Folks, I am sorry it took so long for me to get this out to you. I was hoping to have it finished before the event began. But, there was a lot to research and I wanted to cover as much as possible. I am going to let you view the post and let it speak for itself.sspacer
Pope Francis waves during his Christmas Day speech – YARA NARDI/REUTERS
Pope Francis has spoken of creating “a world full of hope and kindness” in a recorded message broadcast on BBC Radio 4.
The head of the Catholic Church wished listeners “peace, fellowship and gratitude” in the new year as he gave the Thought for the Day on the Today programme on Saturday.
Thought for the Day is a regular segment on the Today programme that welcomes people from all the major faiths to share reflections on the world, airing at 7:45am every Monday to Saturday.
The Pope, who was born in Argentina, was invited to deliver a message by Prof Irene Tracey, the programme’s guest editor who is vice chancellor of the University of Oxford.
He recorded his message in Italian before it was translated into English for UK radio audiences.
In the message, Pope Francis said: “Hope and kindness touch the very heart of the gospel and show us the path to follow in our behaviour. A world full of hope and kindness is a more beautiful world. This is so not true. JESUS showed us the path to follow. HE SAID “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword!” If you walk by the SPIRIT of GOD the WORLD WILL HATE YOU!!! The simple truth of Salvation divides people. People who hang on to religion and pagan beliefs are not willing to accept the TRUTH that JESUS is the ONLY WAY.
“A society that looks to the future with confidence and treats people with respect and empathy is more humane.”
Focusing on the theme of hope, he said: “Even though we do not know what tomorrow may hold for us, we should not look to the future with pessimism and resignation.
“Wars, social injustices, and the many forms of violence we are exposed to every day should not dishearten us nor draw us towards scepticism and discouragement.”
Kindness ‘not a diplomatic strategy’
The Pope said kindness was “not a diplomatic strategy” but instead represented a “form of love that opens hearts to acceptance, and helps us all to become more humble”. NOT ALL, only those who God is calling. THERE ARE EVIL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD…they will not be turned by kindness. Yes, we should be kind and yes we should love everyone and pray for them and do our best to get the word of TRUTH to everyone. We are to be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. We must be led by the HOLY SPIRIT, protected by ANGELS, and only do as we are led. This is a dangerous and evil WORLD that gets more evil everyday.
Quoting from the autobiography of British author G K Chesterton, the Pope shared his invitation to “take the elements of life with gratitude and not for granted”.
He added: “I hope that during this Jubilee we can practice kindness as a form of love to connect with others. May the New Year bring us peace, fellowship and gratitude.” The world will only have PEACE when JESUS returns. We are headed for evil days.
It is the second time that Pope Francis has appeared on the Thought for the Day segment, having first spoken in October 2021 ahead of the Cop26 climate summit.
He is only the second pope to take part in segment, after his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI on Christmas Eve in 2010.
A Holy Year of the forgiveness of sin, conversion and joyful celebration.
The word “jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word yobel, which refers to the ram’s horn used to announce a jubilee in the Old Testament.
Old Testament origins (GOD’s JUBILEE)
God told Moses that every fiftieth year was to be set aside for the return of absent members to their households, the restoration of land to its owners, the release of Hebrew slaves and the forgiveness of debts.
This fiftieth year you shall make sacred by proclaiming liberty in the land for all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, when every one of you shall return to his own property, every one to his own family estate. (Lev. 25:10)
Like the sabbath, which took place on the seventh day of each week, the jubilee was a time for the Israelites to re-establish a proper relationship with God and with one another.
Tradition continues in Christianity
Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the first Christian (ROMAN CATHOLIC) jubilee in A.D. 1300,granting the full remission of sin for those who confessed their sins and made a pilgrimage to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. (So, according to ROME, you cannot receive forgiveness of sin unless you make pilgrimmage to St Peter’s.)
The (Roman) Church first celebrated jubilee years every 100 years. This was eventually shortened to every 50 years and then every 25 years.
Recent Jubilee years
1950: During this Holy Year of 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.
1975: This Holy Year of reconciliation was proclaimed by Pope Paul XI.
1983: Pope John Paul II proclaimed a special jubilee year in 1983 to celebrate the 1,950th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
2000: Pope John Paul II proclaimed the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.
2015: Pope Francis declared an extraordinary jubilee for the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second Vatican Council.The jubilee was dedicated to mercy.
Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope
Jubilee 2025 was proclaimed by Pope Francis in the Papal Bull Spes Non Confundit (“Hope does not disappoint”).
“The coming Jubilee will thus be a Holy Year marked by the hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it help us to recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all persons and respect for God’s gift of creation.” (Pope Francis, Spes Non Confundit 25)
The jubilee will begin in Rome on the vigil of the Lord’s Nativity on Dec. 24, 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, and in local dioceses on Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 29. It will conclude in local dioceses the following Holy Family Sunday on Dec. 28, 2025, and in Rome on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Jan. 6, 2026, with the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica.
Hallmarks of the Jubilee
Jubilee Indulgence:Special graces for the forgiveness of the temporal punishment due for sins are made available during the Jubilee Year.The faithful may obtain a plenary indulgence – remission of all temporal punishment (time in Purgatory) for sin– by meeting the normal conditions (confession, Holy Communion, prayer for the pope’s intentions, and no attachment to sin) and by participating in one of the following activities:
Pilgrimages: The four major basilicas in Rome are the main pilgrimage destinations, but pilgrims may also go to the Holy Land, their diocesan cathedral or other officially designated locations.
Pious visits to sacred places: At these locations, the faithful are to engage in Eucharistic adoration and meditation, among other spiritual practices.
Works of mercy and penance:The faithful are to perform the spiritual or corporal works of mercy or carry out works of penance, such as abstaining from meat on Fridays.
Holy Doors: The pope opens the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica at the beginning of each jubilee year. Passing through the holy doors symbolizes the pilgrim’s journey of conversion.
Papal Basilicas:The pope will open the Holy Doors of the four main churches (called “major basilicas”) in Rome: St. Peter’s Basilica, St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls.
How to participate in Jubilee 2025
Make a pilgrimage to Rome. Some dioceses, parishes and other organizations will be coordinating pilgrimages, but you may also go on your own.
Participate in a local celebration of the jubilee. Some dioceses, parishes and other organizations will coordinate local celebrations for those unable to travel to Rome.
Obtain the Jubilee Indulgencethrough one of the other means (works of mercy and penance, making a pilgrimage to your cathedral, etc.).
Serve as a jubilee volunteer. Applications are available online.
Pray for the pope, the Church and all who take part in the jubilee.
Do you understand that the ROMAN CATHOLIC Church is telling you that unless you participate in their demands you cannot receive forgiveness?? This is a lie right out of the pit of HELL!! Forgiveness has been purchased once for all. There is nothing you can do to earn it, or deserve it. It is a free gift to ALL who turn from their wicked ways and receive the gift of SALVATION through the shed BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST/Yahushua Ha Machiah!
This ritual that they are performing along with the one they did in St Peter’s Square have nothing to do with God, Or the Redemption from Sin, Or FORGIVENESS!! This baloney is all about CONTROL. Of forces you to buy into their lies and enter into activities that will cause you to LOSE your Salvation.
Whether you want to believe it or not, the doors and gateways they are opening are for spiritual entities from the Kingdom of Darkness.
Pope Francis ‘throws open’ Holy Door to inaugurate 2025 Jubilee according to… Pope Francis opens the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica thereby officially inaugurating the 2025 Jubilee of Hope. He reassures during his Christmas evening Mass that the Christ Child of Bethlehem offers the world infinite hope and joy.
POPE FRANCIS revealed they will conduct the “Apertura Sanctorum”-an ancient ceremony discovered in sealed texts from 300 AD.The ritualrequires 1000 priests to form a perfect circle in St. PETER’S SQUARE while reciting forbidden 🚫 prayers in reverse Latin.They have no idea what will happen because this has never been done before. The Vatican came out with announcement that anyone within a three mile radius of St Peter’s Square, at the time of the ritual on December 25th, must remove themselves.This ritual has not been done since the DARK AGES.They claim it will open “sacred gateways”between realms. VATICAN Officials admitted they can’t predict the consequences, but insists it is necessary to prepare humanity… The Vatican have decided to install Massive Copper Conductors around the Saint Peter’s Square.The Vatican has warned that this ritual could tear the veil between worlds. spacer
As I have shown repeatedly in my posts, when the Romans hijacked the newly born Christian faith as a means to UNITE the world under One Religion, they converted the various people groups by telling them that they could continue to worship their gods/goddesses/nature spirits etc all they had to do was change their name. They used the names of “Christian” Saints. They allowed them to keep their statues and that is where the Iconography of the Roman Catholic Church began. So you must recognize that the so called Saint venerated, adored and worshipped by Roman Catholics are in truth demonic spirits of Fallen Angels and and their progeny who were worshipped as gods and demigods by ancient pagans.
