The technological invasion of our lives, jobs, homes, bodies, minds and even our soul and spirit is so pervasive today. It is inescapable and sadly it is so woven into our daily lives and activities that people can’t even see it. Most don’t believe it exists, or perhaps they do not want to believe. Surely though, you cannot prefer to be like the proverbial Ostrich with its head buried in the sand.
We are getting down to the wire now. It is too late to stop what is coming. At this point it is not even going to slow down. We are in that time when everything is going to escalate at break-neck speed. The elite aim to implement their New World Order and eliminate humanity. They have no use for humans, unless they are full automated and controlled. Everything is in place now for the enforcement of their plan. The food supply has been wiped out, we are being driven out of our homes by whatever means it takes, soon our cars will be taken from us and our bank accounts will be totally digitized and in their hands.
It is my hope that in this post those who have refused to look at the truth will get an opportunity to see clearly what is going on, who is behind it and most importantly where to turn for deliverance.
During the COVID fiasco that destroyed the world economy and broke the spirit of the people, the elite had the world convinced that we were all going to die unless EVERYONE took the shot that had not been tested, let alone proven and that ended up injuring, maiming and killing far more people than the number that truly died from COVID. They had everyone convinced that ANYONE who did not take the shots was a danger to society. People were actually turning on the neighbors and even their own family members. Strangers in the streets were being harrassed and physically attacked simply because they did not buy into the public panic.
As it turns out, those who did not take the shots were justified and now they are learning that they are being negatively affected physically from exposure to those who did. How insane is that?
Our Modern Society has been programmed to disbelieve the Word of God, and even that God exists. Paganism is returning to its glory days as people turn to spirits of all names and types for spiritual experiences. We are all spirits living in a body and we are all innately driven to spiritual relationship and worship. When we do not recognize the one true living GOD who created us, we become prey to the false gods who ruled most of the world in our ancient past.
We are being told by the ruling Elite, including the Pope, that all gods are the same and all faiths will lead us to love and fellowship.
This is a lie straight from the pit of HELL. We are not all one. We are not all the same. We are not ALL CHILDREN OF GOD!! That should be obvious to anyone who still maintains their Cognitive thinking. Look around the world and throughout History. There are now as there have always been EVIL beings both spiritual and physical working in this world. EVIL people are driven by the spirits that they serve. No amount of love and affection will change them. The ONLY ONE who can change them is the ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD. He will ONLY WORK in those who call on HIM and TURN from their wicked ways.
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.2 Corinthians 6:14-17
The elite want to rid the world of all BIBLE BELIEVING FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST. All other religions are embraced and promoted. But, NOT ANYONE NARROW MINDED ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GOD!
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.John 14:6
Even though the Word of GOD says that is the truth, and actually quotes JESUS himself as speaking those words, they call it unloving and blasphemy!
POLITICS LOOK at the politics playing out before us!! Especially, here in the USA. That ought to give you a clear picture of humanity without GOD! PEOPLE do not agree unless they hae the same spirit. Human nature without GOD is selfish, greedy, lascivious, lawless, violent and spiritually rotten. There will never be a consensus as long as people are against GOD.
Selfish people care nothing about anyone but themselves. What they desire. The devil knows that, so everything in our society is aimed at the selfish nature.
Thanks to modern science, most of our society is convinced that we are animals. We came from the same source as animals, and we behave like animals because that is our NATURE.
ANOTHER LIE STRAIGHT FROM THE PIT OF HELL. Like it or NOT, Believe it OR NOT, GOD our Heavenly Father, is the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS! Yes, He formed everything out of the same materials that were onhand. But, each and everything in this world was fearfully and wonderfully created by HIS HAND. Designed so perfectly, that every cell has its own infrastructure and every part of everything, and everyone is designed to work together and even to be self-healing. Everything in the World is designed to work together. GOD is our provider. There is not lack with HIM. For those who know him, they lack nothing. Even though the Earth has suffered neglect, assault and battery, GOD is well able to HEAL it and RESTORE it. If w will turn to HIM.
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
God gave us authority over our own souls. He will not and cannot intervene unless He is invited. Each of us make the CHOICE. Whom will you serve? Because you WILL SERVE either THE CREATOR or THE DEVILL. The Devil sis the IMPOSTER/POSER/LIAR/THEIF/DECEIVER/DESTROYER/ADVERSARY!
I hope this post helps you understand what is happening in our MODERN world. The truth is that NOTHING is new here folks. I know we like to believe that we are so more advanced than any other civilization the world has known. IT IS A LIE!! THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. This … Click Here to Read More
Tower of Babel | Story, Themes & Significance The Tower of Babel is a mythical tower described in the book of Genesis in the Christian Old Testament. According to Genesis 11:1-9, all people used to speak the same language. Their unity of language allowed them to collaborate efficiently. They decided to build a grand tower, so tall … Click Here to Read More
I had to laugh when I read the following article. It has been obvious for some time that Modern Science has been backtracking on what they had been declaring as fact, because the archeology and the physical evidence just does not back it up. More and more evidence shows that the BIBLE is TRUE and ACURATE.
This next article is written from the WORDLY point of view.
It’s difficult for us, as individual human beings, with the feeling of distinctness and separateness we have, to comprehend that everything is interconnected.
Indeed, we’re so alone, at times, in this physical form which seems to differentiate each of us from the rest – where all our fortunes seem to be varied and changing.
We feel like we are each born to compete with others. We observe the vast differences in the fortunes of one man compared to another, and we perceive that each living creature’s existence is a fight for its own survival, oftentimes at the expense of other living creatures.
On the ground, in real time, this is an undeniable reality, at least as the world is now.
However, once you get past your immediate perception of what is going on; once you abstract your view from the limits of your subjectivity, it becomes clear that everything is interconnected. We are all, spiritually speaking, philosophically speaking, and scientifically speaking, an indivisible unity – in other words: we are all one.
Of course, to some extent this is true. Every lie has a bit of truth. Yes, we all live on this one earth. PERIOD. From there our lives ARE all DIFFERENT. AND, much of what happenis in our lives is out of our hands, and much that happens in our lives is determined by choices made by our family or by us individually. Even within familes each individual experiences life differently. We are each born with our own personality, our own gifts and talents, our own drives and ambitions, our own thoughts, opinions, values, beliefs and aspirations. Each choice we make has impact and effects. GOD did not create everyone the same. He did not make robots!
Humanity has been polluted. From the Beginning in the Garden and throughout history the workers of DARKNESS have been polluting our bodies, minds and souls. THIS is the crime for which they were condemned to HELL and to watch their progeny suffer on the earth. The fallen angels not only personally polluted all life on earth, they taught the art/craft/science of polluting our DNA to humans. There has always been those who are not fully human (mixture of human and demon) who have been working to DESTROY life. They have corrupted humanity. That is why we ARE NOT ALL CHILDREN OF GOD! That is why there is EVIL in this world and WILL ALWAYS BE until God puts an end to it.
1. Science
“He dwells in us, not in the nether world, not in the starry heavens. The spirit living within us fashions all this.” (who is the “He” referenced here?)
~ Aggripa Von Nettesheim
The big bang theory, or the scientific theory of the creation, suggests that all things are interconnected and made of the same substance. According to the big bang theory, the entire universe and all its contents were contained within a single point of infinite density and zero volume.
late 14c., creacioun, “action of creating or causing to exist,” also “a created thing, that which is created,” from Old French creacion “creation, a coming into being” (14c., Modern French création), from Latin creationem (nominative creatio) “a creating, a producing,” in classical use “an electing, appointment, choice,” noun of action from past-participle stem of creare “to make, bring forth, produce, beget,” from PIE root *ker- (2) “to grow.”Meaning “that which God has created, the universe, the world and all in it” is from 1610s. The native word in the Biblical sense was Old English frum-sceaft. Of fashion costumes, desserts, etc., “that which has been produced by human art or skill,” by 1870s, from French.
1847, originally a Christian theological position that God immediately created out of nothing a soul for each person born; from creation + -ism.
As “science teaching based on a fundamentalist interpretation of the Book of Genesis, the scientific theory attributing the origin of matter and life to immediate acts of God,” opposed to evolutionism, it is attested from 1880. Century Dictionary (1897) defines creationism in this sense as “The doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by the fiat of an omnipotent Creator, and not gradually evolved or developed.”
Creation science is attested by 1970 as an alternative name for a theory of science not inconsistent with Christian fundamentalism. Creationist (n.) in an “anti-Darwin” sense is attested by 1859 in a letter of Darwin’s, and it is said to be used in Darwin’s unpublished writings as far back as 1842.
DARWIN’S theory of the Origin of the Speicies developed into the Theory of Evolution which has been taught as FACT for many years. Known today as the “father of evolution,”Darwin amassed compelling evidence supporting the theory of evolution by natural selection. Earlier scholars, including his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, were mocked for presenting such unorthodox ideas as transmutation of species.
Darwin is credited with being the first scientist to persuasively argue a unifying theory of how species evolve and continue to change.
A Victorian amateur undertook a lifetime pursuit of slow, meticulous observation and thought about the natural world, producing a theory 150 years ago that still drives the contemporary scientific agenda. Darwin’s theory, core features of which have withstood critical scrutiny from scientific and religious critics, constituted only the starting point for an endlessly rich set of research questions that continue to inspire present-day scientists. Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin’s theory represents a foundational pillar of modern science that stands alongside relativity, quantum mechanics and other vital support structures. Just as Copernicus cast the earth out from the center of the universe, the Darwinian universe displaced humans as the epicenter of the natural world. Natural selection accounts for what evolutionary biologist Francisco J. Ayala of the University of California, Irvine, has called “design without a designer,” a term that parries the still vigorous efforts by some theologians to slight the theory of evolution. “Darwin completed the Copernican Revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of nature as a lawful system of matter in motion that human reason can explain without recourse to supernatural agencies,” Ayala wrote in 2007.
Earth’s formation remains a strange, scientific mystery. We live on a planet in a solar system with seven other planets and have discovered thousands of exoplanets to date. But how planets like Earth form still remains a subject of great debate.
Currently, there are two leading theories on planetary formation. Scientists continue to study planets in and out of our solar system in an effort to better understand which of these theories most accurately describes how the solar system and its planets formed.
When this mighty explosion took place, the contents of that single point – a sea of neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons (positrons), photons, and neutrinos – formed the universe in its original state, and those particles cooled, forming stars.
“Nature is passion; we are sons of stars.” ~ Alexander Gesswein
NO we are not stars are light beings/angels. We are a totally different creation made to rule over angels.
c. 1200, “the sufferings of Christ on the Cross; the death of Christ,”from Old French passion “Christ’s passion, physical suffering” (10c.), from Late Latin passionem (nominative passio) “suffering, enduring,” from past-participle stem of Latin pati “to endure, undergo, experience,” a word of uncertain origin.The notion is “that which must be endured.”The sense was extended to the sufferings of martyrs, and suffering and pain generally, by early 13c. It replaced Old English þolung (used in glosses to render Latin passio), literally “suffering,” from þolian (v.) “to endure.” In Middle English also sometimes “the state of being affected or acted upon by something external” (late 14c., compare passive).In Middle English also “an ailment, disease, affliction;”also “an emotion, desire, inclination, feeling; desire to sin considered as an affliction” (mid-13c.). The specific meaning “intense or vehement emotion or desire” is attested from late 14c., from Late Latin use of passio to renderGreek pathos “suffering,” also “feeling, emotion.”The specific sense of “sexual love” is attested by 1580s,but the word has been used of any lasting, controlling emotion (zeal; grief, sorrow; rage, anger; hope, joy). The meaning “strong liking, enthusiasm, predilection” is from 1630s; that of “object of great admiration or desire” is by 1732.
As compared with affection, the distinctive mark of passion is that it masters the mind,so that the person becomes seemingly its subject or its passive instrument,while an affection, though moving, affecting, or influencing one, still leaves him his self-control. The secondary meanings of the two words keep this difference. [Century Dictionary]
Physicist and Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss explained in a lecture in 2009, that:
“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded, and the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand….You are all stardust; you couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because all the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, and all the things that matter for evolution – weren’t created at the beginning of time, they were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars. And the only way that they could get into your body was if the stars were kind enough to explode. So forget Jesus – the stars died so that you could be here today.” wow!! iF YOU can’t see that these people are speaking for the Devil and his fallen stars/angels you are already mind controlled.
Quantum theory also suggests that all things are interconnected. The phenomenon of superposition, i.e. that, at the quantum scale, particles can also be thought of as waves, shows that particles can exist in different states.
Indeed, in quantum mechanics, particles are thought of as existing across all possible states at the same time. This is very difficult to conceive of – and of course, we can’t just interpret in ways that suit our purposes. But the idea of non-locality – particles having no definite position and being present in more than one position at the same time – suggests a unity in everything.
Well, I have to tell you that all their “Quantum” fairy tales are a bit much for me to buy. NONE of it can be proven. You have to accept it on FAITH. Frankly, I choose to believe the WORD OF GOD. I KNOW HIM PERSONALLY and have throughout my lifetime experienced his power, grace and mercy in my life. I would not TRUST NASA for anything or about anything because it has been proven over and over that they lie. I do not trust science, or technology or any kind.
2. Philosophy
“Nor is it divisible, since it is all alike, and there is no more of it in one place than in another, to hinder it from holding together, nor less of it, but everything is full of what is. Wherefore all holds together; for what is; is in contact with what is. Moreover, it is immovable in the bonds of mighty chains, without beginning and without end; since coming into being and passing away have been driven afar, and true belief has cast them away. It is the same, and it rests in the self-same place, abiding in itself.”
