are fed as inputs to grid cells. These transmit nerve impulses in precisely coordinated temporal sequences, which follow particular rhythmic patterns, and thereby encode relative spatial distances.  It appears that your brain encodes abstract properties with cells using information along with other cues to create a sense of place. Together, they create a rich data-dense map, the lay of the land so to speak based upon experiments by John O’Keefe in an elegant theory proposed in the book The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map (1976).  (This is exactly how computer learning works.  We feed the AI data and it runs simulations based on this data.)

You can think of this process much like mental time travel, as you relive past events.  We are able to do this because of our place cells.

Many researchers believe that memory and space are even more intricately linked. Orators and students (possibly even yourself) dating back to the Greeks would use tricks such as mnemonics to exploit the fact that the hippocampus encodes both location information and autobiographical memories.  God provided an excellent way of organizing experiences.

This triangulation, such as determining where you are via your cellphone  and cell towers in the brain your hippocampus, and grid cells in the entorhinal complex, activates producing patterns that give rise to a virtual map, made up of a hexagonal arrangement of grid cells that reflect the relative distances between particular landmarks in the real world.  This process resembles pattern-forming phenomena known as Turing instabilities which are thought to underprin hexagon-shaped bee honeycombs and why zebras have their stripes. 

Bottom Line:  Our brain is physically constructed in a hexagonal array and hexagonal fire forming memory, cognition, virtual mapping, mental time travel, and even can form skin patterns.


“…henceforth, space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union between the two will preserve an independent reality.”  Hermann Minkowski

This now iconic quote spoken by Hermann Minkowski in 1906 captured the spirit of Albert Einstein’s published special theory of relativity. Einstein had shown that both space and time as independent mathematical constructs that were mere illusions in the equations of relativity, conceding instead to a 4-dimensional. Today there is a similar revolution between time and space in the fields of psychology and neuroscience

Spatial cognition is the study of how the mind’s cognitive architecture perceives, organizes and interacts with physical space. In a sense, space to Immanuel Kant was a window or door (or gateway) into the world, rather than a thing to be perceived in it.

Interestingly, grid cells have been identified primarily within an area of the brain called the entorhinal cortex, one of the primary neural inputs to the hippocampus, suggesting that grid cells provide a source of the spatial framework upon which cognition of environments are formed.

Bottom Line:  Spatial cognition is one window to physical space.  Similar to the window on Noah’s Ark, where Noah could relate to what was occurring outside the Ark.


Time has proven to be a much more elusive concept for both psychology and neuroscience.

In early 2000, direct evidence to support the role of the hippocampus in parsing and sequencing episodic events began to emerge from human studies. Using an array of experimental methodologies, researchers found that the hippocampus is crucial for encoding the order of visual stimuli – whether pictures on a computer screen or landmarks in an environment – and that it expresses unique patterns of activity during overlapping segments of routes through an environment or your own personal GIS or ESRI system. Howard Eichenbaum proposed a new type of neuron population within the hippocampus which he labeled as time cells. Translated to humans, these findings have important implications for understanding how the hippocampus subserves various cognitive functions such as episodic memory, navigation and imagination. Specifically, it suggests that the hippocampus is able to tune its activity to both spatial and temporal aspects of an experience, depending on what type of information needs to be encoded or recalled. When something can be tuned, it can be modulated.

Bottom Line:  We have in our hippocampus time cells that provide us with detailed and layered memories, navigation, and imagination embedded within time.


Are space and time truly distinct in the mind, or are they the product of a generalized neurocognitive system that allows us to understand the world? One suggestion is that the primary function of the hippocampus isn’t to think about past and future, or to move about through space per se. Another thought is that our brains cooperate in a larger network utilizing the hippocampus to allow us to construct a representation of the world in a spatiotemporal context that affords the ability to simulate past experiences in order to make predictions about the future, and to ultimately use this information to direct action.  There are problems with this, for instance, our perception of space appears to remain stable, while time regularly dilates at the whim of attention – moments stretch and contract as we pay differing degrees of focus to our actions in the world.

Bottom Line:  Spatiotemporal context allows us to network and integrate past experiences to make wise choices for the futures.


They provoked His jealousy with foreign gods; they enraged Him with abominations. They sacrificed to demons, not to God, to gods they had not known, to newly arrived gods, which your fathers did not fear.  You ignored the Rock who brought you forth; you forgot the God who gave you birth.…  Deuteronomy 32:17

Researchers want to know more about how the brain encodes information about the world in electrical signals, and how it integrates new information as those signals move from region to region in the brain.  This is not for our benefit but for cognitive abilities for synthetic life forms and structuring the constellation conjunction necessary to return to Golden Age of the gods.

The process of pattern-forming phenomena known as Turing instabilities, which are thought to underpin the formation of, for example, zebra stripes and hexagonally shaped bee honeycombs.

It also allows your brain the capability of constructing a virtual map which encodes its own position in space. The Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology 2015 went to the discoverers of this system, which has been referred to as the brain’s GPS.


Those of us at the Exponential Medicine Conference were treated o a taste of the innovative research being conducted to hack your brain.  Successful implanted  fake memories into mice has occurred.  Scientists are playing with ultrasound to control brain circuits. It’s now possible to recapitulate what a person is seeing based on his brain activity alone. Innovative devices, the eQuility stimulator, is striving to disrupt negative thought patterns.  Dr. Eric Leuthardt, a neurosurgeon at Washington University in St. Louis, began experimenting with ways to capture the brain’s movement instructions using wearables, a functional MRI, which tracks blood flow—a proxy for neural activity—has also been instrumental in teasing out the intricacies of brain activation in response to a changing environment.  Mary Lou Jepsen, founder of Openwater, the solution is simple in concept: shrink the machine down to the size of a ski hat, a bra, or a bandage, and manufacture the gadget at the cost of a smartphone. The trick, she explains, is to move away from magnets and instead turn to light.

The human body is translucent to red and near-infrared light, allowing our tissues—including both skull and brain—to be illuminated. The problem is that the light scatters as it passes through tissue, which prevents a sharp, clear image.

To re-focus the light, Jepsen turned to holograms. “Holography records the intensity of light and the phase of light waves,” she explained. Because it captures all light rays and photons at all positions and angles simultaneously, a hologram can be used to re-direct light rays into a single stream of light.

Bottom Line:  Mankind wants to hijack God’s mathematics to return to the Golden Age of gods while researchers are bent on hacking the brain.


Image Accessed:  Shebeko / Shutterstock

The development of these exquisite hexagonal lattices of place cells and grid cells, as well as the mechanism of origin of grid cells and their disposition remains a mystery.

Image Accessed:  Tomatito / Shutterstock

Lattices abound in nature—from the crystal structure of minerals to the honey-comb organization of ommatidia in the compound eye of insects. These arrangements provide solutions for optimal containers, efficient resource distribution, and cryptographic protocols.

Do lattices also play a role in how the brain represents information?

Our brain’s high-dimensional neuronal lattice codes maximize spatial resolution.

Grid cells have attracted attention because of the 3D of the self-organizing crystal-like structure underlying their firing fields such as your sensory systems, imported from the outside world, but is created within your brain. 

The new model implies that grid cells are generated by a neuronal learning process. This process exploits synaptic plasticity to transform temporal coordinated signaling between place cells into the hexagonal patterns of grid-cell responses observed in the entorhinal complex.


For species that move freely in three dimensions, a face-centered cubic lattice is best.

Bottom Line:  Your grid cells are 3D of the self-organizing crystal-like structure underlying their firing fields providing you with your sensory system.  These cells are in danger due to fallen angel technology.


Computer generated representations of form constants. The top two images represent a funnel and a spiral as seen after taking LSD, the bottom left image is a honeycomb generated by marijuana, and the bottom right image is a cobweb. Image from <a href='#one'>[1]</a>, used by permission.