THEREFORE, the Apertura Sanctorum ritual is meant to open the gateways/doors for DEMONS!!
With the start of the Jubilee 2025, the four Papal Basilicas of Rome are preparing to experience a moment of great spiritual and cultural significance with the opening of the Holy Doors: special gateways that are opened only during this rare occurrence,through which the faithful can receive a plenary indulgence for their sins.
Sounds to me like they believe this is more than just a symbolic door. NO ONE can receive forgiveness of their sins ACCEPT THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS!
The Cathedral of St. Johnis one of the four and will open its Door starting from December 29, 2024, welcoming millions of pilgrims from around the world, ready to appreciate its spiritual, historical, and artistic value. Jubilee, the brick wall of the Holy Door has been demolished, now it can be opened. What is the “recognitio” St. John Lateran: where it is located The Basilica of St. John Lateran is located in Rome, in Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, in the Celio district. It can be easily reached thanks to the nearby metro A stop of the same name. It is situated a short distance from the Colosseum and the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. As the Cathedral of Rome, it is the official seat of the Pope as Bishop of the city, making it one of the most important churches in the Catholic world. The construction of the Basilica dates back to the 4th century, during the reign of Emperor Constantine, who donated the lands confiscated from the patrician Laterani family to Pope Melchiades. Consecrated in 324 by Pope Sylvester I, the church was initially dedicated to the Most Holy Christ Savior, later also becoming a tribute to Saints John the Baptist and Evangelist in the 9th and 12th centuries. On November 9th, the 1,700th anniversary of its consecration was celebrated. Known as the “Golden Basilica” for its ancient splendor, the church suffered lootings, fires, and earthquakes that required numerous restorations. Among the main interventions are those of the famous architect Francesco Borromini, who in the 17th century restructured the central nave, giving the building its current appearance. St. John Lateran: what to see The interior of the basilica is a triumph of art and architecture. Its five monumental doors lead to a central nave adorned with majestic columns and niches containing statues of Apostles and Evangelists, works by Borromini. Among the most iconic works are the gilded wooden ceiling designed by Giacomo della Porta, the cosmatesque floor, and the bronze doors of the Roman Curia, transferred from the Imperial Forums. The basilica also houses the fresco by Giotto depicting Pope Boniface VIII proclaiming the first Jubilee in 1300, a work of extraordinary historical and artistic value. Next to the basilica is the Lateran Cloister, the largest in Rome, designed by Pietro Vasselletto in the 13th century. This space holds sculptures and valuable artifacts, such as the Well of the Samaritan from the 9th century. The Holy Stairs, according to tradition, consist of 28 marble steps climbed by Christ during the trial before Pontius Pilate. The steps, brought to Rome in 326 by Saint Helena, mother of Constantine, lead to the Sancta Sanctorum, a chapel that houses precious relics and represents one of the highest examples of Gothic art in Rome.
JUBILEE (doesn’t come from Rome)
GOD ORDAINED THE JUBILEE as a year of emancipation of slaves and restoration of lands, to be celebrated every 50th year(Levit. xxv:9); it was proclaimed by the sounding of a ram’s horn on the Day of Atonement (as recorded in the Old Testament Hebrew yobhel “jubilee,” formerly “a trumpet, ram’s horn,” literally “ram.” The original jubilee was The form of the word was altered in Latin by association with unrelated Latin iubilare “to shout with joy” for which see jubilant, from Old French jubileu “jubilee; anniversary; rejoicing” (14c., Modern French jubilé), from Late Latin iubilaeus “the jubilee year,” originally an adjective, “of the jubilee,” from Greek iabelaios, from iobelos0; and the confusion of senses has continued in the Romanic languages and English. The general sense of “season of rejoicing” is first recorded mid-15c. in English, however through early 20c. the word kept its specific association with 50th anniversaries. Source
Leviticus 25: God’s Jubilee
25 And the Lord spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the Lord. 3 Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof; 4 But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for the Lord: thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. 5 That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land. 6 And the sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for thee, and for thy servant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant, and for thy stranger that sojourneth with thee. 7 And for thy cattle, and for the beast that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be meat. 8 And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. 9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. 11 A jubile shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed. 12 For it is the jubile; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field. 13 In the year of this jubile ye shall return every man unto his possession. 14 And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest ought of thy neighbour’s hand, ye shall not oppress one another: 15 According to the number of years after the jubile thou shalt buy of thy neighbour, and according unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto thee: 16 According to the multitude of years thou shalt increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of years thou shalt diminish the price of it: for according to the number of the years of the fruits doth he sell unto thee. 17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God:for I am the Lord your God.
Sunset October 12, 2035
to Sunset October 1, 2036
(Hebrew civil year (HCY) 5796)
Sunset October 8, 2084
to Sunset September 29, 2085
(HCY 5845)
Sunset October 9, 2133
to Sunset September 29, 2134
(HCY 5894)
Sunset October 6, 2182
to Sunset September 27, 2183
(HCY 5943)
Sunset October 7, 2231
to Sunset September 26, 2232
(HCY 5992)
The Roman Catholic created their own Jubilee, just like the created their own Cmmandments, laws, statutes and judgements, and Calendar. They created their own version of Christianity and tortured and murdered anyone who defied them. Their Jubilee is meaningless in God’s eyes. Certainly, if it was not created by or for GOD and HIS people… guess who it was created to serve?? The passage they are taking you through does not lead to SALVATION!! JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY, THE ONLY DOOR, THE ONLY PORTAL AND THE ONLY HOPE!!!
A simple lyric video for a celebration of the Jewish Jubilee. It happens every 50 years: captives are released, slaves set free, mortgaged lands returned to their owners, and the shofar (featured in the painting of the same name by Yom Tov Blumental) is blown. Michael Card at his Old Testament inspired best from his Ancient Faith trilogy
Starting on Dec. 24, the pontiff will open a series of five Holy Doors throughout the Vatican, including St. Peter’s Basilica, plus Rome’s three other basilicas to commence next year’s Catholic Church jubilee — a joyful commemoration of faith that normally occurs every 25 years.
The Catholic tradition of celebrating a jubilee began in the 1300s and was initially stretched out every 100 years rather than 25.
For centuries, the Holy Doors have been opened at the four Roman basilicas to usher in memorable years for the church.
The door at St. Peter’s was sealed shut by a wall of bricks since the Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy in 2016and, on Dec. 2, those were ripped down to ready the door for opening as part of the rite of “recognition.”
In modern times, Pope John Paul II also celebrated a jubilee in 2000,at the time writing about the significance of the Holy Doors pertaining to one’s faith...“To focus upon the door is to recall the responsibility of every believer to cross its threshold. To pass through that door means to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord; it is to strengthen faith in him in order to live the new life which he has given us,” John Paul II wrote. SOURCE
Pope Francis chose “Pilgrims of Hope” as the theme for theHoly Year 2025, which began Dec. 24 and will run through Jan. 6, 2026.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In the quiet of Christmas Eve, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica, launching what he called a “Jubilee of Hope.”
As the doors opened, the bells of the basilica began to peal.
…pushed in his wheelchair up the ramp to the Holy Door. In silence, he raised himself from the chair to knock five times, and aides inside slowly opened the door, which had been framed in a garland of green pine branches, decorated with red roses and gold pinecones.
Normally the Holy Door, to the right of the basilica’s center doors, remains sealed with bricks, a symbolic reminder of the barrier of sin between people and God. The 16 panels on the bronze doors illustrate key moments in salvation history, including the fall of Adam and Eve, the annunciation of Jesus’ birth, Christ presented as the shepherd rescuing a lost sheep, the crucifixion and the risen Jesus appearing to the disciples. SOURCE
The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH wants the world to believe that they have the keys and that your sins can only be forgiven by the ROMAN CATHOLIC Priests. This is a lie straight out of the pit of HELL. THE TRUTH IS that once JESUS CHRIST/Yahushua Ha Mashiach came and paid the price for us… it is no longer our sin that separates us from GOD!! HIS BLOOD COVERS OUR SIN. The ONLY THING that separates us from GOD now is US!! If we do not recognize JESUS CHRIST/Yahushua Ha Mashiach as God’s son and His gift of SALVATION through His Blood we will NOT BE SAVED!! It is that simple. ALL we have to do is ASK…forgiveness and apply the Blood to our hearts and minds. HE is faithful and just to forgive us and to CLEASNSE US and BRING US INTO RIGHT STANDING WITH HIM. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO SAVE OURSELVES or TO EARN SALVATION.
