Here it is – Clearly Laid Out for YOU

Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” [MONEY represents the WORLD SYSTEM which includes: riches, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].  TIME TO CHOOSE!!
When God first inaugurated my mission and plunged me into this crazy endeavor of uncovering and sharing TRUTH with a lost world, there was not much available information and not many people sharing the truth.  It was difficult to find evidence of all the things that God was revealing to me.  Without evidence to present, people are not willing to accept anything you share…especially not anything as radical as the TRUTH.  WE are living in a world full of lies and deceit coming at us from every source and every direction.  This is a World that loves and embraces the lie and HATES and denies the TRUTH.

But, it is wonderous to see that there are many people now who are listening to the voice of GOD and finding and revealing the TRUTH.  There are also so many instances where GOD is bringing the hidden works of darkness out in the open where people can recognize the lies!  In this day, there are many sources for TRUTH.  PRAISE GOD.

Because that is the case…there will be no excuse!  Anyone who is ignorant of TRUTH today, is ignorant willfully.  They prefer NOT TO SEE IT!  BIG MISTAKE!

YOU are SURROUNDED by WITNESSES.  Sharing the Miraculous ways that God has revealed Himself to them.  Sharing the FACTS and EVIDENCES of the works of Darkness.  Praying for YOU!  And laboring out of love for your souls to help to point you to TRUTH and to the SALVATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY!

PLEASE, I BEG YOU to call on HIM!  He will reveal Himself to you in ways that you can recognize and understand.  He is reaching out to you today.  TODAY is the day of SALVATION.

Time is running out.  Don’t hesitate or put it off.  Tomorrow is not promised.

If you have not viewed the updated version of the following post, it will give you better understanding of this post.

Mother Nature Makes an Appearance – To END ALL LIFE

The Elites’ Breathtaking Strategy for Ruling Entire World Exposed

Today’s high priests of climate-change apocalypseare undoubtedly correct in predicting that in just a few short years, the earth may well become miserable, wretched and almost uninhabitable by human beings.

But ironically, such a grim future won’t come about because of “catastrophic climate change,”as global-warming zealots claim. Rather, the earth will become the pitiful and desolate habitat for mankind they predict, with massive suffering and death – if their genuinely catastrophic agenda is actually implemented.   It is already implemented, but not yet fully functioning.  It may be too late to do anything about it.  Better get close to GOD if you want to make it through to the end.

Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, recently said regarding the elites’ insistence on reducing greenhouse gases to “Net Zero”: “If they actually achieve Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease.”   Well, that is an understatement.  If they reach NET ZERO ALL LIFE WILL BE GONE!  EVERYTHING WILL DIE… without Carbon there is NO LIFE.  

Likewise, energy expert Alex Epstein, in his critically acclaimed book, “Fossil Future,” writes: “Today’s proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequencesmaking the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people. And even if fossil fuel elimination policies aren’t fully implemented,” he adds, “… even widespread restrictions on fossil fuel use that fall far short of elimination will shorten and inflict misery on billions of lives, especially in the poorest parts of the world.”

Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress, doesn’t claim fossil fuels and CO2 emissions don’t impact climate in any way.“I totally acknowledge,” he writes, “that they have contributed to the 1-degree Celsius warming we’ve experienced over the last one-hundred-plus years.”

Question: When the scientific case for catastrophic global warming and its resulting global apocalypse consists largely of a 1-degree rise in temperature over more than 130 yearsin a world where global temperatures are widely acknowledged to have risen and fallen spontaneously over the ages – why are all the governments of the Western world obsessed with catastrophic climate change as their unifying principle of governing, public policy and virtually all of life?

The economy is tanking and a “Digital Dollar” is in the works. Don’t procrastinate. Move wealth and retirement funds to physical precious metals and/or a self-directed IRA with America First companies who aren’t helping Democrats, the WEF, or the CCP.   THE DIGITAL DOLLAR IS HERE, WAITING FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL OTHER OPTIONS!

Before addressing the astonishing truth underlying what has become, in reality, a full-fledged false religion created and exploited by global elites who want to rule the world, let’s first consider those segments of society most captivated by this apocalyptic cult.

Strangely, while claiming to follow “the science,”global warming cult followers tend to comprise the very population demonstrating the least regard for actual scientific truth in other areas of life and public policy:

* Many believe a baby inside its mother’s womb is not a human being at allat least, not until the very moment he or she is born, when that child instantaneously morphs into a person of great value, with all the God-given and constitutional rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. One minute earlier, the child was a glob of worthless tissue, equivalent to a tumor that could be ripped into pieces, extracted and disposed of as medical waste. This is an entirely accurate, if graphic, representation of the prevailing belief of today’s Democratic Party, with 46 Senate Democrats having voted just last year in favor of legalizing abortion up until the very moment of birth.

* This same population segment tends to believe that seriously mentally ill men who claim they are women actually are women – and vice versa. Worse, they defend the practice of grooming thousands of emotionally fragile teenagers into undergoing horrendous amputations and other harmful, irreversible “treatments” in pursuit of gender transitions that are not only scientifically impossible, but insane.