Image Accessed:  Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations  

Have you ever experienced a whirly, spirally, tunnel-vision-like patterns akin to psychedelic imagery?  As we are seeing God designed creation and our brain cognition in a hexagonal form it is not uncommon to see or perceive geometric structures. People have reported seeing hexagonal images in near-death experiences, as a result of disorders like epilepsy and schizophrenia, following sensory deprivation, or even just after applying pressure to the eyeballs. Scientists call them geometric hallucinations.  I prefer to call them geometric imagery. They can reveal how your brain operates. 

Geometric imagery were first studied systematically in the 1920s by the German-American psychologist Heinrich Klüver. Klüver’s studied pharmakia‘s precipitation of geometric imagery.  Drug’s and frequency modulation are well-known for inducing striking visual imagery and mind control. Klüver noticed the repeating geometric shapes in drug-induced imagery and classified them into four types, which he called form constants: tunnels and funnels, spirals, lattices including honeycombs and triangles, and cobwebs.

In the 1970’s mathematician’s Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics  built a theory to describe what is going on in our brain when we see geometrically. 

The visual cortex: the area V1 is shown in red. Image: Washington irving

Through MRI we know that the first area of the visual cortex to process visual information is known as V1. VI compresses your neurons together in a two-dimensional sheet similar to the consistency of graphene that we studied in Be Still My Beating Heart.

An object or scene in the visual world is projected as a two-dimensional image on the retina of each eye, so what we see can also be treated as flat sheet: the visual field. Every point on this sheet can be pin-pointed by two coordinates, just like a point on a map, or a point on the flat model of V1. The alternating regions of light and dark that make up a geometric image are caused by alternating regions of high and low neural activity in V1 — regions where the neurons are firing very rapidly and regions where they are not firing rapidly. To translate visual patterns to neural activity, what is needed is a coordinate map, a rule which links each point in the visual field to a point on the flat model of V1.

So how does this retino-cortical map transform Klüver’s geometric patterns? It turns out that imagery comprising spirals, circles, and rays that emanate from the center correspond to stripes of neural activity in V1 that are inclined at given angles. Lattices like honeycombs or checkerboards correspond to hexagonal activity patterns in V1. This in itself may not be particularly exciting, but there was a precedent: stripes and hexagons are exactly what scientists had seen when modeling other instances of pattern formation, for example convection in fluids, or, more strikingly, the emergence of spots and stripes in animal coats. The mathematics that drives this pattern formation was well known.

Bottom Line:  Sometimes it is difficult to determine where reality ends and fantasy begins.  As technology invades our brain space the barriers between reality and fantasy will disappear.


The first model of pattern formation in animal coats goes back to Alan Turing, better known as the father of modern computer science and Bletchley Park code breaker. Turing was interested in how a spatially homogeneous system, such as a uniform ball of cells making up an animal embryo, can generate a spatially inhomogeneous but static pattern, such as the stripes of a zebra.  Although attributed to Turning this computational ability stretches way back into biblical times such as in the narrative of Jacob and Laban with the striped and spotted sheep and goats in Genesis.

Animal pattern equations are heavily mathematical, but putting it as simply as I can, Turing hypothesized that biological geometric patterns are a reaction-diffusion process.  One of the two chemicals is an inhibitor, which suppresses the production of both itself and the other chemical. The other, an activator, promotes the production of both.  There is a small perturbation, a reaction, and chemicals diffuse through the embryo skin.  The spots or stripes are determined by the chemical activity.  It is this what occurred in Genesis 30:37.  More information HERE  (kindly provided by Chris Jennings) which allows you to play with different parameters and see the patterns form.

Bottom Line:  Interesting enough this is a modified version of the Hegelian Dialectic:  Problem, Reaction, Solution only here it is:  Inhibitor, Reaction (Activator), Result.


Neural activity in the brain isn’t a reaction-diffusion process, but there are analogies to Turing’s model. Neurons send signals to each other via their output lines called axons. Neurons respond to each other’s signals, so we have a reaction. The signals propagate so quickly relative to the process of pattern formation that you can think of them as instantaneous interactions. The roles of activator and inhibitor are played by two different classes of neurons. Some neurons are excitatory — they make other neurons more likely to become active — and there are inhibitory neurons, which make other neurons less likely to become active.

Stripy, hexagonal and square patterns of neural activity in V1 generated by a mathematical model. Image from <a href='#one'>[1]</a>, used by permission.

Image Accessed:  Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations-Stripy, hexagonal and square patterns of neural activity in V1 generated by a mathematical model.

This suggests that geometric imagery is a result of an instability in V1, for example the presence of a drug or frequency which throws the neural network off its equilibrium, kicking into action a snowballing interaction between excitation and inhibitory neurons, which then stabilizes in a stripy or hexagonal pattern of neural activity in V1.

Bottom Line:  Drugs and frequency modulation can turn: off, on, control our brain function.  Pay close attention to things that are stable and unstable.  This concept will play an important role in the days to come.


In reality neurons don’t only respond to light and dark images. Neurons are arranged in collections of columns, known as hypercolumns, with each hypercolumn roughly responding to a small region of the visual field. But the neurons in a hypercolumn aren’t all the same: apart from detecting light and dark regions, each neuron specializes in detecting local edges — the separation between light and dark regions in a part of an image in a particular orientation. It is the lay-out of hypercolumns and orientation preferences that enables us to detect contours, surfaces and textures in the visual world.

Connections in V1: Neurons interact with most other neurons within a hypercolumn. But they only interact with neurons in other hypercolumns, if the columns lie in the direction of their orientation, and if the neurons have the same preference. Image from <a href='#two'>[2]</a>, used by permission.

Image Accessed:  Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations-

Connections in V1: Neurons interact with most other neurons within a hypercolumn. But they only interact with neurons in other hypercolumns, if the columns lie in the direction of their orientation, and if the neurons have the same preference.

Anatomy suggests that neurons within their own hypercolumn tend to interact with most other neurons, regardless of their orientation preference. But when it comes to neurons in other hypercolumns they are more selective, only interacting with those of similar orientations and in a way which ensures that we can detect continuous contours in the visual world.  This interaction pattern is highly symmetric.

A lattice tunnel hallucination generated by the mathematical model. It strongly resembles hallucinations seen after taking marijuana. Image from <a href='#one'>[1]</a>, used by permission.

Image Accessed: Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations- A lattice tunnel hallucination generated by the mathematical model.

Mathematical models of the anatomy of V1 can produce lattice tunnels, honeycombs and cobwebs that are better characterized in terms of the orientation of contours within them, than in terms of contrasting regions of light and dark.  The symmetry interaction suggests that it is the lay-out of hypercolumns and orientation preferences, in other words the mechanisms that enable us to detect edges, contours, surfaces and textures in the visual world, that generate the imagery.

Bottom Line:  Hyper-columns provide us with orientation, contrast, contour, and texture in our lives.  Hyper-columns help us determine the light from the dark.


Computer scientists are already building the inter-connectivity with the aim of teaching computers to detect contours and textures. Also on the table are experiments to stimulate part of the visual cortex through bypassing the eye, putting images directly into your brain.

Other cells within the body can also line up and form patterns similar to those found in VI such as fibroblast cells.

People have reported seeing visual imagery since the dawn of time and in almost all human cultures.   In many petroglyphs and cave paintings according to shamanism regard these images as messages from the spirit world.

Bottom Line:  Consider the ramifications of images implanted into your brain as messengers from an ancient and hidden world.


Proverbs chapter 5 uses the sweetness of comb honey to illustrate the temptation to sexual immorality that the strange woman as a metaphor for idolatry.  The idolatrous woman, in contrast with the Proverbs 31 woman brings her appeal to a man with her use of charm and smooth words. It constitutes a fine warning to Christians today.