~ Parmenides
From as far back asParmenides(b.506 BC), a Greek philosopher who came earlier than Socrates, there have been philosophers who saw the universe as a unified whole within which all things that exist are subsumed.
Baruch Spinoza (b.1632 AD) attempted to prove the existence of a single infinite substance, which is the cause of all things,of their essence andexistence¹. Furthermore, he believed that the recognition of the union that the mind has with whole of nature is the highest good because happiness and morality can be derived from this, in something he callsthe intellectual love of God (amor dei Intellectualis).²
150 years later Arthur Schopenhauer(b.1788) identified Spinoza’s universal substance with the Will, the striving for life, existing in every living thing.
I am sure these guys were so proud of themselves for having such lofty thoughts and aspirations. I have no doubt the world would consider these wise sayings. However, they are only the wisdom of men. They have nothing to do with TRUTH. They do ot come from the wisdom of GOD. They cannot and will not solve the world’s problems. Nor will they every unite the world. They do not address the real issues and they do not offer any real solutions.
“The depths of my soul produce the fruits of this world” Meaningless words.
~ Alexander Gesswein
Spirituality has often reached the same conclusions through intuition that philosophy has arrived at through reason, and science through observation of phenomena.The central texts of Hinduism, the Upanidshads, contain texts that talk of the unity of the mind and the world.
Buddhism also contains the principle of oneness esho funi: e (the environment), and sho (life), are funi (inseparable). Funi means two but not two. Buddhism teaches that life manifests itself as both a living subject and objective environment. Although we perceive things around us as separate from us, there is a primal level of existence in which there is no separation between ourselves and our environment.
Not so Grasshopper. We are all separate until we come into the family of God. Then we become one with our fellow believers. That is not to say that Christians do not love the world. We love everyone and we recognize that everyone needs the love of GOD. We care for our neighbors and share the love of God with them in the hope that they will turn to GOD and be saved.
Even Christianity, with its essentially dualist view of the cosmos: that is, of God as creator and man as created thing, when seen as a metaphor, seems to hint at a similar view of things, God is manifested on earth in human form. In Christ, God becomes man. The One becomes the individual and the many. Subject becomes object. The Will is objectified.
“The indivisibility of all things suddenly dawns on the subject. He is one with all, and his concern for himself necessarily leads to concern for others to which he is identical. Morality is founded thereon, the knowledge of which suddenly becomes the most powerful affection one has ever known: an extension of your power to infinity. At last you are able to be at peace with all around you, and are equipped with an imperishable source of pleasure. This is the definition of happiness.
Finite man now stands before Nature in rapturous confidence: The One and All, I am God: the world is my representation.This is the greatest legacy of philosophy; and without our teachers of old, our necromancers, we would be unable to transcend the painful temporal succession,finally rising to the conception of our true freedom, sub specie aeternitatis [under the aspect of eternity].”
late 14c., nygromanser, nigromauncere, “sorcerer, adept in black magic,” from Old French nigromansere, from nigromancie (see necromancy). Properly “one who communicates with the dead” but typically used in a broader sense in English.
Old English wicce“female magician, sorceress,”in later use especially “a woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits and to be able by their cooperation to perform supernatural acts,” fem. of Old English wicca “sorcerer, wizard, man who practices witchcraft or magic,” from verb wiccian “to practice witchcraft” (compare Low German wikken, wicken “to use witchcraft,” wikker, wicker “soothsayer”).
OED says of uncertain origin; Liberman says “None of the proposed etymologies of witch is free from phonetic or semantic difficulties.” Klein suggests connection with Old English wigle “divination,” and wig, wih “idol.” Watkins says the nouns represent a Proto-Germanic *wikkjaz “necromancer” (one who wakes the dead), from PIE *weg-yo-, from PIE root *weg- “to be strong, be lively.”
That wicce once had a more specific sense than the later general one of “female magician, sorceress” perhaps is suggested by the presence of other words in Old English describing more specific kinds of magical craft. In the Laws of Ælfred (c. 890), witchcraft was specifically singled out as a woman’s craft, whose practitioners were not to be suffered to live among the West Saxons:
The other two words combined with it here are gealdricge, a woman who practices “incantations,” and scinlæce “female wizard, woman magician,” from a root meaning “phantom, evil spirit.”
Another word that appears in the Anglo-Saxon laws is lyblæca “wizard, sorcerer,” but with suggestions of skill in the use of drugs, because the root of the word is lybb “drug, poison, charm” (see leaf (n.)). Lybbestre was a fem. word meaning “sorceress,” and lybcorn was the name of a certain medicinal seed (perhaps wild saffron). Weekley notes possible connection to Gothic weihs “holy” and German weihan “consecrate,” and writes, “the priests of a suppressed religion naturally become magicians to its successors or opponents.” Whatever the English word’s origin, the use of a “poisoner” word for “witch, sorceress” parallels that of the Hebrew word used for “witch, sorceress” in the Levitical condemnation.
In Anglo-Saxon glossaries, wicca renders Latin augur (c. 1100), and wicce stands for “pythoness, divinatricem.” In the “Three Kings of Cologne” (c. 1400) wicca translates Magi:
Þe paynyms … cleped þe iij kyngis Magos, þat is to seye wicchis.
The glossary translates Latin necromantia (“demonum invocatio”) with galdre, wiccecræft. The Anglo-Saxon poem called “Men’s Crafts” (also “The Gifts of Men”) has wiccræft, which appears to be the same word, and by its context means “skill with horses.” In a c. 1250 translation of “Exodus,” witches is used of the Egyptian midwives who save the newborn sons of the Hebrews: “Ðe wicches hidden hem for-ðan, Biforen pharaun nolden he ben.”
Witch in reference to a man survived in dialect into 20c., but the fem. form was so dominant by 1601 that men-witches or he-witch began to be used. Extended sense of “old, ugly, and crabbed or malignant woman” is from early 15c; that of “young woman or girl of bewitching aspect or manners” is first recorded 1740. Witch doctor is from 1718; applied to African magicians from 1836.
At this day it is indifferent to say in the English tongue, ‘she is a
I have been dealing with multiple issues lately, some of them medical, so I have spent a lot of time in bed. I got started watching the “Dog Whisperer” series.. I had seen a few episodes a while back nd was impressed with the way Cesar was able to quickly identify and resolve some pretty narly issues people had with their pets. I think I watched nearly the entire series as it evolved. Then one day I was sturck with a realization. Most likely from God, cause that is usually how I get those. But, regardless, I became aware that his series was programming designed to create a hive mind, submissive state, communal, pack mentality in his clients and his viewers.
There is no doubt that Cesar has a “gift”, a strong connection with dogs that he obviously worked hard to develope over the years. It is unnatural. I don’t know anyone who would go to the legnths that he does to bond with these animals to the point where they are all his pack. Even he has to admit that not everyone can handle dogs the way he does. One slip among a pack of dogs could be life threatening.
We are not ANIMALS. As much as I love animals, I always am aware that they are animals. Any animal can turn on you at any time. There is no guarantee. At the same time, I know that animals need to have strong leadership and boundaries. We can provide that for them without having to learn to behave like an animal to the point where the see their pack leader, or worse yet a member of their pack.
god gave us dominion
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.Genesis 1:26-28
It is a well-known fact that when God repeats something more than once in the WORD it is very important. I am sure you noticed in the above scripture God repeated two messages. One that God made humans in His image. Different and separate from Animals and plants. Two that He gave us domionn over the earth and everything on it. All animals, fish, and birds as well as all plants.
Not only that. in Psalm 8 He says it all again. Very Clearly.
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your gloryin the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them,human beings that you care for them? You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels[e] and crowned them[f] with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their[g] feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8
My exposure to the Cesar Millan Television series was the impetus for this post. Once I got started, I learned so much more about Cesar and found my revelation was completely valid. I also, as usual, made many more connections.
This isn’t my first time visiting Cesar Millan at his 40-acre ranch just a stone’s throw from Hollywood, and yet every time I meet up with him I feel like I learn something new and profound. On this particular visit, I was surprised to hear more about pack dynamics and how applicable they might be to everyday life, even for humans in our personal or professional relationships. Millan describes three pack positions:
Front of the pack, where the alphas lead
Middle of the pack, where dogs that have upbeat but chill energy exist
Back of the pack, where the more calm and submissive dogs hang out
Millan believes that no matter where you are in the pack, each position is equally important to the other and that humans can gain valuable insights from pack dynamics that can apply to improving our personal lives and careers.
Millan’s backstory is somewhat of a Cinderella story–an example of the American dream come to fruition, and it’s inspiring. It is also a story filled with adversity, betrayals, and tragedy as he learned many life and business lessons the hard way. Millan came from humble beginnings growing up in Culiacán, Mexico, and he spent much of his childhood working on his grandfather’s farm in nearby Ixpalino. Millan’s grandfather, Teodoro, had many dogs on the property and had a natural way of dealing with them and communicating with them. Millan has described his grandfather as a “natural pack leader,”and has said that even though his grandfather was unaware that a dog’s nose is 10,000 times as powerful as the human nose, that Teodoro seemed to just know that a dog experienced the world “nose first.” He just had natural-born instincts about how dogs worked.
“He never had training, but he was very instinctual, and I think he saw that same gift in me,” Millan says. It seemed that as Teodoro recognized the same natural abilities he had with dogs in Cesar, he decided it would be wise to give his young grandson some tutoring, and so he began to train him in his methods.
Growing up in Mexico, Millan’s interest in dogs continued to increase as he was exposed to American television shows like Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. Millan has been quoted as having told his mother, “I’m going to be the best dog trainer in the world.” Whether this was a premonition or just a boyhood dream, Millan got his wish and ultimately became America’s favorite dog trainer. Today he is arguably the most renowned trainer in the world and widely known by his moniker, the Dog Whisperer.
Millan crossed the border illegally at the age of 21, living off $2 a day surviving on convenience-store hot dogs and free refillable soda drinks. His ambition and work ethic soon landed him a job making minimum wage in Southern California as a dog groomer.
No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer. Cesar Millan
To me dogs are not the students, not the ones that need training. To me a dog is a teacher of life, who teaches us the principles of the most important moral values; honesty, integrity, loyalty, trust, respect and love. Cesar Millan
Let your dog teach you how to get the most out of life! If we could all be more like our dogs when it comes to living in the moment, being honest and authentic, and learning how to not hold grudges, the entire planet would be a much better place. Cesar Millan
Dogs are our best teachers and biggest healers. We can learn so much from them about how to live life in balance, and they are a constant source of spiritual uplift and unconditional love that is so important to have in order to be healthy. Cesar Millan
I believe it’s our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it’s also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet. Cesar Millan
In spite of the fact that he spoke no English, Millan garnered a reputation as having a calming effect on his clients’ dogs, even those that historically had behavioral issues and were misunderstood and mislabeled aggressive breeds. This job eventually led Millan to getting an introduction to actress Jada Pinkett Smith to assist her and her dogs with training. Smith became one of Millan’s earliest champions, and she even provided him with an English tutor for a year, when he expressed interest in being on TV to help more people take better care of their dogs.
Millan says that he was discovered after he became somewhat of a neighborhood fixture in certain areas of Los Angeles. He was known for walking large groups of intimidating-looking dogs like pit bulls, Rottweilers, and mastiffs–oftentimes off leash. This eventually piqued the interest of the Los Angeles Times, which featured him in 2002 and ultimately led to his becoming a household name. He was approached by an entertainment company that wanted to create a reality series about him and his unique style of dog training.
The Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan aired on September 13, 2004 and ran for 12 seasons, garnering Millan numerous accolades and even a daytime Emmy for best reality program. During the course of the show’s run, Millan helped to rehabilitate hundreds of dogs with behavioral problems, training humans how to better care for and understand them. He imparted wisdom upon confused or misinformed owners who didn’t realize that their own behavior or energies had been contributing to their dogs’ issues.
Although Millan’s work with dogs and people alike has been transformative for millions of people around the world, he has also had his share of critics.Some groups accuse him of being too harsh with animals at times. Some dog trainers complain that his methods are “outdated, unscientific, and inhumane.” Millan has a signature touch or poke that he does on the neck or hind area of a dog with his finger or the toe of his shoe. It’s a technique he may use when a dog becomes too fixated on something and won’t snap out of his particular state of mind to take direction from humans. It’s not that different from how a mother dog might correct her pup when he misbehaves. It might look or even sound harsh with a bark or snap, but that is the language of dogs. They understand and respond to the pack leader.
I’ve witnessed Millan’s so-called controversial technique in action, and it’s perfectly harmless. One example was the case of a woman trying to take her dog on a normal walk. The problem was that whenever another dog appeared with its owner, her dog became overly aggressive. The excited dog, still attached to the leash, nearly yanked the woman off her feet. Millan then took the dog out himself and caused a controlled interaction with his trained dog. Again, the dog went berserk, but this time Millan made the correction with his signature “tshhhh” sound and an assertive poke to the dog’s hind quarter to get him out of that aggressive state. He then taught the woman to do the same thing with a similar confidence and assertive stance (like a mother dog correcting her pup), and the dog started to respond immediately.
