Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is being targeted and harassed on social media in the wake of his comments criticizing the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic and the U.S. decision to withdraw funds from the World Health Organization.  (We should shut down the WHO along with the UNITED NATIONS and a ALL of its offshoots.)

On a recent Instagram post thanking health care workers, the billionnaire philanthropist was subjected to hundreds of thousands of comments calling him a partisan and linking him to a wide range of bizarre conspiracy theories.  (Poor Baby, he has been treated so MEAN!  The dirty baby killer.  They are only theories if they are not proved.  Otherwise they are legitimate CONSPIRACIES!)

Bill Gates on his 2015 'virus' warning, efforts to fight coronavirus pandemic

Gates is no stranger to online trolls, but the attacks against him have intensified recently. (Praise God!  People are waking up!)  The Gates Foundation is the second-largest financial backer of the WHO  (It is the WHO, that will control the world through medical tyranny) after the United States. The organization has also committed about $250 million for research and testing related to COVID-19.  (Not Bill Gates, he isn’t losing any money.  It is a foundation, protected and prospering.)

Facebook, which owns Instagram, already prohibits harassment and coordinated inauthentic activity.  (They call anything that is not inline with the mainstream agenda, harrassment!  They harrasss and delete ANYONE who speaks the TRUTH.)

“We’re looking at this behavior carefully to determine whether it violates our policies. People on our services are allowed to speak freely, (I don’t know where they learned their idea of free speech.  Maybe from the Nazis? or Communist China?) and do so in an organized way, but we remove accounts that are fake or designed to mislead. We also remove comments that violate our Community Guidelines, such as hate speech (that term is open to interpretation and subjective) or death threats,”a Facebook spokesperson told Fox News via email.

At this early stage, it does not appear that the harassment against Gates is being made by inauthentic or fake accounts, according to a company source familiar with the matter.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Gates’ post from April 5 drew an additional 45,000 comments in the 24-hour period after he critiqued America’s defunding of the WHO. His Twitter account was mentioned more than 270,000 times in that same 24-hour period, according to the newspaper.  (WoooHooo!  Hallelujah! I am glad to hear that! Way to go America! Speak UP!)

Mark Suzman, CEO of the Gates Foundation, provided Fox News with the following statement via email:

We’re concerned about the conspiracy theories being spread online and the damage they could cause (damage they could cause to their Health Tyranny Agenda that is what they fear!) to public health. At a time like this, when the world is facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis, it’s distressing that there are people spreading misinformation when we should all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives. Right now, one of the best things we can do to stop the spread of COVID-19 is spread the facts.” (I got an idea… WHAT DO YOU SAY WE GET TO THE TRUTH??? Or is that TOO RADICAL for BILL?)