“As a honeycomb the lips of a strange woman keep dripping, and her palate is smoother than oil. But the aftereffect from her is as bitter as wormwood; it is as sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet are descending to death,”

says the wise man. Her smooth, honeylike words and actions lead the man right up to the immoral act so that “all of a sudden he is going after her, like a bull that comes even to the slaughter.”​ As the Golden Age returns we should have some understanding about the bull in the cosmos and the stern warning we examined in Rise of Disembodied Virtual Assets and Identities to the Church of Pergamum. Words as sweet as honey are beckoning us.

With the emergence of these computational grid cells scientists are determined to design better navigational software for future robots and even offer a new window through which to probe the mysteries of the human brain.

AI researchers are developing deep-learning networks—layered programs that can come up with novel solutions to achieve their assigned goal. These networks are inspired by the brain, but they don’t work quite like them, said Francesco Savelli, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University. AI systems are closing in on emulating the brain’s architecture, the diversity of real neurons, the complexity of individual neurons and even the rules by which they learn. 

In a human brain, learning is thought to be achieved by vacillating synapses.  That is also true in AI learning but exactly how it is done and the rules that govern the learning might be very different. 

AI has been really useful for a number of functions, from facial recognition to deciphering handwriting and translating languages, but higher-level activities—such as navigating a complex environment—have proved far more challenging.

Bottom Line:  The beast system is counterfeiting God’s original design.  Many people will be deceived through sweet words.



 Iraq: Nineveh
Neo-Assyrian Period
Reign of Sennacherib, (689 BC)
Baked clay, inscribed
38.0 cm H, 14.0 cm W
500 Lines of Writing (cuneiform)
Purchased in Baghdad, 1919
OIM A2793

Isa 46:8-10 “Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ 

The most dreaded ancient conquerors were the Assyrian’s who were known for the violence and cruelty used a unique model for conquering.  As the beast system was developed you have seen various facets of Assyrian warfare.  For instance, the mixing of peoples in their country to the degree that they forget their culture and ways and the coming against Jerusalem in war.  

Assyria was located in the northern part of Mesopotamia, which corresponds to most parts of modern-day Iraq as well as parts of Iran, Kuwait, Syria, and Turkey.  SOURCE: National Geographic


This six-sided hexagonal clay prism, commonly known as the Taylor Prism, was discovered among the ruins of Nineveh, the ancient capital of the Assyrian Empire.  This obelisk is reminiscent of the one in 2001: A Space Odyssey (although that one was not a hexagon but originally supposed to be a tetrahedron).  It contains the Annals of Sennacherib himself, the Assyrian king who had besieged Jerusalem in 701 BC during the reign of king Hezekiah. On the prism Sennacherib boasts that he shut up “Hezekiah the Judahite” within Jerusalem his own royal city “like a caged bird.” Being caged up is another concept we need to keep in the forefront of our thoughts as God unfolds the drama of the End of Days.  For instance, we see that imagery in Ezekiel 13, and futurists see their AI as being caged and they are preparing quickly for its release into the wild or general population.  This prism is among the three accounts discovered so far which have been left by the Assyrian monarch of his campaign against Israel and Judah.


Sennacherib in Akkadian means “Sin (moon god) has multiplied the brothers”. Sennacherib was one of the most powerful monarchs in the history of the world. He was king of Assyria, and the son of Sargon. He inherited the vast empire from his father, and ascended the throne on the twelfth day of Ab (July-August), 705 B.C.

The Taylor Prism was discovered among the ruins of ancient Nineveh by Colonel Taylor in 1830. Of all Assyrian documents that have come down to us not one is in better preservation than this.

In 1878  Hormuzd Rassam (Assyrian Archaeologist 1826-1910) had resumed work for the British Museum at Nineveh after Henry Austen Layard’s excavations in 1845 for the British Museum at the Mounds of Nimrud.

The palace at Nineveh was decorated with massive stone wall panels depicting the siege of Lachish. These can be seen today at the Lachish Gallery in the British Museum.

What you are about to read is wickedness of yesteryear and headline news today (as you read this narrative let your mind ponder the dynamics and perception of Revelation and the beast system):

Sennacherib, the great king, the mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters, the wise shepherd, favorite of the great gods, guardian of right, lover of justice, who lends support, who comes to the aid of the destitute, who performs pious acts, perfect hero, mighty man, first among all princes, the powerful one who consumes the insubmissive, who strikes the wicked with the thunderbolt; the god Assur, the great mountain, an unrivaled kinship has entrusted to me, and above all those who dwell in palaces, has made powerful my weapons; from the upper sea of the setting sun to the lower sea of the rising sun, he has brought the black-headed people in submission at my feet; and mighty kings feared my warfare, leaving their homes and flying alone, like the sidinnu, the bird of the cave, to some inaccessible place…

In my third campaign, I went against the Hittite-land. the terrifying splendor of my sovereignty overcame him, his strong, walled cities, where there were fodder and drink, for his garrisons, the terrors of the weapon of Assur, my lord, overpowered them and they bowed in submission at my feet.

Royal throne over them, and tribute, gifts for my majesty, I imposed upon him for all time, without ceasing.

All of them, numerous presents as their heavy tribute, they brought before me for the fourth time, and kissed my feet.

But Sidka, the king of Ashkelon, who had not submitted to my yoke, the gods of his father’s house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, the seed of his paternal house, I tore away and brought to Assyria..who had not speedily bowed in submission at my feet, I besieged, I conquered, I carried off their spoil.

The officials, nobles, and people …bound by oath and curse of Assyria

Into fetters of iron and had given him over

He kept him in confinement like an enemy

Their heart became afraid, and they called upon the Egyptian kings, the bowmen, chariots and horses of the king of Meluhha [Ethiopia], a countless host, and these came to their aid. In the neighborhood of Eltekeh, their ranks being drawn up before me, they offered battle. With the aid of Assur, my lord, I fought with them and brought about their defeat. The Egyptian charioteers and princes, together with the Ethiopian king’s charioteers, my hands captured alive in the midst of the battle. Eltekeh and Timnah I besieged, I captured, and I took away their spoil.

I approached Ekron and slew the governors and nobles who had rebelled, and hung their bodies on stakes around the city. The inhabitants who rebelled and treated (Assyria) lightly I counted as spoil.

As for Hezekiah the Judahite, who did not submit to my yoke: forty-six of his strong, walled cities, as well as the small towns in their area, which were without number, by leveling with battering-rams and by bringing up seige-engines, and by attacking and storming on foot, by mines, tunnels, and breeches, I besieged and took them. 200,150 people, great and small, male and female, horses, mules, asses, camels, cattle and sheep without number, I brought away from them and counted as spoil. (Hezekiah) himself, like a caged bird I shut up in Jerusalem, his royal city. I threw up earthworks against him the one coming out of the city-gate, I turned back to his misery. His cities, which I had despoiled, I cut off from his land, and to Mitinti, king of Ashdod, Padi, king of Ekron, and Silli-bl, king of Gaza, I gave (them). And thus I diminished his land. I added to the former tribute, and I laid upon him the surrender of their land and imposts gifts for my majesty. As for Hezekiah, the terrifying splendor of my majesty overcame him, and the Arabs and his mercenary troops which he had brought in to strengthen Jerusalem, his royal city, deserted him. In addition to the thirty talents of gold and eight hundred talents of silver, gems, antimony, jewels, large carnelians, ivory-inlaid couches, ivory-inlaid chairs, elephant hides, elephant tusks, ebony, boxwood, all kinds of valuable treasures, as well as his daughters, his harem, his male and female musicians, which he had brought after me to Nineveh, my royal city. To pay tribute and to accept servitude, he dispatched his messengers.

Complete translations of the records of Sennacherib can be found in Daniel D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, vol. 2, and in James Pritchard’s Ancient Near Eastern Texts (1950).