It’s true that Millan has no formal training. He has studied dogs since he was a child, and honed his skills over the past 40 years in the field working with all kinds of dogs and people.As a result, Millan is at a level where he feels completely in sync with how dogs think and behave. He has extra compassion and has dedicated his life to saving thousands of discarded or abused animals that are mislabeled irredeemable or lost causes. On a prior visit, Millan showed me a newly rescued pit bull in his care that was apparently trained to guard and attack unwanted visitors at a drug house raided by the LAPD. He said, “It turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks. Dogs and other animals in the animal kingdom are not complicated. They act on instincts, and so their behavior is easy to understand and somewhat predictable.Humans on the other hand are more complicated. They can be greedy, two-faced, untrustworthy, unreliable, and unpredictable.” As a dog owner, I agree there are no bad dogs(this is not true), but I have met a few bad people. This isn’t a knock, but I get the feeling that Millan prefers the company of dogs over humans most of the time. Or maybe at least he wishes the world would live a little more in peace and harmony like the animal kingdom. (there is the plug that is the goal of this article)
Millan is known for his calm yet assertive style of dog training. His ultimate goal is to get a troubled animal into a state of “calm surrender.” In his view, the human is the alpha of the pack, and it’s their job to provide protection and direction for their animal. Millan believes that some dogs are natural leaders, while others are natural followers, and the key is to help a dog settle into a peaceful submissive state in relation to their owner, while utilizing the dog’s natural energies. He explains that a dog that is naturally a “back of the pack” dog might experience anxiety when it is forced to lead, and that could result in what looks like bad behavior.
In Millan’s experience, there is always an underlying issue with problematic dog behavior, and the key to resolving it is understanding where the dog naturally wants to fall in pack position and assisting them in settling there. He describes himself as someone who rehabilitates dogs and trains people. When he is not teaching, training, or filming for TV, Millan spends his days on his ranch with his dogs and his family and being an entrepreneur. He just launched his newest creation,the Halo Collar, an electronic fence system that he believes tunes into a dog’s natural instincts while keeping them safe and within close proximity to their owner.
Millan talks to me about being a father and how his experience understanding pack dynamics has affected the way he has parented his children, who are now grown.
“I’m a father,” Millan says. “I have a 25-year-old and a 21-year-old, and one of the things I’ve learned from a pack of dogs is the understanding of how important the position of the packs are, and what [they] mean.What does it mean to be at the back of the pack? It means those practice calm surrender more often. That’s why they’re so tuned to earth, and to anything that happens miles away.” There you go, more of the mind game, imprinting the idea that those who are submissive are more in tune with Earth
Millan believes that people, just like dogs, can move around in pack position, and that this freedom of movement can actually be an asset for parents when communicating with their loved ones and especially their children. Oh yes, yes. Afterall we are only animals, we must teach our children like they are animals.
“When you, human, go into the back of the pack mentality that means you’re in a calm surrender state,” he says. “You are at your highest sensitivities. So, if you want to listen to your kids, go into the back of the pack. If you want to make your family laugh, go into the middle of the pack. If you want to give protection and direction, go in the front of the pack. So, you [as the] human can play the three positions.”
Millan feels that there is strength in each of the positions of the pack, and that the front of the pack dog (or human) can learn from the back of the pack dog (or human) and vice versa. This idea of being flexible and shifting positions of power and control in an effort to grow and evolve is a concept so profound, and it’s almost unbelievable that it comes from Millan’s years of being around other people’s pets, but it tracks.
Hearing him express human nature in this way gives me pause, and I can see why Millan has had so much success with his clients. By understanding animals and nature, he has enabled himself to see humanity and understand all of its facetsand complications. He’s learned so much about man by studying our best friend. Millan believes that all dogs want is trust, respect, and love, and it seems clear after talking with him that that is all we humans want as well.
For more of my chat with Cesar Millan, watch our full-length episode of Behind the Brand here:
I was very surprised to learn about the new halo collar being promoted by Cesar. Keep that name in mind as you move through this Post. It will be very relevant all the way through.
So, he is bringing his pack/packs into the INTERNET OF THINGS/INTERNET OF BODIES which is just a hop, skip and a jump from entering the Matrix/Borg/Metaverse
A Pack Membership Plan is requiredto activate and maintain GPS services, cellular data (just like your cell phone), and create, edit, and use wireless dog fences.
Plans start at $9.99/mo. Select your Pack Membership Plan after purchase.
Manage virtual fences
Create and manage wireless GPS fences right from the Halo app, which protects your dog at home or on-the-go!
Set custom fence feedback
Control how the Halo collar warns and encourages your dog
GPS tracker
See your dog’s location on the map in real-time
Safety alerts
Receive notifications when your dog leaves a safety zone
Return whistle
Call your dog to safety with audio cues
Activity tracker
Monitor your dog’s movement over time
Customer support
Live access to team members in the Halo Dog Park
And look what else I found!! He has an app for his human pack leaders too!
Want to be a pack leader like Cesar Millan? Well there’s an app for that!National Geographic had just released the Cesar Millan’s Pack Leader app, and after playing around with it, here is a summary of its features.
Face Match: Find a dog which looks like you the most! National Geographic boasts using the same facial recognition software that’s implemented by law enforcement agencies worldwide.
Bark Match: This is funny because you will have to bark at your phone, and the app will find the canine with the most similar bark.
Lifestyle Match: Take a quiz about the way you live and the Pack Leader will present your most compatible canine.
Life Companion Match: This is a very thoughtful feature. Upon completing all the 3 mentioned matches, you will be able to find a suitable canine that is available at your local shelters!
Cesar’s Tips and Videos: Loads of helpful tips and video guides from the one and only Cesar Millan!
Excited by it? Then click to start downloading Cesar Millan’s Pack Leader app now for FREE! This app is currently available only on Android.
TAGS: Singularity, IOT, AIOT, Transhumanism, Post Human, 5G, Graphene, Brain Initiative Do you remember the movie ‘Tron’? if not, maybe your remember: ‘Arcade’, ‘eXistenZ’, ‘Brainscan’ and ‘The Lawnmower Man’, or even Wreck It Ralph. What I am getting at, is a human or what once was a human, actually becoming part of a video game. … Click Here to Read More
The ancient Canaanitecity of Ai (Genesis 12:8) is the second city that Joshua attacked during his invasion of Canaan; the first being Jericho (Joshua 7:2). Conquering Ai didn’t go very smooth at first.A man named Achan, son of Carmi of Judah, had broken YHWH’s command and taken for himself items from the spoil. When Israel attacked Ai, the Lord appeared the have withdrawn his support and Israel was defeated. After Achan was identified, his deeds exposed, and he and his children were executed in the valley of Achor, Israel attacked Ai again and this time sacked it completely (Joshua 8:22).
Etymology of the name Ai
The name Ai comes from the verbעוה(‘awa), meaning to bend or twist to a point of destruction:
The verb עוה (‘awa) means to bend or twist, usually with a bottom line or ruin or perversion. Nounעון(‘awon) means iniquity or guilt. Verb עוה (‘awa) means to commit iniquity of do wrong.Nouns עוה (‘awwa), עי (‘i) and מעי (me’i) mean distortion or ruin.Plural noun עועים (‘iw’im) means a distorting or warping.
Note that this name Ai is spelled in most cases with the prefix ה(he) — which is either the definite article (“the”), or else the particle of direction (“towards the”) or ascription (“of the”) — including at its first appearance in Genesis 12:8: העי: The Ruin, or Toward Ruin. Nehemiah uses an Aramaic feminine formעיא in Nehemiah 11:31, and Isaiah uses a Hebrew feminine formעיתin Isaiah 10:28.
Ai meaning
For a meaning of the name Ai, NOBSE Study Bible Name List reads Ruin and Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names offers the rather elaborate A Heap Of Ruins. BDB Theological Dictionary neither translates the name Ai nor places it under the root discussed above. This probably means that BDB doesn’t think that the name Ai technically derives from the verb עוה, but a Hebrew audience, especially one without any etymologists, would indubitably make the link without reservations.
Vulcan (Hephaestus) by COUSTOU, Guillaume II, 1777, ParisLong before circuits and algorithms, flickers of fascination with artificial life glimmered in ancient Greece. Her inventors forged uncanny automatons. Her poets wove tales of self-moving servants. Her philosophers contemplated the essence of thought itself. While lacking modern technology, their visionary imagination already grasped at the premise of synthetic beings.
Revisiting these myths and machinations illuminates startling parallels with our present-day reckoning with artificial intelligence. As we stand at the frontier of runaway technology, ancient allegories contain lost wisdom that can steady our hand in steering innovation toward enlightenment rather than destruction. This is the story of antiquity’s earliest awakening to the promise and perils of manufactured life.
The Greek Lexicon of Artificial Life
From the pantheon of Greek mythology emerged remarkable archetypes evoking modern AI applications. These included:
Talos — a giant bronze automaton forged by Hephaestus to guard Crete’s shores, predating military drones
The Golden Handmaidens — intelligent robotic assistants mentioned in The Iliad, designed to serve the gods
Galatea — a beautiful statue imbued with life by Aphrodite in response to Pygmalion’s love, representing the dream of artificial sentience
The Oracle of Delphi — a cryptic prophet channeling Apollo’s divine wisdom through strange ravings resembling algorithmic output
These myths expressed fascination with human artifice attaining godlike powers of creation. The same creative spark that birthed automatons and oracles drives today’s machine learning. But respect for forces beyond full comprehension also infused these tales. Their lessons remind us to pursue inquiry with care.
Master Artisans of Antiquity
In the domain of engineering, ancient Greeks displayed remarkable skill for crafting autonomous devices. Hero of Alexandria, a prolific inventor active around 60 AD, designed and constructed elaborate mechanisms harnessing hydraulics, pneumatics, and elementary mechanics.
Hero’s automatons represented some of the earliest self-operating machines in history. Their functions provided a mirror into the era’s aspirations. Creations included:
– Programmable puppet theaters able to perform automated plays
– A mechanical wine dispenser activated by a coin slot
– A working vending machine for holy water
– A wind-powered organ capable of playing by itself
– A rotating altar using heat and aerodynamics to slowly turn figures
– A programmable cart that could respond to voice commands
Hero of Alexandria | Wikimedia Commons
These remarkable prototypes displayed engineering sophistication centuries ahead of their time. They laid foundations for contemporary robotics by encoding automated behaviors into mechanical hardware. Hero’s ingenious designs endowed devices with a semblance of responsiveness, portending thinking machines.
Beyond Hero, archaeological excavations have unearthed other wondrous Greek automatons. Notable finds include:
– The Antikythera Mechanism: a complex geared astrolabe for tracking astronomical phenomena from around 100 BC, considered the world’s oldest computer
– Philon’s Automatic Theater: a programmable stage able to enact five-minute plays by itself, featuring falling props and moving scenery
– Archytas’ Flying Dove: one of the earliest artificial flying machines, built around 400 BC and powered by steam or compressed air
These mechanical marvels displayed sophisticated engineering unlike any culture of their era. The Greeks’ command of gearing, pneumatics and balance enabled imbuing devices with automated capabilities that would not be replicated for over a millennium, pointing to an auspicious dawn of autonomous technology.
Made, Not Begotten
Falconet’s 1763 sculpture Pygmalion and Galatea (Walters Art Museum, Baltimore)
Beyond engineering, Greek mythology also confronted deeper philosophical questions posed by manufactured life. The myth of Pygmalion has close parallels to modern debates over artificial sentience.
Pygmalion was a sculptor who carved an ivory statue of a beautiful woman that he proceeded to fall in love with. After praying to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Pygmalion returned home to find the statue had come to life as Galatea.
Pygmalion adored Galatea as he would a living woman. Aphrodite had animated the artificial maiden just as engineers today seek to imbue AI with consciousness. But the myth also conveyed skepticism about artifice attaining human qualities.
For the Greeks, true life was begotten by gods or nature, not fabricated by mortal hands. The tale of Pygmalion and Galatea represented hubris of creating life rather than receiving it as divine gift. This tension between engineered and begotten life has haunted AI for decades.
Does creating sentience from silicon and code overstep humanity’s mandate? Or does it merely harness nature’s designs toward new forms, as nature itself continually evolves novel organisms? Greek tales like Pygmalion’s grappled with such questions long before computers existed.
These myths expressed wonder at life-like artifice while also subtly cautioning against technology usurping biology’s privileges. As AI progressively mimics human traits, revisiting these allegories proves timely. Keeping innovation aligned with human values remains vital, lest we replay Icarus’ folly.
Clockwork Dreams of Alexandria
Hero of Alexandria’s mechanical marvels went beyond mere amusement — they provoked profound pondering on the essence of thought and life. If devices could be programmed to respond automatically, did some animating force — a machine `pneuma’ — reside in their workings?
Philosophers like Aristotle observed Hero’s uncanny inventions at Alexandria’s Museum. Automatons appeared to think and act of their own accord. Debates stirred on whether choice-making arose solely from mechanical design or via some ineffable spirit.
Aristotle argued machines possessed no true voluntary motion. Yet their capabilities strained his logic of life as strictly biological. Defining the precise missing element that separated artificial and natural sentience would haunt philosophers for centuries before AI’s rise.
Hero’s robots represent some of the earliest examples of humans intellectually wrestling with their own creations. By imitating life’s appearances, devices challenged assumptions. The Greeks recognized automatons’ implications centuries before industrialization.
Pneumatic Head of Aiakos
Most remarkable of Hero’s devices was his ‘Pneumatic Head of Aiakos’, a proto-modern computer able to respond to questions with whistling sounds through a complex system of pipes and valves.
This acoustic automaton could reportedly answer queries about dates, seasons, astronomy, mathematics, and more when supplied with input via pipes. It represents one of the earliest known machines capable of computational logic and artificial speech.