In a very miraculous way, God put a very special bible in my hands. I did not discovery its precious treasure until a few years later. In the center of this bible was a piece of red cellophane. I wondered why it was there… until one day, GOD showed me. On one side of the cellophane is a picture that has a red background. It shows the world, well it did, it has faded now but you still see the circle of the Earth with a sword passing through it. It reads ” Your Sins as Scarlet, Red Like Crimson.” The Wages of SIN is DEATH! ALL SIN CAN SINS BE BLOTTED OUT?
Yes, before CHRIST all the world was lost in SIN. We were slaves to sin. With NO WAY TO GET FREE. ALL SIN/ANY SIN separates US from GOD!! The World covered in SIN, separated us from GOD.
The Lord told me to turn the cellophane over. When it laid across the page I had just read. Suddenly the areas that were red became white so that I could read what was printed there.
Low and behold, the circle of the earth now has Christ in the center and the Sword is gone. It reads: “THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET,, they shall be as White as Snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” The WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, ; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. ALL SIN/ANY SIN! but, YES! Your sins can be blotted out!
When God showed this to me, I cried. I said, so you are saying to me that your blood covers the WHOLE WORLD!! Once for ALL. When Our Heavenly Father looks down from Heaven, He see the World THROUGH THE BLOOD!! Already completed, in CHRIST. All we have to do is turn away from Sin and TO JESUS and be SAVED!
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. Acts: 3:19&26
We don’t need the clergy; we do need rituals and sacraments. We don’t need penance or good works. We don’t need ANYONE to intercede for us EXCEPT JESUS. We don’t need saints, or Mary, or spirit guides, or angels, or popes, or shamans, or ancestors. We need to follow JESUS. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit whom the Bible says will lead us to all truth, comfort us, guide us and empower us to stand! The Bible also says that when we do not know how to pray, he will intercede on our behalf. The Holdy Spirit was given to us because the price was paid. The sacrifice on Jesus/Yahushua PAID the price for our Redemption AND open the way for us to be EMPOWERED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!
The Roman Church literally refers to this event as a ritual.
Pope Francis is seen opening a Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica to welcome the jubilee of 2016.
The door at St. Peter’s was sealed shut by a wall of bricks since the Jubilee Year of Divine Mercy in 2016 and, on Dec. 2, those were ripped down to ready the door for opening as part of the rite of “recognition.”
Originally Posted 09-04-2016, 06:57 AM – Updated 2/27/19 GATEWAYS RESTORED 2/28/22 Most people today do not have any knowledge or understanding of the realm of the spirit. This leaves us vulnerable to the strategies and attacks of Satan and his minions. GOD put a veil between us and the spiritual beings. However, that veil … Click Here to Read More
This is one of the most important posts I have ever done. It serves to connect a lot of the dots. Don’t miss it. I understand that historically the average person has had a seriously difficult time believing that a small group of people were conspiring against he rest of us. Meeting in remote resorts … Click Here to Read More
UPDATE ADDED 12/29/23 This post is an indepth look at the baffling tale of the Costa Concordia collision with THE ROCK on FRIDAY 13th of January, 2012 at 9.44 pm near the Isle of Giglio. Yes, this is an old story, and you may think you know all that you care to know about it. … Click Here to Read More
Pope Francis is only opening one “sacred portal” on this year’s Christmas Eve.The other four will be opened over the following days and weeks, up until Jan. 5, 2025. Also, the ritual of opening “Holy Doors,” symbolic locations that are opened at the start of the Jubilee, or “Holy Year,” has been performed since 1423.The only “first” happening in 2024 is the opening of a “Holy Door” at a prison on Dec. 26, 2024.
In mid-December 2024, a open five “sacred portals” on Christmas Eve.
shared the rumor wrote (archived): “Pope Francis Will Be Opening 5 Sacred Portals For A Special Catholic Ritual On Christmas Eve.”
For these reasons, we have rated the claim that the pope will open “five sacred portals” on Christmas Eve for a never-before-performed ritual as false.
What Are Holy Doors?
The official website of the 2025 Jubilee describes the Holy Doors as “the most powerful sign of the Jubilee, since the ultimate aim of the pilgrim is to pass through it.” The opening of a Holy Door marks the official start of the Holy Year. It continues:
Originally, there was only one door, at the Basilica of St. John Lateran,which is the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome. Later, to allow as many pilgrims as possible to take part in the Jubilee experience, the other Roman Basilicas also opened their own holy doors.
Passing through the Holy Door expresses the decision to follow and be guided by Jesus, who is the Good Shepherd.The door is a passagewaythat ushers the pilgrim into the interior of a church.
Pope John Paul II described these Holy Doors in his declaration of the 2000 Jubilee by saying: “It evokes the passage from sin to grace which every Christian is called to accomplish. Jesus said: ‘I am the door (John 10:7), in order to make it clear that no one can come to the Father except through him.'”
For the 2025 Jubilee, according to the Papal Bull issued by the Vatican, the Holy Doors are located at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City (to be opened on Christmas Eve), the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (to be opened on Dec. 29), the Basilica of St. Mary Major (to be opened on Jan. 1) and the Basilica of St. PaulOutside the Walls (to be opened on Jan. 5). The latter three are all located in Rome.
St. Peter’s Square at Vatican City may be the most obvious geomantic sighting device documented here. The layout of the plaza of St. Peter’s can work like a giant compass rose built on the surface of the earth.The Egyptian obelisk in the center of the plaza represents the gnomon point of the Axis Mundi of the Catholic faith. Many debate the location of the bones of St. Peter. Many say they are within St. Peter’s Basilica while others maintain that they are located beneath the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square. The tradition of the Axis Mundi dictates that the bones of that Templum’s creator should be buried beneath it.This dynamic supports the theory of his remains lying beneath the obelisk in order to transmit his philosophy throughout the Catholic world. The function of St. Peter’s square is much the same as the Axis Mundi created by John Bidwell discussed earlier (see Chico video on the Grail Quest Radio Page or Survivalcell channel on
The obelisk of St. Peter’s serves as a kind of datum or point from which measurements can be taken. The obelisk is surrounded by sixteen windrose markers that also denote compass directions or azimuths to places that are historically and philosophically important to those who practice the Catholic faith.Each windrose marker has a Latin designation for the region the marker points to. “Tramontana” or across the mountains or “Scirroco Levante” for wind of the Levant are two examples. The face of each marker also has a direction such as “N” “NNE” or “S” inscribed. Each of the sixteen major compass designations is represented in 22.5 degree increments. The compass rose of St. Peter’s is not oriented to true north but is very close. The plaza’s windrose markers are oriented approx. 1.39 degrees west of true north. This would make the easterly windrose marker point to 88.61 deg. TN (true north). It does not seem necessary that the target be exactly on this heading. If the azimuth to the target crosses the windrose marker from the center point of the obelisk this may be all that is needed to attain its status as the intended target.
The history of the Vatican states that these markers are to denote the directions from which the winds come.If one uses the obelisk at the center of the square and the compass bearing with regard to true north that the windrose marker indicates some startling locations can be sighted on the globe. This may represent the true Gnostic or hidden meaning of the purpose of St. Peter’s Square.It is a giant compass rose that may be used as a sighting device. The direction to each place is recorded in the sacred geometry of Bernini and St. Peter’s. The other larger delineation of the Labarum design that spans the plaza of St. Peter’s may have been put there to distract you from the true directional information it contains. Alternately that design may contain directional information as well.
Note: The method by which these are determined involves using the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square as a datum. The resulting line must cross the windrose marker to the target location. A globe must be used. This may create a variance of up to a half of a degree in the location of each target. There does not seem to be an exact increment to reach each target but they are very close.
EST Levante to Istanbul (was Constantinople) St. Sophia’s and the Hippodrome of Theodosius:
The most striking destination the plaza points to is located at a bearing of 88.61 degrees.A line drawn from the obelisk through the easterly windrose marker eventually leads to Istanbul, Turkey and the tip of the Dome of Hagia St. Sophia church. This building was formerly the seat of the entire Roman Empire and subsequently the center of Byzantine religion. The division of eastern and western Rome has many episodes of alliance and warfare between the two sides. This spatial relationship is striking and may represent a form of control or theological influence from one power spot to the next. This area of Constantinople/Istanbul is also home to the Hippodrome of Theodosius which includes two Egyptian obelisks.
The Emperor Constantine made what is today Istanbul his capitol. It is not difficult to assume that the Emperor may have been aware of Constantinople and the Hippodrome’s unique spatial orientation with the future site of the Vatican in Rome. The area now occupied by the Vatican was once the Circus or Hippodrome of Rome. The Same obelisk that stands in the center of St. Peter’s once stood in the middle of the hippodrome as they still do today in Istanbul.
