In this post we will dive deeper in the relationship between the three Rocketeers and the development of Scientology on the foundation of EVIL, and the birth of the Space Program on the foundation of pagan ritual, sacrifice and worship of demonic spirits.  How the world was launched into the BEAST TECHNOLOGY that MOLDS AND … Click Here to Read More

It’s About Time – Part 8 – ETERNALLY CHANGED

Satan’s plan is to reduce us all to nothing more than random particles tossed together by chance.  God had purpose for placing us on the this Earth.  And it was not so that we could fill time up with the pursuit of our own lusts and gratification.  Satan wants to take our focus off of … Click Here to Read More


Well, science is in the news again.  Once again they are coming out and telling people they are controlling the weather.  But, many people just can not see or hear the truth.  So many truthers are out hear, telling you what they are doing to our environment, but you rather believe their lies.  Rather accept … Click Here to Read More

Olympic Opening Beijing

The opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics in Beijing was so beautiful it was mesmerizing.   After all,  how evil can snowflakes be?? Well, let me tell you… that is how magic works.  Deception, slight of hand, distraction.  Keeping your eyes on the beautiful floating snowflakes, dancing children, flying doves, butterflies; etc.   Meanwhile this was probably … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 12/17/23 I have been working on this launch for a few days now.  I have had it in my mind to get to for a while but the Volcano kept me busy.  There is so much going here guys.  I am telling you, anyone who thinks they can just slide through life these days … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 5/24/23 TAGS: NEW WORLD ORDER, Joe Biden, Age of Scarcity, Poverty, Famine, draconian measures, simplicity, Constitutional System of Government, New Age, Technology, redistribution of wealth, death of civilization, Fuedal System, climate change, private property, Environmental Crisis, Middle Ages, Black Death, medieval elites, Marxist-Communist Rule, Federal Reserve, Klaus Schwab, Great Reset, Tax Burder, IMF, UN, … Click Here to Read More

They Don’t Even Know They Are Disconnected

TAGS:  GenY, Millennials, Technology, Evolution, Simulation Theory, Matrix, Binge Watching, Texting, Conversation, Smartphones, Social Media, Updates, Hashtags, Photo Posts, Fake News, Propaganda, Manipulation, Twisting Truth, Reality, Mask, Deception, Perversion, Nebuchadnezzar, Pride, Depression, Suicide, Evidence, Research, facts, REAL, Jesus Christ You may find it hard to believe, but I grew up in a house that had … Click Here to Read More


TAGS:  CME, EMP, HEMP, Solar Flares, Technology, NASA, Mad Scientists, Digital Amnesia, Earth Shields, Magnetosphere, Electromagnetism, radiation, atmosphere, ionosphere, Solar Eruption, Earth Directed, Black Swan, Super Storm, Internet Apocalypse, DARPA, Weaponized EMP, Black Eye, Black Start, Computer Dependency spacer Most of us working to spread truth on the internet have known for a while that means … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 7/24/23 Tags: Debt Forgiveness, Freedom, Our Union Restored, Climate Change, Depopulation, Private Property, Gold Standard, Digital Money, Universal Law, Enlightenment, End of War,  Technology, WEF The Great Reset has been a topic burning in the background for a while.  Set on hold a few times but back in the forefront along with Nesara Gesara, … Click Here to Read More

It Happened In Texas – It WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!

Restored 6/23/23 What happened in Texas is a WARNING to ALL of the USA.  You may have already forgotten all about the recent Winter Nightmare in Texas.  I want you to revisit it.  WHY, because I don’t think you realize the severity of the event or the imminent danger it portends.  Wake up folks and … Click Here to Read More

BABEL Then and NOW!

Update added 6/22/22  Symbolism and Sympathetic Magic are tools that most people do not comprehend but the elite use incessantly. You may have missed or already forgotten the tour of the GATE OF BAAL’s TEMPLE that made the rounds through the most strategic locations on Earth not too long ago.  I know that most people … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED and UPDATED 5/18/24 Take a little trip with me through the history of the Vatican Nativity Scenes.  It is a wild ride.  With a strange ending. >A short history of the Vatican Nativity The Vatican Nativity in Saint Peter’s Square is relatively new. It was started by Pope John Paul II in 1982. For … Click Here to Read More


Another really great video from Crowhouse.   It is full of information and he includes a lot of great links. Watching this video I was really impressed to reiterate some things and share some new ones.  So, there is a lot of information here.  ALL VERY INTRICATELY RELATED TO WHAT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING TO US AND … Click Here to Read More

Satoshi? – Bitcoin

Unless you are familiar with the new form of money, you probably had no idea what this article is about.   Satoshi is connected to BITCOIN.  Now, I am not a money expert by any stretch of the imagination.  This is not a topic I would have chosen for myself.  I hate technology and what it … Click Here to Read More


Photo Credit: Asia Crypto Today Whether you are an everyday user of bitcoin or someone who has never heard of it; you need to review this material!  There is much more to Bitcoin than meets the eye.  Though it may appear to be a marvelous alternative to the current banking system…it is a trap!   It … Click Here to Read More