Sir Jony Ive, the former Apple designer responsible for such iconic products as the iPhone and iMac, has returned to the design arena with an unusual project: He has created the red nose for this year’s Comic Relief charity event in the U.K.

Comic Relief is a British comedy-themed charity that raises money for a range of causes. It is responsible for the yearly Red Nose Day telethon, featuring comedians and other celebrities, and members of the public are encouraged to buy a red nose to wear on the day, which takes(took) place Friday, March 17 this year (in Great Britain). The design of the nose is tweaked each year.

As might be expected from the man behind so many iconic products, Ive’s design is ambitious and something of a departure for both him and the nose. With the ability to compress into a flat crescent, it’s largely made of delicately folded paperthe charity says the materials are 95 percent plant-based, after agreeing in 2021 to stop making the noses from single-use plasticand looks faintly reminiscent of the HomePod’s mesh.

It’s easy to imagine a somber Jony Ive voice-over introducing this product: “Design is about what you don’t do as much as what you do…”© Mac World


Note that there is a separate Comic Relief charity in the U.S. (it’s known as Comic Relief Inc) and a separate Red Nose Day. Sadly, Ive’s design won’t be used for that event.


origami – art  – Also known as: paper folding

origami crane
origami crane

origami, also called paper folding, art of folding objects out of paper to create both two-dimensional and three-dimensional subjects. The word origami (from Japanese oru [“to fold”] and kami [“paper”]) has become the generic description of this art form, although some European historians feel it places undue weight on the Japanese origins of an art that may well have developed independently around the world.


Fold Your Own Paper Froebel Star Spring Kit By LITLLE PAPiER ...
woven paper Froebel star

German educator Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852), inventor of the kindergarten, was an avid proponent of paper folding and its educational benefits, and he helped to spread paper folding around the world. Three basic types of folds are associated with him: the Folds of Life (basic folds that introduced kids to paper folding),  the Folds of Truth (teaching basic principles of geometry), and the Folds of Beauty (more-advanced folds based on squares, hexagons, and octagons); the famed folded and woven paper Froebel star, a popular Christmas craft and decoration, was named after him but was likely invented by someone else. About 1880 those Froebelian folds were introduced into Japan and Japanese schools, and it was about that time that the word origami began to be used to describe recreational folding. German contributions to paper folding continued with Rudolf Steiner’s first Waldorf school (1919), in Stuttgart, Germany, which emphasized assorted hands-on activities including origami, and with the Bauhaus school of design (1919–33). Bauhaus used paper folding as a means of training students in commercial design, and revered Bauhaus teacher and artist Josef Albers was especially adept at creating dome-shaped structures from flat sheets of paper.
Tessellations: A geometric folding technique in which the image is created by the pattern of folded edges across the paper. Tessellations are often periodic (repeating) and may be flat or three-dimensional, and many of them exhibit further structure when held up to the light. Not surprisingly, many of the leading practitioners of this technique have been mathematicians.

Chinese paper folding


Paper was first invented by Cai Lun during the Eastern Han Dynasty era. In the 6th centuryBuddhist monks carried paper to Japan.[1] The earliest document showing paper folding is a picture of a small paper boat in an edition of Tractatus de sphaera mundi from 1490 by Johannes de Sacrobosco.

  Tractatus de sphaera
De sphaera mundi
 (which means of the sphere of the universe , also called Tractatus de sphaera or simply De sphaera ) is a medieval work written by Johannes de Sacrobosco around the year 1230 that introduces the basic elements of astronomy . Largely inspired by Ptolemy ‘s Almagest and adding ideas from Arabic astronomy, it was one of the most influential works on astronomy in Europe before Copernicus . The first edition appeared in 1472 in Ferrara , and more than 90 editions were printed in the next two centuries.
RIGHT:  Sphera of the universe , by Johannes de Sacrobosco , translated by Ginés de Rocamora in 1599.

However it is very likely that paper folding originated much earlier than that in China and Japan for ceremonial purposes. ( i.e. religious ritual, spiritual purposes) In China, traditional funerals include burning folded paper, most often representations of gold nuggets (yuanbao). This practice probably started when papers gradually become popular and cheaper in China, and it seems to have become quite common during the Song Dynasty (905–1125 CE).[2] In Japan origami butterflies were used during the celebration of Shinto weddings to represent the bride and groom, so ceremonial paperfolding had probably already become a significant aspect of Japanese ceremony by the Heian period (794–1185) of Japanese history.[3]