It is almost as if Constantine were creating a kind of communication or influence through the establishment of this spatial relationship. He was famous for reuniting the eastern and western empire. The establishment of a spatial relationship like the one that exists between the two spots may also be a method by which the creator of the Axis Mundi may denote ownership or control of a given region or location.Later as the architecture of the Vatican developed the entire keyhole design of St. Peter’s is oriented this way.Rome and Istanbul are two of the well known “cities of seven hills” that contain Egyptian obelisks.Other cities of note with Egyptian obelisks include: Mecca, Paris, London and New York City.
Another interesting aspect of this relationship is that the easterly orientation of St. Peter’s Square and Hagia St. Sophia mark the position of both the fall and spring equinox’s when viewed from the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s.The orientation matches the entire direction St. Peter’s square and basilica are both oriented.
This is significant in that the history of these two parts of the same empire involve the east first embracing paganismand then later a more orthodox form of Christianity than that practiced in Rome. There were constant conflicts between the two portions of the empire until they eventually split for good. So we have the first azimuth of St. Peter’s pointing to a place that is very significant to the culture and history of Rome. In a far flung theory this may mean that the cities themselves were intentionally oriented this way also. In addition the target of each windrose marker seems to be a geomantic structure that is valued by the Catholic faith.
Ponente or W to Madrid, Spain; Tomar, Fatima, Portugal:
The west windrose marker (Ponente for western wind) at St. Peter’s square also points to a place that has a long and varied history in the Catholic tradition. The site of the miracles of Fatima, Portugal lies on this line at 268.61 degrees TN from the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square. The line crosses the W windrose marker perfectly and continues west across Spain where it transects the northern environs of Madrid, Spain before crossing nearly the exact location of the original occurrence of the miracles of Fatima. If the line is extended to the Cathedral in Fatima where the pilgrims visit today it still crosses the windrose marker.
Prior to reaching Fatima this azimuth comes very close to the former site of the Cistercian monastery of St. Maria de Ovila just north of Madrid.This monastery was later disassembled and shipped to the United States by newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. The monastery building is being reassembled at a Cistercian Monastery near Vina, California and has become part of an aligned geomantic system in that region (See Chico chapter for more on Vina). It is very interesting that this chapel was taken from a location on a significant ley line that extended from the system at the Vatican in Spain and moved to another ley line created by John Bidwell halfway across the globe in Chico, California.In addition the monastery is composed of an order of monks that may have descended from the Auger or mystic class of pre-Christian Rome. The Cistercians also have a long tradition of aligning their monasteries in sacred geometrical pattern sometimes over great distances.The latitude of Fatima, Portugal is nearly the same as Chico, California.
The miracles of Fatima involve sightings of the Virgin Maryby three young Portuguese children in the early nineteen-thirties. Subsequently some very odd phenomena involving the modulation of the size and position of the sun were witnessed by a crowd of thousands. Part of the lore states that the Virgin Mary gave the children prophecies that were kind of vague and interpreted loosely by many who study the miracles.
Fatima is considered one of the most important shrines in the Catholic religion.It is interesting that this town in Portugal is named for the daughter of Mohammed; the founder of the Muslim faith. Fatima was named such during the Moorish occupation of Spain in the 8th century A.D. This historical fact ties into a mystery involving the third prophesy of Fatima. The prophesy was said to involve the assassination of the pope. Subsequent to the John Paul II assassination attempt it became public knowledge that the pope believed the prophesy concerned him. Many Muslims claim that the Fatima for which the town is named was not Mohammed the Prophet’s daughter.
Many of these facts feed the fire of the conspiracy that states that the Muslim faith was created or influenced by the Vatican in order to control the holy land and subdue any groups that disagreed with them. Historians including many former Jesuits insist that this is true and the theory is backed up by some undeniable facts.The Moorish invasion of Spain and Portugal may have been at the behest of the Vatican.
The Muslim faith has many theological and character similarities to Judaism and Catholicism including a value of the Old Testament and the cast of characters that make up the text of that book. The Archangel Gabriel, the messenger of god, was said to have quoted the Koran to Mohammed. Many insist that in fact Mohammed’s wife was actually a former Christian Catholic nun and that many that influenced him were Christians.The doctrine of the Muslim faith also states that their prophet or savior has yet to come but when the time is right that Christ will return with him. This dynamic of the Muslim faith supports the notion of a secret relationship between the two churches if not only for a short time after the inception of Islam. This is an unproven theory. The next windrose marker discussed here also supports this notion in a grand fashion.
Levante Scirocco ESE to the Dome of the Rock!
From the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square through the ESE “Levante Scirocco” windrose marker at 111.11 degrees true north lies the octagonal shaped structure of the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Jordan).Not only does this line transect exactly to the Dome of the rock but it matches the angle and orientation of the northeast facet of the octagonal structure of the building itself! More amazing is the fact that an azimuth or line created using the angle of this facet of the Dome of the Rock’s octagon (305.55 deg. TN) creates the exact same line that transects back across the windrose marker to the obelisk in St. Peter’s! In other words both structures were built to be oriented to each other along a line that was created from each point over 1400 miles away.
The two structures are oriented as compliments to each other. This has to have been intentional.An extensive knowledge of geodesy and astronomy is needed to attain this degree of accuracy.The odds of this being a coincidence are so great as not to be possible.This may represent the symbolic or hidden association of the two religions!Note that both the Vatican and Mecca are home to obelisks that were brought there from Egypt.
The obelisk at St. Peter’s has been near its present location since 40 A.D. Bernini had it moved as part of the design of the plaza in the 18th century. The Dome of the Rock was built in the 8th century soon after the time of the creation of Islam.During this period the Vatican had not been created but the same site was the center of the Christian faith of the day.The symbolic meaning of arranging two structures this way over great distances supports the many theories that postulate the Catholic faith having a hand in the creation of the Islamic faith and that they are truly allies behind the scenes.
The Dome of the Rock is also of interest in that it was built during the reign of Justinian II who’s bloodline may have later descended to Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne created the Aachen Cathedral possibly as a veneration of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The Aachen Cathedral does have Moorish architectural influences especially in the octagonal portion of the Church. Is it possible that Charlemagne was trying to tell us something? (See additional page about The Holy Grail in America that discuss’ the evolution of octagonal structures and how they may be related to the Knights Templar.The KT may have come to value the Dome of the Rock when they occupied the Temple Mount in Jerusalem).
The NNE or “Nord Nord EST” windrose marker points to a location that posseses among the grandest linear gardens in the world. The NNE windrose marker creates an azimuth of 21.11 degrees. At this bearing the line intersects with Vienna, Austria. The line transects directly to the Schloss Schönbrunn also known as the Schönbrunn Palace. This geomantic array was also the home to the Habsburg dynasty of Austrian and European rulers.
The Schloss Schönbrunn, Austria; Hapsburg Royal Palace and extensive geomantic gardens.
The history of Schloss Schönbrunn is uniquely intertwined with the Catholic Church and Holy Roman Empire. In 1569 Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II obtained the specific piece of property that the Schloss Schönbrunn would later occupy. It is highly probable that this piece of property was sought out due to its unique spatial relationship with the obelisk in the center of St. Peters Square at the Vatican. This arrangement of the Habsburg Palace exactly on an azimuth suggested by the windrose marker in relation to the obelisk at St. Peter’s appears to have been an intentional if not symbolic linking of the two places.
This relationship demonstrates the purpose and function of an Axis Mundi in Roman terms. The Pope sanctioned the Holy Roman Emperors and their palace is in line with the Vatican. Rome considered the Holy Roman Empire to part of its Templum as defined by the Axis Mundi. This may represent the classic arrangement of colony and parent city as defined by Roman city planning and tradition.
Regensburg, Venice, Oslo N: 368.61 Regensburg, Deutschland: The power center of the Ottonian dynasty of the HRE.
Regensburg Germany is on the Nord Tramontana azimuth from St Peter’s. Regensburg, Germany was the home of the Ottonian Dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire.Olso, Norway also lays on the N. bound azimuth from St. Peter’s.
A Northern azimuth leads right to the Rialto Bridge in Venice after passing within a quarter of a mile of the principality of San Marino and Ravenna, Italy, home of the first Christian Church of Italy. San Vitale is also one of the famous octagonal churches designed by Justinian I that may have led to the Dome of the Rock being designed in this manner.
Aachen Cathedral, Amsterdam NNW 336.11
Aachen Cathedral, Aachen Deutschland: Built by Charlemagne and many Holy Roman Emperors were crowned there. Home to the mystery of Charlemagne’s burial vault.