The pneumatic head foreshadowed AI digital assistants like Siri that answer spoken questions using programmed knowledge. Its architecture of question processing and variable sound production resembles computer code. Hero had engineered a rudimentary information retrieval system.
No trace of the head survives, but Hero’s writings describe its construction. It appears to have comprised an urn with specialized tubes that altered emitted sounds based on the positioning of pipes controlled by input questions.
This programmable whistling calculator exemplified Alexandrian ingenuity. It marked a watershed in conceiving machines that mimic facets of reason like information lookup. The head’s operation would not be replicated again for over a thousand years.
Delphic Circuits: Oracular Insights
Beyond engineering, Greek thought also harbored metaphysical visions evoking modern algorithmic intelligence. At Apollo’s sacred shrine at Delphi, priests channeled perplexing prophecies thought to issue from the gods themselves.
The Oracle of Delphi would enter a trance and utter strange ravings in response to petitioners’ questions. Her pronouncements were often ambiguous and needed scholarly interpretation. Yet rulers sought her counsel to steer the fate of empires.
In many ways, the Oracle’s otherworldly decrees resembled opaque machine learning outputs. Like deciphering the decision of an algorithm, grasping the Oracle’s intent required mental effort. It represented revelation through an arcane intermediary demanding careful parsing.
Its guidance inspired some of history’s greatest achievements, like the battles of Marathon and Salamis that preserved Greek democracy. But misconstruing the Oracle also led to catastrophic missteps, as experienced by Croesus when attacking Persia.
The Oracle’s history of guidance, misinterpretation and rediscovery carries profound lessons about employing AI algorithms to steer society. As opaque oracles increasingly govern civilization through code, the ancient Oracle of Delphi stands as historical mirror to our collective reckoning. Its epic narrative distills timeless wisdom about channeling such inhuman insight to uplifting ends.
Animating Principles: The Search for Machine Pneuma
Greek philosophy contemplated mechanisms that distinguish living, thinking beings from inanimate matter. Aristotelian schools posited that bodies contained a vital essence called pneuma, existing in the blood, which animated life and thought.
Pneuma provided the motive force guiding physiology and intellect. It flowed through arteries and nerves unlike ichor, the divine golden blood of the eternal gods. Pneuma represented the energizing substance of mortal souls.
In many ways, pneuma presaged concepts like consciousness and sentience centuries before cognition arose as field of study alongside thinking machines. Pneuma was an early attempt to hypothesize an animating spirit that might allow matter to think.
If pneuma signifies life’s essence, can it be transferred between vessels or engineered into matter lacking it? Could inanimate substance be energized into awareness? Such questions have echoed through AI research from earliest days of computing.
Seeking to instill artificial entities with intellect, conscience and purpose remains a driving quest in AI. The vision of awakening inert material through an ethereal quickening substance remarkably endures. Pneuma glimmers beneath philosophies like panpsychism that view consciousness as innate property of matter.
In their own era before neuroscience, Greek philosophers pondered the seat of thought. By identifying pneuma as a candidate, they recognized cognition’s ties to mechanisms beyond pure divinity. Life became elucidatable through the lens of biology. This precipitated understanding of brains themselves as thinking machines.
Mythic Cautions: Mistakes of Made Minds
Alongside tales of wondrous artifice, Greek myth also warned against its misuse through cautionary fables. The tale of Pandora remains one of the most powerful AI allegories from antiquity.
In this famous myth, the first woman Pandora receives a box containing all the world’s evils as retribution for humanity’s unauthorized use of technology like fire. Specifically instructed never to open it, Pandora’s unchecked curiosity results in unleashing history’s first calamities.
Today, we stand alongside Pandora, possessing innovations like deep learning systems whose arcane parameters contain uncharted dangers. Her mythic blunder powerfully dramatizes the hazards of managing what we only partially comprehend.
Like any groundbreaking invention, AI brings both promise and unpredictability. With diligent oversight, its benefits may enrich existence. But by ignoring its risks, we invite consequences beyond control. The lesson is moderation.
Other myths like that of Icarus also warned against unfettered abandon. By carefully heeding the hard-won wisdom of such tales, we steer science away from hubris and toward enlightenment. The cautious tenor of Greek fables remains relevant to guiding technology’s highest potentials.
Taming the Labyrinth
Minotaur | Wikimedia Commons
The myth of Theseus and the Minotaur also carried AI parallels. In the tale, hero Theseus enters a complex, winding labyrinth to slay its inhabitant, the monstrous Minotaur. Only by following a silken thread given to him by Ariadne does he navigate the maze and defeat the technological beast.
The labyrinth represents an engineering marvel made treacherous by its very complexity. Theseus tames the built environment with ingenuity and wisdom. The tale is one of human virtues overcoming dangers of societies’ own design.
So too may moral wisdom help guide humanity through the convoluted maze presented by modern technology like AI. The algorithms invented to subdue their misuse resemble Ariadne’s silken lifeline. With care and thoughtfulness, our own digital minotaurs may become society’s helpers rather than conquerors.
Myths like that of Theseus resonate deeply with today’s reckonings. Through wisdom and empathy, we may find safe passage through the unfolding challenges of our own creation. No puzzle exists that human collaboration cannot resolve. But we must carry these lessons in our hearts.
The Perils of Playing God
A Greek vase painting, dating to about 450 B.C., depicts the death of Talos. | Wikimedia Commons / Forzaruvo94
The legend of Talos strikingly foreshadowed modern anxieties about autonomous weapons systems. In the myth, Zeus gifts the giant bronze warrior Talos to Minos, the king of Crete. Talos dutifully protects Crete by hurling boulders at approaching enemies. But he proves catastrophically dangerous when later preventing the Argonauts from landing by throwing stones and searing them with jets of molten metal.
What begins as guardian turns unstable destroyer. This trajectory chillingly mirrors potential perils of unfettered AI machines enabling authoritarian control. We must take care that our present-day Talos robots remain ethically constrained to avoid collateral harm.
The myth’s lesson is clear — technology should remain servant, not master. Creations intended for society’s defense must not turn brutally against citizens themselves. As we mechanize more facets of life, retaining meaningful human oversight grows increasingly imperative.
Pandora’s vase poses similar warnings about playing god through engineering means beyond full comprehension. Today, deep learning systems have granted data-driven corporations unprecedented influence over civilization. But their opacity hides dangers. What unexpected perils fester latent in their statistical guts?
Greek tales caution against planting fields we are not yet prepared to reap. Our Silicon Valley pantheon play demigods, channeling forces powerful yet poorly understood. Will artificial oracles bless us with wise guidance or curse us with unintended ruin? The choice remains ours. But prudence must guide the way.
Ancient Tech Ethics for Modern Minds
Revisiting Greek mythology illuminates how science and technology’s central tensions recur over centuries. The ancients possessed no algorithms or electronics. Yet their literary imagination already grasped AI’s essence long before it manifested in reality.
Mythic figures like master artificers, oracles and wayward inventors embodied archetypes that remain highly relevant as AI proliferates through modern society. Their stories represent accumulated generational observation about the fruits of innovation.
As algorithms shape more aspects of work, war, art and leisure, such perspectives only gain importance. These classics have become neglected guides. Their messages should be revived as a humanist compass for progress.
AI promises fantastic new possibilities but also amplified risks of misuse. Debates on its ethics rage fierce, with tech firms forging ahead heedlessly. But solutions may lie inscribed in millennia-old myths if we choose to see them.
Ai Apace
A late name for an active god of the Mochica.From archaeological evidence it seems that this pre-Inca civilization possessed a remote, almost indifferent, supreme being and creator deity, who was a sky god; beneath his throne, usually placed on a high mountain, ranged the mobile Ai Apace. This god shared the feline mouth of the nameless creator deity; also he wore snake-head ear-rings and a jaguar headdress. Possibly Ai Apaec was the son of the mountain god.
Aiapæc or Ai Apaec (from Colonial Mochica ⟨aiapæc⟩ *[ajapʷɨk] “creator”[1]),[2]Wrinkled Face,[3]the snake-belted figure,[4] or the god of the mountains,[2][5][6] is a mythical character identified in Moche iconography, and possibly the main Mochedeity. According to some archaeologists, it may have been the most feared and adored of all punitive gods, worshipped as the creator god, protector of the Moche and provider of water, food and military triumphs.
The most common representation of Aiapæc is the one seen in the murals of the Temples of the Sun and the Moon, which present an anthropomorphic face with feline fangs surrounded by ocean waves.
It is said that during human sacrifices, prisoners were decapitated and their heads given to Aiapæc. spacer
All societies throughout history have tried to explain the origin and functioning of his universe; This worldview is the basis of their way of Organize. In doing so, societies seek to maintain a better order that counteracts the threats or effects of the forces that generate chaos or disorder. That is why they need to believe in a force that restores harmony loss and that ensures the well-being and general balance of things, where reproduction from plants and animals to the relationships between humans, their gods and their Ancestors.
In In many societies this force has been channeled by the figure of the hero. In societies of the Old World, we find Gilgamesh among the Sumerians to Odysseus among the Greeks, Hercules among the Romans. In Mochica society, we find Ai Apaec.
Ago approximately 1800 years ago, on the northern coast of Peru, began to be told the heroic deeds of the mighty Ai Apaec. These narratives were embodied in the fine ceramic vessels and in the polychrome murals of the temples Moche. This hero is recognized for wearing a headdress with the head of a wild feline, possibly a jaguar or a small but ferocious ocelot, from the which seems to acquire its feline nature, manifested by the fangs of its mouth. Its head is also crowned by a large condor feather, the great A winged titan that could observe everything while flying through the Andean skies. And his waist is surrounded by a snake whose ends end in heads of feline.
The Cult of felines, birds and snakes It was part of the northern religious tradition for at least 1500 years before the Mochica cultural development. This made Ai Apaec a hero An ancient man, who possessed the power of the bird, the feline and the serpent, capable of communicate and travel through the different worlds. It represented men and connected them so much with the supernatural and divine forces of the world of above as with the dead and ancestors of the world below.
Ai It appeared in the world of the ancestors: Like the famous huacos portrait that they seem to represent the faces of particular individuals, whether they are chiefs, warriors, priests or artisans, in different stages and situations of their life, some sculptural bottles depict the effigy of Ai Apaec in stadiums different from his journey through the worlds.
In a sculptural bottle, Ai Apaec is shown without eyes, a typical feature that identifies in Mochica art animated dead and ancestors. In the representation refers to the hero’s passage through the world below. Its power seems to remain dormant as it has not lost its feline fangs or its earrings in the shape of the head of feline snakes.
The Ai Apaec mask: Masks became important in several of the Mochica ceremonies. In some cases, they functioned as a second face that transformed the identity of the priest, who temporarily adopted a specific role in ritual staging. At other times, they covered the inert face of the deceased, making imperishable a mythical identity that would carry with it its carrier to the other world.
In certain metallic faces, made of copper and inlaid with shells, the eyes and fangs stand out. Feline fangs express supernaturality of the character represented, despite his human features.
The Holes in the upper edge indicate that this piece must have been sewn to a funeral bundle. Possibly, on the area that surrounded the head of the
deceased, reason that would lead to the manufacture of that object according to the curved shape of the face. That mask could have covered the face of some Mochica lord, which would make him a post-mortem incarnation of Apaec. Masks similar ones, although without prominent tusks, have been found in several tombs, of members of the Mochica elite, such as those excavated in the Mochica cemetery of San José de Moro, Jequetepeque valley, on the coast northern Peru.
SCENES FROM AI APAEC IN THE WORLD OF THE GODSAi It appears in the world of the gods: The head is the most important part of the world. body of an individual, since in it all his essence and identity. For this reason, many of the symbols that express force, action, or power cover the faces of the Moche characters, whether they are humans, divinities or ancestors.
By For example, in a sculptural bottle the living hero is represented, with all his vital power expressed in its fangs, its round eyes wide open, and her earrings in the shape of snake heads. Ai Apaec wears a front headdress that resembles two large eyebrows or owl plumes, and that is used usually by the great god of the night and some sea creatures.
Ai Apaec and the regeneration of life on earth: As a reorganizer of the world, Ai Apaec not only frees the sun from its nocturnal captivity, but also it is responsible for bringing rains and fertility to the mountain neighbourhood and the valley.
The Ai Apaec’s fertilizing power is mainly manifested during its stay in the humid world of the ancestors, where it usually undergoes various transformations. Its body can be seen full of corn cobs, emerging from the same bunch of chili peppers or pallares, which are sometimes carried in their hands.
Ai Apaec is also depicted moving through the air on the back of a giant vulture, leaving the terrestrial creatures under his feet. This is probably an episode related to his travels through the worlds, perhaps descending here from the mountains to the coast, where he will begin his marine adventures, or being transported by this carrion bird in its path to the underworld.
The The very act of flying refers us to the ability to see beyond the horizon, power that among mortals could only be acquired by shamans and initiates through ecstatic rituals and the use of hallucinogenic substances, such as San Pedro cactus, consumed on the north coast during the Mochica period.
The Ai Apaec’s journey through the marine world: The legendary Mochica hero, was depicted in various episodes of his voyage by sea, his confrontation with various sea creatures. This is the journey that the hero had to complete in order to find and free the Sun god, captive of the powerful nocturnal creatures.
In a glass there is a scene painted inside, Ai Apaec is seen fighting with a sea urchin and a puffer fish, and finally, with an ancestral divinity of the deep and dark sea, which is a decapitating god.