The best way to see the accuracy of the Biblical account with this record on Sennacherib’s Prism is to compare 2 Kings 18:13-19:37 and Isaiah 36:1-37:38 with the last paragraph on the above account.

Bottom Line:  Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me.


After comparing the Biblical account with that of the Sennacherib Prism one Scripture stands out above all of the rest, which remains a mystery even to today. It is also recorded in the Book of Kings along with the Book of Isaiah. It is the part where Isaiah gives a Word from the Lord just after King Hezekiah’s awesome prayer.

Isa 37:33-38 “Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: ‘He shall not come into this city, Nor shoot an arrow there, Nor come before it with shield, Nor build a siege mound against it. By the way that he came, By the same shall he return; And he shall not come into this city,’ Says the LORD. ‘For I will defend this city, to save it For My own sake and for My servant David’s sake.'” Then the angel of the LORD went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty-five thousand; and when people arose early in the morning, there were the corpses–all dead. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went away, returned home, and remained at Nineveh.”

This miracle cannot be substantiated by archaeological discoveries for a reason of which only God knows, but all of the pieces seem to fit together because even today no one has determined exactly why Sennacherib did not even enter Jerusalem with his great army once it was besieged. After reading his campaigns on his Prism it would seem that this was the thing he had intended to do, and with all anxiety.

Another revealing fact is this: At this point in time there was an abrupt discontinuance of Assyrians western invasions. Professor George Rawlinson of Oxford noted:

Sennacherib during his later years made no expedition further westward than Cilicia; nor were the Assyrian designs against Southern Syria and Egypt resumed till toward the close of the reign of Esarhaddon (Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament, 1873, p. 145).

Herodotus and Josephus on Sennacherib’s Campaigns

Herodotus, the father of ancient Greek history, records what is probably an Egyptian legend (that grew out of this historical event); he suggests that Sennacherib’s fighting force was greatly reduced when in one night, a plague of field mice gnawed the quivers, bowstrings, and shield-straps of his soldiers, thus making them suddenly vulnerable to their enemies (cf. Edersheim, Bible History, VII, p.155).

Josephus quotes the Chaldean historian Berosus as follows:

Now when Sennacherib was returning from his Egyptian war to Jerusalem, he found his army under Rabshakeh his general in danger [by a plague], for God had sent a pestilential distemper upon his army; and on the very night of the siege, a hundred fourscore and five thousand, with their captains and generals, were destroyed (Antiquities 10.1.5).

But the account of his death may give us some sort of distant light as to this miracle and the possibility of his great army being utterly routed.

One interesting note worth investigating further is where the Bible records what happened to Sennacherib once he had returned to Nineveh, without his great army.

In reviewing the background of this situation King Hezekiah was intensely concerned about the armies of the Assyrian king Sennacherib. He sent his servants to inquire of the prophet Isaiah just exactly what the Lord was saying that he needed to do. Once his servants had found Isaiah, he said:

2 Kings 19:6-7 “And Isaiah said to them, “Thus you shall say to your master, ‘Thus says the LORD: “Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me. Surely I will send a spirit upon him, and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.”

The book of Kings goes on to record what had actually happened to Sennacherib once he returned to his capital, Nineveh.

2 Kings 19:37 Now it came to pass, as he (Sennacherib) was worshiping in the temple of Nisroch his god, that his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer struck him down with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Ararat. Then Esarhaddon his son reigned in his place.”

This exact same account was unearthed, having been recorded on a clay tablet, now in the British Museum.

Who is like you?
   a people saved by YHWH,
the shield of your help,
   and the sword of your triumph!
Your enemies shall come fawning to you,
   and you shall tread on their backs.

My prayer is that these words provide wisdom, insight, and direction your your personal engagements with the powers and principalities of wickedness.  I also pray you find them a comfort and that they would strengthen your weary minds, hearts, and bones in these days of battle.

I petition your prayers in the days to come as I listen to my Jesus and what He wants me to share.

Each of you, be blessed in the Name of Jesus.   

Until next time….




Exposed: Fallen Angel Technology Erecting the Demonically Electrified Graphene-Carbon Temple Enterprise


Rarely do the dots converge in a timely panorama before us.  This is one of those times but we must peer into the world of darkness and wickedness. To understand why our world is transforming into an inhospitable environment we must, ever so briefly, examine those who have tapped into fallen angel technologies and who are integrating ideologies such as GAIA and sorcery into the fiber of our reality.

CERN is not about black holes, God particles, or Higgs Boson particles. The bottom line is that the Scientist, esoterics, witches, and futurists want the strangelets revealed at CERN to turn the earth into a neutron star and so they can evolve through determinism into spirit beings.

It is unlikely that the amount of strangelets produced thus far that have freefallen to earth’s core will cause us to turn into a neutron star in the next few weeks, but if they push the envelope it could precipitate massive earthquakes around the world. 

What else can one say?  Look up!  Your redemption draweth nigh!

Especially during the holiday season it is our nature to prefer to attend a house of feasting than a house of mourning, peering into dark shadows, but Holy Scripture says:

It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.  Ecclesiastes 7:2

Image Access:  Anthony Patch

And so, it is time that we must mourn for this season.  What is the connection between the Ethereum City, graphene, CERN, nanoparticles, AI, geo-engineering, GMO, increase in witchcraft, and all those things that have bewildered and vexed many of us for decades now?  Why are ‘they’ doing this to our planet we want to scream! 


Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light

Lucifer means “light bearer” and has come to be used in various forms such as lucid (clear) and elucidate (to make clear), as luminescent and illuminate or even Illuminate.

But what is the relation between Lucifer, Lucis and Lucent? They are simply different terms for the same thing, the same being. Many companies are using terms related to Lucis and Lucent because they are emphasizing a product that pertains to light, in one way or another. Now, when corporations, companies, products use the term Lucifer it becomes clearer that they mean business. Of course, Lucifer, Lucis or Lucent, they could all be Satanic.

A simple example of the relation between Lucifer and Lucis is that Foster and Alice Bailey established the Lucifer Publishing Co. but later “changed” the name to Lucis Trust. We say “changed” in quotes because it is only a change in the eyes of those who do not think about such things. Their goal is to bring the world together into one unit via the occult.  Dark magic is embedded in very strategic locations such as:

  • New LucisArt-(image enhancement software for photographers and artists)
  • LUCIS-(provides church accounting software for your church’s accounting!?!?)
  • Lucis Healthy Marketplace
  • Lucis – Arcane School-Educating initiates into Dark Arts
  • The Lucis Mission-(referring to “Land-Use Conflict Identification Strategy”)
  • LUCIS Islam & Society / LUCIS Leiden University Centre-The Islam connection


God created the heavens and the earth filled the earth with His handiwork, including mankind.  The universe, earth, man and animal are electrical in nature. 

Science is just beginning to understand how the electrical processes of the brain, nervous system, heart, and blood function, nevertheless certain scientists and philosophers through fallen angel technology are striving to bridge the connection between mankind and his environment.  Scientists and researchers are developing an electrical intermediary between the microcosm, macrocosm, and consciousness.  When finally admitted entrance, the realization that a cosmic bloodstream circulates throughout all that lives and breathes which includes the environment of the cosmos will help to transfer the concept of universal brotherhood of man from mere romanticism to hard scientific fact.

In the words of occultist H.P. Blavatsky, the way in which the universe initiates and coordinates its building processes is:

“By the radiant light of the universal magnetic ocean, whose electric waves bind the cosmos together, and in their ceaseless motion penetrate every atom and molecule of the boundless creation…Alone,” she says , “the study of this agent, which is the divine breath, can unlock the secrets of psychology and physiology, of cosmical and spiritual phenomena.”