A line drawn from the obelisk at the center of St. Peter’s Square to the tip of the dome of the Aachen Cathedral crosses the NNW windrose marker. The Aachen Cathedral was built by Charlemagne and may have served as the template for what would later be termed a “Templar Church.”(please see homepage and article about the Holy Grail of N. America for much more on the Aachen Cathedral). This azimuth goes to Amsterdam, Netherlands
Torino, Chartres Cathedral, D-Day, Very Large Array NW: 313.61
The Northwest azimuth transects Genoa, Italy and Torino Italy. Torino is home to the Shroud of Turin which may be Christ’s burial shroud. An azimuth can be inferred that leads right to Chartres Cathedral using the obelisk and NW windrose marker may also be inferred. This azimuth also transects precisely to Gold Beach at the location of the D-Day invasions of World War II.Later in the U.S. this azimuth comes very close to the Very Large Array of radio telescopes in New Mexico.An element of the Very Large Array points to the Lucifer Telescope which is partially funded by the Vatican.
First, keep in mind that the word “Vatican” literally means “Divining Serpent,”and is derived from Vatis = Diviner, and Can = Serpent. The original name, Mons Vaticanus (meaning City of the Dead) and was founded as a cemetery (the Vatican Necropolis lies under the Vatican City pre 600 BCE as Temple to Cybele 204 BCE). This place of intrigue holds many secrets. Far too many for just one blog entry.
The St. Peter’s Basilica is for many people synonymous with the Vatican.Looking more like a pagan temple than a Catholic church (like all of Rome’s churches, in fact), this massive and opulent complex holds many dark secrets.
The secret code of the Vatican was cracked by author and researcher Wayne Herschel. He was able to correlate the Vatican and Rome’s temples and obelisks to the stars, and reached the conclusion that they are a replica of the constellations Orion and Pleiades … the ancient stars of the “gods”.
First of all, the Basilica together with Saint Peter’s Square, Via della Conciliazione and Castel Sant’Angelo, are designed to look like a key, if seen from above. The key represents the famous Solomon’s key from the “Key of Solomon” manuscripts. Also, Saint Peter’s Basilica and Square represent the Orion Constellation, while Castel Sant’Angelo represents the ancient star of the gods (known in Egypt as the Star of Ra).
The obelisks of the Vatican City and Rome are mostly original Egyptian obelisks, just like the ones found in Paris, London and even New York. It is interesting to know why the heads of the Christians from all over the world are utilizing pagan monuments.
The so called Illuminati (meaning “the enlightened ones”, because they have access to the ancient Truth, while the rest of us do not) are obsessed with the obelisk because it represents the phallus of the Egyptian god Osiris –– who was in fact Enki’s son, Asar. Also, remember Washington, DC has it’s own very famous obelisk. The Washington Monument.
In symbolism, the obelisk represents the male energy and it is always accompanied by a nearby dome, which represents the female energy. All the obelisks of the Vatican City and Rome are erected in front of huge domes.
On top of the phallic symbol we have a cross, a three dimensional eight-pointed star and a honeycomb.In the symbolism of the “elite”, the Christian cross represents the crossing formed by the stars of the Orion constellation, the eight pointed stars represents either Melchizedek or Inanna, while the honeycomb represents the home of the “royal” families (while the bees represent the royal families). This is all connected to Astrotheology and ancient cosmology.
All depictions of the Virgin Mary, probably represent Ninhursag, or Isis.Ninhursag was praised in Sumerian hymns as the “true and great lady of the heavens” … Isis was “The Queen of Heaven“. According to the ancient Sumerian clay tablets, Enki and Ninhursag were the ones to genetically engineer the very first human workers.
Beneath the basilica’s dome, underneath the black altar, there is one more level available to the public, and at least one more level to which no outsider has access to. On the first underground level there are massive marble sarcophagi of deceased popes, continuing the tradition of entombing the high ranking secret society members beneath huge domes.
During the “religious” rituals, the pope has access to this underground level through a double stairway, leading exactly beneath the black altar. Extremely strange for a Christian religion is the inverted cross occult symbolism.It is now known as the cross of St. Peter who was purportedly crucified upside down.
The Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran (officially, the Major Papal, Patriarchal and Roman Archbasilica, Cathedral of the Most Holy Saviour and Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist in Lateran, Mother and Head of All Churches in Rome and in the World, and commonly known as the Lateran Basilica or Saint John Lateran)[c] is the Catholic cathedral of the Diocese of Rome in the city of Rome, and serves as the seat of the bishop of Rome, the pope (Pope Frances). The only “archbasilica” in the world, it lies outside of Vatican City proper, which is located approximately four kilometres (2+1⁄2 miles) northwest. Nevertheless, as properties of the Holy See, the archbasilica and its adjoining edifices enjoy an extraterritorial status from Italy, pursuant to the terms of the Lateran Treaty of 1929.[a] Dedicated to the Christ, in honor of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, the place name, Laterano (Lateran) comes from an ancient Roman family (gens), whose palace (domus) grounds occupied the site; the adjacent Lateran Palace was the primary residence of the pope until the Middle Ages.
The church is the oldest and highest ranking of the four major papal basilicas as well as one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. Founded in 324, it is the oldest public church in the city of Rome, and the oldest basilica of the Western world.[1] It houses the cathedra of the Roman bishop,[2][3] and has the title of ecumenical mother church of the Catholic faithful. As the cathedral of the pope as bishop of Rome, it ranks superior to all other churches of the Catholic Church, including Saint Peter’s Basilica.
Located in Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, near the basilica of the same name, Lateran obelisk was erected. Originally commissioned by the 18th dynasty Pharaoh Thuthmosis III, it was completed by his grandson, Thuthmosis IV. At 32.18 m (45.70 m including the base) it is the tallest obelisk in Romeand the largest standing ancient Egyptian obelisk in the world, weighing over 230 tons. Following the annexation of Egypt to the Empire, it was taken from the temple of Amun in Karnak[Notes 2] and brought to Alexandria with another obelisk by Constantius II. From there it was brought on its own to Rome in 357 to decorate the spinaof the Circus Maximus. The dedication on the base, however, gives the glory to Constantine I, not to his son who brought it to Rome.
The private apartments of the popes in this palace were situated between the triclinium and the city walls. It later was called Aula Concilii(“Hall of the Council”) due to its role as a place of meetings
The Third Council of the Lateran (1179) limited papal electees to the cardinals alone, condemned simony, and forbade the promotion of anyone to the episcopate before the age of thirty.
Pursuant to the Lateran Treaty of 1929 between the Holy See and Italy, the Basilica is within Italian territory and not the territory of the Vatican City State.[3] However, the Holy See fully owns the Basilica, and Italy is legally obligated to recognize its full ownership thereof[4] and to concede to it “the immunity granted by International Law to the headquarters of the diplomatic agents of foreign States.“[3] In other words, the complex of buildings has a status somewhat similar to a foreign embassy.
Pope Francis’ favourite church.Every year, the pope visits Santa Maria Maggiore to pray before the Salus Populi Romani, a revered icon of the Virgin Mary housed in the Borghese Chapel.
The basilica is particularly famous for its golden mosaics that depict biblical scenes,as well as the Relics of the Manger, said to be pieces of the manger from Jesus’ birth. Crypt of the Nativity – fragments of wood said to have held the infant Jesus.
Santa Maria Maggiore was commissioned following a miraculous event in358 AD.
According to legend, the Virgin Mary appeared to Pope Liberius in a dream, instructing him to build a church on a site where snow would fall in August – a miraculous event in Rome’s hot summer.
The following day, snow appeared on the Esquiline Hill, marking the basilica’s location.
The Bells of Santa Maria Maggiore: The basilica is famous for its bell tower, which is the tallest in Rome,standing at 75 meters (246 feet). Its bells are still rung for special ceremonies. SOURCE
Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls Saint Paul is one of the four papal basilicas and the second largest after Saint Peter’s. It was built on the burial site of Saint Paul.Since 1980, this impressive place of worship, famous destination of pilgrimage since 300 AD, has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
This basilica has very ancient origins. The main feature of this church, as well as its enormous size, is the Byzantine character of both the structure and the decorations.According to tradition, the basilica was built at the exact spot where Paul’s disciple, Timothy, buried the body of the saint,who had suffered martyrdom in a nearby area, where the Abbey of the Three Fountains stands today. Recent excavations have confirmed this hypothesis, bringing to light the remains of a large ancient burial site.
In 330 AD, Pope Sylvester built the first (small) church here, oriented towards Jerusalem.Just a few years later, in 390, another basilica was inaugurated. This was much larger, to welcome the many pilgrims who came to pay homage to the saint from all the corners of the known world.
The portraits of the popes – If you look up, above the arches of the side aisles, you will see a decoration formed by circular mosaics. There are 256 of them, and they depict all the popes, from Saint Peter to Pope Francis. These are realistic portraits only for the popes from the year 1500 onward.