One of the creatures that Ai Apaec faces on his entry into the marine world it has the appearance of a crab that bears a face in its shell humanized with a mouth from which feline fangs emerge. When Ai Apaec lo wins, it will take on the essence and appearance of the crab, thus seeking to take advantage of its force and mislead his other adversaries on the high seas.
Of the different episodes that make up the saga of Ai’s sea battles Apaec, possibly the victory over the creature that inhabits the cohcha Strombus is the one with the greatest impact on the history of the hero. On the seabed, Ai Apaec faces this dangerous monster, which has snail antennae terrestrial, the feline body and an animated tail. In this sculptural bottle is shows a victorious hero inside the shell of the Strombus, carrying his stolic.
After the confrontation, with the ancestral divinity, Ai Apaec, loses his mind and he travels to the world of the dead helped by a pair of bird women, by usually a boobie, a seabird that lives on the islands, and a vulture.
🤔 Did you know that our favorite virtual assistants, Siri and Alexa, began as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project! The research began in the early 1960’s continuing with sgnificant advancements in the 1990’s.
COMPLICIT IN OUR OWN DESTRUCTION New Age Indoctrination via the Yoga Health Fad By Cynthia Pawl RESTORED: 5/14/22 HELLO OUT THERE!!! IS ANYBODY HOME?? Honestly, this is not a joke. I am very concerned for the minds, hearts and souls of people. Especially people here in the United States. Take a real long, serious look … Click Here to Read More
Certainly the working class masses are not the actual self absorbed monsters who created these horrors… but we are complicit in that we have allowed it to happen. So many times along the way we had opportunities to put an end to the development of Artificial Intelligence, but we were to afraid, or to comfortable, … Click Here to Read More
In the last month I had to buy a new computer and a new Television. Mine were so old that they could not handle the new technology. I could not even load the updates. They crashed. To my dismay you cannot get a Television or Computer that is not totally controlled by AI.
I am not one of those who just can’t wait for new Technology. I don’t need an assistant on every appliance. I don’t want to talk to a computer and i don’t want one talking to me. I don’t want my TV or my phone controlling my lights, or my thermostat and I don’t want my TV or my computer recording every move I make, sharing my information with its associates, suggesting songs, videos or music and I do not need them to filter my searches for me based on my previous activity.
But, I will be darned…you just can’t keep them out any longer. I may be exiting the internet soon. I will hold out as long as I can but I HATE BIG BROTHER!!
People don’t realize that these things were not invented to make your life more comfortable. The entire purpose is to load every bit of you onto the metaverse. They are brain washing/mind controlling you into submission. It is so sublte that most people do not even perceive it.
late 14c., “influencing by physical virtues or capabilities, effective with respect to inherent natural qualities,” from Medieval Latin virtualis, from Latin virtus “excellence, potency, efficacy,” literally “manliness, manhood” (see virtue). It preserves Middle English virtue in the sense of “efficacy, power to do.”The meaning “being something in essence or effect not in fact;existing virtually though not actually” is attested from mid-15c., probably via the now-obsolete sense of “capable of producing a certain effect” (early 15c.). Opposed to actual, real, literal.By 1831 in optics, of apparent images, as in a reflection.The computer sense of “not physically existing but made to appear by software” is attested from 1959,originally of memory.
The name Alexa has gained significant popularity in recent years, especially with the rise of the virtual assistant AI device Alexa, developed by Amazon. But have you ever wondered what this name means? In this article, we’ll delve into the origin, history, and various meanings of the name Alexa.
What Does the Name Alexa Mean?
The name Alexa is derived from the Greek name Alexandra, which means “defender of the people” or “helper of men”. In ancient Greece, the name Alexandra was borne by the daughters of Alexander the Great, one of the most influential leaders in history.
The Name Alexa’s Origins
The name Alexa is a shortened form of the longer name Alexandra, which is composed of two parts: Alex (meaning “defender of the people”) and sandra (meaning “defender of the men”).In the Greek language, the name Alexandra can be translated to mean “one who defends all mankind.”
Literary and Cultural Significance
The name Alexa has been mentioned in various literary works, including William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Julius Caesar. In literature, the name Alexa is often associated with strong, independent female characters.
In Russian folklore, Alexa is a legendary princess, known for her beauty and kindness.In French literature, Alexa is the name of a heroine in a popular fairy tale.
International Variations
The name Alexa has multiple international variations which share the same origin and meaning as the name Alexa., including:
• Alessia (Italian and Latin)
• Alexandre (French and German)
• Alejandra (Spanish)
• Aleksandra (Czech, Russian, and Slavic languages)
• Alix (French)
In conclusion, the name Alexa is a unique and significant name with a rich history and cultural significance. With its Greek rootsand association with strength, beauty, and kindness, it’s no wonder that this name has gained popularity around the world. Whether you’re choosing a name for your child or simply learning more about this fascinating name, I hope this article has provided valuable insights into the meaning and significance of the name Alexa.
The name Alixe is a variant of the name Alice, which has its roots in Old Germanic and Old French. It is derived from the Germanic name Adalheidis,meaning “noble” or “of noble kind.”Alixe is a feminine name that carries the same meaning, symbolizing nobility, grace, and elegance.
siri, kisiri, feraga are the top translations of “secret” into Swahili. Sample translated sentence: Can you keep a secret? ↔ Je, unaweza kutunza siri? Knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden. [from later 14th c.] [..] being or kept hidden. Can you keep a secret?
Since its debut in 2011, Apple’s voice assistant has been able to…Crab“Changing the way we interact with our iPhones. Siri is capable of many amazing things today, including making calls and playing music. Along with answering questions, sharing contacts, getting information, and performing tasks smoothly and accurately, Apple’s virtual assistant was not like that in its early days. Let’s take you on a journey back in time, as we explore together the story of how Siri came to be, moment by moment, and how it moved from the secret halls of the Pentagon to Apple Park.
Siri, powered by Apple Intelligence, has received a completely new redesign,and you can summon Siri by voice as before, “Hey Siri.”
c. 1200 as a call implying challenge, rebuttal, anger, derision;variously spelled in Middle Englishhei, hai, ai,he, heh. Later in Middle English expressing sorrow, or concern; also a shout of encouragement to hunting dogs. Possibly a natural expression (compare Roman eho, Greek eia, German hei, Old French hay, French eh). In modern use often weakened, expressing pleasure, surprise.In Latin, hei was a cry of grief or fear;but heia, eia was an interjection denoting joy.
Siri start
Siri can be said to have started in 2003,when the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in collaboration with the Stanford Research Institute decided to fund the CALO project. It is a personal assistant capable of learning to perform very simple tasks such as understanding what is inside files in order to organize and archive them. The goal of this project was to create an artificial intelligence capable of understanding and executing voice commands with unprecedented accuracy.
CALI-fornia / CALO name
mythology, A. J. Carnoy.7 Califerne, he asserts, is the Persian Kar-i-farn,“Mountain of Paradise.” On this mountain dwelt enormous birds, half eagle and half lion, in the West generally called griffins.In the surviving records the term “California” seems first to have been applied to the tip of Baja California, on October 15, 1841, by Francisco de Bolanos, but as H.R. Wagner remarks, “for what reason we do not know.” Why, of all possible names, was this one selected? One is tempted to believe that the choice was inspired by a sight of the California condor which of all birds would surely suggest the legendary griffin: indeed one of its early names was Pseudogryphus. This largest of flying creatures (rivalled in size only by its Andean cousin, Vultur gryphus), was unknown on the Mexican mainland and must have astonished the Spaniards, who spontaneously would name the new land after Montalvo’s Isle of Griffins. Such an hypothesis would explain Bisselius’ insistence, in 1647, that in California Griffins (gryphus) are found; and this is not a fable but the truth.” SOURCE
We can see throughout this post that AI is very much in favor of feminism and describes women as “protecting” men. We see them displayed as beautiful and tempting women, who are battle tested warriors and royalty. We also see them as cunning, self centered deceivers.
Throughout history, there have been many stories about how California got its name. Some believe that the name is rooted from kar-i-farn,a Persian term that means from the elemental or celestial fireused to identify griffins described in Greek myth as “the blazing birds”.
This posting is a continuation of the Citadel of Glory discussion.
Having now read much of A. J. Carnoy’s Paradise of the East — Paradise of the West, which I received due to the graciousness of Dr. Josef Chytry at the University of California, I can now speak a little more confidently about Carnoy’s Kár-i-farn conjecture.
One interesting point that Carnoy makes is that the place name “Califerne” in the Song of Roland may have been a hybridization of the construct Kár-i-farn and the theocratic title Caliph. What Carnoy does not discuss is the possibility that the word Kár as spoken by an Arab may have sounded much like “Kál” to an early Frenchman, whose deep ‘r’ and ‘l’ sounds were perhaps quite unlike the sharp, shallow ‘r’ and ‘l’ of an Arab or a Persian. Carnoy’s Kár-i-farn could have very easily been modified by the French without any hybridization whatsoever.
Unfortunately, Carnoy does not appear to claim that he had ever read of the construct Kár-i-farn; rather, he appears to argue that the construct was probably used because it appears to be an obvious construction:
Il serait naturel que les légendes concernant les feux divins, les paradis sur les montagnes, les oiseaux merveilleux qui les gardaient ou les transportaient se soient localisées sur la montagne de Kár ou de Kár-í-farn (“Kár du farnah”) comme on a dû l’appeler.
Here’s my rough translation:
It would be natural that the legends concerning divine fires, the paradises on the mountains, and the marvellous birds which kept them or transported them were located on the mountain of Kár or Kár-i-farn (”Kár of the farnah”) as one had to call it.
Carnoy does not appear to provide any evidence that anyone ever actually used the construct, so we must continue to wait for it to appear. Let’s not hold our breath.
That said, I happen to believe that the construct Kár-i-farn is even more likely than Carnoy contends. In my town, there is something called a fire temple. To be precise, it is called a “Dar-e-Mehr” (or Dar-i-Mihr), from the Farsi for “House of Fire” or “House of Light” (I say “Farsi” rather than “Persian” because the term has obvious Arabic influence). I find it quite noteworthy that Dar-i-Mihr can easily be translated to Kár-i-farn. Mihr and farn(ah), do, after all, carry quite compatible meanings.The actual fire in the district of Kár was even called Farnbag, roughly meaning “Light of God”.As for Dar and Kár, the former is an Arabic word for “house”, and the latter appears to be a Persian root that derives from the Sumerian word for “fort”, and appears to have evolved into a more general meaning akin to “edifice”.
Carnoy appears to think that the construct Kár-i-farn would derive from the name of the district Kár,but it seems to me that the inverse would be more likely: could Kár-i-farn have once been used as a term for “fire temple”?
… And regardless of etymology, wouldn’t Karefarnah be an appropriate name for the Golden State? “Land of Sun Worshippers?” “Temple of Fire”?
“small, live coal,” Old English æmerge “ember,” merged with or influenced by Old Norse eimyrja, both from Proto-Germanic *aim-uzjon- “ashes” (source also of Middle Low German emere, Old High German eimuria, German Ammern); a compound from*aima- “ashes” (from PIE root *ai– (2) “to burn;” see edifice) + *uzjo- “to burn”(from PIE root *heus- “to burn;” source also of Sanskrit osati “to burn, scorch,” usna- “hot;” Greek euo “to singe;” Latin urere “to burn, singe;” Old Norse usli, Old English ysle “hot ashes,” Old Norse ysja “fire”). The -b- is unetymological.
In 2007, a group of researchers at the Stanford Research Institute who implemented the CALO project decided to establish their own company to market the technology they developed. The company was named Siri. If you are wondering why the name Siri?
The answer, according to the researchers, was because they wanted a name that was easy to remember, short to pronounce, human-friendly to provide a unique experience, and easy to book a domain name for a cheap price. The word Siri in Swahili means “secret.” In Norse, it means a woman who leads to victory. In Sinhala, it means “beauty.”
Jobs and Siri
When Siri launched its app in early 2010, it was Steve Jobs He was very excited about the new technology. He immediately met with the company’s founders to talk about the future and capabilities of Siri. During the meeting, Jobs made it clear that Apple was on the right track to dominate the smartphone market. And that Siri could play a crucial role in this. For about 37 days, the Apple founder was in intensive communication to push for the acquisition and then Siri’s services.
In April 2010, it acquired Camel Apple Inc. acquired Siri for $200 million,marking a pivotal moment in the virtual assistant’s journey. The acquisition, overseen by Steve Jobs, integrated Siri into Apple’s ecosystem. Initially released as a standalone app for the iPhone operating system in February 2010, Siri was integrated into the iPhone 4S, which was unveiled on October 4, 2011. Apple subsequently removed the standalone Siri app from the App Store, making it an exclusive tool for the company’s devices.
Improve my siri
Since its initial release, Siri has featured a number of advanced technologies. It uses a speech recognition engine, provided by Microsoft’s Nuance Communications. In addition to advanced machine learning techniques such as convolutional neural networksand extended short term memory Language support was also expanded to include Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Russian by 2013. Voice options have also evolved, and after Siri was limited to the voice of American artist Susan Bennett in 2005, it later supported other female as well as male voices.
As for the main improvements, the phrase to activate the voice assistant “Hey Siri” was added in 2014.Along with improved privacy features and the ability to process user commands on the device and perform many tasks smoothly and quickly.
Legacy and impact
Ultimately, Siri represents a quantum leap in how humans interact with technology.Its influence extends far beyond Apple’s ecosystem.It paved the way for voice assistants on smartphones and helped develop competitors like Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s voice assistant. Despite criticism over the years for its limited features and voice recognition issues, Siri remains an integral part of Apple products and represents a vital step toward a brighter future where computers interact with humans in a more natural and effective way.