As we shall soon see CERN and its physicists are determined to reveal the underlying electric currents that circulate throughout the whole of manifested existence. Plasma physicists are revealing that electromagnetic currents and radiation pervade the vast, seemingly empty reaches of outer space. Occultists, witches, and scientists believe that when this truth is acknowledged and accepted into mainstream science, the fact that the blood of all living organisms begins its cycle as a precipitation from a universal, circulating flow of electric waves, will become a credible hypothesis. Make note of these electrical waves.


As a Christian you know that there is power in the Blood of Jesus and your blood.  How do darker forces look at blood? 

It was a moment of outstanding intuition that, in the 1920’s, led the industrial  chemist  and Nobel Laureate, Irving Langmuir, to coin  the term “plasma” for the electrified gases he was researching which  proliferate in interstellar space. He noted that these gases carry ions and electrons similar to the way blood plasma carries red and white corpuscles. Both plasma in space and plasma in the blood are, in effect, electrified fluids, carrying both energy and various substances from one region to another.  Lucis Trust  (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

Another Nobel Laureate, the plasma physicist, Hannes Alfven, remarked that in the earth’s magnetosphere “there are thin, rather stable current layers which separate regions of different magnetization, density, temperature etc.…This is bound to give space a general cellular structure (or more correctly, a cell-wall structure).” Lucis Trust  (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

Occultism teaches that space is an entity, a living being. Merging the beliefs of these two scientists some hold to the premise that through the cellular structure of space runs an arterial flow of electricity, forming, in effect, a huge intergalactic circuit or cosmic bloodstream. In our own corner of the galaxy, the sun forms a sub-circuit within this galactic circuit, receiving and emitting a flow of charged particles that pour into and out of the polar regions of all the planets, mirroring in the macrocosm the way in which the blood cells flow through the heart to all the other organs of the body. Lucis Trust    (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

“There is a regular circulation of the vital fluid throughout our system, of which the Sun is the heart—the same as the circulation of the blood in the human body—during the manvantaric solar period (Manvantara or Manuvantara or “Manvanter” , or age of a Manu, the Hindu creator of the world and all its species), or life; the Sun contracting as rhythmically at every return of it, as the human heart does. Only, instead of performing the round in a second or so, it takes the solar blood ten of its years, and a whole year to pass through its auricles and ventricles before it washes the lungs and passes thence to the great veins and arteries of the system…. Astronomy knows of the fixed cycle of eleven years when the number of solar spots increases, which is due to the contraction of the Solar HEART…. It is similar to the regular and healthy pulsation of the heart, as the life fluid passes through its hollow muscles. Could the human heart be made luminous, and the living and throbbing organ be made visible, so as to have it reflected upon a screen… then every one would see the Sun-spot phenomenon repeated every second—due to its contraction and the rushing of the blood.”  (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

There is a clear correspondence between the electric plasma of space and the mammalian bloodstream, for the latter is also essentially an electric phenomenon. To quote esoteric cosmologist and occultist again:  (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

“…Red corpuscles are drops of electrical fluid, the perspiration oozing out of every cell of the various organs, and caused to exude by electrical action. They are the progeny of the Fohatic principle.” Lucis Trust  (Remember this is occult teaching, not fact)

Fohat is believed to be the personified symbols of the three spiritual stages of Evolution. Fohat is the aggregate of all the spiritual creative ideations above, and of all the electro-dynamic and creative forces below, in Heaven and on Earth.  Fohat is “the animating principle electrifying every atom into life.” During manifestation cosmic energy which produces the separation of primordial cosmic matter into different planes. In the manifested Universe, Fohat is the link between spirit and matter, subject and object.  It is the Satanic force of Fohat that will reanimate the Nephilim, the Giants of old, and extinct creatures.


God created the basis of all organic life with the element of carbon.  One of the secrets behind carbon’s ability to form long polymer chains and construct organic forms is an inherent magnetic power. Until recently scientific theory deemed it impossible to magnetize carbon at room temperature due to the arrangement of its electrons.  Certain elements were in an exclusive magnetic club: iron, cobalt, nickel and a few rare alloys. Through sophisticated research carbon has been officially recognized as part of this group and science and technology are working to bring the two worlds of magnetism and carbon togethersomething the high priests of alchemy have long been doing through forbidden dark arts obtained from the fallen angels

Magnetism is an ordering phenomenon.  Occultists use magnetism to transfigure or reassemble the structure of form, in man the Divine Image, into a more suitable housing for demonic spirits.

Magnetic carbon has a central role to play in this process, carbon being the hidden and long searched for key to the Philosopher’s Stone.

Magnetic carbon has a central role to play in this process, carbon being the hidden and long searched for key to the Philosopher’s Stone.


Scripture talks about the inner and outer man:

The inner man or inward man is a Pauline term nearly identical to hidden man of the heart (1 Peter 3:4). The Greek anthropos (Romans 7:22) is defined “the internal man,” i.e. “soul,” “conscience.” It is the immaterial part of man–mind, spirit–in distinction from the “outward man” which “perishes” (2 Corinthians 4:16 KJV). As the seat of spiritual influences it is the sphere in which the Holy Spirit does His renewing and saving work (Ephesians 3:16). The term “inward man” cannot be used interchangeably with “the new man,” for it may still be “corrupt,” and subject to “vanity” and “alienated from the life of God.” Briefly stated, it is mind, soul, spirit–God’s image in man–man’s higher nature, intellectual, moral, and spiritual. Dwight M. Pratt

The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being.   Proverbs 20:2

The outer man or outward man comes from exo or outside without doors. Your body, subject to decay and death, in distinction from the inner man, the imperishable spiritual life which “is renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16); also the body as the object of worldly thought and pride in external dress and adornment (1 Peter 3:3).

In the witchcraft of the fallen angels, the relationship between the inner and outer man revolves around the alchemy of carbon unification of electronics and magnetism.  This triad will impact your future and your reality even at this moment.   Occultist and futurists claim this unification or reassembly will help humanity transcend the physical plane through new conceptions of time and space. In the Tibetan’s words:

We shall see each other and all forms of divine manifestation as light units of varying degrees of brightness and shall talk and think increasingly in terms of electricity, of voltage, of intensity and of power.”


Witchcraft exploits seven types of creative electric power and hybridizes it with seven types of matter.  The stated goal is a building project where the heart of electric masonry is to erect “temples not made with hands.” This is a counterfeit of God’s Temple.

But it was Solomon who built the house for Him. However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says:

‘Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord, or where will My place of repose be?…Acts 7:48

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands.  Acts 17:24

The present discoveries anent carbon. Anent looks like a rather old-fashioned word. It is, in fact, very old (an earlier sense of the word can be found in Beowulf, from approximately 800 A.D.), and at one point it was almost obsolete. Dead words do occasionally rise from the grave, and “anent” is one of them.

The dark anent carbon from the fallen angels and their offspring is being integrated into nanotechnology.  The exterior of this will be a symbolic veneer fusing science and art.  If you are following AI you have probably noticed AI invading the arts such as artwork, literary, and….  There is a nefarious loophole in our governmental oversight and that is if someone claims their product is artwork they are excluded from regulation that others must follow.  You can do almost anything under the label artwork.  This is why you see so many artists joining up with the technical sector at these tech conferences such as the recent Exponential Medicine Conference and the launch of the beast system infrastructure at DevCon4 in Prague. 

Alchemists and other purveyors of darkness are manipulating tapping into the electrical essence of carbon at the molecular level that lies dormant within humans.  Satan is guiding humanity to work consciously to transform the earth, and later, the entire solar system, into a living temple. It will be a temple of transfigured (rearranged) carbon with humanity as the diamond-souled kingdom living and expressing itself through it.

The key to this Masonic enterprise is the breaking of God’s barriers through technologies such as CERN, AI and the beast system:

“the seventh ray in connection with the phenomena of electricity, through which the solar system is coordinated and vitalized…When the great work is consummated we shall see the Temple of God, the solar system, organized objectively and subjectively; its courts and holy places will then be accessible to the sons of men, who will work then without limitation, and will have free access to all parts of the building. Through the magic of the Word which will then have been recovered, all doors will fly open, and the consciousness of man will respond to every divine manifestation.”