The triumphal arch – This ancient mosaic dates back to the Byzantine period. The patron of this artwork representing the Christ Pantocrator, with Peter and Paul below, was Galla Placidia, a powerful and famous Roman noblewoman, daughter of an emperor, granddaughter of three others, wife of a Visigoth king and later of a Roman emperor. He was regent during the reign of his son, Emperor Valentinian III, crowned at the age of six.
The tomb of Saint Paul, The chains and the eternal flame – In the center, under the ciborium, is the site of the tomb of Saint Paul, which is located a little lower than floor level. Here you will also find an illuminated shrine containing the chains used to hold Saint Paul prisoner before martyrdom. On the side, there is a lantern with a burning flame. It is called “eternal flame” and is always kept alight by the Benedictine monks, to witness their living faith.
The cloister – Next to the basilica, there is the beautiful cloister built by the Cosmati and the Vassalletto families, who were the famous Roman marble artists, at the beginning of the thirteenth century. It is a very peaceful place, adorned with carefully tended flowerbeds. It is one of the absolute masterpieces of this type of architectural structure, especially thanks to the efforts of Pietro Vassalletto, who also built the cloister of San Giovanni in Laterano. Engraved on the walls, there are six examples of Triplice Cinta (three concentric squares). It is a symbol whose origin is not very clear, but seems to be associated with the shape of the Gardens of Solomon. It also has an esoteric value, and is often found in religious buildings associated with strong energy powers. The symbol corresponds to the board game Tria, very popular since the Middle Ages
The Prophecy of the monk Malachi
Malachi was a Benedictine monk who lived in Ireland in the 12th century. Four hundred years after his death, a document attributed to him was made public. On this ancient parchment, he described all the future popes, starting with Celestine II, his contemporary, with brief but incredibly faithful annotations. Malachi stated that, after Celestine, there would have been another 111 popes. After the last pope of this list, the Church will come to an end, and possibly the world will follow!
Incredibly, the circles featuring the portraits of the popes in the basilica, from Celestino onward, are actually 111, and the last one is occupied by the portrait of Pope Francis. However, in reality, this portrait is placed at the end of a nave: just around the corner there are other empty round shapes ready to accommodate the faces of the next popes. Furthermore, historians have many doubts about the authenticity of the Malachi parchment: it could be a forgery skillfully made in the sixteenth century.
St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City (to be opened on Dec 24) Before 1,000 B.C. we have the following gods or demigods born on December 25: Horus, Osiris, and Attis. Before 200 B.C. we have Mithra, Heracles, Dionysus, Tammuz, Adonis, and others (see All About Adam and Eve , by Richard Gillooly). Source; Source The start of winter and the winter solstice are celebrated in cultures and religions around the world with various traditions, holidays, and festivals. Winter festivals: Christmas, Juul, and Saturnalia
Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (to be opened on Dec. 29) The following site lists a number of Roman Catholic Saints/martyrs who are celebrated on this day. Saint of the Day for December 29 2024; The Feast of Fools, the fifth day of Christmas, (Dec 29), is a day when the normal order of things was ceremonially reversed, has been neglected for a long while – unfortunately, as it could well serve in our own times as a safe way of letting off steam. Essentially, it allowed people who were restricted from even the most casual of pleasure by the Church, to act in an abandoned way. It was also a time of festivity that was both part of, and sometimes even superseded, Christmas.; Feast of the Holy Innocents, celebrated in the Eastern churches on December29 and commemorating the massacre of the children by King Herod
Basilica of St. Mary Major (to be opened on Jan. 1): New Year’s Day — also a holy day of obligation, the Solemnity of Mary Hag’s Day – honoring the goddess as She Who Transforms; Day of Ishtar ( Inanna, Ashtart, Ashtaroth, Ashtoreth, Anat, Astarte, Anaitgis, Atar, Isis): Goddess of Love & Battle.
Celebrating the advent of the New Year was among the most universal pagan traditions. Credit: Greek Reporter
New Year’s Eve was celebrated in ancient times and ancient Greece, contrary to what some may believe.
Celebrating the advent of the New Year on January 1st amidst the cold bleakness of winter is actually among the most universal pagan traditions.
The custom of marking the beginning of the New Year is at least 4,000 years old and has its roots inancient Babylonin Mesopotamia.
Mesopotamians worshipped the sun at least 2,000 years before the birth of Christ.These pagan customs were passed on to ancient Greece directly from the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon.
Before this contact, ancient Greeks were not known to celebrate the New Year other than marking the “sickle of the new moon” upon recognizing the visible new moon as the beginning of each new month.
They practiced this custom in honor of Selene, Apollon Noumenios, Hestia and the other household gods, also known as noumenia.
Epigraph discovered shows New Year’s eve was celebrated in ancient times
However, an epigraph discovered in Athens tells of a religious ceremony that took place at the beginning of the New Year, or actually on the last day of the outgoing year.
The celebration was in fact a sacrifice made by the outgoing officials of the city,which they would offer to “Zeus the Savior” and “Athena the Savior”.This was done to ensure the blessings and favor of the two gods for the coming new year.
It was not until ancient Roman times, and while Rome was growing in power, that New Year festivities began to become extremely popular. A celebration known as Saturnalia, a time of reveling, drinking bouts, orgies and human sacrifice in honor of the god Saturn,was instituted as the festival of January 1st by Julius Caesar.
The Roman emperor did this in 46 B.C. upon his epochal decision to adopt the Julian calendar.
The popularity of the orgiastic celebration of Saturnalia spread to all corners of the Roman Empire and continued to integrate, with local alterations, into the existing customs of all peoples within the Empire’s boundaries, including those of ancient Greece.
It was Julius Caesar and Sosigenes of Alexandria, an astronomer whom Caesar consulted for the design of the Julian calendar,who are responsible for bringing the count of the days of the year into conformity with the course of the sun.
All in all, the sequence, duration and names of the months we still use today are in great part a result of the perception and insight of the great Roman politician and strategist.
In ancient Greece, city-states used their own calendar
In classical Greece, every city-state used its own calendar, with different names of the months, beginnings of the year, and intercalations, or insertions of extra time periods. However, most of the calendars shared some common features.
The Greeks used lunisolar calendars with years of 12 or 13 months and 354 days. A month could be considered “hollow” or “full,” having either 29 or 30 days respectively. Periodically an extra month had to be inserted, or intercalated, to keep the calendar in line with the circuit of the seasons.
In the most well-known and historically-substantiated Athenian calendar,the civil calendar, (there were other two calendars as well), the intercalated month came after the annual month named Poseidon.
It was known as “Second Poseidon”. Some months were named after the festivals celebrated during the months, for example:
Poseideon (intercalated month)
The Greek year in those times began on the first sighting of the crescent moon after the first new moon following the summer solstice. Intercalation followed no fixed pattern, although several cycles were known to be used in Greece.
Basilica of St. PaulOutside the Walls (to be opened on Jan. 5) The entire month of January is filled with Wiccan/Witches Celebrations
JAN. 2-3: Feast of Old to Greek Goddess Hekate– who guides all through transitions and crisis.
JAN. 6: Triple Goddess Day—honoring the Goddess as the Three-In-One; Day of the Lord of the Dance – honoring Shiva,seeking his aid for prosperity and wisdom in the New Year, and for prosperity and wisdom in the New Year, and also for a spouse if desired.
JAN. 9: Festival of Isis: Mother Goddess, Great Goddess, Throne of Egypt
JAN. 16: Festival of Ganesh: God of Success
JAN. 17-18 Tu B’Shevat – Jewish Festival of Trees, celebrated with tree plantings and orchard blessings. Originally honored Old Canaanite-Hebrew Goddess Asherah.
JAN. 17-19 Feast of Fate – Ruler of Past, present, and Future, honoring Goddess as Moirai (old Greek), Norns (Old Norse), Coatlicue (Aztec), Pachamama (Inca), Manat (Old Arabic-Sufi) & Providence (Christian).
JAN. 18: Day of Danu – Celebrating the Great Mother Goddess who Shows the Way.
JAN. 23: Egyptian Day of Hathor: Goddess of Love, Tombs and the Sky.
JAN. 24-Feb 1 Sementivae – Old Roman festival of sowing, honoring Earth Goddess Terra (Greek Gaia), Grain Goddess Ceres (Greek Demeter), and Seed Goddess Proserpina (Greek Persephone
The fifth Holy Door will be located at the Roman prison of Rebibbia and will be opened on Dec. 26. Pope Francis said that the act of opening a Holy Door at a prison is an invitation for prisoners to “look to the future with hope and a renewed sense of confidence.”According to the church’s Dicastery for Evangelization, it will be “the first time that — in addition to the Holy Doors opened in the four Roman Papal Basilicas — one will also be opened in a penal institution too.”