Nov 17, 2003 · SRI’s Artificial Intelligence Center led development of one of the world’s largest artificial intelligence projects: the Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes, or CALO. The vision was to create groundbreaking software …
Jul 30, 2020 · CALO is a story of collaboration, smart technology, and a new way to interact with computers. A device that organically interacts with humans has been a goal of humanity since the inception…
As part of DARPA’s Perceptive Agent that Learns (PAL) program, SRI and team members are working on developing a next-generation “Cognitive Agent that Learns and Organizes” (CALO). …
Nov 30, 2007 · That’s why Domingos is taking part in CALO, a massive, four-year-old artificial-intelligence project to help computers understand the intentions of their human users.
Siriis a Scandinavian feminine given name123. It is a short form of Sigrid, from Old Norse Sigríðr, composed of the elements sigr “victory” and fríðr “beautiful”1. In Kittalaus’ native Norwegian, Siri literally means “beautiful woman who leads you to victory”3. In Swahili, it means “secret”3, and in Sinhalese, it means “beauty”
Sigrid the Haughty: Pagan in Blood and Queen of Consort
In Norse sagas, Sigrid was listed among the most powerful Viking women. She was a pagan in blood refusing to get baptised no matter what. She was beautiful but she was so proud of herself that she got the name “Haughty”.
Sigrid was born between 960 and 972 AD. Her parents were Mieszko I of Poland and Doubravka of Bohemia. From her younger years, she learnt of her royal family and high rank in society.
Even though Sigrid was brought up inside a Christianity-dominated country, she decided to follow the ancient path – pagan. Sigrid worshipped Norse gods and believed in their high power. Instead of sitting there and waiting for the Judgement Day, Sigrid lived her life to the fullest by following the ancient path.
According to the saga, Sigrid married twice: the first time with Eric the Victorious King of Sweden and the second time with Sweyn Forkbeard King of Denmark who was the son of Harald Bluetooth.
As a widow of Eric the Victorious, Sigrid was the queen who held a great amount of fortune. Along with her beauty, many neighbouring rulers wanted to win her hand. One of them included Olaf Tryggvason a Viking Christian King of Norway who was up to cement his power.
Heimskringla (famous saga about Viking kings) told that when Olaf of Nowary tried to propose Sigrid, he offered many valuable things to her. But there was only one condition he wanted Sigrid to fulfil – to get baptized. As mentioned, Sigrid was a pagan in blood and her answer was a solid “No”. Olaf on his rage slapped Sigrid with his glove. Much to our surprise, Sigrid didn’t counter-attack Olaf. Instead, she calmly said, “This may some day be thy death”. And Sigrid managed to turn the “may” into the “will”.
Sigrid the Haughty and Olaf Tryggvason when Olaf hit Sigrid with his glove.
Sigrid allied with Olaf’s enemies, Sweyn Forkbeard who had been feuding with Olaf. The last straw was when sister of Sweyn fled a political marriage (arranged by Sweyn) to marry Olaf. Fueling with the hatred words of Sigrid, Sweyn declared war against Olaf resulting in the Battle of Svolder in which Olaf fell.
But this second marriage of Sigrid quickly ended when Sweyn banished her. She travelled back to her homeland and aided her brother who was Bolesław I Chrobry.
When Sweyn died soon after his crown as the King of England, Sigrid’s son took the power and asked his mother back for her advice. Then she once again left her homeland for Denmark. In 1016, Cnut the Great who was allegedly son of Sigrid and Sweyn conquered England. Sigrid came to England with her son and lived there perhaps until her last days.
Heimskringla describes Sigrid as the beautiful but vengeful daughterof Skogul-Tosti, a powerful Swedish nobleman. As widow of Eric the Victorious, she held many great estates, and was living with her son Olav the Swede, when her foster-brother Harald Grenske, a king in Vestfold, sought her hand. She had him and another royal wooer, Vissavald of Gardarik, burned to death in a great hall following a feast to discourage other suitors. This episode earned her her byname.[3]
Her hand was next sought by Olaf Tryggvasson, the king of Norway, but he would have required that she convert to Christianity. She told him to his face, “I will not part from the faith which my forefathers have kept before me”. In a rage, Olaf struck her with a glove, and Sigrid calmly told him, “This may some day be thy death”.Sigrid then proceeded to create a coalition of his enemies to bring about his downfall.She allied Sweden with Denmark, marrying the widower Sweyn Forkbeard who had already been feuding with Olaf. Sweyn had sent his sister Tyri to marry the Wendish king Burislav, who had been the father of Sweyn’s first wife, Gunhild. Tyri fled and married Olaf, goading him into conflict with her brother, while Sigrid inflamed Sweyn against her former suitor. This shared animosity would lead to the Battle of Swold, in which Olaf fell. Snorri also claims that Estrid Svendsdatter was a paternal sister of Cnut the Great, and as a daughter of Sigrid was maternal sister to Olav the Swede, but in another place says that Estrid was a daughter of Gunhild of Wenden.[3]
The Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus would repeat this information, writing that Eric the Victorious’ widow Syritha had married Sweyn Forkbeard after having spurned Olaf Trygvasson.[3]
One further point that has been cited in favor of Sigrid’s historical existence is that the holdings of the Danish kings in medieval Sweden were known as “Syghridslef” – ‘the legacy of Sigrid’.[3]Source
The name “Cortana” has captured the imagination of many due to its unique sound and intriguing charm. While it may be widely recognized today because of technology and pop culture, the roots and journey of this name are rich and diverse. In this article, we will delve into the origins, historical evolution, popularity, and notable personalities associated with the name “Cortana.”
Origins and Meaning
The name “Cortana” is believed to have origins in medieval Latin and possibly Old English. It is often linked to the name “Curtana,” a ceremonial sword attributed to the legendary figure Ogier the Dane, a character from medieval legend. The sword’s name, in turn, is derived from the Latin “curtus,” meaning “shortened,” referring to its intentionally blunted tip, symbolizing mercy.
In contemporary contexts, the name “Cortana” has been popularized and given new life, much due to its use in modern technology and media. Regardless of its various attributions, the name maintains an air of elegance mixed with strength and mysticism.
History and Evolution
The historical evolution of the name “Cortana” is a fascinating journey that intertwines with heroic tales and digital innovation. Originally appearing in medieval literature, the name “Curtana” described the sword with a shortened point, carried by some significant personas in history and legend. This medieval context lends the name an air of nobility and valor.
Fast-forwarding to the 21st century, the name has been appropriated by technology giant Microsoft to personify its advanced AI assistant. Introduced in 2014 as part of the Windows Phone 8.1 update, Cortana was named after a significant character from the popular video game series “Halo.” In “Halo,” Cortana is an AI with advanced capabilities, further linking the name to modern interpretations of intelligence and technology.
1560s, “ring of light around the sun or moon,”from Latin halo (nominative halos), from Greek halos “disk of the sun or moon; ring of light around the sun or moon” (also “disk of a shield”); “”threshing floor; garden,” of unknown origin. The sense “threshing floor” (on which oxen trod out a circular path; Connecting it with harvest, as in harvesting souls; also with the Labyrinth a favorite of the ruling elite; and with the strange phenomena of animals suddenly running around in circles )probably is the original in Greek. The development to “disk” and then to “halo” would be via roundness. Sense of “light around the head of a holy person or deity” first recorded 1640s. As a verb from 1791 (implied in Haloed).
According to the San Francisco startup behind this device, Halo Neuroscience, pairing the stimulation with physical training can give an athlete the winning edge. The company says its product can make people faster, stronger, more nimble, or better coordinated
The Halo isn’t on the market yet, but it’s already being used in elite athletics—a world where a vanishingly small improvement in performance can mean the difference between finishing first or 18th. Some Olympic athletes, including sprinters and swimmers, used a premarket version of the Haloto prepare for the Rio games. Professional basketball, baseball, and American football teams are also experimenting with it; the company declines to identify those teams, but one basketball player with the Golden State Warriors tweeted a photo of himself wearing the gear. The first batch for general consumers, scheduled for shipment in October (2016), sold out through preorders priced at US $549 (the retail price will be $749).
The RFID CHIP What’s it to YOU? Original Post: 7/10/16; RESTORED 4/14/22; RESTORED 8/20/22 We are rapidly advancing toward a world where everything will be accessed using a single RFID microchip. This microscopic implant can make your physical body machine readable and act as a universal identity token for navigating through a world increasingly dominated … Click Here to Read More
Command neural interface or CNI implants are implanted in the brain of every UNSC ship commander. In addition to the duties of a standard neural interface, they also have several purposes specific to a ship commander.
Once installed, they cannot be removed without killing the host or doing permanent damage to the host’s brain and are therefore permanent. Their main use is the storage of data codes, NAV data, and also for receiving telemetry from outside sources. AIs can access the lace with the owner’s consent and retrieve data for use. The owner of the lace can also receive data about the ship they command from onboard AI and subroutines, relayed to the individual officer’s personal synchronised comm band.[1] The CNI transponder of the commanding officer is the only thing with clearance for initiating a vessel’s auto destruct. Thus, a UNSC ship may only be destroyed if its commander authorizes its destruction, if it is done manually, or if the commander is dead, their interface may be removed and the codes can be fed into the ship’s computer by an AI.[2] Although permanent, they can be upgraded for specialized functions.[3]
CNIs are designed so that the classified information stored within them, such as the locations of UNSC colonies, cannot be forcibly extracted by interrogation or torture, and have been proven effective against even the Flood for a limited time.[4]
THOUGH THIS COMMAN NEURAL INTERFACE is a video game. Remember two things. 1) when you use your computer/phone and especially when you play video games, you are both training the AI and the AI is training YOU! 2) ALL things on the internet and related to AI origiated with DARPA, they have military applications. Meaning DARPA is at WAR with you. YOU are the target for which all their developments, which are weapons, have controlling YOU as their goal. spacer
Dec 4, 2023 · A new venture-backed startup is capitalizing on the productivity that can be channeled while lucid dreaming, Fortune reports. The Halo is worn like a crown and aims to give users control over their dreams. Prophetic, founded earlier this year, is tapping into a new unconscious market with an innovative headpiece called the “Halo”. Allowing customers to tap into lucid dreaming could pave the way for productivity at nighttime — for example, engineers could code in their sleep, per Fortune. People spend approximately one-third of their lives sleeping. Prophetic wants to subvert the lack of activity that happens during sleep by inducing a lucid dream state. Per Prophetic’s website, the device uses a combination of ultrasound and machine learning models created using EEG & fMRI data t
UPDATE: Added 12/23/22 at the end of the post. Lucid Dreaming seems to be becoming a common practice. It is no wonder we have so many mindless people. Believe me when I tell you that Lucid Dreaming is straight from LUCIfer. It is a deception, a pretty great one. I am sure it is related … Click Here to Read More
A Variety of Spiritual Experiences ‘IF THERE BE higher spiritual agencies that can directly touch us, the psychological condition of their doing so MIGHT BE our possession of a subconscious region which alone should yield access to them.’ William James Well, William James was pretty smart, because that is exactly where demonic entities access humans. When you … Click Here to Read More
While the name “Cortana” may not be widespread as a given name for people, its recognition has soared due to its association with advanced AI and gaming culture. Usage as a baby name remains relatively rare, thus keeping its distinctive and unique appeal intact. Popularity in search trends often reflects interest in both the “Halo” character and the AI assistant, emphasizing its dual significance in popular culture.
Geographically, the name is most recognized in regions with a strong presence of Microsoft products and gaming communities, notably North America and parts of Europe. Despite its limited use as a personal name, “Cortana” remains prominent in contemporary digital discourse.
Notable Personalities
Although “Cortana” does not have a significant number of real-life bearers, the fictional and technological figures associated with the name are noteworthy. In the “Halo” video game series, Cortana serves as a vital AI companion to the protagonist, Master Chief, playing a central role in the game’s narrative. Her character is complex, embodying both strength and vulnerability, leaving a lasting impact on fans worldwide.
In the realm of modern technology, Microsoft’s AI assistant “Cortana” has redefined the capabilities and roles of digital assistants. Designed to provide a personalized and intuitive user experience, Cortana leverages advanced AI to assist users in a variety of tasks, from setting reminders to providing intelligent search results. This innovative utilization has helped solidify Cortana’s place in modern tech history.
The name “Cortana” carries with it a rich tapestry of history, evolving from medieval tales of valor to becoming synonymous with modern technological innovation. Its unique blend of historical significance and contemporary relevance makes it a name that evokes both nostalgia and futuristic promise. Whether recognized through its legendary roots or its modern-day digital persona, “Cortana” continues to be a name that resonates with strength, intelligence, and a touch of mystique.
In April, Microsoft announced the launch of Cortana, its new digital personal assistant for Windows Phone 8.1.
Like the iPhone’s Siri, Cortana takes feminine pronouns. Some examples (cute or smarmy, depending on your perspective) from the Windows Phone website:
“Before you can get all the goodies Cortana has to offer, you’ll need to make sure she’s on. If you like, you can help her get to know you a little better, too.”
“If you turn Cortana on, for her to work for you, Microsoft collects and uses your location, contacts, voice input, info from email and text messages, browser history, search history, calendar details, and other info.”
“She’ll ask if you mind answering a few questions—this will help her understand what’s important to you and what information she should bring to your attention.”
