The Winter Holidays are upon us.  We are coming into the darkness of winter.  This time for the ancients was a very cold, dark and frightening time.  Pagan festivals were a means to “brighten” this time and bring the ancients a way to look forward to winter and relieve their fears.

Oh, how we love our holidays.  So deeply engrained in society.  They give us excuses to take time off, to get wild and crazy, to indulge… they warm our hearts and stir our emotions.  THEY ARE A TRAP!!  Beware!

All the dates that we celebrate were created by pagans!  Created as worship to their gods, goddesses and countless demonic spirits. Their true origins have been covered up and glossed over so as to camouflage their purpose.  They have grown to be TRADITIONS.  Engrained in our souls.  We participate in the practice of these traditions without even questioning their origin.

Holidays move us through what pagans call the circle of the year and are a substitute for God’s Appointed Feasts which were meant to help us to understand God’s plan for our redemption.

These pagan holidays lead us to indulge in sinful behavior which offend God and break our relationship with Him.  Since they play to our selfish nature, we love the revelry, the raucous behavior, the drunkenness and lasciviousness.  Any excuse for a party, right?   For greed and self-indulgence.

Christmas Celebrations with all the good feelings of joining with family and friends in the practice of gift giving and receiving, of feasting,  embibing, and merry making is meant to distract us from the wonderful Gift that GOD has given to US!!  The gift of salvation and redemption.   This CHRISTMAS holiday, has nothing to do with our Creator GOD or His Son who paid the price for our salvation.  He was not born in December.   The gods that are celebrated at this time are PAGAN gods, progeny of the Fallen Angels who led humanity into sin and away from TRUTH.

When people learn that these are pagan holidays and practices, they often say “Well, that is not they way I see it.  I am celebrating my God and his son.” but they are continue to practice all the pagan traditions.

Let me tell you folks, there is no way you can “Christianize” pagan rituals and practices.  You cannot and MUST NOT use pagan practices to “honor” GOD.  Or to Celebrate GOD.  It is offensive to HIM.

Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.   Jeremiah 10

Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy God. When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them, and dwellest in their land;

Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from itDeuteronomy 12

There are so many articles and videos out now that expose these pagan holidays and their roots fully demonstrating how the practices related to them are evil.  Just do a little research for yourself. I am not going to post them all here.  But here is a good place to start your study.




Hidden under Sinai
182 Subscribers
86 Views – 2 weeks ago
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Quest for Truth
19 Subscribers
110 Views – 4 months ago
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The origin of the December 25th holiday, the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, his dark helper, mistletoe, and what the Bible says about such activities that are connected to the most popular holiday in the world. Presented by Terry Moore (episode #109) https://www.eternalcog.org/


SKYWATCH TV – Christmas Was Jewish… And Nothing About It Was Pagan!

Sorry, I read that on the SkyWatch TV email and all I could say was “SHAME ON SKYWATCHTV!”  The TRUTH is that Christmas is NEITHER JEWISH NOR CHRISTIAN!!  IT IS PAGAN! I am sure it is hard for folks to let go of Christmas, so they reach for any little straw that might justify continuing … Click Here to Read More


19 Subscribers
71 Views – 12 hours ago
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Where did the calendar beginning with January and ending in December originate? Why does its year begin in the winter? Why do people celebrate the New Year in the middle of the night? Why the excessive use of alcohol? What are the connections to Janus, Dionysis, Bacchus, Father Time, the Grim Reaper, New Year’s Babe, and the Saturnalia. Presented by Terry Moore (episode #116). https://www.eternalcog.org/


“Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, doorways, passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past.”  wikipedia This post will convince you that they are working very hard to CHANGE our entire beings by polluting and/or altering our DNA.   If … Click Here to Read More

Temple of Baal – Part 7 – GATEWAYS

Originally Posted 09-04-2016, 06:57 AM –  Updated 2/27/19 GATEWAYS RESTORED  2/28/22 Most people today do not have any knowledge or understanding of the realm of the spirit.  This leaves us vulnerable to the strategies and attacks of Satan and his minions.  GOD put a veil between us and the spiritual beings.  However, that veil is … Click Here to Read More



RESTORED 10/3/24 If you have been following my blogs, you already are aware that they have been heating up our ionosphere and thus our atmosphere with light and radio waves.  That is one of the biggest reasons for the “global warming”.  There is so much more going on at these facilities than we will ever … Click Here to Read More

Season of the Wolf – OSIRIS-Rex / OSIRIS APEX

In this post we turn our focus on NASA.  What can I say?  NASA is just full of news and surprises and threats from space these days.  Between the time they “went to the moon” in the 60’s to 2012  we did not hear to much from them.   Now, EVERYDAY it seems they have a … Click Here to Read More