Pope Francis also oversaw thelast Jubileein 2015. He declared it an “extraordinary” Jubilee — one declared separately from the traditional 25-year gap of the “ordinary” Jubilee — and dedicated it to the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second Vatican Councilin 1965, the most recent ecumenical conference in which Catholic leaders convened to update certain elements of the Church to reflect the modern, more secular world.The last “ordinary” Jubilee took place in2000.
Roman prison of Rebibbia and will be opened on Dec. 26.: December 26 has its own unique significance and is observed as a holiday in many countries.Commonwealth countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, December 26 is celebrated as Boxing Day. This public holiday is traditionally observed on the day after Christmas Day and is believed to have originated in the 19th century.
The exact origins of Boxing Day are unclear, but it is thought to have originated in the tradition of giving gifts, known as “Christmas boxes,” to servants and tradesmen on the day after Christmas. Today, Boxing Day is celebrated with sports events, shopping, and spending time with family and friends.
In Ireland, December 26 is celebrated as St. Stephen’s Day, a public holiday that commemorates the life of Saint Stephen, one of the earliest Christian martyrs. The day is traditionally marked with music, dance, and feasting, and is also known for its horse racing events. Boy that sounds like a typical Roman Holiday
St. Stephen the Martyr is a saint of the Christian Church,who is recognized as the first Christian martyr. He is celebrated on December 26th in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches, and his feast day is considered one of the principal feasts in the Christian calendar.
St. Stephen is considered the patron saint of deacons and stonemasons, and is invoked for the protection of the Church and for the strength to endure persecution. Many churches, hospitals, and other institutions are dedicated to him, and his cult has spread throughout the world.
After the Ascension seven Deacons were chosen for the Church, and the first one named was “Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost”. His ministry was very fruitful, for he was “full of grace and fortitude”, and “did great wonders and signs among the people”
The association with stonemasons comes from the account of his death, in which he was stoned to death. This led to St. Stephen becoming the patron saint of stonemasons,as their work often involves the use of stones. SOURCE
The Feast of King Stephen
During his lifetime, good King Stephen, first Christian king of the Hungarians,had offered the Hungarian people to the Blessed Virgin Mary. As he lie on his deathbed—his right hand holding high the Holy Crown—Stephen prayed, asking Our Lady to be the Queen of the Hungarians.
As part of the investigation leading up to the canonization of St. Stephen, first Christian king of Hungary, his body was exhumed.While most of the body had decayed, his right hand and arm remained incorrupt.
Here’s where the story gets really odd:The incorrupt arm was cut up and divided among European royalty,but the “Holy Right,” Stephen’s right fist, was kept by the Hungarians and placed in the town of “Szent Jobb” (Holy Right),which was built in Transylvaniaspecifically for the purpose of honoring Stephen’s hand. Later, when Szent Jobb (and all of Transylvania) was annexed by Romania, the Holy Right was transferred to the Basilica of King Saint Stephen in Budapest, where it is kept today.
On the Feast of St. Stephen (August 20) each year, the first King of Hungary is remembered and the Holy Right is carried in procession through the town.SOURCE
The Sacred Crown, an heirloom of King Stephen, by combining the circular corona graeca with the corona latina placed in an arch over it—both bear the face of Christ and are surmounted by the cross— already shows how East and West should sustain each other and enrich each other with their spiritual and cultural heritage and with the vigorous profession of faith. We can also see this as a leitmotiv for your country.
He exhorted the ambassador to not forget the example of St. Stephen and his example of faith:
The Catholic faith is undoubtedly one of the pillars of Hungary’s history. When in the distant year 1000 the young Hungarian Prince Stephen received the royal crown Pope Sylvester II sent to him, it came with the mandate to give faith in Jesus Christ room and a home in that land. The personal piety, the sense of justice and the human virtues of this great king are a lofty reference point that is both an incentive and an imperative, then as now, to those who are entrusted with a role of governance or similar responsibility. The State is certainly not expected to impose a specific religion; rather, it should guarantee the freedom to profess and practice the faith.
St. Stephen provided a strong foundation of faith for Hungary, and it is hoped that her people will continue to cling to this beautiful heritage of their ancestors.
The suburb, first developed at the start of the 20th century, consists almost completely of family homes,largely built with few floors and small gardens, in an almost rural style. The two churches of the Via Casal de’ Pazzi and Piazza Ferriani are simple, having been renovated in a modern style.
The eponymous prison holds 352 women and 1927 men.It has entrances on vias Bartolo Longo and Tiburtina. It is one of the major Italian prisons intended for rehabilitation and social reintegrationof inmates. It housed would-be papal assassin Mehmet Ali Agca during his prison time in Italy, when Agca met his would-be victim Pope John Paul II on 27 December 1983 and was forgiven by him.[citation needed]Ship captain Francesco Schettino is a prominent inmate.[1]Francesco Schettino (Italian pronunciation: [franˈtʃesko sketˈtiːno]; born 14 November 1960)[1] is an Italian former shipmaster who commanded the cruise shipCosta Concordia when the ship struck an underwater rock and capsized off the Italian island of Giglio on 13 January 2012.[2][3] Thirty-two passengers and crew died. In 2015, he was sentenced to sixteen years in prison for his role in the incident. He began serving his sentence in 2017 after exhausting his appeals.[4]
I was unable to find the etymology of Rebibia, so I ran a search for Bibia. It was hard to find, but I turned up the following maps where Bibia is shown as a city/location in AFRICA.
I typed Bibia into the Microsoft Translator. I clearly states that in African language it means Bible.
Ed Sheeran wrote this uplifting African-inspired song about hope with Fuse ODG in Ghana. The song’s title is in Twi, a language spoken in Ghana. It translates to “All will be well.”
word-forming element meaning “back, back from, back to the original place;” also “again, anew, once more,” also conveying the notion of “undoing” or “backward,” etc. (see sense evolution below), c. 1200, from Old French re- and directly from Latin re- an inseparable prefix meaning “again; back; anew, against.”Watkins (2000) describes this as a “Latin combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret-, metathetical variant of *wert- “to turn.” De Vaan says the “only acceptable etymology” for it is a 2004 explanation which reconstructs a root in PIE *ure“back.”In earliest Latin the prefix became red- before vowels and h-, a form preserved in redact, redeem, redolent, redundant, redintegrate, and, in disguise, render (v.). In some English words from French and Italian re- appears as ra- and the following consonant is often doubled (see rally (v.1)).The many meanings in the notion of “back” give re- its broad sense-range: “a turning back; opposition; restoration to a former state; “transition to an opposite state.”
So, Bibia means bible and the prefix Re- means “undoing, turning back, in opposition, restration to a former state. So the name of the PRISON where the Pope is “OPENING THE DOOR” means to GO BACK TO LIFE BEFORE THE BIBLE!!! Which should not surprise us as Pope Francis has been undermining the WORD of God in everything that he does. AND Francis has clearly stated that he wants a NEW BIBLE!! spacer
Pope Francis surprised the world today by announcing that the Bible is totally out of date and needs radical change; thus, the Bible is officially canceled and the church announces a meeting with different personalities, with whom it will be decided, the book to replace it, as well as the name and content. Some names are already under study and the most plausible is “Bible 2000”.
“We can’t keep trying to speak to our audience in a whole new world with an old book that is several thousand years old. We are losing disciples and have to try to modernize the church, rewrite the Word of God, even if it is only theOld Testament, in which there are certain passages that it is better not to repeat”, declared the Pope.
The news fell like an atom bomb among the most conservative, who consider it a blasphemy:
Pope Francis opens the Holy Door in L’Aquila, Italy. / Credit: Vatican Media
Vatican City, Oct 28, 2024 / 13:25 pm (CNA).
Pope Francis will open a Holy Door in Rome’s Rebibbia prison on Dec. 26, the feast day of St. Stephen.It will be the second of five Holy Doors the Holy Father will open during the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope taking place from Dec. 24, 2024 — Christmas Eve — to Jan. 6, 2026, the feast of the Epiphany.
The opening of the Holy Door in the Roman prison will be a “symbol of all the prisons scattered around the world,”according to Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization.
“In the jubilee year we are called to be tangible signs of hope for so many brothers and sisters who live in conditions of hardship,” Fisichella told journalists on Monday, directly quoting Pope Francis’ May 9 bull of indiction Spes Non Confundit (“Hope Does Not Disappoint”).
“I think of prisoners who, deprived of their freedom, daily feel the harshness of detention and its restrictions, lack of affection, and, in more than a few cases, lack of respect,” he continued.
During the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope, Pope Francis is calling on governments worldwide to undertake initiatives to restore dignity to prisonersthat “go hand in hand with a concrete commitment to respect for the law.”
