The whole TRUMP assassination attempt gets weirder and weirder.  Now we learn that the Cremation of Care ceremony for this years Bohemian Grove Meet-Up took place on the very same day as the attempt against President Trumps life. We are going to take a deep dive into the video captured at the Bohemian Grove 2024.  … Click Here to Read More

Suffer the Little Children

Nothing grieves my heart more than that which is being done to children in this modern society.  Children, helpless, defenseless children. GOD puts children in families.  It is a gift that comes with responsibility.  Children come into this world completely dependent on the adults around them.  There is NOTHING they can do for themselves.  They … Click Here to Read More


UPDATED ADDED 4/5/24; 4/23/24 Folks we know that for many years now, the Kohanim have been preparing for the Temple Service and the builders have been working beneath the Temple mount constructing parts of the Temple.  Everything has been moving forward and the current events have increased the pace.  The signs are everywhere that we … Click Here to Read More

The Dragon – Could it be William?

The bible has a lot to say about Dragons.  Especially in the Revelation of the End Times.  One day very soon, THE GREAT DRAGON will be revealed. Through the years there have been many speculations about the Anti Christ/ The Dragon / The Beast and the False Prophet.  No One knows for certain who will … Click Here to Read More


OK, Well, I don’t know if you have seen the video of the crown of light falling from the sky.  This event occurred on the night of January 19, 2024.  So, it is not BREAKING NEWS.  However, it is very relevant to what is happening right now with the Royal Family. My first reaction to … Click Here to Read More

Sarasota Starshine

If you are wounded, lost, lonely, sad, searching for fulfillment, looking for peace, poor, homeless, orphaned, rejected, sick in body, mind or spirit; THERE IS ONE WHO CAN PROVIDE ALL THAT YOU ARE SEEKING/NEEDING.  You will NEVER FIND lasting peace or true love in anything or anyone on this Earth or in any other dimension.  … Click Here to Read More

Here it is – Clearly Laid Out for YOU

When God first inaugurated my mission and plunged me into this crazy endeavor of uncovering and sharing TRUTH with a lost world, there was not much available information and not many people sharing the truth.  It was difficult to find evidence of all the things that God was revealing to me.  Without evidence to present, … Click Here to Read More


OH ALL YE PEOPLE, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS!!   HERE IS COMES.  THE END TIME UNITY, ONE WORLD RELIGION.  READ, WATCH and LISTEN carefully all the way to the END.  Everything that they have been doing has been leading up to this.  ALL their agendas are coming together.  AND IT IS ALL ABOUT TAKING … Click Here to Read More


You may or may not be aware that the Arab Nations are on the Rise.  They are seeking to be at the TOP of the New World Order.  Of course you are aware that these nations have the Wealth that is required to rebuild using the latest technology.  OIL has made them rich with the … Click Here to Read More


Welcome back to our examination of the most common and often used phrases in the realm of Magic(k). I apologize for missing this one.  It is not one I hear often.  It however no less important, valid or powerful.  You are probably familiar with it.  It is often used in magic shows, movies and books. … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 1/1/24 Of course we know that St Peter, is the Papal claim o the THRONE of Rome.  They claim to have a continued line of popes from St  Peter, whom they claim was given the Keys to the Kingdom and authority over the Church by Jesus the Christ. We all know that is … Click Here to Read More

WHAT?? WEF to Fact Check the BIBLE?

That is right folks!  According to the WEF the bible is loaded with misinformation and untruths which need to be corrected.  The bible is out of date and out of step with modern society and needs to be UDATED.  Who better to FACT CHECK they Bible than AI?? “We are almost like gods.” Israeli author … Click Here to Read More

Concordia – BIZARRE Any way you look at it.

UPDATE ADDED 12/29/23 This post is an indepth look at the baffling tale of the Costa Concordia collision with THE ROCK on FRIDAY 13th of January, 2012  at 9.44 pm near the Isle of Giglio. Yes, this is an old story, and you may think you know all that you care to know about it.  … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 12/4/23; 12/5/23 at the end of the post; COMMENTS ADDED 12/6/23 My purpose in researching this crime and creating this post is to bring the truth to light.  Whether you realize it or not, what happened in DELPHI affects YOUR LIFE.  This ; not a one person crime, not even a small group … Click Here to Read More

50-in-5 and C40 Cities and MORE

They are ready to implement all the projects they have been percolating behind the scenes since WWII.  I know that the majority of the people do not recognize that there is a GLOBAL CONSPIRACY.  For most people, I imagine, that is a pretty scary thought to entertain.  Sadly, it is the truth. This post contains … Click Here to Read More