“Cortana” will ring a bell for anyone familiar with Xbox games—it’s the name of a character, voiced by actress Jen Taylor, introduced in Halo: Combat Evolved, the first-person-shooter game published in 2001 by Microsoft Game Studios. In that game and its many sequels, Cortana is an artificial-intelligence construct that resides as a neural implant in the battle armor of the protagonist, Master Chief Petty Officer John-117.
Cortana as she appears in Halo 4.
Since “Cortana” was already part of the extended Microsoft brand universe, it was quickly adopted as the codename for the digital personal assistant, wrote Tom Warren in article published in April in the online tech-culture publication The Verge. “We didn’t intend for it to be the actual product name from the beginning,” Windows Phone product manager Marcus Ash told Warren. And it very nearly wasn’t:
The fact Cortana exists simply as Cortana, and not some marketing buzz like “Microsoft Personal Digital Assistant Home Premium” is surprising given Microsoft’s history of naming products. Up until a few weeks ago, it was hit and miss whether Cortana would be the final name. It could have been Naomi, Alyx, or a number of other suggestions, but leaks and a petition to use the Cortana name helped sway Microsoft’s decision.
The Halo connection has been deliberately exploited: the voice actor from the game, Jen Taylor, also voices the digital assistant. The strategy “meshes well with Microsoft’s main goal for the product: recreate a real personal assistant without being too creepy,” Warren wrote.
But the story of the Cortana name goes beyond Halo.
A lower-case cortana—sometimes spelled curtana—is a type of sword with a blunted or broken end, also known as a “sword of mercy.” The word entered English in the 15th century, adapted from cortain, the name of the sword carried by Roland in the early medieval French epic poem La Chanson de Roland; another character in the Roland poem, Ogier the Dane, carries a similar sword named Curtana. Cortana, curtana, and cortain are all related to Latin curtus (“short”). According to “The Modern Mythos,” an essay by Jill MacKay in Halo Effect: An Unauthorized Look at the Most Successful Video Game of All Time, the game’s allusion to these medieval sources is deliberate. (The name of another Halo AI character, Marathon 2’s Durandal, is a slight variation of Durendal, another of Roland’s legendary swords.)
Curtanas are still seen in the modern era, if only symbolically: in the British coronation ceremony, the monarch carries a curtana.
A 1935 revenue stamp (UK) depicting the ‘’curtana or sword of mercy” carried by King George VI during his coronation. Via I.B. RedGuy.
Cortana is also the name of a paleo-gastropod discovered in Brazil and described in a 2013 scientific paper:
The name was taken from a character of the science fiction franchise “Halo”, and alludes to the convoluted markings on the shell surface of the holotype of Cortana carvalhoi. Grammatical gender: feminine.
UPDATE: By sheer coincidence, Nancy Man, who blogs about baby names at, published a post today about Cortana, which debuted on the U.S. baby-name charts in 2008.
Google Assistant debuted in May 2016 as part of Google’s messaging app Allo, and its voice-activated speaker Google Nest. After a period of exclusivity on the Google Pixel smartphones, it was deployed on other Android devices starting in February 2017, including third-party smartphones and Android Wear (now Wear OS), and was released as a standalone app on the iOS operating system in May 2017. Alongside the announcement of a software development kit in April 2017, Assistant has been further extended to support a large variety of devices, including cars and third-party smart home appliances. The functionality of Assistant can also be enhanced by third-party developers. At CES 2018, the first Assistant-powered smart displays (Smart speakers with video screens) were announced, with the first one being released in July 2018.[2] In 2020, Google Assistant is already available on more than 1 billion devices.[3]
“to search (something) on the Google search engine,”2000 (do a google on was used by 1999). The domain was registered in 1997.According to the company,the name is a play ongoogoland reflects the “mission” of founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin “to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.”The word turns up in various contexts earlier: google-eyed seems to have been a dialectal or humorous variant of goggle-eyed in 1890sand after; and a verb google was an early 20c. cricket term in reference to a type of breaking ball, from googly.
number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeroes, 1940, in “Mathematics and the Imagination,” a layman’s book on mathematics written by U.S. mathematicians Edward Kasner (1878-1955) and James R. Newman, the word supposedly coined a year or two before by Kasner’s 9- (or 😎 year-old nephew (unnamed in the book’s account of the event), when asked for a name for an enormous number. Perhaps influenced by comic strip character Barney Google. Googolplex (10 to the power of a googol) coined at the same time, in the same way, with -plex.
The googly ball in cricket is a crafty spin technique where bowlers deceive batsmen by spinning the ball in the opposite direction of a conventional leg-spin delivery. By twisting their wrist at the point of release and utilizing a specific finger grip, bowlers create a puzzling ball trajectory that keeps batsmen guessing. This strategic move has been an essential part of the game, adding an element of surprise and trickery to bowling attacks.
A Googly is a leg spinner’s delivery which is intended to turn from the off side to the leg side. The skill in executing this lies in the bowler’s ability to disguisewhen the Googly is being bowled. A leg spinner’s traditional ball moves from leg to off when bowling to a right hander.
Cricket, often referred to as a game of glorious uncertainties, is a sport that has witnessed numerous innovations and evolutions over its rich history. One such innovation that completely revolutionized the game is the “googly” ball. A deceptive and mysterious delivery that perplexes batsmen and leaves spectators in awe,the googly is a testament to the intricacies of cricket and the art of spin bowling. In this blog, we’ll delve into the science behind the googly, its origin, its transformative impact on cricket, and explore the stories of some legendary googly bowlers who have left an indelible mark on the sport.
Understanding the Googly: Science Behind the Delivery
The googly is a type of delivery bowled by spinners, most commonly leg-spinners. It is renowned for its ability to deceivebatsmen by spinning in the opposite direction than expected. The mechanics behind the googly delivery involve a subtle manipulationof wrist and finger position, exploiting the aerodynamics of the cricket ball.
Traditionally, leg-spinners impart sidespin on the ball, causing it to break away from the batsman upon pitching. However, in a googly, the bowler imparts topspin instead of sidespin, causing the ball to spin back into the batsman unexpectedly. This occurs due to the unique position of the wrist at the point of release.
Bernard Bosanquet Inventor of the Googly
A leg-spinner typically bowls with a leg-spin grip, where the wrist is cocked to the left for a right-handed bowler (and vice versa for a left-handed bowler). To bowl a googly, the bowler adjusts their wrist position to impart topspin instead of sidespin. As a result, the ball rotates around a different axis, causing the unexpected spin upon pitching.
Who Invented the Googly Ball?
The individual acknowledged for the creation of the googly is Bernard Bosanquet, also known by his initials B.J.T. Bosanquet. He gained recognition as a leg spin bowler and participated in seven test matches for the English cricket team from 1903 to 1905.
Bosanquet’s innovation of the googly delivery originated during his engagement with a tabletop game called Twisti-Twosti. This game involved bouncing a tennis ball to prevent opponents from catching it. Bosanquet honed the technique of the ‘googly’ through this game and seamlessly adapted it to the realm of cricket.
Impact of the Googly on Cricket
Image Source: BBC Sport
The introduction of the googly in the late 19th century by English cricketer Bernard Bosanquet was nothing short of revolutionary. Prior to its emergence, batsmen had become accustomed to the traditional leg-spin deliveries. The googly disrupted their expectations and forced them to adapt quickly to this newfound challenge.
The googly had a profound impact on the dynamics of the game. Batsmen, who were often dominant and confident against spin bowling, suddenly found themselves confounded by a delivery that defied convention. The element of surprise became a potent weapon, leading to wickets falling more frequently to the googly. This change in the balance between bat and ball added an extra layer of complexity to cricket, making it an even more compelling spectacle for fans worldwide.
Googly’s Psychological Battle: Mind Games on the Pitch
Image Source: CricketBio
Beyond its physical mechanics, the googly introduces a fascinating psychological aspect to cricket. Batsmen facing a googly find themselves in a mind-bending dilemma. The uncertainty of not knowing whether the ball will spin away or dart back creates a mental chess matchbetween the bowler and the batter. This psychological warfareadds layers of complexity to the game, emphasizing the cerebral aspect of cricket.
When a googly is delivered effectively, the batsman’s mental process is intriguing to observe. They must decipher the bowler’s intentions based on subtle cues, read the pitch conditions, and anticipate the trajectory of the ball. However, in the blink of an eye, all their calculations can be upended by the unpredictable spin of the googly. This constant battle of witsbetween the bowler and the batsman epitomizes the strategic beauty of cricket.
Googly’s Adaptation & Innovation
The evolution of the googly doesn’t stop at its inception. Over the years, bowlers have continued to innovate and tweak the delivery to maintain its element of surprise.Some bowlers have mastered the art of “flipper googly,” a variation that combines the speed of a flipper with the spin and deception of a googly. This delivery, popularized by Shane Warne, adds an extra layer of complexity to the already intricate world of spin bowling.
Moreover, contemporary players have taken advantage of technology and advanced biomechanics to refine their googly deliveries. High-speed cameras and data analytics allow bowlers to analyze their wrist positions, angles, and rotations in microscopic detail. This level of precision has led to even more potent and deceptive googlies, as modern bowlers unlock the secrets of their craft with scientific precision.
Legendary Googly Bowlers: Masters of Deception
Several cricketers have elevated the art of bowling googlies to an extraordinary level, etching their names in the annals of cricket history. Let’s take a look at some of the legendary googly bowlers who have left an indelible mark on the sport.
Shane Warne: Hailing from Australia, Shane Warne is arguably one of the greatest leg-spin bowlers in cricket history. With his mesmerizing googly, Warne bamboozled batsmen from around the world. His ability to impart prodigious spin on the ball, coupled with his unmatched control, made him a force to be reckoned with.
Abdul Qadir: Representing Pakistan, Abdul Qadir was a trailblazer in the art of leg-spin bowling. His googly was a potent weaponthat spun sharply, leaving batsmen bewildered. Qadir’s exploits not only inspired a generation of Pakistani cricketers but also elevated the status of spin bowling in the country.
Anil Kumble: While known primarily for his remarkable accuracy and bounce as a leg-spinner, India’s Anil Kumble was also a proficient googly bowler. His deceptive deliveryoften caught batsmen off-guard, adding another dimension to his already formidable bowling arsenal.
Mushtaq Ahmed: Another Pakistani maestro of spin, Mushtaq Ahmed’s googly was a key component of his bowling repertoire. His ability to extract substantial turn, combined with his artful googly, made him a vital asset for Pakistan’s bowling attack.
Clarrie Grimmett: A pioneer of the googly, Australian cricketer Clarrie Grimmett was one of the earliest proponents of this delivery. His mastery over the googly and flipper was instrumental in Australia’s success during the 1920s and 1930s.
The googly, a delivery born out of innovation and perfected through skill and practice, has forever changed the landscape of cricket. Its ability to bewilder batsmen and alter the course of matches highlights the intricate sciencethat underlies the sport. Through the contributions of legendary googly bowlers, cricket enthusiasts have been treated to a spectacle that showcases the endless possibilities within the game. As the cricketing world continues to evolve, the googly remains a timeless reminder of the beauty of innovation and the captivating nuances of this beloved sport.
1888 in geology, “transported to its present position from elsewhere,”from Greek allogenēs “of another race, stranger,” from allos “other, another, different”(see allo-) + -genēs “born” (see -gen) + -ic. An earlier adjective was allogeneous“of a different kind or nature”(1842).
“automaton resembling a human being in form and movement,” 1837, in early use often in reference to automated chess players, from Modern Latin androides(itself attested as a Latin word in English from 1727), from Greek andro- “man”(from PIE root *ner- (2) “man”) + -eides “form, shape” (see -oid). Greek androdes meant “like a man, manly;”compare also Greek andrias“image of a man, statue.” Listed as “rare” in OED 1st edition (1879), popularizednfrom c. 1950 by science fiction writers.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit nar-, Armenian ayr, Welsh ner “a man;” Greek aner (genitive andros) “a man, a male” (as opposed to a woman, a youth, or a god).
Users primarily interact with Google Assistant through natural voice,though keyboard input is also supported. Assistant is able to answer questions, schedule events and alarms, adjust hardware settings on the user’s device, show information from the user’s Google account, play games, and more. Google has also announced that Assistant will be able to identify objects and gather visual information through the device’s camera, and support purchasing products as well as sending money.Google Assistant is available in more than 90 countries and over 30 languages,[4] and is used by more than 500 million users monthly.[5]
In October 2023, a mobile version of the Gemini chatbot, originally titled Assistant with Bard and simply just Bard, was unveiled during the Pixel 8 event. It is set to replace Assistant as the main assistant on Android devices, although the original Assistant will remain optional. The chatbot was released on February 8, 2024, in the United States.[6][7][8][9]
The Google Assistant was unveiled during Google’s developer conference on May 18, 2016, as part of the unveiling of theGoogle Nestsmart speaker and new messaging app Allo; Google CEO Sundar Pichai explained that the Assistant was designed to be a conversational and two-way experience, and “an ambient experience that extends across devices”.[10] Later that month, Google assigned Google Doodle leader Ryan Germick and hired former Pixar animator Emma Coats to develop “a little more of a personality”.[11]
also a.i., by 1971, abbreviation of artificialintelligence.Earlier in 20c. it stood for artificial insemination. Artificial insemination dates from 1894. Artificial intelligence “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines” was coined in 1956.