* During the COVID-19 pandemic, despite ever-increasing scientific data regarding the virus and its scandalous origins, unprecedented negative effects of the experimental “vaccines,” and the proven safety and effectiveness of lifesaving medications like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, these are the people who tended to ignore the actual science and instead side with lying, power-addicted federal bureaucrats and greedy pharmaceutical companies.

* What about the news media’s obsession with climate apocalypse?Hint: “If it bleeds, it leads.” Starting well over a century ago, in 1895, the New York Times scared its readers to death with warnings of a coming “new ice age.” This media-driven hysteria lasted into the late 1920s, when the Times suddenly switched gears and warned “the earth is steadily growing warmer.” That lasted until 1954, when Fortune magazine led the way with a warning that another ice age was coming. Although the New York Times stoked “global warming” fears into the late 1950s, by 1975 it was back to “new ice age” hysteria.A few years later, the Times reverted back to panicking its readers over global warming of an “almost unprecedented magnitude.”

* More troubling, how about all the scientists who have joined the cult of the climate apocalypse? Why would they go along with an overblown, politically driven hoax? The answer, sadly, became clear during the COVID era, when many scientists, doctors and hospitals adopted the questionable views and medical practices of highly politicized and dishonest federal agencies like the FDA and the CDC. Rather than “following the science” themselves – as a few courageous and principled doctors did, and who often were seriously persecuted for their integritymost doctors and scientists lacked the requisite courage to take a stand and risk losing their positions or even their careers. After all, the saying goes, “I have a family to support.”

* Of all the groups swept up into climate hysteria, the easiest to understand would be the millions of young people traumatized and indoctrinated daily in the government (public”) school system about near-term, human-caused catastrophic climate change. Brainwashing a child into fearing the future and loathing the adults supposedly responsible for destroying their planet is egregious child abuse, as epitomized in the case of Greta Thunberg. Though burdened with autism, OCD and eating disorders, this very troubled 16-year-old Swedish girl somehow was presented to the world as the voice of the younger generation and an expert on climate science, scolding the entire adult population in her famous U.N. speech. “How dare you?” she thundered. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.” Multiply Greta Thunberg by millions, and one gets a glimpse of what government education and the news media are doing to the next generation.

‘Some kind of god’

But what about the real villains,the people who know the global warming religion of near-term apocalypse is a cruel hoax, and exists simply as a means to a greater end that has nothing at all to do with the weather?

The global elitesthe super-wealthy climate-change avatars who fly into Davos in their mega-gas-guzzling-and-polluting private jets while scolding everyone else for driving cars, and who dine on steak and lobster while admonishing the rest of the world to dine on insectsthese are the high priests of the global apocalyptic climate cult.

To understand them, it’s essential to dispense with the old paradigms of “liberal,” “progressive,” “democratic” and other feelgood but increasingly meaningless ideological labels. The true leaders of this movement are sociopaths whose only ideology and value system is personal wealth, power, privilege, honor and glory for themselves, and who are obsessed with ruling planet earth. They want to be gods. So far, only billionaire leftist George Soros has had the nerve to actually describe himself, to the news media, as “some kind of god.”   Not so. Georgeo Sorors, Karl Schwab and his high priest Yuval Noah Harari have made the same declaration!  Bill Gates claims to the Savior of the World.


Michio KAKA declares that we are destined to become gods, in his book Physics of the Future.


The heart and soul of today’s bizarre, pagan, climate-change religion, which has emerged as the primary vehicle global elites are using to completely transform and rule the world, is powerfully exposed and illuminated in the September issue of WND’s critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, an issue titled “CULT OF THE CLIMATE APOCALYPSE: The elites’ breathtaking strategy for ruling the world.”

Issue highlights include:

  • Cult of the climate apocalypse” by David Kupelian
  • “Climate change didn’t cause the Maui fires, environmentalists did: Instead of preparing for wildfires, Hawaii was busy going ‘green’” by Daniel Greenfield
  • “Major U.S. cities are considering zero beef, zero dairy, zero cars! ‘Downright daffy, not to mention leaning hard into totalitarianism’” by Bob Unruh
  • “Too cold! Too hot! Too cold! Too hot! A century of climate hysteria in the news media” by David Kupelian
  • “‘Another ice age?’ Time magazine’s apocalyptic warning of global cooling!
  • “Climate brainwashing … of first graders: ‘Climate change is the Left’s religion. The messaging is as heavy-handed as catechism in a religious school’” by Betsy McCaughey
  • “Claim of climate ‘emergency’ debunked by 1,600 scientists! ‘Misguided science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience’”
  • “AOC’s chief of staff: Surprise, the ‘Green New Deal’ is all about socialism, not climate change: Confessed the radical plan is actually ‘a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing’” by Art Moore
  • “Wealthy elites flood the world with emissions while lecturing others to go green: Study shows 10% of households generate 40% of greenhouse gases” by Bob Unruh
  • “The ‘silliness’ of Biden’s energy ‘transition’: ‘Fantasists are impervious to reality’ and rely on the equivalent of ‘pixie dust’” by Benjamin Zycher
  • “America’s $100 billion climate-change flop: New study reveals that all the restrictions, regulations and giveaways have failed to stem CO2” by Stephen Moore
  • “Biden admits he ‘wanted to stop all drilling,’ but was forced to follow the law: ‘We’re still pushing really very hard’” by Nick Pope
  • “U.N. stokes new wave of climate hysteria: ‘If we don’t do whatever Al Gore wants us to do in next 10 years, we’re doomed’” by Robert Knight
  • “Is it time to ban electric vehicles? Thanks to lithium-ion batteries, ‘cars and e-bikes are randomly blowing up in driveways and garages’” by Stephen Moore
  • “Crisis creation: The left’s go-to technique for gaining power and control” by David Kupelian
  • “In California, we saw, again, how easy it is to panic Americans: ‘Apparently, it is impossible for the government to cry wolf too often’” by Dennis Prager
  • “Climate alarmists’ flaky ‘science’: Spotlighting the lack of typical data in fear-mongering claims” by Richard Blakley
  • “4 reasons to distrust and resist the ‘climate change’ elites: ‘Politicized science coupled with propaganda is a recipe for disaster’” by Laura Hollis
  • “Climate science makes a bad religion: With this ‘faith,’ ‘our lives will always have to get worse until the weather improves’” by Daniel McCarthy.

“Unfortunately,” notes bestselling author and Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “the high priests of the global climate cult possess an effective camouflage, one rooted in the innate decency of normal people who simply don’t comprehend what sociopaths are really like. After all, people with an intact conscience – which hopefully still includes most Americans – may readily understand the normal flaws besetting normal people, like becoming upset, angry, confused, anxious or depressed. They do not, however, readily recognize nor comprehend the sociopath’s desire to control the world, or his or her willingness to let massive numbers of people suffer and die, or their ability to look directly into a television camera – which is to say, look right into the eyes of millions of people – and lie without inner conflict. This is a breed of people animated by feelings, desires and ambitions completely foreign to decent people.So, it’s easy to be blind to this ‘ruling elite’ mindset, which includes some of the top climate change global high priests.”

Article cross-posted from WND News Center.




Perhaps you remember the symbolism in the above WEF screen snips?  If you witnessed the blatant BAAL worship at the Birmingham COMMONWEALTH GAMES, you should recognize them.   No longer any doubt WHO the ELITE WOSHIP!!

Flag of the United Commonwealth Federation





Going Deep – Birmingham

Today, the Masons, as did the apostate Jewish elders and priests in the days of Ezekiel, continue to worship Satan the sun god, also called Lucifer or Baal, by other names.The name of their great god, Jahbuhlun, which is revealed to Masons in the higher degrees, is a synonym for the solar deity: two of the three syllables in the name, buh and lun mean “Baal” and “On”, both of which represent sun and fire gods. This bull is horned as well, like Baal and some other gods which were always pictured as horned bulls. It also goes by the name of Moloch:

During the ceremony, Baal breaks free from the chains terrorizing the people, unchaining the women from slavery, but who all, frantically run around. And while a woman named Stella (The name Stella is of Latin and Italian origin meaning “celestial star.” dressed in white holding a white crystal, which is very much tightened to the New Age Movement, walks forth to caress Baal which calms down, the rest of the women make the sign of an X on their chest. The letter X has a long history in Freemasonry, used by the Illuminati Elite to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events.Now the X carries a lot of symbols but one thing that is striking here, is that why is it done by all the female participants here? Could it be because in ancient India, the X symbol was equated with the vajra (jewel-phallus) which probably might be another reason why the Masonic Lodge adopted this symbol for many of their ritual activities, since masonry is a deviant sex cult? Also, in her interesting encyclopedia “The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects”, Barbara Walker calls the symbol the “Cross Saltire” which literally means “tumbling cross” , which is anti-Christ in nature.

Then Stella tames the beast, meaning that she accepts the beast.In the meantime, the rest of the artists do another Illuminati hand gesture: hand on the heart and show of admiration.

The heart has a lot of symbolic meanings which is impossible for me to dwell into, but it is a sign of devotion.Within the Illuminati structure, the initiate is taught that he must devote his whole heart to the top elite who comprise the Inner Circle. His life must be dedicated to the goals they have set, for they, in turn, are being directed by the Hierarchy, the spirit beings (Satan and his demons) who have given them The Plan.In addition, freemasonry is connected to the religion and rituals of ancient Egypt and proudly displays Egyptian idols in and around its lodge facilities and its international headquarters, the House of the Temple in Washington D.C.




Jeremiah 33:3-9
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

GOD also speaks through his creation.  EVIDENCE OF HIM is EVERYWHERE!!