The edifices being erected will use an electrical carbon foundational bridge couched mystical vision:

“There is nothing but electricity in manifestation, the ‘mystery of electricity’ to which H.P.B. referred to in The Secret Doctrine. Everything in Nature is electrical in nature; life itself is electricity, but all that we have contacted and used today is that which is only physical and related to and inherent in the physical and etheric matter of all forms…Future scientific discoveries, therefore, hold the secret.”

God’s world is electrically charged for His purposes and in the frontal attack against God and His anointed and people the powers of darkness want to use that weaponize the energetic tools of the Almighty God.   


Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and, due to its ability to form long polymer chains; it is the fundamental building block of organic life. Carbon’s secrets revolve around its atomic number – 6 – and the hexagonal building force that underpins Nature’s processes.

Notorious Madame Blavatsky shares occultic thoughts:

“There are six Forces in Nature…and the seventh—the all-Force, or the absolute Force, which is the synthesis of all.”

This etheric building force, Laws of Nature, imprints itself upon the natural world.  Behold the detailed symmetry of the snowflake or the structure of quartz, the second most abundant mineral in the earth’s continental crust. The great pollinator of the flower kingdom – the bee –builds the honeycomb – a little hexagonal structure built out of the transformed nectar from the heart of the flower.

Carbon can be engineered to be responsive to the forces in the ethers.  As you read this, researchers are now embedding carbon nanotubes throughout the created world.  Microsoft has a new patent for buildings to grow like organisms and DHS wants infrastructure to be self-assembling, self-replicating, and self-healing. 

Ethereum City in the Graphene Valley is being designed and built using graphene.  Carbon nanotubes are based on the hexagonal structure of graphite and have the highest strength to weight ratio of any known material, with remarkable electronic properties with unique magical qualities.

Biological engineers are mimicking God’s design using the behavior of proteins in making biological structures.  In essence scientists are imitating life and engineering structures on the smallest possible scales. They are paying the most attention to certain proteins that spontaneously self-assemble into complicated 3D structures.  Researchers using molecules and individual atoms as building blocks are endeavoring to achieve a “specific geometric pattern of the atoms that these proteins are composed of on the surface of the nanotube.” Lucis Trust

Researcher, Gevorg Grigoryan, goes on to say, “If you know the underlying atomic lattice, it means that you know how to further build around it, how to attach things to it. It’s like scaffolding for future building.” Lucis Trust

Now that the magnetic properties of carbon have been discovered an added dimension has appeared that will affect future research and experimentation.

In the words of a researcher at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory: With carbon, we know how to make things very small. On the other hand we know a lot about how to process and store information using magnetism. This opens up the door for improved magnetism in carbon that we will be able to combine the magnetic and the carbon world.  Lucis Trust

All of this work with carbon could evoke a demonic beast that manifests itself through this element with undreamt of consequences for the future.

Today electromagnetic waves permeate the air (ethers) through communication networks are having a tremendous effect on the mineral essence of the planet accelerating its transformation and making it more adaptable to future use.  (by demons and fallen angels)

As carbon is rendered magnetic at room temperature and enters the field of electronics on a vast scale this can only intensify. We are witnessing the spiritual electrification of the entire world with corresponding changes in the human organism.

Magnetism and the elements is not a new science.  It has been passed down in legend that King David’s crown contained a rare gem that was able, “to lift up metal and suspend it in the air.”  This gem had magnetic properties allowing the crown to hang suspended in the air and this was 3000 years ago.  Objects today can be suspended only through activating magnetic fields.


Diamonds are not explicitly mentioned in the biblical text but abound in one legend which is of Noah who was told to make a window in the ark and this window, according to legend, was a diamond. 

Diamonds are created in the earth though pressure and temperature.  They have an internal atomic orderly crystalline structure that determines its shape.  We can learn many spiritual lessons, biblical truths, by looking at our faith through a diamond lens. An excellent book to study this is Crystal Clear by Joan W. Randall.

The powers of darkness also study the diamond to extract ancient understanding.  One such dark radiance is found in the yoga sutra of Patanjali:

“Symmetry of form, beauty of color, strength and the compactness of the diamond, constitute bodily perfection.”   The Light of the Soul, Sutra 46 Bk III, A.A. Bailey

This sutra veils the secret of the future evolution of the human organism. It involves a new understanding of the relationship between carbon and oxygen in the physical body eventually leading to the transformation of humanity into the diamond-souled kingdom.

The bottom line is that the current rearranging carbon as a symbol of living matter through sorcery must be exposed.


The Bible states that there are four basic elements:  earth, air, water, and fire.  Mankind has four basic elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. 

 Carbon forms the backbone biology for all of life on Earth, bonding with other elements, particularly Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen to form complex molecules. Occultists believe that Hydrogen and Oxygen are direct precipitations of the universal aether and they facilitate the desire to manifest on the physical plane. These four elements are prevalent throughout the universe, with carbon, the symbol of organic life, tantalizingly present.  They further believe that hydrogen and oxygen are formed and molded over the etheric conveyance by what you would call as a Christian, the breath of life.

We see a fascination with the Birth of Cosmic Desire in the “eagle” nebula that many astronomers refer to as a “star factory” or “stellar nursery”, a region where many stars are formed. It is a mixture of gas and dust made of mainly Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Silicon gases. The Carbon and Silicon gases are what give the object its central “dark dust column” appearance, while the Hydrogen gas gives it the red coloring and the Oxygen gas gives it the slight tint of blue.  Occultists view this unification of carbon and silicon hybridization as ‘spiritually significant.’

Hydrogen: The lightest of all gases, burns in oxygen giving off the most intense heat of any substance in combustion, and forms Water, the most stable of compounds. In occultism is symbolic of fire.

Oxygen: The supporter of Hydrogen’s combustion – it is the breath of life.

Nitrogen: An inert gas; the vehicle with which Oxygen is mixed to adapt the latter for animal respiration. It is related to the etheric conveyance – the inert subtle body on which the physical body is molded.

Carbon: “The fuel par excellence”; the basis of all organic substances. It is related to the gross matter of the body, the substance formed and molded over the etheric vehicle .

The etheric body is primarily composed of the dominant energy or energies to which the man, the group, the nation, or the world reacts in any particular cycle or world period.

Hydrogen – related to the Astral body
Oxygen – related to the life principle
Nitrogen – related to the Etheric body
Carbon – related to the Physical body
Four Basic Elements, References: The Mysteries of the Hebdomad, The Secret Doctrine, vol II p. 593. H.P Blavatsky

In occultism: carbon forms a body that can evolve from an astral man to a spiritual man.  This transformation manifests when it is no longer fueled by emotional combustion.  On the physical plane this is reflected by a reduced need for oxygen in the respiration process in the physical ‘organism’.  In other words, in the occult to purify and elevate one must give up the breath of life from the God.


Image by Celeste

The Lord uses everything.  In the 1980’s I went to a local hot springs to relax and a group of primarily young people came en masse.  They announced that they were attending the International Association of Breathers conference in Seattle.  I thought to myself that this is a bit strange, because everyone breathes.  How naive I was. 

Occultist’s and the New Age movement have a strange perception about the breath of life conferred to us by God Himself. The Geo-Engineering of the planet that we see has many prophetic reasons such as returning the sky to the days of Noah, albeit, synthetic.  It is preparing the earth habitation of reanimated spirits, demons, creatures, giants, and the fallen angels. Also, demonic forces are altering our atmosphere because they believe you are polluting the earth by breathing, and they are going to change that by making a poisonous atmosphere.

