Tower of Babel | Story, Themes & Significance The Tower of Babel is a mythical tower described in the book of Genesis in the Christian Old Testament. According to Genesis 11:1-9, all people used to speak the same language. Their unity of language allowed them to collaborate efficiently. They decided to build a grand tower, so tall … Click Here to Read More


WOW, what time it is!!  On the one hand, so much evil, so many dangers, so much violence and destruction.  At the same time, so much TRUTH being revealed on a daily basis!!  Deception being exposed.  People waking up and standing up!! If you are paying attention at all, you have to recognize that all … Click Here to Read More


Most of us would never really catch these connections.  Especially if you are beyond a certain age.  Our world is lives are just not exposed to the craziness.  But, young people are bombarded by it everyday. This is more than predictive programming.  They are doing all they can to BLUR the LINES, between reality and … Click Here to Read More

What are they Building at EctoLife?

Watching their promos I found it very interesting that these Scientists/Technologist who see the unborn in the womb of their biological mother as fetal tissue, yet the refer to these creatures they are making as “babies”.  They are not in anyway natural.  They are not living beings created by GOD and endowed with the breath … Click Here to Read More

Sarasota Starshine

If you are wounded, lost, lonely, sad, searching for fulfillment, looking for peace, poor, homeless, orphaned, rejected, sick in body, mind or spirit; THERE IS ONE WHO CAN PROVIDE ALL THAT YOU ARE SEEKING/NEEDING.  You will NEVER FIND lasting peace or true love in anything or anyone on this Earth or in any other dimension.  … Click Here to Read More


Ok, folks. This Bayside Mall and all the other strange things happening in Miami is important. There is a reason, ya’ll, that this is being covered up.  If you can see that there is a cover up, you don’t want to.  Police have stated they are not “allowed” to talk about it, eye witness videos … Click Here to Read More

Did Bayside Mall, Miami become a PORTAL?

UPDATE: 1/10/24 Here is a very interesting story.  You may have heard about it, but I just learned of it this morning.  It seemed that God wanted me to share it so I began my spirit lead research.  Apparently, there has been a grand effort to suppress all the testimony and evidence of this incident.  … Click Here to Read More

Crazy Delphi gets Crazier all the TIME!

UPDATE ADDED 12/13/23 This is a vey important case for many reasons.  One of those reasons is that there is so obviously a conspiracy to cover up the truth.  It is hard to tell who all is lying, They all seem shady.  There are factors about which we have no information. That is the reason … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 12/4/23; 12/5/23 at the end of the post; COMMENTS ADDED 12/6/23 My purpose in researching this crime and creating this post is to bring the truth to light.  Whether you realize it or not, what happened in DELPHI affects YOUR LIFE.  This ; not a one person crime, not even a small group … Click Here to Read More

SAMA – Part 2 of 2 – The Pagan Influence on Society

Destroyed from the Inside Cynthia Pawl,   December 11, 2015, update 6/24/18; 4/27/19; UPDATE: 8/30/22; Restored and Updated 7/23/24  Well, well, well.  Lo and Behold.  In researching Wandering Stars, I found the following insight on SAMA.  It is SUN WORSHIP.  SAMA is the Ancient Name of the SUN God!!   Which makes perfect sense as we know that … Click Here to Read More