RU 486 – DIY Abortion

As the world loses its mind and spiritual darkness is exploding all around us, we are seeing the price that evil demands of those who enjoy the pleasures of this world in exchange for their soul. Those who love sin, love death.  Their are Temples to death all over our world.  Some are dedicated to … Click Here to Read More

Where are we headed?

All of these topics are ones I have addressed in my posts.  Things are rapidly advancing and totally out of control.  It is important to revisit these topics and bring them to light.  To update those who are already aware and to bring awareness to those who are lagging behind. It is encouraging to see … Click Here to Read More

Will No One Stand to Save the Children? – Part 6 of 6 – NWO Sex ED GOING BONKERS!

Apparently, this camp in Kentucky has been going on for 10 years!!  I wonder how many people actually have been aware of its existence?  I certainly have never heard of it, but I am not at all surprised that it exists. First of all, the NWO’s main target has always been the children.  Innocence is … Click Here to Read More


Updated; 07/27/2021; RESTORED 3/15/22 TAGS:  Satanic Ritual; Public Ritual, Abortion Ritual; Planned Parenthood and Satanists; Pagan Worship; Milk Baptism; Eugenics, ISIS, Washington State We have been dumbed down through the foods we eat, the air we breathe, wifi and the medications prescription and non that we take.  Now that they have us prepared we are … Click Here to Read More

Will You Stand to SAVE THE CHILDREN?? – 6 yr olds taught to Masterbate, 4 yr olds asked to touch each other IN SCHOOL!

WOW!!  The escalation rate of this onslaught against our children, is mind blowing!  If anyone does not recognize that our children are under attack they are blind!  We are commanded by GOD to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.  WILL YOU STAND!   There are groups organizing to stand together.  Please find one … Click Here to Read More

ABORTION TRUTH – IF you are not Pro-Life then you ARE PRO-DEATH

RESTORED: 09/07/2021 As a young woman, I was coerced by the father of my baby to seek an abortion.   The Planned Parenthood clinic that I visited for advice, gave me no information on the negative aspects of abortion, they only pressured me to proceed while I was just 6 weeks.  The way the contract I … Click Here to Read More

It’s in The Blood – Part 10 of 11 – ABORTION

ABORTION – how it relates Posted: 7/10/16; Update 4/4/19/ Update 3/3/20; Restore 8/28/21; Restored 2/19/22;  RESTORED 8/20/22; Fully Restored 1/14/24 THE FEMINIST MOVEMENT Its a sad day in America, when we can legally MURDER babies all the way up to the time of birth, and women are celebrating!! May GOD have mercy on us all, AND … Click Here to Read More