These adherents believe that the human breathing cycle has a toxic effect on the environment.  That human beings and animals take oxygen out of the atmosphere and return poisonous carbonic acid. On the heat of the outbreath, the materialistic consciousness and human desires of the human being manifest.  Furthermore, that the environment is only redeemed by the psychic purity of the vegetable kingdom through the power of photosynthesis, which is why many are vegetarian.

They hold fast to the belief that this breathing pollution introduces carbon emissions produced by human enterprise create toxicity within the collective consciousness. Significantly, humanity is now working towards the curtailing of carbon emissions, which symbolizes a move towards controlling the Laws of Nature placed by God. For the esotericist, the breath itself must be redeemed, its composition reflecting the condition of the psychic nature.

Their belief’s hold that man:

Unconsciously breathes in the psychic component of the surrounding atmosphere and breathes his inner psychic condition back out. At the point where the tide of the in-breath turns to become the outbreath, an alchemical reaction takes place between the outer and inner environments and the resulting combination permeates the exhaled breath. Those who understand this cycle work purposefully and rhythmically with the breathing process. The secret cannot be discovered through specific exercises however, which can over-oxygenate; it is revealed instead through the profoundly more difficult process of self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.  Lucis Trust

In other words, man is to negate himself to the collective hive mind; become harmless which is one reason these folks are bent on firearms control; and they must all adopt ‘right speech’ which today we see as messaging from AI.

Esotericists also believe it is necessary to become dispassion to slow down our God given respiration cycle.  Masters of this philosophy pause after exhalation – for an incredible length of time. The ‘spiritual’ practitioner believes increased spirituality comes with the longer he can live in his own air. The magical worker aspires to become as passionless and psychically pure as the plant kingdom and, like the plant, begins to alchemise carbon in the inner laboratory of his own body which is why carbon is an integral part of the philosopher’s stone. As the practice of dispassion proceeds, a purified alchemical force, literally pervaded with love, is breathed out, carrying the magical work forward.  The longer will the breath interlude the greater the opportunity therefore for focused magical work and for the utterance of those words of power which will make divine purpose to be.  They then begin to use the breathing interludes between for intense activity and the use of the power of will to produce magical effects. The consciousness, focused in the brain and having participated in the work of contemplation can now proceed to the work of materializing their utopist ‘spirit’ plan upon the physical plane by the focused energy of their will.   Lucis Trust

Image Accessed:  Spaceweather.com


This saying has a dark history.  To the magician, New Ag practitioner, and alchemist the breath literally and symbolically fans the spiritual fire of white magic on the physical plane. It forms an integral part of science which might be termed esoteric dynamism – the psychology of fiery motion. Through the in-breath, an initiate takes the outer psychic environment in and raises it towards their Spiritual Ego, while on the out-breath, energy from this level of being is poured out into the world as the will-to-love. This is not the love of Jesus Christ or any love that you probably have known.  It is kundalini fire fusing with the ‘head’ to produce, what the Tibetan terms, “the individual ‘electric fire.”  Together they circulate throughout the ventricles of the brain – the place of magical work. Here the white magician combines the fires of spirit and matter to build thought forms of love to fire the world with the spirit of relationship and directs them towards specific ends through the electric charge.  This is why science is rabidly seeking the innermost recesses of your brain so that can work their magic. 

Image Accessed:  Mad Scientists

Nanotechnology is a part of this as the small devils circulate, harmonize, and entwine throughout your body

Janus, the Janus recognition element’s two-faced namesake. [Loundon dodd, Wikipedia] 

Tibetan esoteric science behind his directive to: Let the will-to-love fire the entire world with the spirit of relationship (within the beast system). Take for instance, the new two-faced Janis molecule named after Janis the two faced god that slips in between your DNA helix or RNA, injecting synthetic material into your genetic fiber.  Think of this concept like a car.  It has all the components to convey you elsewhere.   It sits idle, until you put the key into the ignition, and turn it on.  This is what the mark of the beast will do.  Activate all the components of the beast system infrastructure already embedded within your body, assuming that you will go with the fiery flow. 




 ZODIAC-Why Now?

Swedish Spiral 2009

Esoteric love is the great Spiral Architect – the builder of electromagnetic relationships between two basic forms of dynamic motion in the universe – the forward drive of:

  • Divinity
  • Will
  • Rotary motion of Active Intelligence (AI).

Demonic estoteric love is a spiraling, elevating aspect of Divinity that brings the two together in right relationship to one anotherspinning and weaving the rotating atoms of substance into forms through which the essence of love may be expressed. On the human scale, when the will-to-love is evoked and pours into the human frame, it raises the whole organism into a state of dynamic tension and imposes the rhythm of right relationships on all parts of the body.  (This is why any who refuse the mark must be killed.)  The human being is then in a position to work as a creative spiral architect, directing love into the world to elevate and direct subjective relationships into new forms of expression.  Lucis Trust

After the ‘service’ of accelerates the merging the Triad according to ‘follower’ Djwhal Khul:

Macrocosmic evolution proceeds in like manner to the microcosmic. The internal fires of the terrestrial globe, deep in the heart of our earth sphere, will merge with the sacred fire of the sun at the end of the greater cycle, and the solar system will then have reached its apotheosis (death). Little by little as the aeons slip away and the lesser cycles run their course, fire will permeate the ethers and will be daily more recognizable and controlled till eventually cosmic and terrestrial fire will be at-one (the bodies of all material forms adapting themselves to the changing conditions).”

This demonic cult who has accessed fallen angel technology says that the,  “required changes are already occurring in the forerunners of the race who are practicing dispassion and as a result, initiating the transfiguration of the human vehicle through the alchemy of carbon.

It is further stated that the human species will ultimately become hermaphrodite and, transcending the process of sexual reproduction, will build bodies of expression through an act of will– bodies of transfigured carbon akin to a soft diamond, the blood that circulates within as pure and passionless as the sap of the plant as symbolized by the rosy cross of the Rosicrucian. 

Here in is our connection with Prague, the location of the Ethereum beast system infrastructure launch on November 1 that advocates synthetic humans (Synths) who have no need for respiration and will work in perfect unity with what we will call the beast and his kingdom.   For you see:

So rich and beautiful was Prague five centuries ago that it was called “The Golden City” – and the name, like its beauty, has remained.

The fame of the “crossroads of the medieval world” spread along the great highways and rivers of Europe and fired the imagination of generations of poets, peasants, artists, philosophers and alchemists.

The architecture of this fairy-tale city, dominated by a great castle, ancient pinnacles and spires of gold-filled churches, captures a mysterious, mystical quality rarely encountered in the world today.

Legend has it that Princess Libuse, who could tell the future, founded Prague on the spot where she saw a man carving a threshold, in Czech called a ‘Prah’ for his house.

Nicknames for Prague have included “the Mother of Cities” and “City of a Hundred Spires”.

The greatest flourishing of Alchemy in Europe came during the reign of Rudolf 11 (Fifteenth Century), when important Czech and foreign alchemists lived in Bohemia.

The Feng Shui of Prague is based on it being surrounded by seven hills, similar to the seven hills of Rome, and the seven hills of Dublin’s “Loves Body” written by James Joyce.  If you do an internet search you will discover many seven hills strategically located around the globe.

Seven church sites occupy the seven hills of Prague – and the ancient plan of this powerful location was to establish a pattern of five sacred sites inside and seven on the outside- making the symbol of the “Rosy Cross” an almost perfect geometric symmetry.

Prague has one of Europe’ oldest and largest castles which sounds very much like the Magic Palace of Jewish Legend.

Prague is also noted for its signature architectural beehives around the city.

Prague is widely considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with preserved examples from all periods of its history and is among the most visited cities on the continent. Since 1992, the extensive historic center of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. According to Guinness World Records, Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle in the world.

