Take a look around you.  The world has gone mad!  It is not really sudden onset madness even though it seems like it.  Yes, in the last 20 years the changes we have seen are outrageous and unprecedented.  Who would have believed we could fall so far so fast?? But the truth is, it has … Click Here to Read More


UPDATES: 09/29/2021; 2:40:59 PM TAGS: Blood Red Water, Israel, Utah, Wyoming, Moran, Moab, Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie, murder, double murder, missing, fugitive, investigation, Online Sleuths, FBI, Police, Ancient Moab, Commitment,  Judgment, Grace, Redemption, Salvation, Repentance, Pride Humility, Moab’s Curse, Isaiah, Sodom and Gomorrah, Kylen and Crystal, There is a news story that has captured the … Click Here to Read More

House of David

TAGS:  House of David, David’s Palace, Bethsaida, Fisherman, Cultic Shrine, BA’AL, God’s Promises, Savior, Jesus Christ, Seed, Covenant, Archeology, City Streets, Street Called Straight, Sign of Mammon, Holy Ghost, Crossroads, Marketplace, Commerce, Word of God, Truth, Jerusalem, City of David, rituals, Excavation, Return of Our Lord, Redemption, High Places, River Euphrates I came across a … Click Here to Read More


As we enter the HOLY WEEK both for Christians and for Jews, I feel an urgency in my spirit.  I pray that all will come to realize the ominous power of the time we are living.  We are so close now to HIS Return.  This is no time for games.  This is a time for … Click Here to Read More

Can We Know We Are In The Endtimes?

I hear so many people saying we should not talk about the Book of Revelation or the END TIMES or JUDGEMENT, because it only serves to frighten people.  I have been accused of being a fear monger.  I am here to tell you folks, the truth of the END TIMES is GOOD NEWS!    It … Click Here to Read More

AI GOD – Part 4 – A DEEPER Understanding

We live in perilous times.  There is so much that is working against us.  It seems at times that the enemy is winning.  But, WE KNOW that GOD is in Control.  He warned us about all that was coming.  So we can take great comfort in knowing.  I am convinced that we are not suffering … Click Here to Read More

Pope Francis says we are ALL CHILDREN OF GOD.

BUT, ARE WE?   ARE WE REALLY? According to the Pope, you can disregard anything the Word of God says about sin and abominations.  You can just live the life you want to live.  You can serve the gods you want to serve.  You can do whatever  you like, because GOD LOVES YOU.  Afterall,  WE ARE … Click Here to Read More