1956: The Birth of Artificial Intelligence
The term “artificial intelligence” was first coined at the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, organized by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon. This pivotal gathering aimed to explore ways to simulate intelligence in machines. The conference established AI as a formal academic discipline and laid the foundation for allocating funding and subsequent research that propelled the field forward. Source
1620s, “feign, pretend, assume falsely the appearance of” (implied in simulated), a back-formation from simulation or else from Latin simulatus, past participle of simulare “to make like, imitate, copy, represent,” from the stem of similis “like, resembling, of the same kind” (see similar). The meaning “use a model to imitate certain conditions for purposes of study or training” is from 1947. Related: Simulating.feign (v.)
A 17c. respelling of fain, fein, from Middle English feinen, feynen “disguise or conceal (deceit, falsehood, one’s real meaning); dissemble, make false pretenses, lie; pretend to be” (c. 1300), from Old French feindre “hesitate, falter; be indolent; lack courage; show weakness,” also transitive, “to shape, fashion; depict, represent; feign, pretend; imitate” (12c.), from Latin fingere “to touch, handle; devise; fabricate, alter, change” (from PIE root *dheigh- “to form, build”).
late 14c., “not natural or spontaneous,” from Old French artificial, from Latin artificialis“of or belonging to art,”from artificium “a work of art; skill; theory, system,” from artifex (genitive artificis) “craftsman, artist, master of an art” (music, acting, sculpting, etc.), from stem of ars “art” (see art (n.)) + -fex “maker,” from facere “to do, make” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”).
The earliest use in English seems to be in the phrase artificial day “part of the day from sunrise to sunset” (as opposed to the natural day of 24 hours).The meaning “made by man, contrived by human skill and labor” is from early 15c. The word was applied from 16c. to anything made in imitation of, or as a substitute for, what is natural, whether real (light, tears) or not (teeth, flowers). The meaning “fictitious, assumed, not genuine” is from 1640s; that of “full of affectation, insincere” is from 1590s.
late 14c., “the highest faculty of the mind, capacity for comprehending general truths;” c. 1400, “faculty of understanding, comprehension,” from Old French intelligence (12c.) and directly from Latin intelligentia, intellegentia “understanding, knowledge, power of discerning; art, skill, taste,”from intelligentem (nominative intelligens) “discerning, appreciative,” present participle of intelligere“to understand, comprehend, come to know.” This is from assimilated form of inter “between” (see inter-) + legere “choose, pick out, read,” from PIE root *leg- (1) “to collect, gather,” with derivatives meaning “to speak (to ‘pick out words’).”
The meaning “superior understanding, sagacity, quality of being intelligent” is from early 15c. The sense of “information received or imparted, news” is recorded by mid-15c., especially “secret information from spies”(1580s). The meaning “a being endowed with understanding or intelligence” is late 14c. Intelligence quotient is recorded by 1921 (see I.Q.).
Machines may learn from experience,adapt to new inputs,and carry out activities similar to those performed by humansthanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Deep learning and natural language processing are prominently utilized in the majority of AI instances you hear about today, including self-driving vehicles and chess-playing computers. Computers may be taught to perform particular jobs using these technologies by processing vast volumes of data and identifying patterns in the data.
Artificial Intelligence History
The term artificial intelligence (AI) was first used in 1956. In the 1950s, early AI research looked into issues including symbolic approaches and problem-solving. The US Department of Defense became interested in this line of work in the 1960sand started teaching computers how to simulate fundamental human reasoning.Street mapping efforts, for instance, were accomplished in the 1970s by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).And in 2003, years before Siri, Alexa, or Cortana were well-known, DARPA built intelligent personal assistants.
This early work set the path for the formal reasoning and automation we see in computers today, including decision support systems and smart search engines that can be created to complement and enhance human abilities.
In higher education, instructors have choices to make about how to respond to this software. The choice for how much or little AI usage to include is up to you. If you would like some help with a syllabus statement regarding your decision, feel free to use the options in this document as a starting point.
Learn more in the AI Libguide here. This guide will be updated periodically.
In late 2016 Boston-based startup Neurable, the brainchild of neuroscientist Ramses Alcaide and a collective of fellow alumni from the University of Michigan, received a $2 million investment to develop software that will make it possible for users to control virtual and augmented reality with their mind.In other words, a “brain mouse” connecting your intentions to a computational device.Think right, go right. Think left, go left.
Neurable’s first project, the short video game demo “Awakening,” is a proof of concept for this thought experiment. “Awakening” is played using a VR headset fitted with an internal cap of electrodes that comb through your hair and down to the scalp, reading the electrical activity that is occurring at the level of your cerebral cortex– the top layer of your brain.In regular bursts, patterns of electrical activity begin to emerge.Neurons firing in wave-like unison are detectable through Electroencephalogy (EEG), a non-invasive method of measuring their voltage fluctuations.
Imagine three items in front of you. As you focus your attention on a toy block it begins to pulse with light. As it does, your brain subconsciously registers its particular pattern of flashes. And then certain neurons begin to “fire” in response. Neurable’s software processes this noisy EEG data then finds the signal within it and translates it into a game command: That’s the one I want.
It isn’t science fiction, although it’s fitting that you play as a character who wouldn’t be out of place in one.
“Awakening” starts with a warning over the speaker system: “Wake up. This is not a test.”You play as a psychokinetically-gifted child and government prisoner– think Eleven from “Stranger Things.” You’re locked inside an unassuming examination room that contains a few toys scattered nearby: A block, a balloon dog, and a ball. These light up in a pulsating beam, each rising into the air, slowly rotating until you turn your focus to the next. Hanging from the opposite wall is a mirror which, if smashed, will reveal a hidden keypad and a way out. The aim is to escape the room. The trick? No hands, only thoughts.
Neurable’s mind-reading technology is better thought of as a simple brain-reading machine. Its VR headset appears just a little more alien than your standard-issue HTC Vive,outfitted with six bulky electrodes which detect the wearer’s basic intentions. The signal that emerges from such a brain-computer interface – a BCI for short – can’t tell if you’re hungry or if you’re visualizing your bank PIN, but it can capture the user’s intent from a constrained set of options.
“The interaction method works like a binary click,” says Molnar. “So either ‘yes’ or neutral, very much like a computer mouse.” But an EEG isn’t necessarily the most robust technology to work with.
“There are many difficulties working with EEG,” Molnar continues. “It is difficult to make sense of brain-activity that propagates from the neurons speaking to each other, through the skull, through one’s scalp, and just barely into the EEG sensor. Generally, EEG data is very noisy in the sense that it is very hard to get a clear signal for what you are looking. Anything from a smile to an eye-blink (called muscle artifacts) can mess with the EEG signals that are already difficult to pick up.”
It’s for this reason that most laboratories use “wet electrodes,” or electrodes dipped in a conductive gel, to enhance conductivity and pick up clearer EEG signals. However, Neurable has been experimenting with various methods of improving the process while using dry electrodes,which unlike their gel counterparts can be used more easily outside of a lab setting.
“Neurable has developed proprietary algorithms that deal with signals processing,which allow us to understand brain-activity, with less data, more reliably,”Molnar continues. “Because of this, we can use fewer sensors that are dry, so without the laborious task of applying conductive gel, while allowing low to moderate levels of physical activity, i.e. walking, moving your head, something that is quite difficult for most other EEG applications.”
When the company first began, they were using a cap with 32 wet electrodes to do the job, in a process that required 30 minutes of calibration – a system of rehearsing mental exercises so that the AI program can successfully classify your brain patterns and generate the desired movements. More recently, Neurable has reduced this to six dry EEG sensors which requires a calibration time of just two minutes.
Neurable isn’t the only team testing the waters of BCI. In the past few years, a number of tech industry stalwarts have turned their attention toward connecting minds and machines.In 2017, Facebook announced a team of 60 engineers are currently working on keyboard-less typing, through a device which scans your brain to detect your internal dialogue and translate it to text.Likewise, it was just in September that Elon Musk, under a ganja fog, told podcast host Joe Rogan of his plans to merge AI with the brain.
“How much smarter are you with a phone or computer or without? You’re vastly smarter, actually,” Musk said at the time. “You can answer any question pretty much instantly. You can remember flawlessly. Your phone can remember videos [and] pictures perfectly. Your phone is already an extension of you. You’re already a cyborg.Most people don’t realize you’re already a cyborg. It’s just that the data rate … it’s slow, very slow. It’s like a tiny straw of information flow between your biological self and your digital self. We need to make that tiny straw like a giant river, a huge, high-bandwidth interface.”
But in spite of all this hopeful futurism, BCI is likely still a few decades out from bringing our cyborg fantasies to life. “BCI needs to be integrated into your body for you to become a cyborg,” says Dr. Heather Read, a neuroscientist and professor in Psychological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Connecticut. By comparison, EEG-based BCI is more similar to riding a bicycle. It is an extension of ourselves hurling us faster than we could run. “No one thinks twice about using a bicycle as an extension of your own body to move forward faster.”
It may be surprising that the technology necessary for bridging the wall between mind and machine have existed in some form since an era of rotary dial telephones and computers the size of living rooms. The term brain-computer interface was first coined in 1973 by Jacques Vidal, Emeritus Professor and founding member of UCLA’s Computer Science department, who posited a direct communication pathway could be created between the brain and an external device.
“EEG has been around for decades,” says Stanford neuroscientist Sharlene Nicole Flesher. “I honestly don’t expect to see any improvement to things like EEG tech in the next 10 or even 20 years. While the advent of machine learning and AI can sort of help, the signals available from EEG are probably at or near their peak performance right now.”
Since 2017, Dr. Read worked as director of the school’s Brain Computer Interface Core, where in collaboration with MIT, her team is developing a technology that can read-out and modulate human brain activity with timing precision 100 times faster than the human reaction time. Unlike Dr. Flesher, she maintains the ability to read out brain and behavioral activity will get faster and more accurate over the next two decades.
“This timing precision will make possible a whole new area of real-time neuromodulation to augment learning while using VR/AR and could be used to provide neuromodulation therapy,” she says. “Combined with high-speed wireless interfaces this will help make BCI vastly more fluid, effective and fun.”
But for both Flesher and Read, the true future of brain-computer interfaces is within-head,with further experimentations into brain-computer interfaces which can be implanted into the brain.
“The technical improvements I expect to see [in the future] are in electrode design which would make the idea of having something in your brain less crazy,” says Flesher. Indeed, the idea of putting something into your brain for fun does seem like a big ask. Invasive brain surgery remains the domain of the medical community in 2018 and modern BCI implants are designed to help restore lost critical functions. But according to Flesher, invasive brain implants are likely to be adopted by the entertainment industry. “The idea of implanted sensors for things like gaming/convenience is maybe on the scale of 40-50 years away,” she says.
According to Read, we might not even have to wait that long for our telekinetic cyborg powers.
“With enough vision and funding in 20-30 years, when the benefits outweigh the risks, it will be feasible to have sensors surgically implanted inside the brain and body allowing you to ‘telekinetically’ control devices and cars and other machines.”
Utilising science and technology to maximize human performance is often an essential feature of military activity.This can often be focused on mission success rather than just the welfare of the individuals involved.This tension has the potential to threaten the autonomy of soldiers and military physicians around the taking or administering of enhancement neurotechnologies (e.g., pills, neural implants, and neuroprostheses). The Hybrid Framework was proposed by academic researchers working in the U.S. context and comprises “rules” for military neuroenhancement (e.g., ensuring transparency and maintaining dignity of the warfighter). Integrating traditional bioethical perspectives with the unique requirements of the military environment, it has been referenced by military/government agencies tasked with writing official ethical frameworks. Our two-part investigation explored the ethical dimensions of military neuroenhancements with military officers– those most likely to be making decisions in this area in the future. In three workshops, structured around the Hybrid Framework, we explored what they thought about the ethical issues of enhancement neurotechnologies. From these findings, we conducted a survey (N = 332) to probe the extent of rule endorsement. Results show high levels of endorsement for a warfighter’s decision-making autonomy, but lower support for the view that enhanced warfighters would pose a danger to society after service. By examining the endorsement of concrete decision-making guidelines, we provide an overview of how military officers might, in practice, resolve tensions between competing values or higher-level principles. Our results suggest that the military context demands a recontextualisation of the relationship between military and civilian ethics.
Feb 10, 2014 · DARPA, at the behest of the US Department of Defense, is developing a black box brain implant — an implant that will be wired into a soldier’s brain and record their memories. If …
Dec 9, 2019 · The Pentagon’s study suggests a future where humans with neural implants are jacked into a matrix that allows them to control machines, have machines control them, and to …
May 28, 2014 · In an ambitious effort to address the enormous problem of mental illness among its ranks, the U.S. military is funding the development of surgically implanted brain-computer …
Jul 10, 2017 · DARPA, the research arm of the U.S. military, has awarded contracts to five organizations for the development of neural implants that could enable brains to communicate …
Dec 3, 2019 · According to the report, neural implants will give soldiers the ability to communicate with each other in complex ways without speaking, which more or less sounds like a kind of …
Soldiers selected for Lancer units underwent rigorous mental testing and received not only neural implants, but also chemical and physical enhancement to increase endurance and mental …
This tension has the potential to threaten the autonomy of soldiers and military physicians around the taking or administering of enhancement neurotechnologies (e.g., pills, neural implants, and …
– as I have been warning for so long. Dr Wilfredo Stokes, from Guatemala, who has been testing blood since the fake vaccine rollout: ‘The PCR test is a BIOLOGICAL WEAPON OF DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES. It has toxic nanomicro-biotechnology. According to findings in several patients it is concluded that it produces clinical pictures similar to those originated by the inoculations studied. People have to know about it and consult with the State entities. Many are magnetized and with atypical pulmonary pictures.’
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