To magicians and alchemists humanity will become the diamond-souled kingdom – working as one to fuse spiritual and mundane. As this occurs, the whole of planetary life will shift onto etheric levels and a state unimaginable to us at present. The pure, cold fire of love that shines from Venus whose evolution is someway ahead of ours, indicates the way, as does the sulphurous, fiery atmosphere that envelops its physical body indicate that the liberation of spirit from matter has taken place. Their secret ambition is to bring that cold fire of love to earth via CERN.

Those with an esoteric vision are spearheading the science of directed energy weaponry towards this grand consummation.  This is a demonic version of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. 

In preparation advocates practice meditation to evoke cold will to love. This automatically engages the central jewel of electric fire in the centers that stand behind the organs of the human body. Step by step they are bringing about the conditions and spiritual atmosphere for magic to become actualized.

The inner and outer nature of man is electric. Satan is bridging these two with newly discovered magnetic properties of carbon which form the philosopher’s stone. This will break God’s barriers of the physical plane propelling humanity into energy and force.

Image Cover of NBC Military Training Manual

The work of electric masonry and the building of the carbon temple is proceeding in earnest. Transcending identification with any vehicle of consciousness on any plane, the divine human god-being will know himself simply as a divine emanation an electric knot or node threaded along the continuum that can be activated at will of consciousness in the Satanic manifestation. When the whole of mankind can do this, man will then truly be a divine ray – a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine – a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of Satan– a little fiery breath riding in rhythmic harmony with the Great Breath of the Dragon.  Lucis Trust

Then “the emanations of heat – due to intensification of the inner flame, coupled with the assimilated radiation of other units – will increase and individualized self merging to perfection of the flame within each one, and a blending of the heat; this will proceed until there is ‘one flame with countless sparks’ within it.”  Lucis Trust

The Angel Nebula

The End Game is to become one with the spirit god for eternity.  This deception will in part come to pass as these deceived do become eternal but are doomed to a fiery eternity.



The world is filled with many dangers and prophecies that are coming to pass.  There are two windows of time that you need to be aware of and that is from the second that you read this article until December 10th and then in 2026.  That is because CERN is getting a bit more aggressive. 

Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN back in 2009 announced that, “Out of this (interdimensional) door might come something, or we might send something through it,”  “

Most of you know about CERN so I progress to recent developments.  If you want detailed information on breaking news with CERN you can visit Anthony Patch’s excellent site. 

Image Accessed:  Anthony Patch, Strangelet

Part of the smashing of particles produces strangelets.  Strangelets are most explosive element in creation.  They have an extremely short life span winking to death- in a wink. Strangelets are very stable and attract all matter them themselves. 

They can freefall to the core of our planet in less than 1 minute from the time they escape the hadron collider.  Once at the core of our planet through a catalytic reaction they attract matter to themselves and they multiply.  What this does is that it begins to condense or compress our planet.  Eventually this will turn our planet into a dense neutron star.  A magnetic attraction getting denser and denser as until it becomes a neutron star.

Changes are being conducted at the CERN colliders that will produce stangelets that last 10 minutes.


If you are a sci-fi buff you have probably read Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cats Cradle. 

Ice-nine is named for a fictional material that appears in the Kurt Vonnegut novel, see Cat’s Cradle. Ice-nine is described as a polymorph of water which instead of melting at 0 °C (32 °F), melts at 45.8 °C (114.4 °F). When ice-nine comes into contact with liquid water below 45.8 °C, it acts as a seed crystal (this is a strangelet) and causes the solidification of the entire body of water, which quickly crystallizes as more ice-nine. As people are mostly water, ice-nine kills nearly instantly when ingested or brought into contact with soft tissues exposed to the bloodstream, such as the eyes or tongue. It was a doomsday scenario. Ice 9 is the fictional account of strangelets and this is happening in the biological realm also with nanoparticles.

Multiple polymorphs of ice do exist in  nature.

The ice-nine phenomenon has occurred with a few other kinds of crystals, called “disappearing polymorphs.

Ice-nine has been used as a model to explain the infective mechanism of mis-folded proteins called prions.


Image Access:  Anthony Patch

You can look up the details of CERN’s Methuselah in your private studies.  What I would like to share is that where there is a biblical name it is symbolic of a mission.  Methuselah was Noah’s grandfather and is the longest living biblical personage.

In Hebrew the name Methuselah comes from two roots: muth, a root that means “death”; and from shalach, which means “to bring,” or “to send forth.” Thus the name Methuselah signifies, “his death shall bring.”  The Flood did not come until 7 days after his death, it is believe to allow a period of mourning.  His name can also mean ‘messenger’ and that he will be a messenger on h=behalf of communal causes.

According to legend when Adam was about to die he entrusted his garments of hide to Methuselah, who gave them to Noah when he was about to die.  This significance we will discuss another time.  

Another interesting legend is that Methuselah told Noah’s father not to call him by his given name because the people of the generation of the Flood will kill him with sorcery (only works if the correct name is used). Yalkut Shimoni, Bereshis, 42

One last legend is that there was a great noise in heaven when he died and that tears from eyes of the angels flowed onto the place of his death.  Yalkut Shimoni, Bereshis, 42

Eternal life is a preoccupation for futurists and esoterics. 


Image Access:  Anthony Patch

AWAKE will produce plasma proton waves and ride the waves, accelerating 1000 x faster due to upgrading with more powerful magnets.

  This is the accelerator that will open the abyss.

The plasma wakefield with protons will be replaced with heavy ions of lead in 2026 with an electron witness and steering capability and with much greater luminosity.


Image Accessed Stanford, Nanoparticle Accelerator on Chip


Now imagine an accelerator on a chip that is nano sized with a 1000 fold acceleration.


The purpose of CERN has always been to explore fissle materials as in weaponry.  Satan is building a physical weapons system to kill God’s angels and then God, Himself.  This weapons system elemental canon, the accelerator is scalable to any size so that it can be deployed on the battlefield. 

 Image Access:  Anthony Patch


CERN’s 2015 Symmetry is a depiction of the opening of the abyss and destruction of machine. CERN intends through an explosion of strangelets to burn the elements to open a abyssal doorway.  the Abyss.

Satan intends to force God’s timeline for the new Heaven and Earth.  CERN is updating their collider’s with some of the elements listed in the biblical passage below.  God’s Word says:

Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says:

‘Because all of you have become dross, behold, I will gather you into Jerusalem. Just as one gathers silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin into the furnace to melt with a fiery blast, so I will gather you in My anger and wrath, leave you there, and melt you.  Yes, I will gather you together and blow on you with the fire of My wrath, and you will be melted within the city.… Ezekiel 22:20 Berean Version

There are secular predictions also including one to flee Geneva because of an explosion


Those at CERN may try to push the envelope before the collider’s close down until 2026. 

The bottom line is that the esoterics, witches, and futurists want the strangelets to turn the earth into a neutron star so they can be translated into spirit beings.

It is unlikely that the amount of strangelets that have gone to earth’s core thus far will cause us to turn into a neutron star before December 10th but if they play around it could precipitate massive earthquakes around the world.

In Revelation 1:18 Jesus says,

“I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

This passage indicates that there are multiple keys.  One key is lent to the angel or messenger to open the bottomless pit.  The builders of CERN believe their facility is located over the abyss. 

In Revelation 9:1–2, an angel is given a key to, or control over, the bottomless pit, and he uses the key to open that pit. Later, an angel is seen locking things in the bottomless pit (20:1–3).

It is appropriate to mourn this season with events on the horizon. 

What else can one say?  Look up!  Your redemption draweth nigh!

Ethereum Beast System Launch coverage links:

Terminated in a Dark Electronic Concentration Camp Ending with Guillotine

Rise of the Disembodied Virtual Assets and Identities

The next week will see discover that ICE 9 is much closer and darker than you know.  I will also continue my coverage of the shocking proceedings from the Exponential Medicine Conference. 