“I propose to the governments that during the jubilee year they take initiatives that restore hope, forms of amnesty or pardon that help people to regain confidence in themselves and in society, ways of reintegration into the community,” the papal bull reads.
According to Fisichella, Italy is the first country to have signed a Sept. 11 “amnesty” agreement with the Vatican, which will come into effect during the holy year.
“We signed an agreement with the minister of justice of the Republic of Italy, the Honorable Carlo Nordio, and the government commissioner, the Honorable Roberto Gualtieri, to implement during the jubilee year forms of reintegration for several convicts through their employment in social commitment activities,” he stated during the Oct. 28 press briefing.
While the Dec. 26 opening of the Holy Door in the Rebibbia prison is the first time a pope has opened a Holy Door in a prison in the history of jubilees in the Catholic Church,Pope Francis opened a “door of mercy” at a Roman prison during the Jubilee Year of Mercy in 2015 as a sign of tangible sign of God’s forgiveness.
The other four Holy Doors of the 2025 Jubilee will be located at the Basilica of St. Peter, the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the Basilica of St. Mary Major, and the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.
HELP! WE MATTER 2! (Photo Credit: New York Times) Hundreds of thousands of prisoners are being released due to CORONAVIRUS! I am sure a lot of you are not even aware that hardened criminals are being set free in neighborhoods all across the country. I know that I would not have been aware of this … Click Here to Read More
LIVE: Pope Opens 5 Sacred Portals on Christmas Eve (Drones and Orbs?!) Pope Francis is set to break centuries of Catholic tradition by opening five Holy Doors—including one in a prison—during the upcoming Jubilee Year of Hope. But could there be more to this historic act than meets the eye? In this video, we explore the symbolism behind these doors, their spiritual implications, and their timing on Christmas Eve. We’ll dive deep into Scripture, examining passages like Genesis 28:12 (Jacob’s ladder), Revelation 9:1-3 (a demonic portal releasing plagues), and John 10:9, where Jesus declares, “I am the door.” Do we need ceremonial rituals for renewal, or is this a counterfeit distraction from Christ? But that’s not all—we’ll also connect this to the rise of UFO/UAP sightings, particularly glowing orbs that have puzzled experts and governments alike. Could these phenomena have a spiritual connection to the opening of symbolic doors, or even represent a darker, demonic activity as described in the Bible? Join us as we uncover the possible connections between these events, the warnings of *2 Corinthians 11:14* about Satan masquerading as an angel of light, and the modern implications of “portals” in our world. 👉 Watch now and share your thoughts: Are we witnessing harmless tradition, or could this be part of a larger spiritual narrative? Let us know in the comments! 🔔 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on thought-provoking content about faith, spirituality, and current events. #JubileeYear#PopeFrancis#HolyDoors#UFOs#UAPs#BibleProphecy#SpiritualWarfare
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Everyone is looking for HOPE! They are looking in the wrong places. Obama is not your source for HOPE, the Vatican cannot give you HOPE, you cannot find Hope through meditation, or received it from you Ancestors. It does not come with wealth or fame. It is not even found in love and family. You can be surrounded by people who love you, and still feel lost and hopeless.
התקוה Hatikvah The Hope
Hebrew Word for Hope
Hope, in Hebrew tikvah, is interwoven in our fabric as human beings. It is part of our narrative. How do we find it and how do we use it? Let’s see how the Hebrew understanding of hope can answer these questions.
HaTikvah (the Hope)
The Hebrew word for hope has a lot of meaning associated with it. Maybe you’ve already heard the word tikvah, or HaTikvah (the Hope)?
In the Hebrew context, both biblically and in the modern Hebrew, hope is more than just a dream.It is an expectation, and a strong expression of faith. The Bible teaches that hope is like a rock you can rely on. You can hold fast to it and it strengthens you.
Through Jeremiah, God promised His people that His plans are not meant for evil, but to give them “a future and a hope [tikvah]” (Jeremiah 29:11). The Hebrew concept of hope is powerful.
A People of Hope
Perhaps there is something specific that you are hoping for. Maybe you have a list of goals to accomplish. Or on the contrary, you feel like you’ve lost all hope. What you need is a reminder that you are not forgotten.
God’s tikvah is a promise of a bright future.
Whatever your circumstances, remember that as God’s people, we are a people of hope. God planted His hope not only in Israel, but in all of us. His plans are for good!
In our Messiah Jesus, we have a lot to hope for. We are afforded great and precious promises. We are partakers of the divine nature, says 1 Peter 1:4.
As believers, we don’t just hope without any assurance.We can believe in faith that what we hope for is also done through Jesus.That is what it means to be partakers of His divine nature.
God’s Reminders of the Hebrew Meaning of Hope
Remember some of these promises on hope found in the Scriptures:
Hopedoes not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5)
The eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you,what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. (Ephesians 1:18)
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
The Assurance of Faith
We almost can’t meditate on the subject of hope without also coupling it with faith.If hope looks to the future toward something better, then faith knows that it is done! Tikvah is often coupled with the Hebrew word emunah (read more about it here).
Faith stands in assurance of God’s precious promises. After all, faith is the substance, or assurance, of things hoped for, says Hebrews 11.
These three abide – faith, hope, and love – but the greatest of these is love.
These words in 1 Corinthians 13 remind us that the assurance of our faith and the hope we have in our Messiah must continually be worked out through love.Because Love came in the form of a God man named Jesus, who is our Living Hope.
What then is the true and biblical “Hope of Israel”?To obtain a full answer to this question it is necessary that we search the Scriptures from beginning to end. But in order merely that we may have in mind a general idea of the answer while we pursue our study, it will suffice to refer to a few incidents in Paul’s ministry, as recorded in the last chapters of Acts.
The subject is very prominent there, and indeed it was because of Paul’s views and his preaching in regard thereto that he was furiously persecuted by the Jews, and was finally sent in chains to Rome. For we have his own testimony to “the chief of the Jews” at Rome, to whom, when he had called them together, he said: “For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you and to speak with you; because that, for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain” (Acts 28:17-20).
Inasmuch as what Paul had been preaching, both to the Jews and also to the Gentiles, was the gospel of Jesus Christ,and nothing else, it follows that the true “hope of Israel” is an essential part of that gospel;and therefore it is a matter regarding which we cannot afford to be mistaken.
The above quoted statement of Paul to the Jewish leaders at the imperial city is very illuminating. It shows, to begin with, that, whatever it was he had been preaching as “the hope of Israel,” it was something so contrary to the current Jewish notion thereof that it caused the people to clamour for his death(Acts 22:22), and led to his being formally accused before the Roman Governor as “a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world” (Id. 24:5). Had he been preaching what the Jews themselves believed to be, and what their rabbis had given them as, the true interpretation of the prophecies (namely, that God’s promise to Israel was a kingdom of earthly character which should have dominion over all the world) they would have heard him with intense satisfaction. But what Paul and all the apostles preached was, that what God had promised afore by His prophets in the Holy Scriptures was a kingdom over which Jesus Christ of the seed of David should reign in resurrection,a kingdom which flesh and blood cannot inherit, a kingdom which does not clash with the duly constituted governments of this world, and one into which the Gentiles are called upon terms of perfect equality with Jews(Acts 13:23, 34; Acts 17:2,3,7; Rom. 1:1-4; 14:17; 1 Cor. 15:50; 1 Pet. 1:12; cf. Luke 24:26).
Thus the teaching of Christ and His apostles in respect to the vitally important subject of the Kingdom of God, the hope of Israel, came into violent collision with that of the leaders of Israel; and because of this He was crucified and they were persecuted.
It was not a question then, any more than it is a question now, whether or not the prophets of Israel were the mouthpieces of God; for the Jewish rabbis, as well as Christ and His apostles, held firmly to the full inspiration of “the scriptures of the prophets.” It was solely a question then, as it is solely a question now, as to how those prophecies are to be understood– a question of interpretation.The Jewish teachers understood the scriptures, and still interpret them, in what is now (wrongly) called the “literal” sense (i.e. that “Israel” is an earthly people, “Zion” an earthly locality, “Christ” an earthly conqueror, like David, etc., etc.) ; but Paul declared, when speaking of Jesus Christ in one of their synagogues, that it was “because they knew Him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath day, that they have fulfilled them in condemning Him”(Acts 13:27).
And now, in concluding this preliminary chapter, let me impress it upon the reader’s mind that the choice presented to orthodox Christians today as to the interpretation of the prophecies concerning “the hope of Israel”lies between that held by the Jews of those days and that for which Christ was crucified and Paul was sent in chains to Rome
8 Bible results for “The Hope of Israel” from the King James Version.
And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one ofthe sons of Elam, answered and said unto Ezra, We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange wives of the people of the land:yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing.
O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night?
O Lord, the hope of Israel,all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth,because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters.
Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem;and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
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