For most of my life, the sight of a ball of fire moving through the sky above us was a rare event.  Haley’s Comet was known and predictable. Halley’s Comet Halley’s Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P/Halley, is a short-period comet visible from Earth every 75–79 years. Halley is the only known short-period comet … Click Here to Read More

Georgia in the NEWS! More than you know.

UPDATE ADDED: 2/24/23 ; RESTORED 5/2/23 The Georgia Guidestones are in the NEWS today, which opens an excellent opportunity to share some amazing TRUTH. You know my posts are very rarely ever just fluff.  I know they are long, but hopefully a blessing.  Stay through to the end.  The last video is the most important. … Click Here to Read More


TAGS:  Calendars, Gregorian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, French, God’s Calendar, Calendar Restored, TRUMPETS, TABERNACLES, Yom Kippur, the Rapture, The Second Coming, The Zodiac, Signs in the Heavens, Solarium, Astronomy, Astrology, TIME, Seasons, Appointed Feasts, Jesus Christ, Resurrection, Judgement, Babylon, Israel, New Moon, Elohim, Planetary Systems, Stars, 12 Tribes, God’s Light, God’s Forgiveness, Repentance, Enoch, … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED and UPDATED 5/18/24 Take a little trip with me through the history of the Vatican Nativity Scenes.  It is a wild ride.  With a strange ending. >A short history of the Vatican Nativity The Vatican Nativity in Saint Peter’s Square is relatively new. It was started by Pope John Paul II in 1982. For … Click Here to Read More

ZODIAC – Why Now?

RESTORED and UPDATE ADDED at the end  6/19/23  The first publicized killing of the Zodiac was a Christmas murder.  The two young victims were supposed to attend a Christmas program that evening.  I find it interesting that once again, at Christmas time this story hits the news.  If you missed it, there are multiple articles … Click Here to Read More

Christmas Star

This month you can watch Jupiter and Saturn as they make they move closer and closer together in the night sky.  On December 21, they will be at their closest point.  Many are saying that this is likely what happened at the time of Jesus birth and the star was really just Jupiter and Saturn … Click Here to Read More

Distribution of the Vaccines led by Tiberius SOFTWARE

So often God will cause me to catch just a tiny bit of information…a news report,  a tweet, an online video,  an advertisement, or a comment on a television show.  Usually seemingly innocuous.  Then HE takes me on the most incredible journey of revelation.  This one, my friends, is very serious.   I pray that you … Click Here to Read More

Mt Hermon Part 1 -GOD’s CREATION or PAN’s EVOLUTION?

People today are being lead down the path that leads to eternal damnation and HELL FIRE.  I know no one believes in that anymore.  The reason you don’t believe is because you do not understand TRUTH.  You do not understand TRUTH because it has been kept from you.  You have not learned TRUE History.   Those … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 22 – SECRET SOCIETIES

RESTORED: 09/07/2021; RESTORED 2/26/22 Tags:  Secret Societies Mind Control,  Rituals, Magic, Alchemy, Rosicrucians,  Masons,  Illuminati, Demonic DNA, GIANTS,  Fallen Angel Bloodline, SERPENT Bloodline, Egypt, Babylon, Druids, Hidden Knowledge, Ruling Elite, Alien Technology, Astronomy, Astrology, Mathematics, John Todd, Witchcraft, Jesuits, Vatican, New World Order, Bilderberg, Science, Craft Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/22/2018 Secrets. What is the … Click Here to Read More